IVol; xi.j , sl A - T U It D A Y, M-AY I4, ,1796. No. 539.3 - L ON DO N: j-is.a i-nu-rrx -n x j tutu rcuucinaii ir- rived at Lord Gretiville's Office, laft from Colonel Crawford at Franckfort, but who had originally come from Paris with dif. patches from thence to Mr. Wickham, the', Englilh . Miriifter at Balle. . . - The arrival of the above gentleman occa fioned much (peculation in the politica) world. We underitand that he left Paris on the 1 2th or, 13th of laft month, and took the route-to Bafle where he faw Mr. Barthelemy, as well as Mr- Wickham, our Mhufter there with whom h6 had a conference, and after wards proceeded on his journey, hither with Jvir. Wickharn's pafiport. " On palling through X ranKiorc, ne uK.ewue nauan interview witn Col.' Crawford. When he came to Niirie- guen, he changed his cjrefs, aid put on the Audrian habit, in which he came to Lon. don. As foon as he arrived here, he was introduced to the two Unc!er Secretaries for went to Mr. Pitt.' ture. As matter ot oblevatioi we recall the attention of our readers to Mr. Pitt's - late Ipeecn on ivir. ureys motion tor peace, in which Mr. Pitt Itated K-That nieafures had been takeri, and were now in train to afcer tain the real dUpolition of the French Go vernment in refpeft to Peace ; and if the e nemy were ft.. cere, they rauft lead to , nego tiation but whether that would be fuccels fut or not,he could not take upon him to .fay." . Mr; Wickham, both fromhis local fitua tion as Minifterat Balle, as well as from his talents and private connections with perfons acquainted with the leading men in France, is of all others, the perfon moft likely to learn Svhaf this driybfitidn is, and to pave the way for negotiation. In the Irilh Houfe of Commons on Friday laft, the Right Hon. Mr Pelhaui delivered municating his Majefty's defire " that his f.'.Lf..! r : t i i i i i jiiiiinui voimuous ui iiciaiiu wuiku mane a provifion of I2qo1 per annum for the Earl cf Athlone, who had loft his property on the Continent by the invauou of 1 loUund." The Mefiage was received with every mark of re foeft and aonrobation. and a Committee a- pointeil to lit on the morrow to take the fame into confideration. V This day, accounts have arrived hAtown of the failing of Hear AdmU al Ma ycy'sileet from Spithead, yeltc.day, coullfting of the following flaps i " , . Ship;. Guns. Commanders. -V Prince of Wales o3 ?Ucar Atlm. Harvev S Cart, f. i fancy 9S Capt. C HainiUon p3 Capt. DchUI tjt Cap ". H h tlhcd 58 Capt. Ikrklcy 80 Ccpt. Va.'l.on 74 Capt. l-ouis ' -74 Capt. Cotton 64 Capt. Cr-sUcy 64C.pt. Cll-onr 50 Capt. Derby 40 Capt. Ncalc. A French refugee artiliur, froai the yard of Toulon, is to have the imsr.ediate con. Ilrucl'on of five new ftilps of ihg hnc and two tVit;at:b; he is intrvhued u.ider the rutron.i;;c of t!ip new lliinpiiM Inurd, who navciaiu ius niuuci ociorc Dpcntcr whicli IrslordiVin hai approved of. The Mjrstand Minouur, of 74 gun cub, joined Ad.ntral Cornwall $ before he foiled for the Wi lUlndics ; lo tlut tlc forte under his co,r,mand conliftcdof live lVil ct'tlic Line, talKlcs 343011 frigate. ' MRCH 7. The Kntiih Mediterranean fleet nrrived ":VI:f-horn before the nth u!t. from M. Ffrrt 'in. -It was co.i'pofcd of nine Ihips of I the line and two frigates J-nnder thtfwr.ii 01 air John Jervis. ; " ' it -s . Malacca was taken by Major Browne-Cn being fummoheH to furrender without any lofs. ' . . " ' . ., Cochb, on the Malabar coaft, tvas taken' onthe 28thof October, -with the lofs of only , one or two'meuj by a detachment' of the Bombay forced Jaffnapatam, df the Ifland of Ceylon- was taken' by Admiral Kainier and - Colonel Stuart. 1 -A - ' The date of difpatches from Bombay k arc 9th of jNIbycmber. . --In "the new naval Inllitut'ion there is d be no board. General Benthamw. ois at the head of it, is to have the oilice of Infpeojtor Generalof the navy, with i Secretary and feveralfcientic.men attached to it, in fuuati ons fubordihate to him. ' ' ' 'V Tlie 3 lit regiment in barracks at Pooje, have received orders" to htild . thenilVlyes in readinels for foreign fer vice. v ' ' Admird HamiikoiF, commander ' in chief of the Rufiian-fleet, is man of giyat prufef fional ability,, as well as fuavity of manners, is indefatigable in his ekertions to get his mips ready for Tea. The following is the Note publilhed by. the King of Sweden, on the fubjeil of the Ernprels of Ruliia's; refufal to . receive! the AmbaiTador appointed to communicate his . intended marriage to her Imperial Majcfty : ThisKin of Sweden thought ' his' duty on theoccalion of his lately af reed on tmar riage,1 to give a Princefs' (the Emprefs of Kuifia), wHo is his near relation and ally, the' fame proof of his attention as he.- readily lhewed towards-their Danilh and Pruiridn Majefties, to whom he is likewife attached; by ihe ties of fnendflup and pood neighbour- hood.Itwas, therefore, with the utmoft aitonUhment, that his Majefty, faw this at- , tention by ho means returned by " tHe -Emprefs of Kiifiia. The King has accordingly refolved, for the future, hot, to receive from the Ruflian Court any of thefe , particular millions, which concern family events, and which have ever before been in ufc between tlie two reJpedive Courts, but which the King has now a'oolilhed for e- Prince Atlas Namur Formidable Pompec Minotaur Mars Lion Trident 1 Adamant St. Florcnro vcr. . By a letter from Vienna, wc learn, that on the 4th of February femerice was pro. nmuiced upon thole concerned in the alfair of Prince Lichentiieil's duel. 1 he murder er,. Count de Weicks, Canon of (Ifnabriuk, was condemned to eight yean 'confinement in the fortrefs of Spielberg, in Mdtav ia, af ter which he is fore? er bauiihcd the hercdi tary States.' Count Uofemberg, in whofe chamber the duel was fought, 11 degraded for ever from his Nobility, deprived of the title Count and his key , of Chauiberliin, to be confined t .vo years hi another fortref. and then banilled from the capital Prince Wcnccftas, declared by the late Prime to be compleatly innocent, lin becn honotirAbly actiuittcd: However, the Cc4rt, fur' one rcafop, hasfora whileban'Kl.cd hiiuthe 1m". pcrul prefence. . MARCH 9. The moftimiwrtant ne ws from Paris is that the Executive Dircclory has granted, a very miklfcfitence to the Uule de Choifcl, tlie BarQudc Montmorency, and other End. grants who were unfortunately wretUd loinetime iir.ee on the French toaft. ' he kmc r.ic ij, qu lis feront depones or in b therwerds, thit they fliailbc (cut out of the territories of the Republic. This now is private, and not trcniioncd in any of the Pari-, Journals yet received Suth is the wondrrful rapidity with which tniellig'mteU conveyed by the' Tc'ec n.ph, that !)ftwccn the laft word cf an.cC? Jf4tc.' Jy frntto DeJ, ardihe lirft void cf the Wv rr receive i jt the AdinirJty, hucrvil ut ttirer nuit.trs ir.d nhalf Many of the . fignals cnu the. TeleCTaph' are made to figfnfy whole words, Tucli as Admiral, Captain, Squadron, fieet, Con voy, Ships of different -detcriptions, Ruffian, Dutch, the paints of the - Compafs, &c. by. whtch means the trouble of orthography is la ved, andmeftaires veyed. There are fome fimple figns alfo "which fignify the names of different Ports' and the terms Fog, Word ended, and Mef iar;e ended. . . , Accord.iw to private letters from Vienna, wrirten by , well-informed perfons, Field- Marihal-Clairfayt alTerted in "very " ftrbner . terms in a Council of State, that, "for the : purnofe of profeciiting the war with fuccefs, it von!d be ncceflTary to.inveft . one- General vyitlwhe chief command of all thetro6psdef tined to aft on thn-Rbinp i .i . .. : iiiviuci, mai an- thcr movements might accord,' and be con- ftaoily directed to one decifive point. He ' added. 1 lint fnf Wc n- .- ;j.j: m. I unequal to the execution of fo arduous a talk 1 if fil:ir fl1t-lTiraa -.-. . 1 IT ' ' 1 I 1' , ." iV ' - . -v.r,vli wuuiujauumouta oe oitered him, he mult beg leave to decline it ; arid tiiaL, if his Imperial Majefty did not "think proper to adopt this -meafure, it would ' be belt to take advantage of the late fuccefTes ter.the purpofe ofmaUng peace with France' whicn he knew the French were difpofed tc! conclude on terms honorable to' the Houle of Aultna- The Fields Marlhal finding that hi' j opinion was not approved of by his Imperial Majefty, lehcited and obtained ' his difmiC- ' The Auftrians are making great prepare --iV iuiijorcanrpais oltfochettai in Italy, where too men areiutRcient.topre- T ?? thf r"urn PtI Dxdalus,- from port' Jackfon, a Jhort time ago, the tailed at Ota hcitc one of the bouth Seaiflands. There, to the ho .mall furorhVof th r : crew, they found nine of their countrynieu married, iettled, and living in the greatelli eafe and comfort, who, being alked how they came there mformed them, chat they ailed from England m a South-whaler, be longing to Mell. Calvert and Co. called the Amelia vv luch had the misfortune to bulo e un. on a rock. Finding it impoflible to fave the, ihu oranypart ofherftores, they got into the boat, committed themfelves to the mer cy of the waves, and were fafely wafted to tnc Jliores.ofQtaheite The natives, not unaauitomed to the colcnir of their flew, nor the lonnd ot their language, received hem with every token of afteclion and joy ; aflign. cd theni lands, and fcrvants to cultivate them t adopted them into the order of nobillrv as a prout orthe Irtllguia of thrir elcvationV tattooed them from t-pto bottom At tlie Gcncrnl Honleon Wednelday the.Chainnan ann.un- tea tn,u tlie Commurioners for Indl ' had acceded to theDircaors vote of 4060I. pcrannumto Mr. llaftings and his bcirsfor 28 years and a half, payable frem the a4Ui ot June, 1795. On tins occallon, Mr. Luhangton returned Mr. Haftings's thanks to the l roprietors for their exertions in his favour. . a. Butchers meat is now dearer In Dublin than in London. Letters of Friday date the pri cesasiollow: Veal is. pcrib. beefod. and mutton 8dt ClJL'.Cv!. FRENCH SCHOOL. MONSIEUR REVERCHON mformi ti e cit7.cns of Newbem, and its vicini. ty, that he intends by permillion, openWa bthool at the Palace on Monday the id of May nrxt, for the rurnol of inftruVihW young gentlemen -tidlauics hi the principle ofiherrcnchUgtugc. llistcrmsnuy tc known by application t himfclf, gr Mr. lhomai P. lrvini. jprll 23.

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