f. Ml ,llt (cfejp Families, which wai immediately acceded ; to,--Jwithbut, yFouridatipn fihcc which finSiStfe" ' V-4tiev Smiles in his F&eei" v; v' --.aI -wrought in the old HiVvj his Talons Tell off in Scales from be faid to be fate,-..- " . ;";":' .' " ' ) 7, the harlh Lineaments of his Counlejiaiicyereatnce- ., . :i . . Jjji-JS i ,Y: 'felg$35 ' Jy 16. . 1,1., : I proachM him, arid gently ; TtrbkmgT be happy in the peaceaWiS T 1 t: V , ! Hifling of the Serpents,, and afluaged . tb.e SeveVky of his Dec1 r 7. . - tV'fiii. This Dlfpute being amicably. adjuHed, BMH'mxt tlon : their Capital Ciiy, by a Fire which broke 'oxitott :- z"'m-1 v.- t. six v 7. hut a, :h lanqruiffiinTUook: 'and lifbed out in firaken , Norder Malrriw - and burnt with lb niuch Via ence : '. that a mouninil Accuia (e- ; 'XJ.iurpkiiP:qyer:.her Scarcely had flic utter'd veral Houfes adjoin ing befides, jhe Wind being very high r j ,' uJW -:n.. 1A7:..U the Flames cnmiminirafrl -'4k'' f.i$$3 Hn..rM rS:a whofe Hair was coverl with 'a hoary Frofthis Face plowed Vich were likesvife coiifumed; About an Hour after, thr J with: Furrow and .down his "Cheeks diftill'd a fcalding Tarns Day, another Fi re broke out m the Sudcr-Malnw ? Kheum. When the young Lady thus faw.limpmg towm wards her, ftie appeared in all die Agonies ofniought; .the o'clock in the Evening, a Brewer's Houfe took Fire, and , Rofes fell from .her Cheeks,, .and (he fundown; into a burnt to the Ground ; as were feyeral radjatentHoiifes It,. C 4.U" nil! TheTClno- hpinor infnrmV. -vf K0r IT: ! that fiie was proud and impcriousrfond of Government bolni from Ulrichdahl. and went in Perfon to Places Whrrr-1- 4-and vetincapablc otd iding,ivclte feof Power , hy -difpohrig: of, her frontier Townsto Fancu fders lor itoppinff tne Pros refs of the Flames, that the Fir " , ' . , 7 .... . .... T .-i -..- . f ,. . . . 7 . t! 1 ! 4.'. 1 V1? m ) wha nowb withunnmited Authority ; nor admits any extingui'ih'ed the next Day j after which hls 'iajeft:i :1 w . uikH uuituca iv uic jdjr v iii,wntnout - a prior--" iv-" wuuimAui. x c xmr a irein Tire oroke ouc Interview-with herfelf. .' "-"-yv. 1 in .thMarketin the Suburb of Ladugarfland, and ".the Day - "The Remainder of my Dream bemg contused Number . j C?ikE4ng , another in the fame Diflricl, near 'thiacker' : of Ideas without Order or Arrangement; I ihallforb'eai! to Market. The Number of Houfes conlumW! ' I inlert; in Mercy to my Reader. ; .1 ' U ' L f ! j a oop v among which are the fineHoufe of theScriator ount . l nurobielcke, another magnificent Edifice belong ing to Baron, PaHtierna, the fuperbXhurch of ISt; r ClarL ' the Hotel of the late Prefident Rolam, and 'nany other con--iiilerable Edifices both in ' the North and South Quarters ' The Ships and Gallics,- as- alio the ;Arfcnils and Granaries which lay ym thole Quarters, werV in great Danger, buV happily . received no Damagey the King's Diredions for vxtreniely well executed-It is pretendcrd thatcombuftiblc From tht. W E ST M I N STE R J..0 U R N A L, cf ': I A H E laft Ships arrived in France from thcr Eaft-Indies, bring very remarkable Mews concerning the Situati on of Affairs between the French and the Indians: Among "other. Thines, we hear. That on the id of Tanuarv lAft.-thf . . ' J m? r -..x 1 ' '4 . . j;! rench had concluded a Peace with the' Nation difiiiwuifhed Materials have been found in divers Parts qf the Town V ' .-by the Name of Marafoes ; that the Nabobs with whom "and fome fufpicious PferfonshavcenHken np : A; Reward . 4 they we at War, had Been killed by one of his Nephews, of 2000 Ducats is z offered to fuch as may difcover any V f who was .afterwards proclaimed in his Stead : That the. the Incendiaries wiih a frcc Pardoa to any one that -. latter, tb denote' hisi (sratituda to the Frpnrh fmm :nLm fliall imnearh Wit ArcAnmllc .-.tk-T a-1'c.- . ..: " - " w TT liVtll " V w Ul IVVJ k VV1UI. I 11,1 I T I.IV AArf rP nrt ' I many-Services, had brouszht over to' their other Sort of Old Women than 'fnrK i,f,,'nif,f ;riM Nations bordering oh Pondicherrv'and the Coaft under iefuitical HabitSi v, - .. ndel, amounting. to upwards of thirtv Thoufand " July 10. 'l is faid that ffvprol ATpt W- ni ul T c new-Nabob had teefaretArT-firtlplYrw7n u nth., r.11 KvnMit;rtn ;mn:MM - ....-i- - . I he had received Intereft the of, Coroma f ' - " IV - - " - TV MAWkUiU f commands at Pondicherrv, GcneralhTimo in thofe Ouartrrs'j "French Fleet readv to f.u- J ' - . -w. y J m-acknowledgcd in-that; Quality ;by 'the Iridiarf '"Th'e BodiesofaTcrfons,' v fk 'Vo in:: 5 - ,. -A- ' T .. ? ;- . -t-and got-him-acknowledreil -tn thkt ( hrrJitv hv -fti" Tnir? I KftRni' h--f n'VnCnWc. , ,u:k uj 1 u.'i-l. i . t . Nations -. That the other Naboos by whom they ' arc com- buried 250 Years (ago, at Iflihgton Church,- were taken up . minded and nf Tvlinm thr nhrwrmnnt'tnnpA !e fVia CW,C !-r 1 i-f - .Vo!r .f..il T '"had taken the Oaths to Mr. Dupieix ; And that the princi- This Week two Egyptian Mummies, Male and Female, .:.pal Nabob had not confined: his Acknowledgements to the were landed at thc'Cuitom-Houfe.- They had been buried . Favours already related, but had conferred on Mr. Dupleix upwards-of 1700 Years,, and were configned" to an eminent the Government of two Places, where the French privately Merchant of this City. - . enjoy, the Advantage of loading and unloading their Mer' , On the 20th of laft Month, John Shakcflunks, Wool- chdizc, &cV , . . . - Comber, and -Anne,, his Wife,"of the Panfh of Wea- lly Letters received by the laft French Mai!, we have an. thersfield, in Ellex,' appeared at-the cuftomary Court of I ywv lui.ud u uic in- - uicmanor w i-unmow-perva in tnat .bounty, arr claimed dianSa alter thtir late iiriTatTpmpnt m "thp r,.ufr-Tt,.i-!ire 3. X ,1 V. Mr. Dupleix has fentthe Kin of France a Prefent of a t; Di.mp'jdr the largefl that ever came to Europe.. liycctters from Crema, . Capital of the Cremafco,- a . i'" ,vrvfc V V M1IVU i,lt'e viin a lciacnmeni ! cfo MeKjiu Wcccjvcd with the loiideit Acclamati Hiy wmi mai nas ocen maae nice tne iear ito: The famons'old Storv -is as follows, viz. Ont Rohrrt: Fitzwalter, a powerful iiaron, in thb County in the Rcignr of Henry III. inftitutcd a Cuftom. in" the Priory there,; that, " Whatever Married Man did not repent of his be- mg married, or amcr and dilpute with his Wife, within a Ycar'and.'a Day after; his Marriage, If he and his Wife .. . 7 the Populace, 7 icy imagined thefe Troops were corr -rTC of Bacon.", This Cuftom is ftill kept up,- notwithftandin - wCirculatc in their L i lint their W waTnAn tnm ;Kr--i-n:4Tt..:- .u ,r-n ?.., ...rt-i -.i " , f r . " . - -J I tt no .wvai tuilivu ltd v- t4s. xiiiwuiiyu ui u.c iviuiiaircrics, omy iniieau -or tnc . - 1 sorrow & tor tnat u.ncer having hr t ipi7rirth 1 ist th Pr Y'ri i..r.v. ' r . - , r , - - , . - "-o-" '--w .iiw.i.iw! uiivtiii, u,ujiimnci5j3-nowiraniactca a? a i.T " !H 5 u oY the. I: he anftrehended eighteen- Pcrfons three of whom were,. . Manor; Itjmay be fome Amufement to our Readers toc j'f- -ivri-Tir lCf' 1 ' ' -hc Mtwt&no-thc Words of the Oatlvon this occafion, which arc to the : " ; v'UiV:-' r ' ": ' ':You 'v '. i . ,' ' ... ! n - .".