ifA H Pericfe fiay; Be'fuppliec) vvith this P APE R; at ir - tcr, -.ny.il a 21 s iJ a V is, 1 ' Txrr-; tt7g,;.i' a'." : ' ii 9 t9i iifrl i'5, tSi t-OV! ty fV tS, ty lA) xtxisy, ,H tjnr i.itiAJfri fjSH ih'th -H0 U Q'H Ms cfVd oji all Hands, tpt ''Hiii71 -.iv- V v'-tV- ' -'-'""iS 'the Weal rj - one Citcu : n y V yt h ifeif iGW--tc.wMtcin to be influenced by ruble J I can't forbear being ailonilfrrff if fcM a Caution? becotn Thofe that .Kafh and Amorous l)ef doat -Way .x. tern Kv.it icir to- z inrinthe Danger ! -rr----- : T isngtiih'tl. for "the happy Moment beTsr e it ea n3 arcuhdo.ic-, thisVay. aro therYour the ' ror .wnile toJe equauy transported when lUuf!. .rous vviuMeAkarts-ire ever" dvinf With .;:tvcii thele Ihould, in"lhend, prove as, M ircj whof iiyes're ecr rouiag. -sfier Biraity -i thefe .tra tne others ! nd -yet, ho w. often, ivlj on thefiilt;aiiiiAkyI:ria.gc,t;hat':C in their: .cJioiy.trcuroUancc !. As iixtaly aoge?, , and wUcii thypme u oik,, kiiic woula riique wivcti oUcn-makes-- VV ay tor indittetenCe. ;:rX:; rents,' they -no tytMhlre the ten:pting;'-Fruit but their get take any Pains to be niutiially "a&ve, Eyes afTTopen'd u(rviy o thcii liuempc'rance comes'- tlyr' di(pleate,-andTyet angry if rqpruzelp- p vihble ; biume ccwedj hhr, nJ t ,en KcpeiiWce j-but . Kelilh tor each other's komp.;ny thatnyTV borrow tor thehfk I vrs. ioontui ns urA-nirer viriv the innocent ; welcome, aim nicrcenitKaining. i neir . ;;;;,4, ; 4 . ' " C'iufc of theiliniiappincfs : .Hence flow b liter Rerroaches, - tncy puiiue. fepcrate rieaiurct ; inevcr ;Siipp . c hd keen Inylciives, -which .cndjii mutual Hatred and Coji- r p't bdt.to find Cpmtort in ether. Happintlfinjs no"Entnnce"vh.n"Loyc is genet- Thusjor "ry'd itfclfout whh He'art-bui nilf J - a few li6iirs 6f D..)li,n, 1 v. ill nvtcdl itKcHon, the fublides into a pcjfedtjnftnfijr 7tW0M but Wt hefore r?ei.ni t live e-nly f-.r each other; new would- plaifanct, .that each inay'be thvt tJl naK. 'But hold ire not of Tons" in the Health witl go to Sfr.lt Mind no Joy b dreams Thus neither -each other as fond But I W( , fays tiicuiVlah of rhkcm -anti Gxonomvall wz on this bubject, who being this: hi irV 1: itrn 1 show it There are Per - Countrymen to marry according tahli AVorld uuvarryriu. without P-lIioiif, nd i(i Church, as -being -'the. OrdiiUikcottJ lO'ut-ApptHiie ; the'k hunt cuit a Vvifc c.s they good God brillcly rcply'd, -tbarW)ir: bfiehi for a Ilorfe; and intcr-mrrv Fortunes, not - "good and wile as heAvatreprt.rt''. s, cr even lot'les : in thi Cafe. the bridegroom has. riddux ..with tbt Alarrtagn of ,,bis tfttf fpj,' utin takii.- iVf!u'non of (lie -Portion, the L'ridc an bunlred of them had any Thing UMbm'W, . cf little befide new Ciuaths,Viiirsand Cohcratalattonsr r ' Lomnn w jff.-continueU lie , as their Kxpecracsons of.; Plchne are notvtrv" great, , tnect you long to part and, mt having ' is,the DiLnni ir.tment very urievous they! iufl Keen rowerhy fyay:jf:'K her in-Coi nieiviKty-lieetctntly,-and-aic vxzciyIffi(reas.in cursi.wbichhavc r I the .twentieth Ytt:r cf Matrimony, as the fit It JffcSlUn Mid. lalm" longer than they rv.M not advife'iiiy onc to call this State of Infipi- m, we mate it MrBujinesJbljx ;y mppintls, t ecauie it woiTiu argue nun txtn ignorant, jraxa louje , jm,- w m limi). its Nature, ;-.nd incap. Lie of enjoying it. Mere Ahfcnce vcrfeclthe Inchwtion. But ifianypok Pain.-will undoubtedly tonftitutc Eafe;" and, without 'among us as tohate where th( only Cdtr, ; city cf of . E: . the fivelv the rais'd by their own P.ilfion?, thefe (lumber away their. Days -' in a fiujTiih Calm, and rather dream they live, than c,pc- ..i ' f '.it,. fe, there can le r.o il.ppinefs ; Eafc, hnwtvtr; is but we inpanth dtfdve the Band : God maayS Medium thro' which. Hspninefs is tailed, 'snel -but paf-. each has L$ Mw fomewhive or other ; a'A receives, what the la ft actively bellows: if tlicreforc find, each tther sW., face no Creature ivai',' Rail), who marry inconhderately,nerifli in the Storms hilfeiahle X . ' -c-',; in a uujrKuu vaiui, iiia iiiivi uitaui incy iitc, uuu eApe- 1 1 1 1 ' rience it hy a,.Sciics.pfC4ul,".rc-ii(il?le Hnjoynicnts . ( ' As Matrinu nial Happincfs dfen is neither tlie Refuir cf Florente" Sett,' 3. Th Infipidity, or ill:grouiu;ed Paflion, furely tlu fe, who make . of DiiUnclfcnof both Se: 1 There have not bce( ) J . - .1 exes here from' Er.dfc' v their Court to Age, Ugliritfc,- and all that s dtrt table both Years, as 71 oy.. I he 1 rade ot 1 ulcany, wm-vA, in Mind and Body, cannot hope to find.it, tho' qualiiy'd tencd with Decay, fe;nftbly revives, fine: 'Jnijj with all. the Riches that Avarice covets, or I'lutus could he- have been taken for eft iTlhliiug a regulirfr''V- itow. Matciics of thn Kind arc downright Prolhti.t'on, between the Ports of Lcgho n and 1 r a tt'-i-; however fofttn'd by the Letter of the who receives the ftolde) Equivalent of cawj;and he or flic that this Commerce may, pofiibly, Jn. i " i 1 - ;fr'v ,!'; of Youlh aTi Beauty, - of the molt flourifiiing in all Italy, -efpecial!, (, ,: v 10 wretchedly beftow d, can never enjoy what they fo dearly is clelign d to be fetticd with the 1 orts r-purchas'd : fl'he fhockng Incumbrance would render -the Place. V , : '"' :' ' Wffi?', lumptuous ifanquet taflt ell, nnd the :manil;ccnt Bed loath-- ..Genca, Sef.t, 15 It vers Yeflerday !ctcr; ; " t.J f'ome Refj- would difd'iinjhe onc5 andjppetite ficken at cil,-to make this free 'Port fur ten Ycarf, S'r the othcfrUncafinefs wait onbotlf ; even Gratitude itreironfidcrablv:the''Dutie5 upoii Goods' brouilii 7 would almcfl"'teafc to bc'oblicinc Mid Good-Manners Ships s -aiUtn cfe our Traiic ihould rcccin -r- fcP W" . - .', . i f