.1- .r-yt - t - . f : . m . . .--1 . " - - -. 50' . .. ; - -. . h : . . -! 'v.V" 1 -"J ' : S A T U H D A-Y; Octo-x, ,'. -r-.. ' ttmnrrngaMM-,..,.. ,., 1 : . . 'S '. . . - . -- - - . v . . " t - - '. r rv : - f il xt r r vr - - ."- rpHE Paris pipsrs ofthe ilt-l, 3 J, and " J. 4'lliivaaar, 'coutafc an official copy, ani 1 l!ie raiiii ci tiori, 011 thepirjrpf the Fre nch He PQici t?r the psace'3vuli SpaiiuTFuMlie' latter, the' treaty appears tq have been very iifP?1!-'0'-for oii tiie X7T0 ol July; the French obtained pcfll-ilron utVlSil."-, b' wit li little retiltance. As the Spmiih pift oFS; J Bom rzi to ht he pf ice or ratio .. a!i t"C coiui Jc'ih 4Udi by the French; tins event is of no cOKileqnce to Spain ; but it rnav be of Villi fit f i- ivrV iitt --xt .1-.'.., country, for there is niugn her treaty -to;; j,. v r ,nvjfcti mq-1 i cut u 111 jy have found U (roni'cofjfilcauonr ' It is vtry co:ilident!y believed fn Paris; as a thing of whicli the committees of govcru. meat - nulls no Ajcrit, That. tefais o'vpeare are aiTo(lagre'eiJ .'up m wtth the kin;s of : Sardinia , bhU s, and the oiluTlulian ittei ' cxrept ihcife-.fabjeas to the Empcro. V Dart of the troops lately copbved a 'raiuit -Sin are b?gn to Hie, o(F. to '.reiiifoce ' general ; KeMerm m's ar.iiyVaii J eiiibie i in to attempt .the cond ik ft of 1 he M 1 thni thetvecefriry f ep arafioasVe at lenathi nude for p iffi g ihiejliji:ie.r:i.v 4"""11 " mcic operation i win 0 earn-1 c v-cpi-psn.ip3 to atr rd the Emperor a . pretext Tor. .concluding a neg ctioua wrhicii was m fact ;althou rh natln fcrm, begin before be . gfl the money whiclij or.r Mi alters bo rowed oriiiin,;andpledg, ed the f mri of iJkrlia!ii;nt to rcpaj , cpnc,i:Jedexcrpt the a jiMdments . propo J fd by the Ajbi Syeyes,- which the con . ..miilbti of eleven have defied a few days id. cnililer. As Syeyes is re-elcded huo thd C m mttee of P.ibiia. Safety, the fuoibnc of h.s aawxidments will probably be adori- ed.. ; : ! , M The buHnds on the coafr of Brittany, is' far as regard v Emigrants,-. Ciouan, ah J ?a-n, leeros to bs conliiered as at an .L-'Jy LP'rs grajtedlio, I ul ien and 1JIT4 being revoked, a.id t;.ree fcf iheord.nary commiilionersto thatp'jrtof the country recalled. The preparations fi,r t2 armament un der1 the com.nand of Lord Moira, at e Hill gomaon; the deft mi5oii lldl a lecrc. ' J he delay of the failing of Lord Moira's arny t, the allilUnce of me Emira rs is a. crihed prmc p.ljv t tne w.nt of mrfifports. . 1 he elector Palatice, and the elcdor of Coie, liawe, it is TaiJ, ri.ade pece with te irencu Kcpuhlic ; hut the treaties will not be mads pj-jlic until ths ne.-ociatiohs wit:i the fcrnpire are ou the point'of bein r termtuarrd. . ' to TheConven:ion bv a formal d-cree have drchred that tne Erupts arc foreverba-nlh.-d tne territories vt the Ilepiihc. Th mt.ves of countr.es at war with the French Kepubhc have been ordcrtd tolvjit Paris under the penalty of being cohered and trea:edaspies. ;j It isvery'confidentlybelievrdinParj,, as a thing or which the cirnniitteckof Ccfern. incut mil nn r. .1'. . 1 rc ahioll agreed upon with the kms ot fcard.n, Napl,, and ,he i,her hllu, States exeptthofthe K.nperor. - !udcx cnclevcndchrr.lafcwd.y.toJ I1 V e'eacd imo fhe cemmittee c Pi.b.tc Safety, ,he Jubilance of his amend rucnt ,t probably b: advrtrd. x in a nT rafl,1' ,hac gcrnmrnt was In noa;- run 0, fu, itUmiuon 6 ,hc fub J Spain, fro-n ,,e (1UMnPnt of Comm nutine of tnct. A injietul tuunierbal. vcuiyii jjuiycpaiiiiu part ot JJtmiinpb is A- - - j un.u tai lo a matter 'bf 'lerious rnnfulcraiinn' .i -w. "'IV'lj IIUI U 1 together on account of the real va'ue of the. terriiorjV but as it will greatly ltrenthen -the bauds ofjhe enemy iirthe Weitiliics. ; - a ugult 87:- The only intelligence -of any imporri bro'r byjtJichlatlrfmth'HacU 3h "retlfesT lo3 eprogf elscrthe Aulfrfiin army in Italy. J C is ifakd wuh confidence, that Giner .1 di" Vin?, ha vrig jvofTejIed him ' lelf of the hripbrtiut poll!Oft(!ia ,auu.. 1 Onnla. wai in lull msir h tn?i , ' where it; :was : nore 5t3ecied rhaf" the French would be able t niulie any cculiidcjlilex4. , lilbnce. ' .' " ; ..:;; ;; Letters from Hamburgh received yell er; day,: nientiotKthe death ol th Ppe. . He has lona beeii extreniflv d!. , . O J . , !evl UlJtch E;:iUindiamen are tn, byvAdiiitr'a) El ph in Iron's i quid ro&Tiid cte r:tu imo oi. ueiena. - lLl heGatte j)f this evening viil con-; ' t'''i!1 the particurars of ihe'abcTe iutcfeiltu-'' hews 0 :;;;'';:.; ..7;'';' 0 Oii Thurfday mofning Lord Moira ir- - rived m-town to ai'ilr jx a cabiei . council held at the Sccre:ary of State's oiiice on t?ut : day , - relative to the -expedition w hich the -noble Lcrd Inperintends. The rrfulr islfdj a iecret ; though we have reafon to premmr that the" expedaion will icoiv fai!. Lunl x Moira left town again yellerday aftcrnoct; fbiSouthampfon ; and the di:ke of Harcou; t fet Oifaboui the.a,ne time- f.r- Pori fin;u : h -to carry the-refult of :h councd'a-rvicn"1" fie ;r, wh.i arrived on t hurfd.i'y m bpi-Jif ad. This prince is iaimediiUtJy io go uu beard the Qcen CKarfo'iei . .... , - Ou l hurfday tile tranfpens ep!; td on thisexpcdr.ioiT, wherever it is dcltir.ed, re ceived aii t!ie rcmalirng tk-res en beard, as the ( of Pes of the cavah' nd the ar'tdry. ""ItisTahr that the lti-.intelligence from - iU t e i -x ha t- he had-rcctivd -iceoum Wrorrr- me in;crior ol Diittany and La Vendee, that Icveral corns of Chim I -"- f emigrant clficerf, have penetrated into the interior, and obtained Icveral ac'vantaoe,- . 1. r 1 . . .. .... . over tne nepu;5i;cans ; -inat the 'ddrrrcnjj . corps pjlted at a diltance from ejchoiher," extend to Nantes ; which Gerwral Sapii:;ui and Charette, at the head ot five more con fidcrabie corps of Vendea: s, pref on that city trcmi'the left banks ot the fairfe river Our fl'-et being U nioned ofF Ojilbiron and Belifle, has oiicred fevcral rtyalill officers the means ol joining the Vcndeans. Coir, tnotiorc Warren, U order to facilitate thHr -opt rations, has lent fevcral vtflcl up the river towards N'ani- Auguft 10; ThcCorunna nail ofyrllnday To far con firms "the account of thepanilh pe-ce, an o ilaie. that orders wee received atMad. rid, previous to the furnhder of Vittoria atl IJ. bca, ihatrhry Ihouldmakcriorclift. ance, as they Ihould be fpcid ly jeUurcd, in conlrquence of a pending negotiation. From Fi atikfart it ji.npjt t tHsr C.n-. l " wviikim P.clieru's llead.quaners have Len at Strafhi.uroh ever (inr il.ithrt( Tr.lt fi ----- - y J J W 1 1 the 2lll the French troops near Mtntz were, .. it.. c.v... . IT . 1. 1 ... 1 . umiuujjjr in iuwarui ianuau wltn a quamity of ;nil!ery. Genual CUirlajt's headquarters were to be removed to Ualladt cn the 44th ut. whtrchewasto he joined by numbers of troops frun the vicinity of Mainheim. He has written to the court of Vienna 10 know in what manner he it to receive the daugh ter i f Louis XVL as if (he is exchanged for the Frei eh commiOioner, file will be de livered tp at the Imperial hc-d.quarters. J lr le rn from Holland, that it hai been Iprcpi fed by the States' General to d (band !I the Sifi trtxjps in Dutch pay vti the 1 ill of thenrefrr.t mnnik . - - . ... . 1 The States General have refclvcd to take I French - THenry.t!lcufandpeanintsa y - qufiu01,irih, French, to get vc(t between the Mufeile a: the RhU - An arncie from the lvver Elbe, dat'ed jWsoud i.itellife U teiveti lam l.jiir , . ml --S"V,iwi,mr inat tl'IP All r--'- .)Mpclle on ot O. negJ,a and Ormea, and in lull march lor F;f rt?l -Ine? ir is that the French b: fm w ket-fnOV, . chand,f(it0palSlrd;n.Holiar.d. . imcrd,iy, about noonLieutei.mr nf ftt ,-Lftngi0fT a,Lved at the Adn tn ,h;p,iCh f. lhe pdicerdat d t ol ches conta.,1 advice, : th on tne , ft ft up lns Majeay,,,, " ihe Sceptre rfdi num bt. Leiera, kr the purpole of inter-Hxpt-hg tome Dutch homeward, bcunr' fi!ft unnen ; that hve days after, the Seen ire, on i:er tourfe-to tl e Cabe fpll i V i .--..J, l.r. ...Ef.; Uck ,0 :S r. ht, nj, Jmi n ,he .o'.h. 'o..' ..iu, the Lspe, cxfedino to j w:,h ., -. on board ot which is the Govfrr... rt, 1 ' :;v Jhislah fke; comprues he whole of t.T,.lda)otir-tieets-are extremely rirh The eight (h ps taken ai)e Val;ltd at laweeu .t,oai.u thuenulli .erlig,:;AdlBM WpM. Hone, vafer having been joimd by .Ul"1,)U't rdseit, .bad proceeded a ga;i::t tU Cpe ol Good Hope, 'which then vvcvt rv prnbabihty of his podng him. ttf-o wn-rbt .difficulty - Tne tccoZl LT : '"Jdt Governor Brooks d' 'hctru,ps.hatc,u!dbe fparccL- rtrflArd 0f Helena, embark d" W.tb;Hdm.ra. Elphinllone m the expedu.on againlt ti e Capt . Ycilerday evening amelTenger arrived at the Aom.ra.tv office tvith dilpatches from A.m.rai Hoiham, containing cn accpum cf an "actio.; tetvcn the Engl fh and French F'ectson the 13th uir; in the Mediterrane. an. It a, pears that : tis engagement was " only as ftated in 1 the Frerch journals, a run. t.mg fight, ti e French flCfthaving immedi. arely, c perceiving the Englilh fleet, iradc the belt ot their way fcr aplace ot flitlter ; nd that, in conlequence, only a part cf t,t.r licet gitup win, them, ,h5 main part of both llcets remaining at a great difbnee tl o'lC Ih ps that were fo lortunate as to over! take tnerntniy, aniong the flril of which was ti,e V.ndfor Cattle, Admiral Mann, fuccerded in cutting otTthe French fliip AU c.dtv f 74Sl!nS whch unfcrrunately tock fire fjon a icr (lis (truck, and after burnimr lome time blew up. While The was burn. Ing, our cficers and teamen with that pal. lamry and humanity which ever charaefcri. fes Pritifh failcrs, refcued near 300 of her iitihpy crew from the certain deatH"that feen.cdtto aait them. The lofs on board , our' fleet is only ten killed and twenty fix wounded; among the former is one mid. . Cipman, and among thclattera lieutenant aijd two midfliipraen. PARI S, AuguH 3. Our letters from Aix.Ia'Chapellc, dited July t8, ftate, thai the nontoonts of the ar my of the Sambre ar4 Meufe have paiTed through that city. All tt.e preparaiious and mcTcments led to a conjeflure, that the pad'age cf the Hhinc wi'l be immediately at. rcmptccV A few fkirmifhci eseteptcd, no thing of much moment had occurred in ' that quarter , It is announced that the peace with Sar- " J Is . '(; ' ' . 1 - - - -: to- . rpt -i- t)4 'J ?

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