G OI G E WAS HI N G T P N PRESIDENT' of Trtt United States of America. 7o VfT j vih 5W thtfe Frefents Jhall t omc -Greet - V V .- WHEREAS a Treaty cf Peace nd Ami ty Ins been concluded in fhs ahanner herein after-mentioned by the Plenipotentiary of 'tliA Tnrd St-Hts rf America, and the Dey t Art. , 7th. The. Algej-ineTare norruirany pretmce whatever, to give or fell any veflel cf Nvirtoany natioii at war "with the United Statep pi North-America, or any yeflel ca. p:6leof:ruifmg to the detriment of the com merce of the UniteurStates. Ari if t h. Anycitizen or the United St;t;s of North America, haying boughttny prize, onucihned by the Alpennes, mall not bca- !TS-iieU afii and Regency of Alters ; which treaty, writ- A..dail UulUied by the uui& teum the Arabic lanruiaffe, bemg tranllatcd tneivatlea, although they have - not a ltito. th& launua-re of the -united btates, is in ! port ; a certificate irom the Cbniul rehdent Demg cieemeu lumaent, until men tune mcy A the v. ords following' to wit : Treaty of Peace and Amity condude.d ; can procure iuch p'aflport. this prefent day limaartatV, the twenty-hrft: : Art", tyth. If any of the of the Barbary ftates at of the Lima Safer' year pf the Hegiraii 2 1 a, war with thetJtiited States of North-Ame- cor'fp 'A ' - V 0 1 1 ( l 1 I 1 1 - r .t 1 .1 T . oring her into any or me ports or tnis ie gency, they . 'Jhallnpt' be permitted to fell r, one . luouiaua leyen xiunureu and nmctfiye, bitVeen HAbbAN BA Sf I AW. Dev of. Aliriers, his Divan nd ' . . . C ' ." . iui.jecliJ and GEOUCE WASHING '1 i ) N, Prefiderit of the Upited States of .Ai cr:c;i, and thVc:tizcns;of the laid U ni- ted Strict. Article ill- Tronvtik date oi the prefect Treaty,-; there ihall iVjihV iiiJiivand liuceri; I . pea. c and amity between tliePliESl D FiNT and citizens of the United States cf North". . America, and HASSAN: BAXhAW O.ey 01 Algiers, his V1V'11 anu luojects ; tae yci ' fels anc 'fubjets .bith . natioiisWipropal. ly treating each. other . with civi'ity)Uvpnour and refpect. ' :-; V-'v .. - Article 2cV AU veiielsl belonjno; to the c- . her, but fhallrtienart the port on procuring the requifitefuj)lies of provTlloh. , ; " Ah. 10'th., Any velTel belonging to the U -. -liitcct States of North-America, when' at w-ir! with ailyi'other nation ihall be permitted to -fo:id: their prizes' " ut$ the ports of the- Re-' ency, have teve tb difpofe of them, with-; ourpayibg .any duties oil (ale thereof. All lhal , '. penhuted to buy" them at. market price fij w v.- ; tizeris of. the . United Stat ;of rorth-Amei, ca, Ihall be permitted to enter he diifcreht parts of the Regsncy, to trade with our fub jefts, or any other perfons refidjng. within our jurifdiction, on paying the vdual duties - at our Cuitom-heule that is paid by alLn;iti ons at peace with, this Regency ; obferving that all goods diiembarked and not fold here ihall be permitted to hz reimbarked without r paying any duty whatever, cither fot dilcin bark ng or embarking. Ail naval and nidi-' tary (lores, fuch as gun-powder, lead, iron, ' plank, l'ulphur, timber for building, tar, pitch, ,rofm,- terpentine, and any other goods de . , nominated naval and military ileres, ihall be ' permitted to be fold in this Regi ncy, withouc paying, anyjluiies. whatever at the Cultom hbule of tills Regency; Art. "J. The vefiels of bp tli "nations fiialf pafs eadh other without any impediment cr. nioleftation; and all good:-; moiuesJor.paf- fengers, ct whatloevcr nation, that n ay.be Art i itii. All flims of-wsr belonpinff to' Hhe. United States orNetth-America, cn an. l-'-cliormff-in the-portsot the R effencr. mall receive the uiual prclents . of proviiions and reirhments, gratis, should any of the flaves of ibis KgeiKy make their efci-pe on, board J'aidydfels, they fliaU be immediately leturn. t d' : No excufe fhall be made that they have hid tcinfelyes-amongittliepeoplearid cannot be foundx cr any other equivocationi .m!. Art.'iith. No citizen of the Un:t5 States, of North America, mail be obliged to re deem any ftave againll his will, even fhould he be his brother , neithervfliall the owner of a. Have be forced to fell hirri againll his will : but ail fuch agreement? mull be made by con-, fent of partiW liould any. Amcncah'citi tizeti be taken oi board an 'enemy-fliip, by the crullers ot this, Regency, having a regu- lar punportj lpeciiying tney - are citizens 01 tlie United States, th; fhall be immediately let, a,t liberty.'' On iIkX contrary, they having j r.a pallpi.rt, the .iud thvir property ihall be . co.-tide red lawful pric as thisRcgency 1 know . thsir friends by their pafi'ports.- Article 1 . bhould any of -the citizens of on board ofrhevcfleh belonging to either the Ihiiifd States of North America, die w ith party j ftiall be-ionfidered as inviolable, 'and ihall be allowed to pals unrr.olcilcd. Art. 4th. All Ihips cfv.xr belonging to tins Regency, onmeethig with merchant vfif. ich belonging to citizerst f tne United : tatcs, ihall be flowed to vilit them u h tvop:r , fens onlybclule tlyr rowers thefe two on ly permitted to go on board faid veiTcl, with out obtaining e:iprcU leave from the com. , mandcr of faid velTel, w ho fliall compare' the .palTport, ar.d immediately 'permit faid velfel" to proceed on her voyage unmolcftcd. AU - ihins f war belonging to the United States of Korth-America, on nrcctin with an A!, gerir.e cruifcr, and ihall haveieen her palT port and ccrtitkatc fram the Coliful of the U nitcd Stares of North-Amcrica, ref;dc;;t in tlus Regency, ihall be permitted to proceed en her cruife unmoleUcd : no palTport to-be UTued to any ihips but fuch'as arc abfolutcly ihe property ofcitizens of the United States: and eighteen months fl:a!l be the term allow ed for furcilhing the U r.itcd Stales whhpa.T ports. ... ' . ' Art. 5th. No cQnimaridcr cf any cruiftr belonging to this Regency, ilnll be allowed to take anyperloiijof whatever nitionbrde. nomination, out of any vcfiU btlonging to tle Uniud Statci of Nrth America, in order to examine tlnrni, or under pretence of rr.skmg ..ilieni tonfefs any thlngdcjired ; nehher fhall ,ibey infl'u any torporat unMlmicnt, or any way clfe moled them. Art. 6th. Ifanycflel bclcnjpng to the United States of North America, iUll U llrar.dc'd on the coaA of this Regency, ihry ftiall receive every poAible afiifljr.ce frmn the iuHccli of this Regency i all gotxli favea jroni the wreck ihall be perniitted to be re- hib?rVed 011 board of any otlu-r vrifcl, ith-, out paying any duties at the Cuilom-Uafc. m the l.m;ts or :.ns negencj', the JJey ar.d his fuhjccts i!:all r.pt intrrferc with the pro perty of the tlecealed ; but it fliall be under the Immediate dimVu n cf the'Conftj : unltfs othcrw i'.e d.fj oled of by will. Should there be i:d Ccniultke-ei'ccls ihall be depefucdin the hands cf iome perfon worthy of truft,' until tr.eprrty ii all rpear who has a right 4ic fliall-be puxiihejiJitihe fame manr.er as i ' V Turk, and not with more feverity Should any of the United Stated of North America, in jthe above predicament,' efcape prilbn, tU6 7 -Conful ihall not become ahfwerabie for him. Arlide the j7xh - T he ( OnTtd of the U-. J nitcd States of North America, ihall , have every perfcnal fecurity given him ;ai:d his household: he Ihall have liberty to Ker-crie his rehgion inhjs oun houfe. AU iluves of 7 the fante rehgion Ihall not bt Impeded. itigo ' mg to faid Coiiful's houfe, at hours of prayer. . 1 her conful ihall have liberty and perfcnal 1- '. . "'.. . 1 i lecuruy given nim 10 iravci wnenever ne pleafes, k within the Regency : he ihall have iree licence to go on board any veifel lying hi . urliads,LwheneyerJh Conl ulJh ail have leave to appoint his' own ' d ogafnan and Broken ...Aritde ti.e 18th. Should a war break . out betw eehthe two nationsj - the Conful of. the U nited States cf North Aiiier'ca , and all citizens of faid States, " ihalf have leav e to embark theuifelves and property unmolclled, on board of what veflel or, veffels they ihall' th nk proper. '.; V.- ,;;-J ;. Article the 19th; Should-the cruifers of ' A 1 g er s capture any veflel, having citizens of C United. States of North .America on board, they having papers to prove they ure really ; . fo,: they and their property ihall be immedi- ; ately dilchardC And fiiould the veflels of . the United tues capture any velTels of nati ons at war with them, . having fubjecls of 't'nis Regency on board, they ihall be treat ed in like manr.er; ' f .' Article the 20th. On a veflel of war be longing to the UnTted . "States of North Ame- . rica, anchoring in our ports, theConfulis to inform the Dey of her arrival ; and ihe mail, be faluted with twenty-one gdns; which file is to return in the lame quantity or number, "and the Dey. will fend frclh provificns ou botrd, as :scuftomary, gratis. " Article the 2 1 ft. The Conful of the U. nited States of North America, ihall not be required to pay duty for any thinghe brings from a foreign country for the uie cf h:s houfe and family. Article the 22d. Should any difturbance take place between the citizens of the United States and the fubjets of thiilegcncy, or break any srtide of this treaty, war ihall not be declared immediately ; but every thing ihall be fearched into regularly J , the party in jured fliall be made repjration. ' .. On4he 21ft of the Luna of Safer, 1210, . correfponding with the 5th of September i795, JOSEPH DONALDSON, junior on the part of the United States of North America, agreed with HASSAN BASHAW, Dey cf Algiers, to. keep the article con tained in this Treaty facred and inviolable ; which we the Dcv and Divan proi.ife to ob- (erve, onconf;dciat:onof the United btatcs to demand them ; w hen they ihall render an i uav:n(r annually the value" cf twelve thonfand --. ' ... XT... .. . . v . A C1...VI ivigcnr.e lequms m r.ianuir.c wi ca. uuvjuin the United States forward a larger quantity, the overplus ihall bs paid form money, by the Dey and Regervy. Any veflel tlut may be capllired from th- date cf this treaty of peaceand amity Hull i;ncdidt?ly be delivered u on her arrival i:AWcrs. acccunt cfihe propcrty. Neither iUl the Dey or 15 i" n H c hindrance in the execution of any will .t may appear- - Art..i4uu No citizen of the United Statn of Keith Ainerid, ihall be cbligedto pur-ehafe- any goods bg-'r.il his v til ; but on ,ther contrary,- i: all Ik: allowed to purehafe what ever it pleafcth h i::. T he Cor.lul cf tlie U. nitei xates of North America, or any other citif en, ihall not be an.tiu ble for .debts con t raded by any one r-f their ov' n nation ; unlcls previouily they have given a written ofcliga. tien fo todo. Shen'd the Dry ant to freight any Anrr'.can vcl'el that may be in the lie. gency, or Turkey, fa.dve fill not being m gaped : in toiifcqccnce of the friendihip lnb hlling bet wen the two nation?, he expects to have the pre fei cm e given him, on his pay. ing the fame irtij ht cheered by any other na. tion. Article the 15th.. Any difputcs or fuits atl w, that may ukcpl.-cc between thefub jects of the Ilrgf ny 3id the citizens of the United J-lIcs ol North America. Hull he dee ded l y the Dry in perfon, and no other. Any dill inc. thfi n ay arifc bclwcxn the citi. i.;r.oi ttu the Crr v' Ut 'c ' 'Ar;.' the Mr. e ;d States, ihall be decided by 1 1 ss tsupre in iuch tiiesnotlnb. Ii n t.i'.s Regency. 'iic ( ill. , Should any, citiscn of ' i i' tc of North America, kill, . r j iU. j iclc of this Regency, y .1 VIZE1UIASS.N BASHAW 2 e t " JOSEPH DUNALbUN, jun. To ell to vkn'thffe f re fats ftellcMeror be , mjJe knur.. WHEREAS the under written David Humphreys, hath been duly appointed Cont miflioner Plenipotentiary, by letters patent under the tignaturc of the Prelidcnt andfcl of the United States cf America, dated the. 30th of March 179;, for negotiating and concluding a treaty or peace wun ucj and Governors of Algiers t whtrcis, by in ftruAions given to him on he part of the Elxi cntive, dated the iStli of March and '4th of AprU 1795, he hath bcen'fnriher authorized to employ Jofeph Dcnaldfon, junior, 'cni aft he (i'A htifir.d i whereas br u writing under his hand trd icJ, dated the nil of May up?, he d.d coniinutc anu ap. rimlcl Ir,fTli I Innillfrttt . lllll Of. aCflU 1ft

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