- GAZ.ET T E7 ' VOL. xip S A T U R D I AY 21, 1796V. - : L 0 N D O N,. March 9i A ITER aong ii)nes,:3Vir GraTTA4 l appeared in the Irifli Houfe of Com i.ms on the 29th ultimo, to make "one more 'ineffectual effortjn.fivourof the, equal liber ty and protection of the. Irifli people, by an ainendMent of the ihfurrect on bill.- Hcino ed for its. recommitment to make lomfcot whlthe fcrar iprrt anvhoufe, to diicover witftner therinhubitants or hdgtrs are at komet and to fend thofe w ho may be-abient, wlien found,, boardthe fleet, unlets they - can prove to have been employed on their own proper and lawful oceafionv to the fatisfaflionof themal ' giftrate Perfons charged on oath of having -taken unlawful iMths'tu be Cent on bMaiH44-Qnimmbr "Tits ' claufes-lcfc obnoxious but alter a" " debate his motion was rejected without a dj vilion. The importance of bills Vhich entrench on . the liberty of the lriih people, will always be felt by Engliihmen with a lively intercit, not merely from th& generous; fentiment of regard for the rights of their fellow fubj efts, but alfo irom the more perional motive of their ow n fafety j iince they :khW that Ireland " is conlidered as ajav'ourable foil for political experiments ; and that a flip of every new reltraint on the fubject is regularly tranf . planted into, England '".' . . r; ' k" ..:JW-e.?Pl?yheWforc.from the. Dublin Eve--" ning Poft, a mortiabftracl of the new bill a ' ainft in'urre&ions, that oufeaders may ' lee tHe - provilions of this intended law. It is a melancholy truth that the- fpirit of infur- rection in the filter Kingdom requires a ftrong remedy-, but we prophecy, ihat it .will not be found in itatutes that entrench on contti tutiouai liberty. The curfe'of a bad iyftem . ' is come upon the country. The debafement of a whole dais of men bylaws abhorrent to reafon, together With the ftUte of milcry in which they are held, has made them defpe rate. In fuch a Hate of focicty, it is not hws of coercion, but laws of amelioration lliau Will UC CUllULiUU. A liCU t.UWUiUV.H"i"t. fledno trial by jury. pomof Corfica willty thl ineani bec'ome " the refort of theie cruel pirates, 1 and all the coaltsof Italy will be invelted with, their cruizcrsIs this a thing, they exclaim, -for L England to count en;! nee Ms this the ufe of their new acquilition of Corfica. in the paperson the table of the lioufe of item of an hunrlrf H thoufand pounds for bills drawn from Corfica;" ; the fee fim-the-inoney. .- -. ' MARCH--, 1 6. Mr. I Grev-eftaWliflied , 13 J' 1HV; and that faid only to be in part ! j pie ofjiie foil is not' worth half If perfons coming within thefe claufesi'd oaut-incy may appeal trom tne nngie mau trate, to the Magiftrates. of SeiTion, one- o whom is to be of the auorum 1 : If auy perfons fliall aitemble tumukuomly.' which under', 00k to prefeiit to the HoiSe of Jnthew2f,theMagiAratei ' Co(mnions beyond .the; power of refutation. tticm inboardtbe fleet noxv ' v . Any perfon obllruiling or oppoling ,.Ma , 1 hat above feventy feven milUons .'eiaht gutrates m learcningaxnigni lor.uuwuuaijiiaj 1 ."v", uwuirtij.u.pyyuu or. aeor. mcutrca by lodgers; or arms, to bejtnt cn boar&wie$i iue pi cieiu war, naa Deen already tunded. -no-tna bvmrv . ; i - cuiy two minions remained Moat Any perfon vending or felling any feditious J.inguhd unlindeU ; and that this. Aim of an paper, or any paper unftaiupedivw; re-. Oired by lavv jp as a vagabond, and by twa magiftrates D be yfent on hard tkefleetm trial by jury ! ' , ' Any .woman vending or lelungfuch leanous or unltamped paper, to be cbnimitied togaol, there to remain u- til me lhall dlfcover tht per fon from whom flie received fuch pier l i Should an aclion be '.brought 'agninlt any Magilirate for acting t.Jer this bill, and damages given fy; the jury to . any . amoun t; the plaintiff lhall be cnt'u'ed to no more than . ' 1 ' n :c :t f.:ii - JlX-p:ncet id.na no tuiu, . u h man appedr iu the judge that there was probable caufe for the Magiftrates acting as he did ?!! , : '.' " 7 MARCH IC. ' - The Hamburgh mail which became due hundred millions, had been iduaadered hithi thteiirrt": years ofihis-war. 1 hat this v as more than double the ex-" ' pence of any three years of any war in which the counn was.ejiiian-td. . 1 1 nat iu u.i ,111m, airnoit asmuclihad been fpen't without eltiniate, and confequentlv without the authority of Parliament, as with That-barracks were built for .an armv of forty tlioufand men, to be kept up in time of I, i 1 nn. r i. .il V vpftpr1iv urrivpd in town tliis morning. 1 he I f t I , ue improveu. 1 ne ipiru 01 grpJg y j-j " . , 0 1 I rirVi mnfV Ki rorrrA inr it'Uin vVuvtn hone 1 Accounts from Germany ltate, m the melt ' I IC" 'r::.:: J uvuavc terms, mat tne empcrui 4.H- ; I i ' S-a ;u eJ tir rAro U a d.itv. every poliible exertion for earning on the 9 a- to:. J,' of.' Ty U il -1' ...a If a man who labours froni. iriornmgtill night cannot earn bread to eat for himfelf. ; and family, the bond of protection and obe dience, the very end of fociety, is broken, and we feriouiiy put It to our own legifla. tors if this isrnpt haftening to be the cafe in England a well in Ireland. " -. Outlines of thee taflments of ih;e bill for rmrc'ef fc finally jitpprejfvg infurrcfiions in IreLnd. It firft makes ihe adminiftration of any un lawful oath 'or lngagfment, felony or death thofe who take it, if not by force, to be. deemed felons and lranlportcd. r orcc to' be no plea V iinlelVadifcoycry Unade before a magilirate of all the circumftancei attend ing the tranfacViou.' And ualefs I uch difco very be made before the ift of June nexf, the plea of force or neceflity to be no plea for any oath taken within the laft five years. . It obliges all perfons i to regift-r t'acir arms by the ift of May next and towea . to the truth of their rcgiilry under pe".alty of ioJ. for the hrlt 20 for the lecond and four niontlis imprifonmcnt for thcthird. It alfo authorizes magiltrates to grant warrants to break into houles, aud every part of them in fearch of uarcgiftercd'arms. - It makes the written information of the witnefs who lhall be murdered, evidence, and gives a power to the Grand Jury to pre fent for fuch a'fum as they may think pro pcr to thc.perfonal reprefentative of fuch nmrdefed or luaimed witnefs. , It enablci magiflratcs to fend fcr ftrangcrs and commit ibem to goal,- if they do not hnd bail for ibeir nodbeiuvjour to hold a Spe cial Scfium ofthc l'cwce. and fignify to the Lord Lieutenant that the county is in a diftur bed ltate, cr in immediate ('anger of becotn ingfo, whomay thrO:upon proclaim it) when the maillratei are to hold etty feflions, and tf arn .the inlubitanti to keep within their dwelling between fun fct and fun rifeon pain of being onJogt'dkifMjjrfty's fleet I t,l no trial by Jury. It enables the inafiftratei between fun fct and fyiwife U any county fo proclaiaicd, to war with vigour, aredaily marching to jheir dellined llations, ana the rclntof cements re ceived by the imperial armies are mod for midable, as well from their numbers as from their difcinline and mode of equipment. It is the crand object of the emperor toincrcafe in Tii'ore than a proportionate degree, the number of his cavalry, in which the enemy is more particularly deficient, and which are foeflentblly nectflary to the fuccefs. of that plan of oftenhve operations which has cer 'jainly been adopted." The archdukewho is . . i e t At' to have the cluti command 01 trie army on the Kfcinc; w as to leave Vienna on the toth inlb and it was expected that the campaign would be opened toon after his arrival astir- cumftances would admit of. No lefs than a . . 4 V t ' no.ooo recruits. 01 which lioncir.ia ?;onc is to fupnW one third, are to be immediately raifed, in order to replace the veteran troop which marched to the Uene of action. , Meanwhile the French, on ihsir (i(le, -are makina: all the exertions m their power- to maintain, ,at leaft if not to extend, ' their .conqucfts. All the requilit'um men have been fent to the armies, and the moft for. midable encroachments have been thrown up in the different polls which they itill occupy in the vici lity of the Rhine. In fiiort, it is the firm determination cf cither party, to render the enfuing campaign completely dccifivc, junlonc more important in its coiifcquenccs Europe has never yet witr.eiTcd. 1 ' ,-' A German officer arrived ycftcrday mom ing at the office of krdGrcnville with dlf. patches from the court of Vienna. The executive directory of France have formally directed, that the operation on the forced loan (hall attach upon the inhabitants of the Pruflian provinces upon the Rhine.' The Italian Hates are exafperated at the treaty which w e have mage with the Algc. rinss,by which we permit thofe frcc-bodtcrs to fell the It is demand them' to vhich we permit tnoictrcc-booters icir pries id the ifl.ind of Corfica. inded, if the English will permit fell their flavcsalfif there The peace. -That by the new' fyftem .x the peace efta- " blifhhicnt could not be lefs than twenty two minions per annumv 1 hat the pci maneht revenue, was not like ly lobe more than 19, coo.oocl. . I hat eonicquently if peace were made to morrow, independent of winding of the w;ir exr.nirci there mult toe additioniil taxes to tne . amount of 2, scp.feocl. to carry on the peace .. : .'.r. V Thatin dircft violatioiVof the nmvVmn of the act, of SJuecn Anne .'which dcJ.-res.A ' ujuiy itiouiu aavancc n onty to go vernment, without grants irdm'Parliauien't, they Ihould forfeit treble the! tans advanced, mimfters had procured large fujhs of money in advance froth tlie-bank , , " ; That they had artiully fmuggled into .an aft a chuife repealing the whoklosiic crovi l:on in the aa of Oiiecn Anne and that now the bank Vas in advance the enormous fam of I 1 ,8cO,COcl " ; '1 h it e but a few of the fuels eftablUhed by TTir; 'Crt'y, troai documents laid upon the table, andoi which prin:cd topics were in the hands of the nftiibersr 1 o thefc charges , Mr. '.Pitt did not fay one word. He left 0 very thina 10 an eva'five vote on the order of the day, and his majority was 207 apaiidc 43 in - , In the paper laid bn the table of the houfe of commons, there is a c.' argc of 49,000!. to Mr. Puifaye, for buying prov iliom for the French at the time the Engliili poor were -ftarving. ; . Sir ilobert Lifton took leave of his majefty previous to his departure for America, to which Republic he is appointed niiniftcr from this country. ' , Soiiie perfons in the confidence of adminif. tration luve within th.cfc few days hinted in pretty broad terms, that a negotiation is at thii time attCuily in a proaiifmg train. ' i t A l y; i'ci 10.. Extracl tfa letter from Captain Rirlrry, Com ma Vr of a Dhifm if the fla t, addrrffed ti . , the Marine Mini . Cadiz Riatttp xilhrUcMfe, u Ycftcrday at daybreak, e drfmrd a vclTcl wholly difmafted; call ?.(liore, with a mimber of men upon the wrcik 1 he weather , was rainy, and extremely fqually. ,Thc fca was fiiountinshigh. . I unmediatcly ordered the lon l03t to be hon.cd out under the command of ctitzcn Vcrdrcau, v.Lo foLcitcd v - 1 v .1 t .