John Collet, COs or Craves ap FOLLocK-aTHEj ' ' 0?fOSfTt Mfc.-Wlf LlAMLAMfttWtS 1 BbLu leve to tntotmtiie Moie Keepers in new hern, and the ajtcent country, that Ik haa juft jm pot ted from Philadelphia an eatenlive jtfTor'meiit of DRY GOODS, Suitable to the firalon j the greattd pm cf thfm im-' . ported from Europe this fall j which he iivtetid to difpofe of on low terms by the package 01 " piece, for CASH'or Pioduce only. THY CONSIST AMONG 0 T ji E R T H I N G S, Of TH E FOLLOWING t " UPERFINE, fecond, and low.piic'd broad dot hi, v Fineand coatfj plains, CalTlT,et, iV nvdo'wiit & M.irfailie quillings, WiMbures, flurant and calinnncoesi ' ' .. Fi'iviel and dimities, . Pnn'ei cailicoct cirities, , funviure callicors, & ctliTVtSCta Mufiin and inuflin hkfs. plain and figuied, . Wortted and cotton ho fi ery, Ladies, fillcglove and . mitu Leatfeer gloves, " and Modes and ribbands, ' Irifli linens and checks P H I LADE L P H I A, Dec. 8. Congrel" of the United State!; -: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: . 1 HiJ has. alfo for file,. few elegant gih. frame LOOKING GLA5 A SMALt rCX OF HARDWARE ConSlting of Buttons, Buckles, Watch-Chains Sec. and one trunk of ; -BO O K S. . V".HE fjbfcriber gives notice 1 1-air. her late JL bi-lbind David Murdnck is dead, and tViat hhe'liath q uliti d on hi illate as Admi. niltratrix with the Will snncxtv .hp there i. re recpefls all thole indebrcd to the laid Eftate to nuke pnunt as foon as fx iiible, ' and the Creditors thereof to make iheirdc mandt known within the time limited by an ait ot the Genera? AfiVmbly, paflrd at lay ttevillemtbejear 1789, or they will be bar. led from recovery . j MARY MURDOCK. Craven County, December 26. ALL perfons ate forwarneHI from tref pafiing on my plantation, called- the BLUE ROC K, : en Trent river, about five mile from New. bern, as they will othsrvMie be prolecu-ed ta the utinclt r'gor of the law. MO$ES GRIFFIN. January 2. , Ju.t Puni.r HF.D, XVD KOR SALE T THK n tin corn t n t 1 i M I N U T'.E C E, s 4 31 .rTTHE Hxxufe met,- 79 members -prefent.' , X-:-'fl,cy proceeded to thechoice of a Speaker. MclTrsi Shrith"S. C.) and Giles, were named, tellers. On counting the bal lots forrpeakcr there appeared for ' y NATHAN Dayton', F. A. Muhlvnburch; Two IcautriptT vo f?. Mr. D ton .ws-8 hi c!ared duly elecled and conducted to the chaw. 4 He adcltcfied the houfe, re'qneilitfg treir c op'eraiion in the execution of r''e ardut us Jot'fd alljgned hhri The Merpb rs weit q jil fi d. ". The Houle t hen' pt oaeded 1 o Dallor, ioi a Clei k. The refwlt was as iolluws frr ... joHsBKCKLvt, .,48 Mri lit-tkUv nai tiecbrcd tliily choteii and. was- q ifll fi;d. , A rncae as received frcm the Senate, infonuTjiu theylhatl rnadc a ho ufe1 a; -pointed Mr. i ate well their prehilei; r, pro aid chefen a conimiuee to wait on the .Pr'tfMeot in upj'inclioh with one fio'iri the houi'-i ' ' ! 'I he 'cOTiniftee. before th.? adinrnment 'acquired the houte, tlur the Prefident wou'd mc.i both hbit'es, in th? lowier houte to mortow (this d.iv) at 12 o'c'ark. ; ' Jnlieph Wncvr. n was chVlen tIfr at Arm?i 1 hos: C av d i, Door keeper, and Thom.iDunr il!ill,int ;oorke'pri A coinmitice v as appciintd c clrai't ru!es for he icgnlaiion ci picittding in the hoiiie. . . ( . t" Eleven o'clock was hiaile t!:c (lahdlig hcur to adjourn 10. , ' turfi'avt December. . , This day at n o't'otk, the PicfiJent of the Ui it d 1 et h(;th Hcvfebti Conprefs tn ine i )rt ler.t.itivf s' Chamber. vtied to '.hem thr r-IWin; Atldrcfs. . (1 i t jijn tur hj. .) KEU3E UAPriSi AS':CIATIOiV, IlCLO AT LtTTLt-CoNTrNTSEY, GLASCOW County, OcToara 1795. KINGSTON,' (aM.J OMcriu : BY ad vices from Portau Pli cc, v e learn, that every thirty continues qmei ihi re s the bnga uls arc i cai ihetvwn'anJ feme timet attack the parties fenr o-itVfvfcr e. The communicat on between that p'ace a'.d 'tht poll of Mirahellais remains open, which is of great benefit to the inhabitants, astoi-.' fidcrable quantities of provifions come from that quarter. MircUlaii has lately been ai. iiu icTcr-i umcf, ouitoe enemy al ; Vayt teen rtpulfcd. Sir Adam Vllti(i,or, vat tcry anxieoi for the arrival 1 f the 8 rl rrCtmentias the troops at Pert a Pnuw ' yai Ut fturti bcingheahb. ll'dh.Ji'avt Decen.btr C'. . The Hotjle y ( nr into 4 co t mittre cf tlie whole. Mr. inhrl,orj;hN5n the c. a r; on the P.efi ipe ' c :. N;"r. iVuit'ay icovid a rcf 'ii:'orirb thit tfj-d : ; ...'.' llciolved, as the opinion or this commit, tee, Thit a rtTpewiful addrcls ei ght 10 be pielcn'cd to the Pr fi Jt r.t rf ti e Uniifd S'atcs in ahlwcr to his lpe:cli to br h Houfcs at the puiin) cif me Ulliop, cotj taifing fTjranres tha't tie hotile v.oii d 'ake in;o ilier lfr'o,S coi fih r-i 0 1 tie V4t o"t and imprrtr.tu iLauera itti ntd to their at " IC'ltio'.l- ,' Mr. Parlor moved toflnkeoot the a We for the furjx f? ot inlertn a relolution in Jubilance as fo'luwj : Revived, as the r pin'nn of this commh. tee, a (0)im,;tr cu;. be appoint, ed to wit on tt.e Piiiident of the Un'tfd btates, to ftHure Inm a the H'uife of He p fintativev of the U. S. wt tilj pay frnout a't-nt.t n to the tJiio.s and imp rtanr lub. juls recommenced ihtm in l is lcech at ti e opening of the f ificn. . ,t . IVker ft''eitMl. t't it vas the datycl 1 lie l'nfidcnt'6 la; belt re ihe i cufc a vie' ot the Staie.vl ti e Uoii n, fo 11 Was the duty ot 1 e hcule o rnee it refptcl. . fiily-ndjclt puii'. Heiii aj proKdolihf practice whuh hiihrrio l.;d previlrd of i t Hiuife tKC'rt tur 'btir trnti: r'l o w'ar of waiting on theTrefident, in a body to pre lent an anfwer jo his fp. ech had been a. depted ai:d ut.ildimJy ptrtueu cs-er'fip're'the (bbldhriient cl tl f'tlitliLivrfnrir., - 1ft had heard, h.e UkV; no ttaiun niVtl) u prove vhe practice ru and IhcuU bc for adhrrmg to precedent u,ile5 dJuthcd bv arjii'ifueiit. r 'J ne o! jeet of his own motion was,, that an ahl cr 10 the Prt Cdem Oi. ti'd be tran.e.f that -61 .ihe member from Virginirlthe5 nu de of prtlentihg it j thev were in a de gree difrncr; and did hot ircflly intrrlfe- A.ood iM.c'r rilar ding and a Jiie cb'lrv ar.te d tfccoi urn ofcht to fubhlt be:we-n the O,.iont portions of the govmtju r.i.hj It lopreierveby adoring-. ttoprac-' tiuwhichhail Letn.fcund luble to 10 J .Ct ;;).. , If thcPre1;dcmheem.ikrc,; "had cho. ,:en ufin.vat,, l.e might: liavt written his -p.ech ai.d lent it to t'.e tfciife by a lecre. ury. ,J he. co jtitut.o.; f!0eS vbt ba.d him oarpearin perton ; bur hcoWs it refpefl: ii 10 a lend h.mMr.. T.isd.fe.vedin re-' .turn an tquaKy refp cTuTrocedu7e onlheT"" .paitof the houfe; by y.ait:ngon him in 3 vy. He did not .! this a a'degradati on ; nor llle. tlut the practice inter-Irl;m3;eriallvu-ith tbV.publ.c btWs; 1 he tu-Lle I bent no u:ore .han half a hour 't.:c.r cjllooti.e Pi.lident, at.d ihcn m ne rally. returned 10 hulinels. ' - 'i heqaeliioii was then i.ii.-onflrlkinjrbiir: m order 10 irtm uce Mr! pa,kfr' oibi .and .it was h it, ,g f;fi, jj, tl;c :iihn . Ihe refolunon piojb.tdhv N'r- jVuiity was then agreed to, reported 10 tlx Uh'J: and adopteJi . . ' A motion for ,. j otntatinninrniit rru,-. Fhiirffc to both Uouics, ii, iiitaue week ly, was agreed n,; - ' " Coo.hiittef s v ere appo'ntcd tq repcrt tre law uut-are txpred . anJ (,c ur.firj:fhuj bLQnetb of ihejail f. flirtn ailjourned. ' ' 'iV n' Thorfdy " Dccr io. v Mr. I ra-ui. from Viigi:iiaianrearc': was quahfi -d and toi k his irat. " A OMuiiii:re? of claims w9, appointed. -Sundry piivate pe'tiuohs utre preknted and itierrtcl. A meii.brial was restf on the. doubiful el-, eclbnin ore of the diftric! in the ftate of Pcnn)lv.siii. Referred to the committee of iections. . : A KM.tionvas pre icnted from E: IWan: pray ir.g to be app6 nt d flenographer to the Louie,,; lJnrn this motion was made by Mri :'n.ith (SIC.) (or the appointment of a com nmire to rectivepropblalifrom any perfont uclr.ed to undert. kejhat tsflc. This mb tioh was agreed to arTd the committee at pointed. , A iirrnorial was preflntfd rgait ft the re turn ot Mr. Clop:on as a inembcr ct the Hcu'f from Virg.n. Ji Itatcf that he wai ittun-ed hv a majonij of 1 ihe sees, only, and they are faidtnbe illrnal vctcil ' Refef. red to a committee cf elections. ' The ft rate have agreed to the appojnt mefit rf chaplains, and appointed the re verend YVMiam Whi'e on ti cir part. The houle pttlpoiiid their appointment till to morrow, .Thehoufcferolvedthemfclvesin'oa crsri mittre of ihe whole. Mr. Muhlet hutt in fhe chair, on the ftate of the union, in or. oer tocupoie 01 tne lubjca matter cf the ptefidem's ipecch; .Mi.'-Smith (S. C.) rfTcrcd rcWutions in fubllarce reatfy as follows t ' Kclolvid, aithe opinion'cf theccmri i't're. (1 his re loluiibn this repoi tcr did not d.ftiikcl yhear.) . IW:olvrd;attherpunbnofihlscr)Trmlttee lbat nibre ifTedcal proviflbn cught' to be' tniide !ororj;ar.iiation, difciplining and afw inj. the rnihtia of the United lines. Relnlvrd at the committee, that further provifion covht made for theferafiiy Ihould nit bc drp&rtcd from. 1 he praclite uf the Ironiicti and fcr protecting the In in oody tr tor d d.tpetite wi hhur uluilh;itnal v ti A a te w thfir inijvr': t t'u iei. ' Lail fcfC-n ifidtnt i i was letter u tenc hi o'.;ff rrnl grt at unintfiifS were f xcted it. the II life, r utl e luHjrtt ot the atdrrfs u ai w cr to t c 1'jVf e i- C lie mrde fir propo i d wtuhl av oof th an occurrence on 4k prefctit 0(Cfii.Mi '' Mr. Murray was of cpinion, that with. out tubtlantial rrafot,' ti e' 'ft.rmer praclice

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