. ii i mm u a j. i in, h Ui I m """ 'I I '"'in i iii .. .T.J T. -. , . : , .' j V- 'i n , ...-..i ; . .-, .ij..4aiUi- i Le . rr n 1 i n ' - -- - - . - f j .., . . ... - ? t CON G R E S Houfc of Reprefcntatives. ' , JAN. 25. : fTHE committed appointed to eiKjoirc "JL T inco the bufinefs of the naval equipments ordejd by former act? of Congrefs, and to report whether any and what further reguta. jionswere neceffary, made a report The .whole amount of the expenfe of thefngites was eltinwted at 945437 dollars, exduiive of manaing and provifions. The expenfe of. the gallics was cdimated at 86,000 dollars The annual expenditure, it was fuppbfed Would be 223,174 dollars. The money wanted for completing the frigates was for that building at Philadelphia, named the United Mates, of 44 guns-Too dollars ; for that at Bofton,' named the Confihution , of 4 4 guns, 96,671; dollars j for. that at Baltimore,' named Conftcllathn, -of 36 guns, 47-27 ; dollars. ' The United States. it was eitimated by the Secretary at War would , be completed in April,- the ConftUuthn in July, and the Constellation in May. But the committee were of opinion, owing to the froit, they would not be ready lb loon. The committee recommended that the veffels Should be finiihed as; foon as poflible, and that t V dollars Ihould be appropriated -.for1 the purpofe ; that there alfo be a fum appropr ated for p ire'hafing a proper place -lor a naval yard ; a u; alio that provilioas ihould be made torobtaining a fuJficiency of -iive oak and red cedar for naval purpofes. T he report was twice read and referreJ to a co.ninitteeot the whole on Monday next.s The committee of claims reportedFon the . ' 1 TTT I ' . . . ' petitions 01 Arnow mar tin and nis wire, and Jonathau Ames, which was againl! the-peti tidners. '" Tnefeport'-wastmcri read and the hdufe concurred " : ' ' ' , On ' motion, the . ufinilhed bufniefs of yellerday "was poftponed, to take up the re port of the cdmdiihee bt, elections on ih. elec tions of Jolepli BradieVarnum, .. which iv is, as we have before, itated, b favor tt the fitting number.. It was alfo imted rot only that his conduct had been fair aiUj regular throughout the whole bufinefs, but nut the object of Vac petitioner was " rather the efficl of malevolence than a wtfi of promot Jng the public gooa" Jt was movd to ftrike out the words prin- ted in Italics T he propriety of the houfe ra ihW a cenfure as the kind orondlcd ll nun ihepetitiontrs and thole who iupported them nvai doubteu. , . t , ,. . This motion caufed a " debate, which oc tupied the remainder ofthis day . fitting. The principal ground upon which the mo. tioa was fupported was.jtbat.rhe committee of election had no bufinefs to fcrutinize , the motives of petitioners j that tbeir motive hod ; ot tleftions; that they ought to report that a petition had foundation, or it had not j that tnathouie had no right to take upon Uheni to jud-e'upon motives and characters. It was la d, on the other hand, that the charges in thepetitio.i were fo .notoriously fjlfe and malicious, as to call for fome other ru I ithau bartly to fay they were uufound. ed, ana that it vn 1 ncccfla' y to put a check upon fut h outrageous attacks upon members o that houle,by fomefuch nonce as was re juried, in order to prevent them in future. The yeas and nys were, called for upoi'i this qucllion, and all the papers rcbtive to the bufinefs were read, i his took plae to wards the condufion of the buliocU, and fo exhauUcd was the patience of tlie hemic that four different hiotbns were made and negatived for adjdurmncnt. At length, Mr Coitoifercd a fubnitute fur h former motion, vir.. 10 ftrike out the molds ui Italic, in ordrr loinfert thclt urdi " that the conduct of tfe fittwgnjtmbeihas. been fair and honorable throout te wttole! tVafat:cn-,, The motion wa put and car- ned, 44 to 2. , A meflage was received fron the. Senate,, informing the houle, that, they lwddifagrecd to the amendment in the billfotejifbrcing tq laws of the United States iii the State of l'et neflee. . .. Adjourned Tuefday, Jan. 26 ' The bill yefterday returned from the Se nate, lor enforcing the laws of the United States in the Ihte of TenneiTee, .with ther negative to the aniendment of the Houfe of Reprefentatjves, reducing the f alary of the. Judge from 1 ooo to .800 dollars per annum, was taken Up. ' The motion, was for concur ring in the r folution of the Senate. This Was fupported by Meflh. A. Jackfon, Sit greaves, and S, iSmlthj and oppofed'by .Meflrs. Nicholas, Cbit, and Gilbert. The moron for concurring with the aate. was .negatived 39 to q2vXhe houfe-therefore, : muiicu upon mcir aiucnament, ar.o, retufnea ; Ithe biU to. the .Senate f it afterwards came from thence, with notice that they had re ceded from their amendment. A report was received from the commifli. oners of the finking fund, indofing a report , from the (ec etary of the treafury to them, giving an account of the fales of public prp. perty in cenfequence of t,he at paired laitfef. lion for making provilion for tbi paymetft of certain debts of the United States. . By which it appears that 2 1 60 (hares ot the flock of the. bank of the United Start?s. hp.larttt'n iff tn fh United States, have been fold on a credit tf: 60 days, without intereft; at the rate of ajjoo1 Aare;pr, 25 per cent, above tfts" oxigiual . c'off. ; Thajt the nneyreceived had been placed to the credit of the "United States with thV bank; that there had been fold of the 0 per cent ftock to the amount .of 1,200,600 dollars, which had been applied to difcharge fuiidry obligations- of 'the . U nited States therein fpecified. The report was 1 e ferred to the committee of ways and means Mr. Dwight Foiter, irom the committee of claims made reports on the petitions of Samuel Mbrrel and Myitabel .Baker, uhich were againlt the petitioners, and concurred in by the houfe.' ; Mr Patten prefentej apetition from John Brown, afoldier in chelate war, praying for relief '. , , , Mr Clopton prefentf d a fcnilar petition from John Valentine Mr New prefented the petition , of Prefley Thornton, a captain in the late war. n n11n.11 tiiuuus were rcicrrcu to tue committee of claims. , ' "Mr. Kitchell moved that the report of the committee of claims on the petit ion of AUid a Bogart, irot ocled upon, might; be referred back tj that committee. Mr, Dearborn moved the unSnilbedbuf. nefs to be poltpoacd, to take up te Mdit'u bill. Mr Thatcher willied the bill for regui. ating poft officcs and poll ro-dj to be taken VP ' . ::'. , ' , Mr. W. Smith hoped the, re port, on the fuSject of appropriations for the year 4797, , would be entered upen. , Mr Gallatin-thjugtitlt would be belt to take up the report of ttie lo nnaiitee iHi the fu.ijcit of io;npenfatioi. . it was at length agreed that the laft fuh. jct fhould be t-ken up, and the bou.e . cordingly relbWed Kfeif into 4 4q-t)Bittee ot the whol Uon that lulled ,wiKrt,Vaftc r confiderable debate, the prucfed )cf inaneut 1 advance of 500 dollar! to the falary ottthe Se. f cret ry of War was nrgativcd47 (041 j a' like advance on the Attorney General wis agreed to, there being 48 votes in favour of it; ujcprupoUJdttie of ac per unu for the year on rh.e fairies, pf the . fee. -tariespfllate, treafury, an,4,pf,war t'ic attorney-generaj, , the' pott-mailer, general the tralur,-r, the conippilfX;P y, Mtz. fury, theeommiflioncr.ofthe revenwe the audJtor, the rf giiter, the afliftant. vi&in& ter general, and the keeper of military .fioresV was negatived, ;therp beutg oplyjo votes in -favour of the advance; the aftfor reguiatijff the compenfation of plerks, paffed lall y?ar andreconimendedtobecontMiued for 1707 was negatived, 4040.. The committee role, wathout decking on the falarie of Ihc loauofike;s,- "ljhe debate tomorrow, . ; . . Adjourned PHII.AbEr.IilA, JAN. 30k vejlels take American. e dp.pQt biiev it, tpam ls on friendly fermswith the .U. nited states. Tl truth dolefs is",, that - portsuv the Weltnrfies, atbey; iU ' r . iats,c ana condemn Amu..n ,,r lejs,. lj wai beolleaed tajt, the .treaty ' f eandSpain, .thoiojfenfwed .defenUve, is fo QidypegarM to certain pow-1 wvw a iiui r-f 1 11 1 m r . a. 1 rri" v. jiijuira- wage, war, (does notrequire Spain to t warmth, the engage 'f hollilit.es with us. TjyV wfaras Pmnn, Jhe failbtregard ; thectof a warwitfeSpanv ' rr 1 i lfty-eight fail pf erip.n vefiTelsareiei. ?euV qnd carried mto ,QoAaiye$ folttvxh . cruifers.--. We underlbnH.rK w;.;n, . Port-au-Prince, protean anpftencoiwoy Xt0 tiff FrenchiJer V u,tb i hsJaftiCntcnce pthe PrefidenesmCt. to the houle of reprelentativei, dxmpdf. ing the toainients.re!atiye Freih,K is remarkable and deferve notice, , ,Afttrf. figiung. his motives for; fending MPiwkney wmdUr f 0 France, .he fays, V a goyernmnt w" xcquu-ca, pniy a nQwIgeti. to juiWy .ns.mfures, copjd; beanxi. ousto have this fully and firapkily, 4ifpJayeAl." That cautious officer, the Preliden, ould pot have let fuh, an ejcprejrw.fi frpm t pen, without rnisfaaory eyidence, foe perfons, holtde . to Bur. goYemtident,.; attWVgyMttm. tfee Jncftchpireu tory. - . -y ; - ;T? merchants hvjhitadelp rFCpetl. twncd thekgiaatMrecalajsi tpnjAke, of lund negotiable,, ,A41 ,th.bakf Jb'idfo feut m petuions for the lamepurpofij, -. (j .Mr.Leibrnoa 'tbelcgiftarure.tQ.in. trodiue adaufeinto the bill for mnitiiT nr vgotiable,, prubjting t.hc.taklp mtje than . onchalf per cent, a WMwMmfrz Motes. Helerredtotcopiecoffiye. f r I is, aonifhbg, ofield that fuch proh.bitidns an hTf fdvcKatcs. 'I he iviv. mi! u'. -ilT.ru .k- i '.' prevent, the rppnroua .premiums, now, eaid 7 r' v- TtTMWj. swiw..ej'tnc ipare money ot the country Xrom , xetlltf ltoonci frktrMw. AijnulalUftraiptlijmthe ufMnioncyi the, cou rf ;ia?4tiU ly tWiwiwcrefoa yfdipf.v 'uid all have perilhed with.;fV4 tiw4 -feupger. r h t mk iw iy i c wrtWJfs project ja ihc r Uw of Bia.rani oJ tlit fnjr, fufor cingtbe eirculatioopMliu. .Tf ,fc, quciueofthcle ls.,, MMrMwnJ ilijtrep. Francq wai nrvn the, yefge 'f a famine. 1 he.caife vaiditiinerc.tljt re. guljtingU'A 1 repealed, and France waiabun