N O R T H-G A ll O L I N " A' " G -A Z E T t E a - - - - -- - ----- - - - --- . , VOL.;XI.i ' S A T: U' R; D AY, V j'Vhj 45, i;96. ' No.j.j; - - - - : '"- 1 - ' 'l I I I " -. - . m- ; -1 rpHE arrival in Pais rtfic . dtSdi Ba--1 chcr ftrft Secretary, Intcrpfctir; of . Legation in Switzerland, had given rife; to reportsef negotiations for peace being in a , tery, forward itate, ' which are .now found to ' tejjulte unfoundeWe "x"U come ffom Baue'by oBtr eyclrau. i meataccompajiieiby a gendarme,io anfwer i n foihe accufations made agawft . him v A report has been fpreaddt the proloriga tion of the Armiftice for four months. There . is nothing authentic in this report but it ap- , pears that though. negotiation s are not very iar advanced, the contending powers think , f treating at leaft as much as fighting- ' ; (PerUt.J .. ; Jj:-i-ri 4 W-t A fquadron of five fail of the line and t wo -. frigates failed from Toulon on the 2 ill ult. its deftination unknown, but fuppoi'ed to join another fquadron on the coatt of Spain.. ; - i- : .April 3. -The conqueror of -Holland, a?nd of the greateft Generals in Europe, Pichegru is mo. Wittily lodged at the Hotel Vauban, Rue dc - la Lou He is no longer a General ; he is no longera'public functionary j he appears with ut an uniform ; without pomp ; without pride ; he makes no complaint againft any, perfon. v He has formed willies for peace and ke avows the neceflicy ol it. .-. Aubert Dubayet fets out to.morrow for Conftantinople. ; Official letters from Br eft announce, that, n the 20th ult. a convoy ot 64 lhips, con toyed by four frigates, were attacked by Hve Britim (hips near the Bay of Audierne ; we loft only three brigs, and a few men. The onvoy got into the Bay, as well as the Jfrit jatesand the Englifli retired - t V . April 4. ;' On one fide we are iflured that there will fee a fpeedy peace ; on the other, that the war will be renewed with fury ' In all thefe re ports the fpirit of party is principally to be xemarkeel fCWrVr Franc ais 1 .. The Spanith Ambaflador havinglaft decade been introduced into the hall of the Diredo. ry with becoming folemnity, made the foi. lowing fpeech : ' ' N ' The peace happily concluded between he King of Spain and the French Republic, is an event of the greateft importance to the jwo nations. His Catholic Majelty, animat ed with the moft fincere defire to1)referve it, and always confuiting the happinefs of his . people, will cautioufly avoid any thing that may excite uneafinefs. In appointing me his Ambaffador.to the Republic, he ordered me id proceed immediately to my deftination as atcttimony of his good faith. In thefe cir umftanccs, and honored with the confidence f my Sovereign, I will moft zealoufly obey Im orders ; extremely happy if I Ihouldbc able to fulfil his intentions, ar.d merit the cf cem of the government to which I have the konor of addrcfling myfclf." . . The Prefident of tlie Dirctlory mads the following reply : " " Monficur, Ambsflador from the Kincf Spain. . ' The Executive Directory receive with Teat fatisfaClion the new pledge of ; amity, which you have offered to the French Re public in the name of your government. No " thing will be more agreeable to the Dire&o. ry than to draw more clofely the bonds of a. JVity. between two nations whofc common in- tercfts arc fo much united. . . . " As to your fentiments, the Executive" Directory' has Heard them with pleafure, and you may rely on its favour." n5. A letter from Strafljourg, dated the a6th ulr. ftates, that the armicion the Rhine are rr tiring further from each other. It is faid, '. that the greateft part of our army of the Rhxt and Mtfelle it g'Jur int the Jepart- trie'nf of La Meurthe ' ftis ddcdVhat its head.quarte.rs re already at Sa' ; near Stfalbourg. j :.; '' ' ' V 'The Marquis del Cam'ivto.waf at the Opera on; theT night after Hs audience of the Directory, was received with very loud apv plaufe. ' - I 1 Cochcni is appointed riinifter of the Police Miid of Merlin of D6u?i, who refvime the xffice of minifter of jutlice. Geniflieux is ap pointed Conful to Barcelona I : v Letters from the Hig'ue ftate, that Hol land is. the only obltacle to peace ; that Eng ' land would content to the tefl on of the Ne therlands, but that the local Xituationj of Hoi-, land and its commerce do no permit Great Britain to leave that Republic under the in- nuence ot i rance (Lwner trancaisj ' April 6. .' , , Charette entered Nantes cn the night of the ?6th of March, in the midA of a prodigious crowa or citizens wno ran to ice mm, ana in the midft 'of' the cries of .Vite-l i Reublique His death is confirmed by the folloil', letter : The General ofdhffiri?dndhif.offo'Etat HeaaVQuarters, Angers, Nlay 30. Citizen Directors, j '. The Generaliflimo Charette wasi Ihot on the -28tly4t four o'clock in the evening, at Nantes. I am to receive this day jhis trial, and hiinterrogatory, and I will fold them to you by the firft courier. Health and refneft, ; v ;f HEDOUVILLE. The hopes of Peace continue, though the news from Landau is neither entirely con firmed nor pofitively contradicted. The moft intelligent perfons agree, that the advanced guarus ot tne two armies nave been ordered to retire. They attribute this movement to a general deficiency of forage. If there be no other reafon, it follows of cowfe, that the campaign " cannot be renewed till ifte r they have harveft, and that in confequence there will be fix weeks more for . continuing the negociations. 1 (Eclair.J April 7. The letters trom Vienna and Baflc menti on negotiations for peace being in fonrard .iiefs. Thefe are dated the 1 8 th March ; and they alfo ftate the French army on the Rhine to be greatly augmented, but that the con verfation is moderate on the fubjeft cf the terms of peace. It appears to be certain, that towards the end of this month, there will be formed three camps in the interior j one near Marli, the other at Soiflbns, and the third at Orleans. .'reparations lor that purpole are already be. gun; but the Directory will, no doubt, re. tolleft that pan of the cenftitution which forbids the approach of the troops to the feat of the Icgillative body, without iu con fent. ' L O N ,D 0 N, April 15. Governmcntare faid to hare received ac. counts this morning, which put it beyond dnubt, that the Dutch fleet have gone North about. There was no truth in what was ftatcd of the Black Joke lugger having fcen them enter the Tcxel. Another fleet of 6 fli'ps fitting there, led the Cantain into the iriftake. -Th?y have never been fcen fincc they left that port ; and the moft prevailing idea is, that they are gone to the Cape of Good Hope. The Valiant lugger, from Sir J B. War rens fquadron, is arrived atScilly, with a brig, part of five prizes taken off Breft, the rclt arc bearing into harbour. They are loaded with grain and flour, fuppofed from L'Orient All the Frenchmen had quitted her, being dofe to the more, and the cor vette, their convoy, ran in there from the lugrer. Yoitetlay arrived tlio Paris papsri rftwn to the date of the jotli inlt. ' the .orich. m Switzerland. wKirK Vn;t-L .i...-? fhe French army inltaly of 20,000 mentijt ui.-vi necenaries, nave been obliged to retreat, and even t n sVorwU. ' their cannon. Nomention is madet in anv of th nals; of the late correloondenr? between'M. Wickhaoi and M. Barthelemi - it is howahWnegovW :icmith una was in a verytaifWay, when the Endifli ynuiucr prcvixea on tne JLmperor to break it off. ;. -'a . . -r -' V " April i8. ,i : Difpatches were on Saturday received, at the Admiralty, from Sir Sidney Smith, which ftated, that the Syren and Druid frigates, Mngfyg t hisTquacfron, had driven or! ftore) near Havre, nine fhips belonging to the enemy, heavily laden. Ine pfthe nu merous batteries v hich extend along thl coaft prevented their being coinplcatly de ftroyed: ' -" - , v Lord Howe nas been required by a great perfonage to explain the meaning of the late lentence of the naval court marti.l. The exportation trade from America to' France has, in a great meaiure, ceafed;'oii' account of the cargoes lately fent, having been paid for, by the French merchants ia ailignats. . - The forgery to the ?mount of 1 7,000!. ' on thebank, difcovered on Tuefday, was thus perpetrated. A perfon (whofe name we have? leariiedisYenon)haVingbeen entrufted with warrants of attorney to receive dividends, had forged the names of the proprietors in order to fell and transfer their ftotks. Thit ne,nad been doing for fix months, but was not difcovered till Tuefday.. It is fuppofed he is gone to Ireland. The Bow ftreet of ficers are in e&jvh of him. Other repon CatC tbat fccbasfhn: himfelN ' , . Al'KIL20. , , : , ' i Nc mention has yet been made in PariVbf te cdrrefpondencein Switzerland, though the rumours of approachingpeace have con fiderably fubfided The mandates continue to lofe their value, and the prices ofprovifioa ire again ccnfiderably upon thr advance. In confequence of the notice given by public advertifement to the holders of the navy bills, a numerous meeting was yefter day held at London tavern, when, after tak ing the fubjett of the meeting into confidera. tion, it was unanimoufly agreed to fund th amount of tue bills to the 30th November next, in the five per cents; after the rat ofi05l, for every ioo- 'fliis propofition was immediately fent to the miniller for his approbation and confeht t . The avarrgeprice of wheat, at Monday's Corn market, was lower than it has been for a twelve month paft ; but the price of flour remains f till difproportionatc and thus th alfizc of bread is kept up by a new mantru vre of enquiry At the corn market on Monday, April to0 1795, the avarage price of wheat being 97 s. per quarter, fine flour was from 46s. to is.' per iacK icis man inc nnce crne quarter o wheat At laft Monday' market, the ava rage of wheat bring 58s. ?d farthing per Jprtcr, flour foldat 5658$. and 6os per atkythatlitofaynearas. more than the quarter of wheat. If the fack ot flour were reduced to its true proportion to the price of wheat, the quartern loaf ought not to execci 8d. . It isobfcrvable, on tracing the (late of th market for the laft tclvctaotith tha: flour hat rifen too frequently mole than wheat, end fallen confiderably lefs. The rnfaimeik are tlie caufc of this : and, in fail, till they are abfclntcly banifhed from the market, the price of flour at If aft, if r.ot vi wheats will be always und jly inHurnced. Tbs ly remedy, ia the pr efr. fta;e t ibbj,

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