; . ' . ' ... i .. - : r . i - - .- ' i - . - - .. '. . . - " II w k i m-u A K (J 11 N A G A 2 R T T F ': n . x- r i m " -L " - " - . ' ' F K A M r NATIONAL CONVENTION. Xh MivUg is a full rj accurate trarpthh if tae- report mad; by Henri larhnerete: vutt 6 : it pivetan rm-lh', ATl - PRESENT STATE OF FUANCE K. idiilxoine Si th emcoft!rl; eu committees 'nTriititi fj.W A r.;:l wtltarf, and of legiflation, to prnpoJe a :! liw Wiethe tfls.'tioii- of principles, and' , the general interellbbjeahlch' (hculd , ever bs bleparablc, Jnlorcc it on ,)8 as" a da- tv, to ftibmit to vmir v previous to oar reading. tint law, yo tr com- . niitieeaFe of onimonJ tN jf- it ir .v. . topper itty a feiV reflections to wbxh ' the d!tcuLriJii has given rile. r " V " Uiprtlcnwtives of the pfe pley you are .iware, that-if the rcvoiutioii :h'as ds ilroyeda vnc;y ; of abiiles, it has alio .riven In ri b tommy others. ' r -1 ha benefits we '!f:i'ff,'-or u r;j from biing hn mixed and fickere.il-AV'itb, uo yrsgi . a kJ couraous men, thieves and co-vardv are united and while the former i.rviorotrlly-SUacked the oid . fyllem of tU i-s iu order to fuhMitute in its place, a nrjre p jrrt Oiie,' tlic latter endeavoured 0 nnm.'.h jfe it, only that rheymrglit create a vvorfe, under the coyer ai:d pibi'eflion cf which, tjtey nuhs.ir.vads every property the.otner, 'all !eem;d fobs united ardxen- r , ' " i'uiitu aia ccn- -founded nncer the fa.nepi,it of vie w ; all were cquahy clamorous at the Eovtr:inienf, w ncli they were caer to detioy : on ai iiues. ihe lafetv . ' -vUIIkl v inc cauie or the pretext of tte engines putln mono;,., ..and Jo con.plrte was tne . Windcefs of tht people, u )der the influence, of this flra.. tqcK ;ur ttwir-bcil ir.cnd, not the true patriot who furrditd .to then) the wifdt meafnrcs, but the hvro. critc republican who hurried them into the woit-fxtray-gam-excefles: : ' .. Ar;ocrat:jPi,;perIy fo called;: fcon c vaucu ihcmte ves of this wror of the pe.j.le. Ihepldeditacn, to caJu.mii ateihcir mojl ze,!o.s clef-nders j'f n.J the latter who hriLftipnofi-rl fh,..r-i butoncktucUf CLCKy, had Toon toitin,r.rle. -garnft u 0 ta:0ns w ith trhoin v Wi Jed the ignorant' vnlo.iary, and cxtravnm'V, " tnots, wh(J -little iugined they abetitd luth acan.'e. ' This Chan: and confi-ficn thxWrcd c very diy, rt.i,i ti e acteCion of private, re. iri.tnicnt, al(d rcuy ii tert lis ofi.Tida ds denu ;c,att,ry vcgf ,.. ce ru6rid, Ji1S,l2iCC'-ll.'e .V,UI1 cvcrvpcrlon from whom it H xhbed to bc cenvrrtd r vMrunHels audHity, ic nrp l,mV0ri ' 1 VKr,C haVc ,I50rc erne auu j;encrouiluppuncrJ by lon.e, and deceived by other, pil!,. pp exed by hat features tod.:tovcr the-? toofa.thfu! lu gam.t.-.cir cor.fi-Jedce . the" 1 l.npaMe,.cr, and .rci. lvcd t a 0,1 jroni their own irr puffe. . .t : 7 n Such wai ih wifrir:.!- -r .i ... with the1 moft abominable Tibels ; apcftles cf V plunder atKlraUination Ipredd the;.- inter mraithonarie?vert iiwu tK -narofni i.,.vi -t I'VUVUI U tt L I lifi ol the cwutry .'Hie 'lodia of v.llany rtwg on all iiiey Ihe voice of tne -Nati-i- onal .iiepri. it-ntstiyes was ' Toon i flifled and fupprefltd, and t!:e fpi '. s of public mcjaU . ity wtrceerv he r'e tjoliiucd.' f )h t -.", hTOifpltJhVllUiivs this atdicved'oti'r .bUikelt tnun:ph ; this was the decpefl wound.. you inflicled this is the 'wound the lm fl difficult t. hca!, :. " - , : r ..: ' By fo rap d .and. gigantic a progrefs did this tyitein ot proHigacy accoinpliiii' rs pUr. , pole. The M of 'tyrai.hy dropped into ii.v-u i;.uivit aiiu wnn it tney uruck' down all tiatcpu!d oppo!'eaher:i ;' bQt the narioi:- ' r.a ton vent on was moi e par -liVula'r the phje Ct of their attack.-; 1'hey knew it; to fie a bod" -at tiie lame rime both powerful and weik , crm'p-.yied of wicked' ibi'Tirtubus.Vatzns": vtoiMoaie time it oppojed-f h 'ciKetl'iial r t.c -u Ms Buenjtf uus reipt?t -ohm e -formidable.. :.s thf mrifni' Vhi U tio niembci s- of that iltnibly.' c VVus tne re to re, i o ..mighty tcik to . Infrij-c an . a"ll' ..;fi?cn -tfiey'tonJiuufrtl apnrt and which they It ad beikles reduced ro j ou ' hf ' by injecting it to the ye!;; ot a ivrantcal m u i-i c -pal ity , o Ver 'vJjicluljey excrc'i fed "s n ablolute dominion.' tut in U.h t,d fJOt con. fi'J the 'grctit.xjtcrct or" jt heir ftrct;gih' for while they laborneJ lo ddlolve tt.W-'K'ation.' al llenrele '-aJixibariejjn thApnVir. t . lihrrty, Lt. uiMi.ut:i, ja.u inty, tne myjt Ipotleis cha: racrers cf..U:eCcwven;3i.n.-Jcx:uvprticrib-them : ar.d loon Wfr Mi., 11 to c them.evety. 'pcu3ol counter revolu::cii;,ry aiTiitv. 3 1 it ol fvja ? 7 ' " J '"Ik'H J1- fai ! i i:UU UfltlIlP I'Vfrrllll'pliii nfxM. infernal cci Jp'i atit j Wo tt ptneii caupaiiu that gi'lp.'i of tviis' i::to wr.ich thou ,hafl 1 trcaier oart nr.m t c.r' anJ '"?rr.llij ,n ,tt ,' if. ,J ' I U.l. ll -t a f 1 a plunged .iiiy ccuutry." More thin a,l.ordred rtprclenia;'vcs"ci .'c it):rowij in:o pniuns, piofcrled, cr murdertd, wkJk.u: Jjuxiiclr- a being hontd ; an iminen.e mill. :tude ( t attroiious v:.!li:ns erect d into fu. preme Judges ot the livcVol cii zeM ; the whole lace cf France cuercd W:th fcalfolds and baiMes. r 'i'houfar.di of vicirro'i with out difl t ctrcn rf je or ft:, deingi- g with', their in.oteni blood tl.ep-v u.cu' t ihe pub liciqnires ; enure comn unes tieiivucd a prey to ddb.uirlve II.oi.es ; our rivers choak-,. cd, ar.d labouring m tiieir courft, tro.n the heap, oi cr pej, which aht.olt pievemcd them from i'uivving ; numeroin armies led to be butt-hired by ignorant or mu'recrous generals $ tur IroniKr invaded the cue nyat cur ga r .. t)tM, luch was the la mentable, ihclicnid fpccl-cle exhib.ted l,y ir.at on, onte the n olt tciiiicd, the molt J.umai r, ii. the tiv zed wrrSd. " U whit ineat: was it thenpoflible thus to clin;,e ami to deprire its natuie ? lie " prclrmat.ri if i c people, I have airca dy told yet:, it was by afl.giiiuus at:a"cktn prmc p!.$ ?nd morrli , it wa by pinhflmg the JtMrtu lsof be Maratsand the Hcbtrts : it wa. ny uHirg altar to villain?, and pa. cing pr; lb,;3C in the Panihtoo j but above -all it was by prtclud.ug men, froanhe molt fjcttd aod tl e mod tit I ghtful of ihtir du ti-i, the ctTcripg up their honjpgc to the attili' r i f nature. 'Nay, wf a: do I fay, was no: the Au., llitr nf N 'fiir liini'il' ...... ..I l L. dt utlelt, the tyrants dicp'y tit, they ci.u;d n-jt reconnie the r pnlligacy with a lVovi. n.it. u.ii ioc gin locrtiiiuir tiavncti ...j . - " Ut my lips bail il.ee, Quay I 'for e. ver memorable, on winch was brclcntl e ciiini f foniany cii;a(lroucvertiI May the rccoliidiou of if.ee lor evtr ohhtct c tuc blatk, the tttflanchol days that preceded thee, and g?add.n every heart uh the looih;n profpectof abriglitcr futur tf. " Duiiu pOioriion as the ftaiituai Con ' L i -T v-a Krauuany mitioattd : n Y"' C ,b0" Penf l, ai d chainJ cf all the ka;ibld6 "that glooiud over the mfJ PIief tfirTreWned no,e butforjuflly convided gyilr. Terror be. 1 jjgPPeafr and confidence ty revive ; jnlt;ce,vas now the oider ot the day and us prcfence gave to" every tbihrrtVe-Jfijeit ..cf;ecurHy.Frpm,:thailjEbme uiverruptedly njpvtd on from pfcfpeVity- ' ' Pliave not enr intrepid ioL clurs re-takenrunder the empire ol JS thefort,e(U3 they had ioli unocr the ialh oT tyrfi campaign beeri ".ore- than iiiiiuient to exter minate ilie tr e xny from Kr icrritbries, ard even to enable Us ro invadf. fHeirc . fli... J.i . hau iworu our dedruciion, do 1!0t they now " !. And have we 'not Wti- . ..... . ...uioitie tv ai!S the honourable trt a. tietua r iiiiif. iic j'r- O -rTiii . , . . rob:;n ?, tiue is It that juflice and Air. ecjureftflrmsxvhichttlon'c-a c;'r-Hor jtsory andits happmefs.- : v -y Vhcnce does it come topafs, that we . a.reaeiy fecm w cary cf folow jng crruiggmdesj lor uhatpurpoe do certai-i men croc every encfeavcur, in order to ni "ke ycu oc viaie ironi thloncus path Their nuut es .re no fecret ; it is becaufe thev k& .e y baffled iheir iell attem re-ellablihrti eir horrid T,, . . i i. . , -r-iiiijr, uiactruy bccHle-thefun to ltrnrf rnnr . . T,Mt? , ?i udiKueu ior themfe ves ',,ld ,ne,r. compl.ces, at the mernent whea '- a:,i the comticutionmail at lll enable t, t people to appreciate the true t! or tho e ,",() li'.i. t ; V ies there are me v.lio dread therevu valolcidtr, arduftbelaws, aniiWho tietni. -ble at U.c vaniCS of fCatc aiJ(j CcWiution. Ihcie are ihr very men who havepurioined; ' j idaed, awlrutncd thtforiur.es of tfaepuh la. J J.e!e arc the. very ncn, wKo, as ' m mb s oi the Kevplniionarv Commitces, have exercd.d t fe mcft hornble irquifitioA -atnucg trcr ftlLw ciiizent. and drained on loaai ( i vdms to the icaflbldsof IiobifnU eric Ihefe are t'ifi very -men, who'e: " lunt'i arc lid! racking with the blood, and ' loaded w'thtt einoi!ir,filiiii,-.!,n.. .hoii, tley fl.ugutred in their butcheries cf rieprcmbci; ? buch are tbc monftcr?, who, nevertbe. Uf', hid ei lens to defend tleir ; fcrisic l ot deducing ihcnv to nuke their taule r.d that ot true patriots the farrei Cut Hhat.sapatr.otr- Ai;d what fWe ide4 (.0 you attach to this appellation, oh I Falfe ard In ocntical men f Uc U a patriot, who folic an useful profefhen ; a m-ii wb0 a g'-cd lather, a good hidland, a goed W JK.cdfricr.d, a man who repecif, ui K.vcsbtluw5, ar.d is ready to obey ,km. but wimt relation is there between a citizen tfthisftatrp, andtbeVillians I have iml pomtedtuif-NW Whyhcn do U ccr.fcur.d tl em ? cu 1 k. ow well, tbtarr.cng ihearrencd " m ;cn!i ejue. ce cl ihe c'cplorab'c trnhMm of Ira.riaj there are manyncn who f, bftnmined; Initjouwto rcmonflra.e f Urrrgy ,ga,r.ft that error inleparablc (,Z crtun, a. ccs, tell me, are tJ' ln tmjgu ded patriot, , Mho have lcn tirtX oljec ,clour Iclidtude r No , ard flr Irum hav.ng been aMtjd tlicirimprif n;ent jciicughttoddrrgardit; ucl!,". fodadeJ, thatopportunim-smoy ;lvvay ti tAen toea!o:nMatcthe moMlurary lu. c, and by that means to refcue frrr, ,"c tr.bur.alf, ,hcfc. jhfe fc, ,f . . ' lutnik of you further wat are then therealcns fo powerful w,:C', erear yturunetnnef,andourtr . Doyoufe r ri arret! maybe, asi etUriimes, the teria.n f0rcrnn.,cr ol death? If ,j Jf iUfm you, (hew. men .hat one ir.ncccnt perlo,, h iutltrcd f.ncc tbc National Cuav mica L . 0 ... (. ... 1 . V 1 t i r 1 'f. i. '.V t4 '1 ti f- (1 v;.u ii 5