M. .V .tm. . . 8. , 1 it r i ftofcilHSnerl from tKc5r"r:T7HEREAS the ruWcrlber'tetrdHnto r. until they obtainecl a J ; copartncrfliip with John Sbeffard, F lcv TBI NEW. JERSEY MUSEUM. : The R K S O L ;V E. ROM fair to (MrrrlX& rore Andti a convert prove to lore Ihaiftof LttlfcTT." ' V " I n&rill figh beneath a thaite r. . F or mt fair that e'ir wM mae " Bot always will be Fa V.V i "1' - !' ilarecf.advinta I friendhip. zad a footing lit thc.alliCQdoniinion--.wnen too late he weaker ally invariably touna tnat unner thofe fpectoUijharaea of friendjbi alBJmce, and pTBtettM, they, naa aamittea majicrs pot tritnds Itie x renen nave acicu, auu attemote6loatl, a fimil; raya lit pp 3 fir.fc the JoyhI frog, rilfoin the jocund wwthy throng ( Wlwprite their L I BTt ftrif e to be the boneft man, . Ander will be Fast. I'ttTierWWgVljyornw'a att I'll se'er eirflare. that generous heart t -Whkh merits to be Fze.; . . - . . ')tWktwyt.ilt preftrvcita right, Wit1aU rry ftreogth and force and might AnddieforttaBRTV, .... : . tr ' on or about the ill-day of April 170?, for . the purpofe of 'carrying on trade and merchant dize in. Trenton; in the county of Jones; and whereas the faid Jchrt A. Skeppard hath ' pollened himfdf of the books, bonds and: If,otts7and ."aitutherpapmuf reluertelong inn l- ! 1- J . t . f hinilelf from faid county .and refufjssto come well.' I tO a fair anrl amirahle ' fpttlpnfSith thfi- loojcing fellow, "UrboWyeV-;tUav'..pW j fubferibery whereby he is likely to be muh i countenance. He has' worked twelve months I injured. He therefore gires this public rid a the blackfnmh's trade, and is pretty apt uce, that all the bofinefs of t e copartner- at that bufmefs': has been from his ifafan 'ihip, was to be conduced by himl'elf ; and R UN away from the fubferiber; two ne cro men ; one. of them a .ttout .TUlATinM ucX'his. 'be.ei) (aid within -at fe w years for an4 aeainftthe .ririn tQ;expatriate Jf 'to Tea . ?pn f rpw t,he exptrienceirwe have had1 of the cMerdutinff our revolution it would be ac knowledged now" as It was thej, riiat thofe etnained, were worfe than thofe that became our open -enefflies ; .frpm hence it would ap. a'ittajt'' Jeaft the fmal-tefeW'W- United States were lieftyiyen hy,kiv to any. citizen wh(? ay iyc iitt)e,Hpye of sountry or ehdearment o is t)0ter fociety as to expatriate himfclf fom Jr-nch men can never be confidered 4s yaJualecitizeirsin any fenfe, and thefpon cr their fiourtry is rid of them the better to this freedom to expatriate, let there beja.c'pndition-for in all countries there is 4or'?if. fojbe, iaws to punHh. .al who injure 4t either flternafly or ejtternally Then let i 'bemadq grarttmg KerTy W any ck'K.en to expatriate; himfetf--rbur,Kt. preferve the piVlic ffery , 4et it be provided as a. -condition tht )f he '(jQe. fQ vjtbptit jhe exprefs permif- fionpf ihexetjve, lawfully authorised cy a fvoted'rhn away,. ?nd is lightly branded on iach cheek with the letter r A Had on when he went away, new brown cloth trou Cers, light coloured doth jacket, and was o therwifi? well clad. As 1 know his fituation in his fervile (late, could not have been more comfortable than it had been made in point of diet, , lodging and clothing, by me fmce placing him in the fmith's fliop-irrparticular ; I can believe no other than that his aim is to get putf the ftate by, fea, : He has relations in, the' family of.Nhr John Kornegay , on Trent, and acquaintances in Newbern, and about Mr. Southy Rew's on foth river, and may lurk about hefeT places- tilUhe , meets v ... . ' 1 -it 1. . i-ir.'i r il .If. tome captain, wuo wiu De oaie cnougn 10 10 oreteor ilealhim. Hisjname is'- - yt-r " i S A A C. I wifl pay TWENTY DOLLARS for de. that any acquittance or difcltarge given by the faid John M. Shrpfard will not be valid hi alfoforwarns all perfoits from, trufting ' hint, on account of the firm of Johm T. BrVam- 6 Co. as-none of his contracts, after the date ijof thefe prefents, will be fiaid by .rentonf. i if Februdry, 1 707. I rHE following tots hi the town of New Ay bern, are levied upon and will be fold for payment of taxes, on the iothday of A pril next, unlefsthe taxes thereon be paid. No. 3 15, on Pollock ftreet tlie property of Wm. H. Bryan. : : No. oh Trint ftfect, th6 property ot Wm. Dennis. ' Tw?.lvrri v T 1 dovm and gudty look. The ..vhiteoflmi fm.WilTift' ha redraft, his,towre uthw low; nnti Tit wtiPT nriorrn. within the I mrM Statii I ' 9 thereafter And let it alfo be provided when a citizen wilbes to xefide in any foreigncoun- jtries as a merchantWor;' for - education or travel-or to improve hinafelf in naval or land tacics he (hall make application to theexe icudve tor permiflion, frjecifying the country, his object and length of time he intends, or jwiihes to be abfent from the United States And ihould he on proof injure his countryr .r the ciLtxens ol the United States in his ab sence, be fubjeel to the fame penalty as tho' v be had had no permilTion If fuch was the; . . la7 nf the land, it would be eafv to ascertain hA in fnrrMmi 1 I will nay eizht dollars. countries and what their obieft. and whether) . : .JOHN.ALDERSON th7.were enritled ta ritkenftiin arain. from ! I ' Ih'de County. January 24 the rule of conduct thev hai nurfued for it- I N- B. It is hoped all good citizens, own is cbnjecWed by many whether there are not of (laves in particular, will be "aiding to fomc exdutive patriots" in France, who mpprcis tne oangcrous pratutc c4.their dtninfliip ob'the principle of the 0N.h . d?Jy thcfth rf"A.H " Ml.tv.-m(T f fnfu.rv.for Xrm a mr V- will be fold for ready money in gold 'croteaiaanasaritizen.itouahttopunilh f,lvcr tt.inWztK himtfanenemy.-Therearefewlaw$,itis 1 oractsot land, viz. one tract lying, in livering him to me fecurely tied, or fecuring him in any gaol, To that 1 get hiw or for killing and dettroymg him ; he is duly out lawed. FORTY DOLLARS on due proof of any free perfok worth the Aim, harbour r iue. fuccourincor employing: him. An HU N- DrtED DOLLARS on proof of any mafter cf a veflel fuJferinff him on board, contrary to law, provided tne tne roaiters ana veucis name, ana wnere ownea, oe maae Known to me, andthat procefscanbe ferved on the captain in this Hate. Ifaac's age is about 19 years. L. ,:.y'( Tlie other fellow rs the property of I imo. thy Parmule, minor, hired to me by the year. He b about feventeen years old, has a fullen, eye, his name is ; : A B E L: his being an arrant run away, was a reafon .'" '1 ' I f.f ' e 1 1 01 n s being piacea wiin me a kw days oe. fore his 'elopement, but indifferently clad And trange as the fact is, his clothes were meaiured and cut out, the very night pre cedinc that of his running away. He has been once or twice before committed to New . bern gaol, and on his former excurfions, made Mr. Tohn Kornecay neighbourhood, nis range, r or ueuvcnng oei to me, or 1 fecuring bun in any gaol, lo that 1 get him, j No. 62, on Broad ftreet, the property of Wm. H. Bryan. ' y ' ,: JAMES M'MAINS, . CwftabU February 4. FOR SALE 30 or 40,000 red iind white oalt hoglhead ftaves delivered at Bay River. . r or terms apply to wm. Kols, in New bern, or at Bay River, to . JOHN WHEADON, January' ,t nextf or . Altered, that would make a man reflcft more . fcrioufly.than one that would Ihut the door of his country forever aga'tnd him, if violat- .cd and there it none but the moll abandon cd (if fuch was the law ftariog him In the face) that would turn rovers Every wife , government fixes the rights of her citizens to a point for it can never be wife to fuffer them to be friends and enemies at alternate at thefeafons. , ; NO ROVER. , ' Had tne flatct of Greece united with Car. " thage td oppofe the defpotifm of Roman am. bltiorfV they might have prefcrved the balance ' of power and the wide range of domination . that rhaf ktd the great republic had been cir cumfcribed by the real tndepenJence of other (latet The Romant vanquiihcdfirftone and (hcii another (Ute alwayt bcldlng out the Nalh county, on mar Ih Uamp, containing twelve hundred acres, and theother in w ayne county, adjoining the lands of Stephen Cobb, containing five hundred acres,"the" property" of Benjamin Cobb, taken to fathfy a judg. ment obtained in the circuit court by Robert Tiylor againft faid Cobb. - , HANS PATTEN, D. M. This d.iy is pubiidicd . ' and for fule ot ti.it Office ; HAMlLTuNS vs. LATON: C A." S E Latilt DtTttMiKip tuTHtCdctrirCouir ; or TMi'U. S. atirtcf iko Beitiih Diiti. Friu 50 Ctntu THIS DAY ARE PUB t IS HfcD, AND FOR SAtS AT THK PRINTING-OFFICE, - (tfcwbtrn :)i PRICE 56 CfcNf S. i A F E W CAS E S, DETERMINED tM THE SUP ERIO R COiIRTS - : or .NOR T H-C A R O L' IN A. Thofe Cafesytwenty -nine in ntimbcr, havis been copied from the notes of the, molt ref. peclable law characters in this (late THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, ndfbr fale at the PRINTING-OFFICE, (Nmbcrn x) TREAT I S'E oh the J U R I SDICTION : ': . v OF JUSTICES or the PEACE, C I;V I L SUITS, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF the STATE or It 0 R 7 ' J:c A R 0 L JW A. (Price ytfks 0 a DdUr.) . December 17. LOSTormHlatd,- a note of hand given by Lewis W hit field, to the fubferiber for fifteen hundred dollars, in Fcbuary 1 796, payable twelve months after date; an the back of it are indorfementi, which reduce its amount to eleven hundred and fixty dol lars, or thereabouts. It it witnefled by Mr. B. Whitfield. ' All pcrfons areforwamed from taking tho fa'ul note in payment, or trading for it. 1SHAM UZZEL. Feb 18. N N 1 1 E W B R . pRiNTr.n ay frAncou.x. martin. ( f --.

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