r ! i vlcc? with an upright zeal, the faults of in I competent abilities will be coafened to ob- I iivrkni, as myfclf muft foon be to the manli : on of reft i ' . " '": 0 R ely in g oh its 1cm dncfi in th: s as in oth c? things, and achiatedby that fervent love to-, v.-ds it, which is fo natural to. a man,' who vio A-s in ir the native loll of hioifelf and his progenitors for feveral generations ; I antici pate with pleafing expectation. tia,t retreat in which X pronr fe myf If to realize, without alloy," the fwert enjoyment of partaking in th? 111VJ1I of my fellow citizens the benign in--fluent yf good laws under a free government -ih? ever favorite objeci of my heart, an J the hippy re yard, as i tru:Vqf our mutual ores; hhours, and dangers. . - G. WASHINGTON. United States it tU September 1796. N E W B E U N, October 2. ExtraSl c c litter frcrt JVtM"gn, duted Every moment of my time,- for lorhedays paft, has been employed in the melancholy talk of attending fiok and dying friends. Our town has "ar mournful appearance at pre -icnti a fever prevails here that feems eqd .1 ly fttal with that experienced in PhiladeK phb There will be bwried to day, - ten whites and two blacks- it has not the appear, ance of being infectious. On Saturday laic, the Superior Court of this diftritt rofe. During the Term, James Webb; was tried for, and convicted of palling counter cited bills of the. currency of this ftate. Sentence of death waspaffedon him, and he was ordered lor execution on the aotn : bitt. ; ." . -r This Gazette makes its appearance a few days fobner than ufual, that the defireof our . fubferibers to read the TVelidont's addrefs may nlonger remain ungratified. ; Ten founds reward. RUT-away on the 25th inft. two negroes, viz. J A. K and CHARLES. Jack is about itS years of are, country horn, yellow completion, thkk l:p about Eve feet two or tnree inches high, ar.d was clothed in lionufpuu. Charles is about the fame height, black completion, well made, and walks I o.v legged, has a fear on his brcall, and orfe ; oer his eye, fpeak broken Engliih and good French ; was clothed in homeipuh, except a black negro cotton jacket. Any per fori that will apprehend the faid negroes; and de. liver them to the fubferibir in Jones county, or lodjte the n in any jail, fd that the fubferi. ber gets them, fiiall be endtisd ttf the above reward. " or five pounds for either of them. EDMUND HATCH. " September .j . - THIS DAY AR E P XI B LI SHE. D and for' sale at the ; PRINTlNG-OFrlCE, (Ntwbern z) ' PRICE 50 CSTS. : A ;F E.W C A i E S, : ' DETERMINED IN THE S U'P E K I O R C O U K T S . . N O R T H-C A R 0 L 1 N. A Thofe Cafes, twenty.nine in number, have been copied from the notes of the molt ref ceclable law characters ha this llate w1 . - F O R - S A L. . E r j. ,. : At the PRIXririq-OkFiCE, ; :(Ncv:b:rn :): ' : -'-r THE FOLXoWiNG V ' V L A W- JiiO O KSr : Bainlicr Law Educa.- O -fVnftrinbtr; da. Cicke's, !o. - -r Shower , Jo. In K, B. . . t and Crown Law. ' ' Strangei fo. Coijiyn's, ctt. . ! I' ' Andifw'tVilJ. VV m. blackftone, do. . Ptxre Wiliia.r.s, K) Mtfcley's do. - DowglaiV, fa. . Leach's - Ci6wn Law, ith "new tt-'HYan Itfitures, Biac kftorieV conjfajnta . ' ties,- ' . rWiiiiam y Conveyaa- Wsvi kin' li?s of the Ciown, ;Barr note$, Ktsvi's Et.gUlh Lar, .1 Hutus Law Uiiornry," yearre, on KcuiaindcrVC r!? cn tU; law of Burlaioaqui N and P. Ubi and KyuJ cn Bil!i,f . ImFey P' ,. Fcar;:on iJVufsi v Sy tiem of plcarfirg Lilly tulne, daondcrs on 1 fiaiiun l'uit .rn equity, jjchiefftr't- pradice . ihe.Law, " . , Moigati Vzd-r Mecow, Hamfon's Chancery j , Practice, - , Law or Pun'ncrdiipi Morgan Eda, 1 Poster 2.id StudcnV-; PjcadefValTutant, - Jonc Attoihry Pocktt.Book, Tula! K ;g' Bench ."- Praciice, M 5 C EL PAMELA, Don Qiiicotir, : , Gtitliic' .Giaronaari ' Xvc. do, 4L.' " :J5iock.e Gietteerj -. ' Nauiical Al(ran:ckv. Yun mi' '.coniyanif ; en, .Ti Ad of merrioryj GiitrieV Gtfraph Sytiew of furriery, F.oa-.is of hiltjry,'. : .. Cclks voyage, . Fabk ot Ficra . . . ? vV aki.ian's Guagi"gj r Gaj'a tablcsi iiaucted Priory r . Life of Hoad, Svt Gazctittr,' . Lotiffa, -( - . Ltdja fritnd, k'onitory : , - . light rfipuhf,-. Myltcncici UdoIphor PleaCng inftrufiori Honicr' llliad. Law; . ' , ... J G i be r t -on , Pr a$ it c - of . Cbtnonon P;eas; Wrd& Law of Nation, Cemrnerci&l Reywjt Co:dttor. Gcerh$i . - Burn's Juliice, f ' State J riais; - -. N:tura Kitviorrii Clerks Mgaatt;? ; -Iredell' itcvif.l, . ; Ccntinoarion ot do . 7$4. ioclufsvt-", . AtiAt J795 ' Private nets,, . s,. Sutures of tr.glamly -it Kepui t ot - thw cafe, tfi gram vs. a , 1 ocket d Chji ci he Law of In hcittitnce -' t A N.I S. , Piraf'ures 'vt Mnrory Ktlita of VV'uiriir.;' v Kovrc Lefeis, " jiomanct oi'tae Foreff-, Spirit oi UilyouC n, -Aintricari Atlas, - , The De;noei;iied, a fa 1 c,t'..: ' The Democrat or , in- t 'guts .' art! adfrn' tui:s of Jtai Leiio i, WuKlcifui rljrytcikij Vifidicaiijn - of -hi. 4, Kandsfph, ; JjitTnii 1 ion ;on the fii;( j prtnciiJies of govu . . tt ir, by i boaii Pnif, . Wilhingion'a epiflles, . d mtrt.ci caiJfiawttuaf7 "ar.J c5jai, Biun Gitdben's ff ilita ; ry guide, . FocJtral reaay reckoner, One It icef, Fjii'tei tdinirg noVeli1, Wiiural hittorv,- v , Drfcripuon ot Octacock mJet and map, Tfc facie of Mjfes un- lriled, M?i of the United . i Do.f Nrth-Carolina. ;V,THIS DAY IS PUSUSHEH, j V , - H And fir'j&h at tie ViintiOffice; ; I ,r,0:rR.X'iFr- c A r: o'l 1 n:a For; the. Year of opr. Lord, 1 797 ; - Andof !AwsijcAI:;ospsKDhcs,xxlxxi ij ; ; : r Beifyr he 1 it alter Leai Y k ak. j - . . 1 dalcUfated for the Mericfian 'of K ALEicp;- -3" r " .r;'Vfg54 IVliiKNorth-.'Lat.', Dek.C-dr,'. :T Min.'Lopglrude,iW eit froi'iHILl'oFJ' "" PHIA. ; . ; v V - ' tj : ' 'i ; ?1 v f : ,w - " ' C ', O N T : N.T: Sv ' ; ; '-: ' ' : , CHronqlogical Cycles, . - k : Volar" and'Luiiar eciipfes V Calendar, -." ' ' sV.' . ' v ' -' . Retnarkable days and ect,of,-the vveither lilting dud felting. cf the Cu, : J J ; Pbafes, ? riling;, ibut-hiag,-' fettingv ag6 and .replace ;6f tne moou'j i'i .,". .Seating of courts, .rV V v;r- r: Caufesof a jKiuntry' growing" rkhV il V , .-Reigekit for'preierVingturn'psfforn infesy1 vp-ejerve mitcicr lveec tne wnole . for bitters,-, ft rffeven: the fever and . ,Cpre forroit; bites, .4 i" A method forpreierying-nieat frefo.hole' : , years together ' - ; - Female herolfai,; :. - Anecdjtesj' ' ' . - Poetry, " J- I - . ' i- 1 Chafader ,6f 'ft 'ft anmian) -, 1 lie way .to grow thin, : The Wily. to -grow. rich.- , Coins of the- lwited. t tstes, a Ciiablifiie ty ,; - V- ' ; ;4aw;:;,;C;:r:,,i,,, ; V'jpSl,?.. A .tabliewihg the fcthie of Foreign , gold .'. coirijn fetlerai and Uate 9 rrency, - " r 7 1 s' C : A table (hewing the vale of cents, iii ftate V currency "": - J v . , ',4 - . , A table oi interel st-6 per cent.-( I Price ons shilling 11 Stores wfll be Jupplied at the rate;of fisc : killings per" dozen, thirty two fliUlings and V, r " yiix-pente, per nair-grou, ana enrec pwuiius -1 " -'3 t-' 1 f CTofsJ 1 I Orders from the country (by poft or other wife) will be attended to. ; ' " j N Saturday the 2 6th of November! next; ' , ; be &y for ready money vix gold 6r - filv'er, a: btepieii CobbsViu .W?yne county t; two tracls of. land j viz; jone traflf lyiftg in ; Nalh county, on iparili - fvvamp,Vccnitinia;, twelve hundredxjcres aud the othsr in ', W W ayne county; a djoining . die hnds of Ste phen Cobbi cor taininoj live hundred ticres (the property of Benjamin Cobb, taken! to fat; I j' ; V tisfv a uuiinent obtained in the circwitl court' '.t by Robert lay lor agamit laid Cobb- h , - :KAN5 PATTEN, M. HEREAS the lands hereafter defcrib ed. have not been riven in by any pcrfon, as taxable property Notice is here- tT'grren, tha" unlets the rax ilae thereon lhafl be paid on cr before the fixdeth day frota ths date cf tha adverdfcient the fame will be fold, .in conformity to the aib cf AilanHy in ' tjoi cale made and provided - . t ,j. -' ; .' ; Abcrsr 4a seres ct ted caXrenx river, 0 Toccs ensstr, tls: ptutity cf '&s Bcr cf Acrcsaa. The Iad fcelcta V AJ 71 by Rk-rd Ebci! Life and adverittfrt of pter Porcupine, Infernal Correfpondence,' the. Scare Crow, j Bloody Buoy, Model of Letters . 'j for-the ufe of Schools, &o - September 17. ,v . r- - I; . , ;F O R S A L E, . npHE houfe 2nd lots, noW occupied by JL IVlr. WiU'unn Shepard, the lots may be had feparately or together. ; Alfo one lot on, broad ilret, near, the Cdurt-Honfe, and -one houie 'and tat, adjoining Mr- Thomas Cox's. 7 - . v ;- . -' 7 7 2 The whole the property of Mrs. Mary Edwards . NATHAN SMITH v March 10- $ T OREL Z T, JL csffi by Mr sears T Fo- tflr tff if Pr'mthigCfpcet INK P C) V D E R j ' - j n D -' ' ' - - I " 1 E T; T R P A P E R At Mry Le DeulPs, : comer of the msrhet- : Cr,her- i. "honfe- L . .neresjv o-;ven to au wnoai it-JDny m. 1 Jcraf'thaf , JOHN DjiLY, late cf Craven - iccrmtyjs dead, ; infeflafe, atd that ,the fub frrjfer1jVthfluaf;fiecJ as Admwftrat,ix to the ithuaHfied as Adm:niitrat,-ixfc A-r f Tnw! mfpft Thfrrlnrr all re rfonar who have any fegal demands i3iml the e ' flafe of faidm'etfaf e, are requefted foofefent . 1 tbem'ttf theuolcribef wrth'tithe !h:e;Krr,;fL 1 ted by fawy or tlify will he fa fed c! all terfes tndthted fa fad tnicfaief sre tu T 9s E f rr C -T T M I - i " YnZOZlZD HATCH,