VV - V-' - - NO R. T - r t - - -T- : : , j t. . J VOL. XI. 3 S A T. U R D A. Y, , J u s e.i 8, 1796.. -No, 544.3 X r -.-v ,v :;.rvf .- - H-C - 1 1 - : r-r--v-r-r? Wr- '., '"" - - .r- -r. i ? . . : " LTnWJStateTof Asifificar) .-DUlrict Court . North-Carolina DiftricVo In Ad.mrait.- -r- ... The Present, of the Unite J $tattr- ' .. To the Marlhall of the laid DlitrUt, Greet ' - ng: - , VT7lIER.Sa libel hath tllis day been' XL:h;bkedin th'c faid court 'by Don lames Murohv. Confulofhis Vathulx Ma- . jell?, in the ihtes of North-Carolina, South-Carolina-arid Geoi gia, who pruiccutes aell- auilldnatbaasLi)t.Ue OAViiersjn- fircrY and conferees of the brigantinc, Kl. San Pedro," alias PolWion, as well agamlr the laid brie mtine and ciTgo, as jgtit'u'c Jo- leph S. Crav, Ed.-nDcU, lo'.v M'Cullnu rn, ', John Morfe, M illiam Feir-md , G edrgs. Uin-' - :-;Jlri;;Saixiuci Iv l'hurrtctrrdtSkrs) for ctiis to wit t '7! hat the brig i ailed rroni ; 'on the thirtieth day of July, bit pad, buand to and being on tier laid vouw,jki ; the " ' day of Auguft lait pat, was by 7 ftrefs; Of wether drove and xatl on the cu nt ; of jhi' jtate'of ivjorthoin bn of the ; United btates, and Joiepa S. Cray, Men Bll, John M'Cullough, John Morfe, Vil-' Turn Ferrand, George tlinfon,7 Samuel h Thurfton, and others, took pbiTellion, of her i . the faid brisT 'and "her cargo, cotmT70fa number of pipes of rum i.nd boxes of fugar, ; tinder a pretence of laving nd prelerving her the faid brig and cargo, an i wafted and made away witli a configurable pare thereof and re fufe to deliver this libeUant who claims as well on behalf of the Snaiiiih nation, as of the " owners," infurers and tonfignees of faid brig,-; , . any part of the laid brig and cargo; or ac- count tneretyr unieis tne molt exorbitant uu .- vageis, allowed them : Wherelorc this libel- N lai:t,prolt'cuting asaforefaid, claims (on a rea- ionable ialvae being iirlt rated, fixed, and s 1 .1 . it ..: aicertamea cy tne court ana oy m?m re. , tained) 9. decree of rcttjtutionof tljcf.uI'cfT fel and cargo or ths value thereof, withfu .h' damages and coils which have arifen, or" may anfe by'Yeaiou of the premdes. , Now, therefore, you. the fud Marshal ar? ' hereby commanded to'Vitc arJ ad njiiiih t!ie U Iofcph-S. Crav,Eue:ilkll;lohtiI,lV:ul. lough, John Mofs, 'Hha:nFcrr:i.d, GtOv'e .Hinl"o:i, Samuel i. Thurilon, aYj all a.ide- very other perfon and perfons whatfo-jver ' , who have, or pretend b have, any right, ti tlejJutereil,, property, ciaxi, jir. dz?. md vhatToever, of, in, or tcTtli : TaTJ ong.uti.ic, Tith Her tackle, furniture, apparel, ' and car go, as aforefaid, that they may be and :;p . pear before, the Judge of the faid cour.t, at a ; Diiiricl Court, to be luld at Ne.v'tK.r.1, on thc tlrrticth day of June hit. to iliev caufc, if any they h ive or can, why the prayer of tii: faid l.bel iliouldnot be granted. Given under the feal of the faid Court. Winiefj the Honorable -Jo: ih Sit ciewks, Efquire judge of the fame, at Raleigh, 'the fourth d.iy of July,, J79(j,,audthc icth year of Auisri can Indccndcncc. 1 , . A.'NKALE, Clerk. At the F1VINTING.OFF1CE, (Ncuterri:) . THE FOLLOWING JL.A V BOOK S". .. ' V J Zf ESPINASSE'S 'pnus, baikfKi's Reporti pi.-.-. v: aiiover $, do. in K B. . an1 Crjwn Law, Strange', do. . i -KoynrjiiiVt, do, ' Plovien8 , ilo. AnJfews',. tlo, . V; B tfftb'ws'fi-'Jo."-:.' ' VerndnVL' hi 0 eery , db! ". Cowper's, do. . U ..iilackftoite'sdo. , .William &UwliHorie, , do, j V'.eie VViiiiaiu8 do,-' . M jiely', do. v; "'-; 0,ogla do.. ? z-.t'iz-i' n . Leach's CrowBLawvlth. rew cafe't, :;, "fr ' Bai-n-V noies, ;;.vr: Burn L;iw Difltonaryi Vjb,t)tfofi"' ' C 0 m m e n u --: rics on the Jaws oi Ka giahd, " .'",.', ' ' :". '' . Kdi oil Bills, ' " Impeys pleader, v-Karne'on. Devilel Syltem of pleaditi'gj Lilly's entries, - .' ! " ; aauoden on Ufes " and . Trulls, - Bai ton's fait in Equity, Scli:ellerSliaftiw o law, , ' Morgan Vade M.cum, Harrilon's Chanucry ; Fraftirf) Law of Fii't5rfliip, FonhlAnqvie on equity, L?x M.Tcatcria, , , ' xM I 5 ' C E L Cl.rrlij Giatdifjn, D.i Q.';o'e. . Guthr.c's Oramrnar, Svo. Jj 4.'o. " ' M ire' N.iVi?,4tion, Jiuok:'s vi.u-.ttttr, Nmtical Almanack, Yvung mia'i co.nyar.u tni, TaIet of memory, G-yni'u- Geogr.phy iriprovel, Sy icu of IJitlery,' 1 Flowr r of ltiftory Co. k.' Viya4 !)nn cr.-t, D;ioitU'l 1 B00L key ing, Fabulous hliliry, FahUsf Flora, , ' Vakemau's Go igmSi r.it'i lat.les. I HiuntJ Frwry, j ihn i-ron the Verities! Liic ot lUwaro:, Scott's Gaiettetr, Louifa, JefTcrfon's notes, Lidy'litJ f Mirror, - " . , , MeJical (kflcV.e, IvMmolh'stffiyf, Mgttitor, , N:ht thottgh's, FOR S A l 1;, r-Vl.UAUrXpljntatioh and a trail XV Und containing about fi hundred a acres, with a co:ii(imod;.ouid.e ling houfc 'and all r.cccfury r n; ofiites on Trent roa.1 within fourtccu inilcj of N'e-.thern and ' miles from Trenton, conveniently fituatfd for a ftorc or public houfc, uitl.jii a mile of. therivcrwithavounordwrdof abont 300 Jippli trca, and about ico acres of tlcarcJ ground, all under a poo1 fcrce, convenient to the IkII range in the county. Negroes or 'caili will be t Acn in pjymcnt. For further - : r,ar.1 f arTJy o thr Prmtcf hcrcof."cr (0 ' UEZEKIAII MEKRtVF. . JOMCt ttutity, May Morean's TfTavs CwmptohVPi'aitice D-cloi ahej biudent, , Pleadti'sffittanj, "JonfckTAt u rTieys po ck": et Bwvk, TidO"s-Kingj -Bcnch- rrattice, Lav Grammar ; Ban fliers Law Edutati ' on, - Noy s Maxima , - li " . C'ornytis's Digeft, - Pwwelion Contracts, ; . Moiiagos ; Devi Its, . Sullivan's lectures, Blackftons's Commenta ; riitS,- v : Williams's Conveyanc ; ing? 4 Proctor's Pratti'-c, Bacon's abiidgment, Hawkins's P. C. Hitie's, do.' - Wisddbn's Ufluiqa, Pcake's n'ul prius, down Circuity " Giibeit's law of Evi dence, " .V: Vatiel's law'of Nations, Keeve's Engl'lh Law, Ftaine on Remainder! rompltte, , ' -: Burhmcqiu's N. and P. LW, .-77 -f"-.- Gilbfit on pr'ce of Cwinmou Feas, From jheEngL'h Review. N.A T I O PsT A L AFFAIRS. lor th; month of February . FRANCE. HpHE prefenf period is a period of Hngukf . ( anxiety -anti lulpenfe.' Reflexion oapall isloil'in conjedure and anticipationof futures -fcencs. EverTvhere we behold preparation? iotlcerancej faintjromjhejofsifblod and apparently without the means of reitor- -mg- her ftrength andVevivingher.fyintsyyct auumes tne attitude and language w a . con- : querer, and diitates-the terms of an iniulting evXc with a firm voice' and an iinuofintr couMtert.;ncei- She. inliils, or " pretends to iniiitr o the polVelion pf conqueits,' that ihall ' uounantr uo'.n:nion oniy oy the idnne, the tiiiu uccau 1 iic courts 01 V ien na and London, iiKiign v.it ut- fuch arrogant and dangeroqs claim's, prepare to poIhthe1 war with the utnioft 'vigor. The French . fend armies to the number of .300,00.0, to the Rhine, j the enjpetqrAiridef .nec&lJitylof -making war on a lunilar fcale, oppofes abova 206,000 regular forces, and a.kind of militia,." conlifting of the armed pcafantry of the pro- vinces nearefl: to the fcene of action Never fince the interruption of the Franksinto Gaul, did the Rhine witnefs fuch numerous hoiis never was his dream threatened with fo deep atinclureofblcod. It would feem that there Js a fort of revuluon in the progrefs of fociety, a gradual return-to that ftate in. which our barbarous ancefiprs were all of therii armed. The armies and the ey;penceTbf the contend- v itv WJIWHU ing parties; have been, regvilarly increafed. . for the laft two hundred years, in an arithme tical progrefliou , : ? Alter all, it is nofc irnpo!T;ble but thepre--fent truce m?y, as truces mo.1 always c!o,' terminate in'peacc. The unheard of (daugh ter that mult fo!16w jur appealio arms, be A - tweea' irrhed nations of men, in aconteftex fperatcd and rendered more obltinate by the fruitlei'.'r.efs ot negeciation, is liirely enough "to nake the itouteit heart tremble, and the ambitious rulers of nations!' to feel.. Wc I are, therefore not without hopes that the : aruiiiiicC' Mu be prolonged, thit the fpirits I of the belligerent powers will gradually be l calmed. a;.d that though reoiment m. K ' C O added to rcginiCtit, by way of counters, for" ' the purpoie of difplaying rcfourccs and ftrength, peace nn ill ultimately follow, with- fclHsard aJvei.tuasvf put father bloodlhcd, increafed ' military lean Lenoir, 1 ,,l . K Won-lertol ftjrf YtUer. i-'.uotniMon. i iici fcun. ihuii ijutmuns 10 oc connutrctl in calculating the probabilities of war and peace; but they may all of them be reduced 10 the three following : . .Firft, how far the contending parties have, on cither fide, attained their original objeQs in going to war. Secondly, how far thofc objects in .the ccurfe of ttye war, have been changed. . Thirdly, whatever their objeft may ftill be, how far the farther profecution cf th& war cifcts a rcafonable hope of their attain men1. ' AVliith party was the aggreflbr in the pre. fent war, it is now ufclcls to enquire and it would be difiltult to dwir;nir.e. 'l'hc French tiger grinned ; the Engl i(h lion . grossed ; both darted forth their claws into action 'l'hc rulers of France had, doubtlcfs, for tb eir firftwifli, their principal ohjed, the cdibltili. mcnt of the revolution 'Hie priclicability of this they doubted, without circilinga change in the fyllem of Europe ; they ac quired the free navigation of the Scheldt, ui violation of the treaty of Muntlcr, and they entertained thoughts, hkli they were at n great pains to conceal, of forming the ten provinces of ihc Aullrian NctherUtul. Into an independent republic ; and in the natural progrclhon of pride, of democratizing all ntigbborin natious j though tlui projecl was formally diUvowcd, afterwards, and perhaps, Ward s Law of Nations, Comrnercial Kepoit, ; Conductor Gcimialiii . Uoins's jultice, . State Trials, Natura Bicviom, Cltik's inagazine L A N I E 3. - Fltafmg i'bu'lor, . Pleuiurisgt M.mory, Righis tf Woman, . Rome's Letters, amarc oi tiie Foieft, Sj-ifit et Dtfyi tifni, Aiflerican iU$r 8hcr:tans titCtionaryi Vlk'i'i, dn. The D motratiad, a po eiii. Tie Democrat, or inri Vindication ot Mr. Ran dolph, - t tie. Ytsr's Gift, or Pt . ur Pacupint obfer - .'ion on Ja, ' . Di;f nation on the f.iA piinciples of gotrn veroni'rui, by.. Thj mas Payne, Wiih inpon's pHl!es, domtitic, confidential, anJodicial, . ,B ron Sitwbtn's military .guiJei - F I tat ready reckoner,. Gitk lerrr Eftt:riainng rtTtlilt, Uidory of 5outh.An.eri. i, Nararaihidory, IU8T PWBL1 S Ell D, . . 1 Kiti YVK SALE AT THT. " PlllNTiNG-OF FIC E, T A B L E For receiving and paying Gold at the pre fent fhndard, according to the aft of Con ;rcfrTCdating foreign coin sr Filled the yth of February, 1793 Calculated for the ufeoftU Bank of the United States. " - " At .1 1. . w .

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