toenr. WItti Ittch power f al and obvious mo tives to Union, affesVingall parts of our couiu try,, while experience Hull not have demon flrated its fanpraaiabillry, there will always s fccreafbn to diftrcft the patrioahnor thole, who in any quarter inay endeavor to weaken- its bands. ' ' .-' In contemplating the , caufes which may diflurb our Union, it occurs as matter of Icnr ous concern, that any ground ihxuid.nave been furnifbed for .characterHing.parties by . Gcczrffpkict I . dilcrmiinatlons A orthtrn and Southern, Miotic and WijUrn J whence de fipningmca may endeaycur lu excite a bclxt , that there is a real diifurence of lottlintcrcU and views. One of the expedients of party acquire bfluracc, withm prticuur cm- rives too much agamtt -i tae, jeaiouacv -im can burnings which fpringfrom theie mii- to each oilier thofe who ought to be bourn, together by fraternal affichbo-.l he. inha bitants of our wertcrn country' have late. had a ufeful lelTon on this head : tiey have feed, in the negation by the executive,- and, in the unanimous ratification by the denate;v of the treaty with Spain, and in theunivef s fal fatisfatio;i at that event, throughout e Tfntr.,! States, a decilive proof how -unfpund-v ed were the fufpicioiis propagated; amemg them of a policy in the general government and in the Atlantic ftates unfriendly to their intereOs in regard to- the Mifliffippi : the? -hive hren witnelTes to the formation of two' treaties, that with .Great Britain and that with Spain, which fecure to thein every thing they could defire, in refpecl: to our foreign relations, towards confirming their profperi- ' ry. . Will it not be their wiiuora to re y for the prefervatioa of. thefe; advantages oti the Union by which they were procured? Will they not henceforth be deaf to thole advifers if fuch there are, who (would fever them from their brethren and conns: then' with aliens? .... To the efTicscv and permanency of your U and ino tl ins dirrefted by common councils, dihed by mutual intereft s. . ;. y - . riovever 'couiDuiauyu5iriiu.w"wuj v ah opinion, that parties in (f&?l ufeful checks uton the admir.U There is" an m-int'ri s uleiul checks Ut franin-ftf the 'Government, : aricHferve 't'cVV. 1,11 II 111 . J M. ;...- v .m - t . .,.;,.-. I ' '..-" A. i.defafet5oninw-i5QwWiheiiani- -teep alwe e .pin, o.-vj-.-- "n"" v-r . . . in l. .u i v r-.r-r- limits is Trroaoiv,.ururc : axiu ui u-1 fwer conular ends, they are lik rft?me and things "to become potent engines jj by which- cuanm ambitious and, j n unnfincipled- men AVii i be tjuabldd to Subvert . y the power, of themfelvs M trovinn afterwards tee vtry ecg have hited Towards mfrt, land K?ppy late, it is requlfne. not only that you ftpndilv difcountenance irregular oppoiitlons to its;acknbwledged authority, but ai;b. that youreUit Jth care the-i pint or innovation upon its principles however fpecious the pre- ttxt. Une.metnod ot aiiauit may De io fed id'the forms ot nti wtiirh will irKC tpm! and thus to u n Moiiarchial catt, .Fatriotilin inay look with hdulgencc, it not with;4a-r fpirit of party. (21. Hi .nil . Lii 7 , the fJcTJe-, and ro. uiurp, for. But in:tno e oiux uJ6 e reins of oovrnnient, del-, government b-puroy. "" - --p- . i --. r-Mv r ill rill tun m.1.'. ' . 1 v - , - ttiem to unmi.;' aorumcn.- ; - i 11 . . v.'.-r. the p'refervatioa or your troyerrt-, .tnat; ipirt:ioi- cv e, --j-i "Ir -' the oermaneucv of year, c relent there; tcing conuaiu .ai Sct .-; irrtlv overthrown. ' In all the chauo-eto ;whJtjh you may be invited,, remember' that v time and habit are at leaft- as neceifary to fix rfi- true character of governents, as pi p thth'human mltnutio!itf-r-that .'experience is wiu0ti.m1i-rloVll "hVr 4Ni tteO: the real effort dueht to be, by forv'a cf public opisW' oil to mitigate ana - imua&c -v -be quenched ; it demand a iiniforci igilaucq to prevent its bur ftii:g nito- a fim e,;leit- in itead cf warmmn it'fhculd confume- ' V I t Is-'impor cant- iikewi i e, that the habits mieconltitution aitcraw- .oyinanaiHR-ma ; , - ; . air the enernv of the fyt cuntion in thoie ennulied. withits;adnum-;v n,i,;nu-v.'r,nrnrhn I tWt 'ttn ,i torcoiihnr themielves syithm their "nbii, a government for the whole is indiipen fiblc ivlo alliances, ho vveyerftrit, between ttie par nes can be an adequate fubihtu:e ; they j:;u,k iivivn.j . interruptions which all allLmc.sjn all times h r mzrlrnctidJ ' Senfiblc . of this momen- lthit: fAWt in Vhanoes. noon- the credit M . u. r.r.v., M , , v yi 1 jjf live j r 7 y ifpcdally, that foTthe.efScient management of 'vour cominoa:;tereils ir. a country ur ! extendve as ohrs,; a6y ernmenY qf as niuch .. vigcur as Vs confillcnt. with ilic1 perfect fecu rity ot jiberty,. i s indiiperiable. Liberty ir felf will find hi fuch a ouvcrnment, with powers properly diiiributeu acjuiicd, its iureJl guardian Itis,inde.;d,littie,cire than a name, where the government is tea feeble ;to withthnd theeiuerpriiVs qf.. faction, .to confine' dach .. member of the fociety within the 'limits, prrfcr.bed by the laws, and to1 maintain all in ,tne fecure and tranquil enjey- - Hieiit-of the rights of perfon and property, i have: already -intimated to yon, the dan-. gT of parties, in "the fiatc; "with, particular reicrenv to tne foundinfffthcsntn geogra phical- dcriminatidni xous trath, you have improved upon your foil cifay , bv the ad' ption of a conititution of government better. 'calculated - than : your former fcxa.i intimate union, and for the" ef- , lie vcious management of your common concerns.- This 'government, the offspring of our own choke, unaiiluenccd and . una wed , a Joked "upon full invelligatlon and mature d.Vr-tion, cocnpfetely,lriC in its pri ' dpks : i-i the diliribution of its powers, uniting Se curity with energy, and contaiaing .XyithLii. itfell a prpvilio l tor id oniaaiehdment, lias : aloft claim tb your fi!;crt: Ucfpeaforits. a utliurity, compliance with its laws, acqulef- . cence in its rhcaiufes, - arft duties ;.ei -joined by.:' the" ftmdamerital maxims xf true liberty.:; , Hie bafis of our politic. I fyflenis is tie rights of the people to make and to alereirrcOnT ;ilitutton$ !of goyernnjcnBa ' t-n,i Ai4VIiar-anVtmex:lis, 4?tlll changed ' people, is facrcdly obligaior upon all. The very idea of the power and the right of the-, people to eltabliih government prcfuppofes the duty of every incUvidual to cbey the eita bliedcTovernment. ' , t. ; ,: : -All obltruclions to the execution 'of the laws , all combina tidn s and afibciatloiis , under ; whatever plauiibl e cljaracl er, with ('the real dOn to direel, controhlcbunteracr, or awe : the, regular deliberatioii and acYion of the ' ccillituted authorities, are deClruclive of this fundamental principle,: and of fatal; tenden is ; They ferve to organije faclion, to give , an artificial and extraordinary . force to put in the place of the cleligated will of the: nation, the wUl dfaparfy,. often a fmaU but artful and enterprizing minority of the com niunity ; and according to the alternate tri mnK of dliTerent parties to makeLthe pub- ed and incongruous projects of faclion rather, than the organ of confident and wholcfeme i-ct mc now take a riipedv conSatntionul fpheres, avoiding in f .f vprr:1i Ot tne paw ci one utrpdt.-- ment to encroach upon another:- Theipi-, Fit OIencrOaCuniCiJt icjitia iuvwigiiii..1mw ; m oxvtrs of all the departments itr djie, aha";; thtis to create, hateveff the iomt ct govern- . ihent, a real- depotilm.: A juit eitimatejor ; thyt love of pov. s.iy a: d prouei;eis c m iibufe1 , it WHICH prCUCtfJiiUJtC3 in cwv-SAiufauaif iivu , tolitlcnJ I he ncdflity cf reciprocal chckii -in tie excrcne ci pouiiui pvu 3 vy uvu- ingar.d dillributir.gifintq different depofiio; ries, and conftitutm g each the Guardian jot the Public Weal againlt.invafions by the o thcrs, has been evmccd by experiments an: cicnt and modern : lctce 01 112cm in ouroy,n t,cuntpy and ui-dt r cur on yes. jl o pre iirve them mult as ncjccflary as to mititute; them.'"- If, in the opinion, of the People,,thts : diiirilutidn or mcdifx-tibn ol Ust conititUti ' onal-powers bd in:ny partictlar rong,': let HUC.U'nv- ";,. - --- ---- ;-jr y "Which r'ths cor.ftituticn defignates, .But Jet', thcr-e be no change by ufurpaticn-; for .tho this in oiieiriance, may be the inllrumejit Cf oocd, h is'the cullcm ary v. tapen by vhicli1 ' ire e tm fmme'nts irc dt lUovco. s 1 lie pre- . ctdent mult always rrcntly overbalance in c'orcprchehi tve .view ana warn you mi he molt permaru evil any partwi or trnnuent cene foltmn manner agiuiiit the, baneful ejects of j lie vthich the ufe can at any-time yield,- j i the fpirit of party, neutrally. .f J Cf aH.thc cifpcfitions aiid habits which lead iqll governments, ! ibould ktbt.ur to iubvert tbefe great pUl2i-; nled-orrenrtiTed : f ci human fcacpineis.-thefe firmed preps cf the . '... . . - ,.J.'V,-. - , .k it. I rr 1 . t..,... , . ,. 1 under diiferen t fiiapes in more cr Itis itiiied. control but in thofe pf the popular form, it isieen in j duties of An.and Citizl1' s. . 1 he mere oj t ! UtiCian, , e cudU ytfnn tne pious . man ougnU' its greateli ranknefs,. and is tr uly their w crit j ; v The alternate domination cf one faction over another, fharpened by the fpirit cf rc- vehge, natural to party diflentions, ydiklfin different ages and countries haspefpetrated the mell horrid enorjnJtiesTis iticli "a fright ful defpotiim. Bufthisr leads aHength to a mcreermal and permanent deipotum. e difcrdeils and mife ries, which reiult. rraduallv incline the niinds of men to feck iecurity and repofe in the ; ablolute power -of an: individual : and fooner: or later the chiei ot iome prevailing taction . more able or : more fortunate than iliis competitors, turns his difpofition to the.purpofes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty- ::!'' -. ; :;' Without looking forward to an extremU ty ofthhkind (Vhich neverthelefs ought not to be entirely out of light) the common and , continual milchiefs of tne fpirit of party arie fuflieient to make it the intereft and dtity of a wife People to difcourage and.reflrain it: . '. It feryes-; always to diltracl the .Public .Councils aiicl enfeeble the iPublic Admiai-; flratian. It agitates the Coramhnitj' with iiL founded jealoufies andfalfe alarms ; kin- . dies, the animoijty: of one part againft ana; : 'ther foments occafibnally riot and infurrec tion.;v It opens thedoor- to foreign influence ' and corruptioni which find a facilitated accefs to tlie-government itfelf thro the; channels . or party nations. ,.ilius,the pphcy-and the: ?f. one country taretubjecle the policy and will of another. ' i to reipecjand ci-eriin tiiem. p J volume ccuioVnot trace all heir connecliohs with -pp-vyte and public felicity..-, Let, it be limply' . nikcd where is the Iecurity 'for property for reputation for. life, if the lenie of religious ) obligation dtjeri the oaths, which are the in ilrqments of invefiigstion in Coui ts-,ot J uf tice I and let us with cs.utkm irdulge the-, iuopbtidon, ihat.moralitvcah be maintairjfetl without . religion j vv h: tcver may be conce ded to the intlucnce of refined education 1 oil;, minds cf peculiar fiructare reafon and ei- -pcrience both forbid us to expe5i that nation--, al morality can prevail --in txclufion of reii-. muus nrinciples ' ' . . . 1 - t ' 9 i is'fubilantially true, that virtue or mo-; -mer'tli - Th rule indf.Kl extend w'rttrTf.rire crlefs force to every fnecics cf free coverri- ' ment. Who, that is-a-finccre friend tbit. can , Iol; yntUFercucupo!nattenipWofcake': thfoundation pf the iabric ?-J ' : y': ; V' - '"'Promote, ;thcn .as an objtcc or primary ; 4nportance-tiuiiiiuticns for thef general dif- . futiort of krpwledgc in - -proportion' s 1 the flruclure of 'government oives force topub: i ! - . I I . ; ... 1 ... J . .. .... JL. J licopur.on, it is thentiai'tnat puuiicopiuiou : . fhculd be enlightened'- ' ' ' ; Asa V er v imn or ta n f fpu rce of fir en tnh slid - i ' ' . .. . ..... ...s.. , . . r fecuf hy,1 cheriili public credit. v:One method-. of preierymg ins" to. ufe it as fparmgry ,a pofiiole avoiding cccalions of epence jby . cultivatihcr reace. but remcmberintr alfo that , timey drfberfements. to prepare' for danger ; : frequentlyprevent much greater cbfburfe-

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