of Liverpool, of 17 fail f vF rench yelkls JhextjoLivar-arulrAnlports having a number of troops on board, deftmed for a Ue.'cent on Ireland, being th rough ftrefs 1 of weather, blovn into Bantry b.iy, moft of Tlheradifnialted ; fomr of the people vent on ,lhore,were rnad prifoners and lent to Dub - lin ; .Tfro'nr tlie tituatjoii of the. placo, the whole muft inevitably.be cap'.ured. -They intended to have e'Fccled a landing at Lon donderry, in the iorth-of Ireland. . . Ufi of. ACTS nffedal thefecond fetfon of the . Fourth ionqrcs, begun en 1 r.eit tn we cay . of Pblbdelpih, on Monday the fifth of De ' cembcr, 1 796 AN Act to amend the act; intituled " An act for the more promulgation of the 11. t-Vo Ii-irI Nfifoc ?P laws ui iuv wuiivu kiaivo In addition to an aft, intituled " An act con- ceruing the reentering and recording of f y (hips oWeG?l s ' and lo an act ,intit ulet! 1 an t itct for enW.ltiig'and licenfmg jhips or vef Ach employed in the coLiing trade and tileries, and for regulating the fmie" v Granting a.cercjiirfum of money to .the wi- dow and children of joint De Neufville, " In addition to the act, intituled " an aft to ; eitabliiii the poii office and poft roads with in the Unitficr States." . -, ; ;. pahiigw&-. the aft concerning the- duties oil TpintsdimUedwichiii the United States,". palTed tlVe eighth of May, one thoufand leven hundred and ninety tVo ; and impofingcertain duties on the capacity of ihlls of a particular description; I raenfof certaihcriaes tigamfiV the United tStates." ---- '.; ' .- Making"proviOon for the further accommo dation of the houfehold of the Prefident of -jjfihe United States'. -AKESOLUT O N directing tejbrlbu- tlon of an edition of the laws of the United ,v. States. - . . . . . M A R l N E LS J9'r:2 : . . E vTEKED., ,y -Brig Nancy", Outt'en, f. '. Thomas' Sloop -Nancy, E. .Cock, Kmllbn, N. E. - choonm-Induftrv.Vnhlcer, St Martins ; Elizabeth VHamdenbrcok, do- ; A.'-y . ; , CLEAKhD. ;. , . -. . Schooners Betl'y, ' Rinns, Philadelphia ; Polly . ftancvv i'.ackayrdo. Br:g North.Csrolina, Barker, Limerick. 1 r a b 1 n -e &:y, Limner,' from Philadelphia, -but laft from Waihington) refpectfully informs the ladies and geiidemen of the town ot New bern, that he is arrived, and wiihes to pleafe thole that will employ him. Ke paints in Miniature, Crayon, and Hair W ork, with natural or dillbU'Ci hair : n ouimng pieces for, Bracelets Ertft-pins, or Hings, figura tive to tlie wiPa and deiire of the ladies and gentlemen. Thofe that will be pleal'd."to employ, him ill J'er.d or call- aspaintin, roonrp arrive l)g Downs', w he re he w ill be alvvays ready to at." tend. , ' : March 1 r. IV Refpeftfully informs the ladies and 1 gentle- ( men oifewbern that the. , N E W T H E A T K E, Mr. Turiter's ftiil foom will open on Mon- day, March, the 20th, with the PRO VOK'D flUwBAN D. Preteding the PLy;' ah Occasional '"' buKSs, -by Mr. Edgari . - . Between the. Play and Farce a rO WHICH V'LM 'ADDED- Mr. Cohman's celebrated ComicJQpera of I.tN'K-L.E & Y A R I C O, AMERICAN HEROINE ' The price of admittance pne dollar, children . r hulf price. . . i .Tickets to be had at the Printing-office, and ot iVir. iL.dgat-i at the Eagle i averns To authdrife the receipt of evidences of the public debt, in paymentfor the lands of the United States. . ' Making appropriat . nsfor the fupport of go. vernment, for th? year one thouland fe. ', ven hundred nnd n.nery-feven. -Relative to the compenfations and duties of certain officers employed in the colleAidn of impoft and tonnage. " " . To augment the compenfa ion of the Attor ney-Generalof the Jnired .States. For railing a further fu;n 01 money,, by ad dironal ciutiis on certain artitlea 1 --'.i ported; and tor otaer-urpofp. To lnlpend, in part, the aft, intituled 'ari aft to alter a: d !amend thc "'aft, inritulcrd, an act laytrg certain duties- upon InutY and rented fu-ti-, and to irant rftief in certain cjh s anting undr the faid uft. To provide for mittigati g or i cT'irting the forU,;tures, penalties and dilabd.tlcs ac. cruing in certain cafes therein .ncntio!icd. For the re-niiiion of the duties of tonwae on the Veifels of Ja;nes O'Bneri and James Avlwurd. Providing tor certain buoys to be placed in and near the harbour of. Bolton. Authorizing an expenditure, and making an appropriation for the profecution or the claims of certain citizens ot the Lfni cd States, for property captured by the bel ligerent powers. Authorizing the I're.idcnt of the United Stat:s to apply a further fun; to th: cxpcnle of negx;iations with'the Dey and Kcgency of Algiers. To revive and continue the aft palTed the 'thirtieth of May, one thoufand !ev.nhun. drcd and ninety. tU, intituled a.i act 10 regulate the tdmpenfaiion ot t'erks." To amcr.d and repeal, in part, the aftJnti tulcd " at act 10 afceruii) and lix ihe mi litary cihb'.ilhmcnt ot the Uui.eJ 'itatefc.'.' - Extending the time for receiving on loan the do.ntlbc debt ot tli.' Unilcd ci.iics. To provide more elfeau d.y for the fettle incnt of actou-.its betv een the United States and re'eivrrs c! ruM:c money. MaU..i; .-rrropriatiu..'. fcr . :c inil'.tary and naval ritjbii!l.n,n;t$, for tie year one thou- fand feven hundred ?iid tiiucty.fcven. To alter the time for the nest ineetinj of Concrcfs. Cciiccrning tic circuit courts of the United State Giving cfiVft to the laws of the Uni.cd States in the Jbte of TennclTcc. To continue ni fqree for a l.tnitfrd tire, the . m addition 10 the ait for the pu.:l;i. XliEiiEAS i;y v.iie Polly, has abfeond ,V..v e'd heritlf frdin : my bed anti board, and hath meanly taken up with ovtTkonu-s Ben- net, mate gf a v'tli'cl ; ; this is to forwarn all pcrlbns fronrtruiting her on my account- I will give a rewaid ct FCKTY SHILLINGS to any "per ion, who will, bring her home to me: 'i be w .iv.an is about five feet three todies high, twent) touryea'rsot age, 'has light j nair, fair ccvpplexion, and hbtk eyes. L tr.net n five feet 7 or 8 inches hgh, middle agJ,long black hair, with two of his upper foreteeth .... 1 . . out, it isluppoled they arc gone to vvaih SJDocrs to be opened at 7 o'clock ahdtar r , . begin at half paft 7. v -. N. B. If is particularlv folicited that thofe ladies and Gentlemen',. who may honor the Theatre with their attendance, will procuTe' tickets atjhe places above mentioned, as, mo ney cannot - be taken on any account at "the Door; J. ., 'px:. ;A V" :j No admittance1 behind the fcenes, or during ' '. ' ' . rchearfal. : ' '" . v '."". n:gtdn. .V THOMAS GODFREY. Mcrcb 18. . ' 1. ; ' - "T O Tlf EP U b L I. C T HEKEA a publicat:on has lately an 1 tcaicd. tiMxd okn 7. J.rxan tharr a c . -j m j- ing the iubkntti itl, j (fitllT.ghiinfw'lfw.ith all the books, boi-ds ;n,u notes, and all other papers of value, Uiongh.g to the cuncern of John T . Cry on, & to. and that the fubferiber rtfufestocome toafiir and amicable fettle- 1 fettle.nent, wheieby he is likely to be much ii jurcd ; at d foiwornj- all pcrfons indebted to ia'd coparirerfhip, from paying the fub kr.ber any part thtttof, is his leceipt will be null and void : and alfoforwams anv i.er- Ion IV; tn truftirc the 'iibfcriber cn account of faid firm, as none ot his contracts will be paid by him after thefe prclet.tsj i Vindication of my character, and m anfwer td his falfe aO'erticiis, io deckre th3t the contents of the faid publication is rr. f onecms (except my monng m iclf cut cf the county) art! that faidEryan had the famtaccefs to the books, that I hd my felf, and had them in his polfeir on a number of titr.es, and ak ays feturned them to their proper p lace. 1 wus always willing to come to a lettltmcnt, but never could unltfs 1 had fettled agreeable to Jiis w iftics, hich Avotild have tccn very mtieh to my dan.age j at the fanrc time, agreeable to our ankles, it is not in his power to call me to a fettlcmtnt until April 1708, without tny confent :bcfidrs the laid Bryan hath vie. latcd his contract! by leaving the buhnefs which he fays to be concocted by him. lelfjf but in fact that wakonly to site ml to the tlorc, which he left on his late appoint, nicnt, ar d injured ire very niuh. Agreea ble to our articles, 1 have the fame liberty to purelufe goods on account of faid firm, at.cl give reteipts for nionies'eltic, that he has. A few days after the date of hU pub lieation, (in my abfence from home) he poCcflld hit.tfclf of all the books, and has them in hu pod'cJlion now. . JOHN M. SHEPPAUD. tsev-'Wrn, tKach 18.' . AfiiaHe'rYlseiFectf eTTor people of colour, at -7 : ' p quarter dollar each. ; " ; a ..,. ,. IVlr- Edgar begs leave to fexprefs his concern for the difappointment the audience experienced onThuriday laft to prevent the Ike matter happening in future the Wrtain lhall rife within 1 en m inures of the time ad, yertifed in the bills, to whatever number there may be in the houfe. . . And on Tuefday evening, the Coincdy of ... : the W EST - I. N D I A' N, ' , with the Farce of the C I T 1 Z E N. March 18. ' . '. . . NOTICE IS hereby given; to all whom it may con-ct-rn, that Edward Simpfdn, late of New bern is dead, aiif ihat jwilliam Lawrence,, who had been appointcdadmiiiiftrator to his eftate, is alfodead, andfhatl have been ap pointed and qualified as adminitlrator de b'onir -non to the eftat'e of the laid Edward Simptoo. , Allperfons indebted to the faid' eftate are: theretore defired to makeryment, and thpfc: having claims againfl it,to exhibit them with.. .t 11 in ine lime required oy law, to F. LUWniOUP, aim. de bonis mx. March 18. , - - 1 tiL pu'olic are hereby notified that John X. Fortelue, fen. late of Hvde counts, is dead, and that Tohn Alderfon. at Hvde Fe. , j --r . T" - J r, briliilV term. OUalified aqatiinir.iOi-atnrtrtlv.s - cltatc. All thofe who h avc demands acaintt the cltate ot the laid deccafed, are admonuli cd to exhibit them to the admintftrator with in the time limittcd by law, elfc thev will be Darrcu ot tneir recovery. . J. ALDERSON, adm. March 18". . BROUGHT to .the"Ja,UfNewbern dif-" t tritt, a negrp feUow, about live feet nine inches high, about twenty years of age (for merly (and perhaps yet) the property of Hen-. iy Ormond He fays his name is llaac, and that his maftcr is John Jordan. The owner is defired to come, prove his property, pay charges and take him away. EPMUND PEHKINS; Jailer March ii, ... ""hat s &d 11 TTrrhnrsr" E13ENEZEK WINSLOW beg, leave to inform the l ulies and gr ntlcfncn of this town, that be has jult opened a handfomc af fortmvnc of ladies and g iitlemcnsfincfummcr hats : alfo a ftnall and handfomc alTortmcntof, dry goods, futtablc for the fnmmer, in Mid- die Itrcet, near the Court Heufc. '.-'-"''". March io, ; f o ii s a 1; e, - A youn;: healthy 'N'ciro unrN larch tS. Apo!, toth f .4 V A- 4 rr y nu r 11 I J I - 4: " . J -

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