V O L. X. S ' T- -U R i EC A FsB p a r y 14, 1 795, No; 474. L O N D - () N, November 6. pHh rebellion in America in jkCeVtain of the. vvt ueni counties . of retvnfv ivania. . however, m 'dly Ipcken of inlhe p Fpers; has b entouuel ff ruui er.caigh to Call f ;fth the military t;lenri of general Wa(hinrton : and that country l : probably, experience that r rnfr riiirn nnn ir-iVvtf tMm-iilt ic - yery fifie thVt g upoiy paper,, but in reality , is Jar (roll a' l ij.me to the turbulent propeuli-tie-J the ;:.puhct. ' -Yefteruay at one o'clock, the lord chan Cslfoi4, ircbbiil)-i) .f C.rrerbury, .and. lord Sydney, n,ct ai the houfe of lord?, arid ad journed oji liaiuent tb the "ict'h inliarttl when both huules whi meet for tue d ipatch of bu- nk7-';- ;J . ' Ivied a!s have been (truck "'in' Pans, 'and ' " fo;-warded 'o the French general of the. northern army, and or. that of the Mafelle, hivjecjreufated them, in the countries feare invaauTgfTepf el'en.thTgTheetiius i if the French republic - leaning on an urn, through which the ilhine is -made- to pafs. h tne top - of the hiedals is : iiitcribed , The Rhine and peace." At the bottom are engraved thele words in Latin Ne plus oira : ( I hefe are our. boundaries.) The r: jed ot this medal ii laiinuoiiiice, that the. Fre icli mea: to pulli their conquelb as far as'tae-iltihe ; and m.ke this river ferve as a boundary to their vutt empire, inall its wind troTn the Kun nuuen to the tea. - , - PallmalLandStTames'Vrtct in-Piccadilly ami ic.it nim, as wc he??, W the houfe of his bother-in law; Mr.pghaEt, in Lin-l cafter court, Strand , where the firft ebjed of . his attention was the tomb of his wife who was buried in St. Martin's hurch. yard. (His wife died of grief when he was apprehended cnTufpiabn rTwhoTan Treftpre to him ?) ; " . V-.''-r-'-- Thirteen copete - chys - have elapfed fince any intelligence, has been received from our army on t)e continent, a circumdance thar, afterthe terminatioii of the Hate trial, which while pending, feetned toabfurd ever ry other idea, begins to excite anxiety buth' public and private, in an extreme degree. ' , The French fleet, now at lea, coufitts of nearly thirty fail of the line, beiides frigates ' Admiral Neuilly has jfaited from France with fix. fail of the line, and five battal ons for -thevveitandiesT Netr -xiirtQ - tlj.ui tatid-nit i ch ts' tnanu ... fachn cVs, labourers, a id vvoi kriVeiTiof all J f;;rts, v. horn -the: an roc tins government of Rube'lpierre had culcd'o emigratfj from : F.?i;:,' have alrcud, returned by way , ot Switzerland.. S m. emigrants have crept iirTalit njtyunriTrTnl ihe r retur'a' has jjot been noticed. T ie peafants ot Jura have,gon to (etk tneir p.ibrs in' the neigh bourficbti of f ribourg a , d more than 150 them peareabiy d icharge. their duty; in yrahchr Comte,- without tnolatation. : This (he a ?lie retumiTig ip.rit of .moderation which beams' 10 prevail ,' le councils of - the convention., Mr.ffkOie was yeilrrday efcorte'd to hi& houfe in Se.-eant's Ia' by at lead 1 wo thou fand per Ions,1 teltdyuig their approbation of . Ijs tonJuct ' byliuiZdS 'audfdjpri.ig ot fcaiuls."-: " ' ' r , ' t. - ' Alter Mr. ErHcine hada!jglited from, his Ctrnage, he appeared at the front window cf his hdufe, and iilencc hi'ving been , with iomed;Hi,a!ty obfainej, Mr. ErlkSneaddref cd the p.-ople to tiie lollowing etf:ct : , 'Gen'Ieinen. ' " For feveral nights you have manifeftd . your aaichmetit to me by atfendmT' me home. You are all i n.'ffes that duringtkat time,' the fate of our. dtar counirymen not having been deuded upo i by the jury, V (poke io no'maq. B ir, gn'lemen, what I cxpe&cd from law anJ jjit.ee his happily taken place. ' J'1 A jvjry of twelve good, honell and inde 'penJent men, have g vena confcieiitioui, an neneft'Jnd giKid Vv'rdid. " GentUmen. you have fhewn vour an. probation of that vcrdicl in an honslk and The prince of Wales's civil lift is to be I5o,oool per annum; ; 'oodj. of whicii. is ; tube anmal ! y a ppointed for ihe p urpoe ol e.xtinemlhing hifs royal higWk's cebts. IT is faid, that an afc of grace is to take place immediately alter the marriage of the prince of Wales. : . T j- - .BALT.LM OH E, January 16. Capt.. Thomas Norm an, of th-lhip Har riot was brought to off Cape Henry, 35 :ej!guxs,ubyTN. by L nx lie.1 esfoid, who let t her boat on board ot him, w th the fecond lieutenant and the lailinrr-malter. Thole piratical riit nans broke open a great many ti his letters nu papers, dilturbcd .every thing m the ca bin, and pren'td.two. of his men Ship T riumph, of this.port, arrived tt Rotterdam about Oie 30U1 of Oclober. From CroYvns Phtlaciclphia GazettC. Jan. '12.,.' 4 1 By the brig John, of fh lTde'phia, in 61 days from .Tor bay the editor has rete'y- . the General Kvcnhg Pot, of London, ior the 6th of November, which is laser, hy five days, than aiiy. other intelligence re. ived before from Britain. This En- glifh newfpaper contains fixteen cclumns, of whih u ore than fourteen have been 'reprinted in the Philadelphia Gazette ol this day. All that rcfptcl3 the trial oi Mr. Kardy is ht-re pubhlhed verbatim"; as it the n.oft, inttrefting proceeding of that nature which has perhaps occi r td . fince the fiift exillerce ot. Knglilh jurii prudence The length of the trial itle f, is, we be l'.eve, entirely unpretedenttd j it . having laftcd for eight days , The. whole account of the pre cecdbgs will iindoubt eoly fill a Urge volume.' The voice of the.populacc has turned out entirely in fa vor ot the prifoner ; and to this circum ftance, he has, v.e may prefume, been in fome degree, indebted for his atquit. tal. 11 governireut proceeds to .try the other eleven nrifonerc. fhU will certain. I ' m ly prove a very rough piece ct buline 1 : iflLl n!inn-r .Ihope every hpneli Bntin the cot.dufion of the pjper, the aud iull Mian will flieiv if- I i.,;iii.. ;ik:,t.j .1... .u. ...... ... i.d lull man will fliew if. Gentlemen, io us (Mr. GibbVbeing at the' vindow) you are unko n but let us in. treJtjoii nov that you have liiewnyour approbation of theverdklj ro to your hone 1 ni ' He happy, and ilnnk God for what has paflid." Mri Erkine tWri retired from the win. do v, and the jxipu'ace, after a frw huzzas, retired with cxcLnutij;) ot ' Erlkine ami Gibbs forever.0 Mr. Kirby; keepct of Newgue , whlihis Ihrouiih his houle rrlvateit. an,V'rt.. jug me coachMr, liardv crderedthe coach-! ' Tiai 13 drive with all re Ilible.vclccity. Hie 1 rulliiude wii loou appiiud "of the tfetcp.: ton, a.idpurjuina the carr.a-dilm'iTcd't.ie ii rff h the S'rnd from their duty, and tor thirgcott je vchiJc themUlci. J'hepar . dcJ bun thresh many ot the llrcetr iouhd rcadrr will Ire it hinted, that there is an ad of grace, which will be a decent way to put an end to a tranfaftion ct which the court tf St. James'a muH be heartily tired. In the evidence it comes out, that the London correlponding locicty propo fed ti rip up monarchy by the r ), and plait democracy in its (IcaL Thcfe, aod other exprelhons ol the fame tenor, de monllrate, that, ai far at . writing could go, this iccirty wat involved in a defign to overturn the conftitution. The coun , tel for. Mr. Hardy afle.f, the right of the. people to call a ccnveniiwn, an a(r, which i 111 Ireland, wou'd be liable to a very high p'l.iilhmenr, and in Scoiland has been re. " w'aiue I bv a vovaWe tn Botanv Bav. Aitne duke of York u'ed krmtrlv to lend . leitrri M hii father almoft everyday, his1 tot Ijiience for thirteen days together(' and at'ioWaUilaperitd, foibodci, tbaj There's Jomeihing Htieh in the- Jlats of Dtiu ." mark . ' W i th 16 many circumilances of cohgratula- ; lion both abroad and at home, his Britan nic majefty mull certainly teel touch iaris.' faction in the meeting of his parliairent, which was to take place on the 25th cf No vember laft ; and .:nis. fceech will be a great euriofityj its way; The acquittal . -: of Mr. Hardy alcenains the fate ot the o- . ther prifoners, and the legality of iTcm Wing in' Erighm convention. . It is hence extremely probable that the. London cor refponding fociety will embrace thisiejrl riritbc affairs of men, as ShaktfpeaieeJUv' expreflest,, and call a convention imine diately - - - r -llIGH"TREASON. -; ' ', f' The eighth and iajt day of T R I AL THOMAS HARD Y , Wednefday, November 5. -The extreme Icrgthnfthe tritf renders it . ; P'JJMe to give tur readers :mare, than that . U purtofit contained in the, toft day. , ; 1'he jory , when the charge was condod ed, w ere alked whether they vvifl.ed for a flight reirelhmen't befcre they proceeded to their own chamber to deliberate, as they : could have none after they were -encloled. . Tiiis cfler was refpectfull) declined. The jury recired at half pa It twelve o clock 'I he" Judges reuja'ned on the bench till three, when they retired With the lord -mayor and lheriffa-to-partake of-fonte-re- ---frefhn ent. - 3 , " In lefs than half an hour after the jury" returned into court, having been emioied nearly three noun;. . When they were em panneHed with .the ulnal forms, and the judges had taken their places on the bench, -the clerk cf the. arraigns afked ' If they ere agreed in their verd!cr.,, . .. Fureman of the jury .Yes. How fay ye s Thon.as Hardy guilty of th.ehigh trealon cbar;;.id in the, indict ment, or not guilty V'-. . Foreman of tht jury KO V GUILTY." ' " Hardy bowed modcltly to the jury, aid with a voice (carce ai dible , (aid, Se.ioff countrymen, 1 thank ycu." ' The lord prefident. exprefled his fenle, and that of the bench, relpedtii g he a:pn. tiun and patience of the jury, 11'. d Icaigi ig the laborious uik alloittd to them ; 'ar.u lor. which they were entitled to the Utto-cll com merdation. ' The prifoner wat then difcharged frorru, the bar 1 The commiflicn.was adjourned till Mon day fe'nnight. . etterday M. Fagel, the Grand PrfiT" ary ot Holland, arrived in Lcndon, chain ed by the States .General with the import ant comnvfiion ot tnlereinf on the Br.tilh irovernmept the recellitv uf an imn-d iar li 4 - - - peace w.th France i and to intimate to oLr Miniller, that if they will , not concur in a uegcciat.on lor a general peace,,, they ftnll treat exclulive for themfclves.. Jneh it re ported without rclcrve, to be the objed of M. Fagel's miflion. u . - . The Prince ofRohan'i battalion of French emigrantij 'is laid to have loft 400 men j and the 55th regimcnt.fufierld'very conG derbl, ' 5 m - Exirsfl if a letter rem Amjltrdami Ctt. ia in uiui iiiujj fciy tuiuiucraoie num bcr cf people aflcmbled before, the Stad huis or town-hall, headed by three ptrfont of this city, who Mie charge J ta prcfent the reaeft to the Vzocdfehip or council of the city relative. to certain mtaforei 'to be pur fued under the prefent circumftances. He thrr e perfons who undertook1 to pre'ent tl e fjqutft were Mr. Vao btaphorft, a confide r able mtrcbaat rfllvs cly', whole hd'n.eis prii cipally with America j Mr. De Vidcur, 'late peulionaiy of the tiiy, who v.as ditm t fed from JiJ rx-.t on the en ranee of the Pruf fnni in t;8; j the third a Mr. Gtldbcrg, at infurante bnker, and a manol proj ertj fM was known that it ai inur,d4 ; that therequedfhcu'.dbe pretented this day

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