Law$ytIn iktj'm&MnRifo id. :' . CJ - .- ........... ,' ai&wafr- nri 'Hj "JiUnday Setnnightiaifr u i M.-: 120 i- oirHich, Evening he was in Company wim lome oi ni . v - 'tt;iWzWW- htr$4(ft Family, which coniiffed of Wite,' ahdaiCh . " r f Thuridy-Evehhtg ; J wililjiqjng the bpiflrcits Ivsathtr I C. if v. took itimdHs HcaJ to go to rjii Orchard near 'by , to Fee: if; . ... , ' hi ... . .ny coys naargot iv-. to-itcir woppics, . wucu iiii-grcui,, rr 'lpti0:: : Surpiize, he found the fxtd Diowleii dead, hanging in il very ; :flioiiss ended it thc'Old.Baily, wfieliT Se odd 'Pofturev aopfcT him, -,. received Tiidment ofiDeatii. L his'FctUabutfixIn-.' o n d :o 'I'iiinate'recc gjnce -for, Tianfportatiou, fbril Years,, and 21 "dies Trpm thc Ground ; it isMuppofed he- was itruck-iead, r - :.; -irs. - .Three were7 order d to)e vvihipp,jr and as he was' coming down irom'the 1 ree, with my Mitetafull W '' ' :i ' v' J C '' ' - ot Atples, and left quite ftilfin the Plturc auovc . defcrlb- - II e Tnnt ,r ;e live following Prifbricrs'.' who' harl ed -A' Matter of 'reat AftoraihmenftcVall the To wr ; '?!:'!''".;..'"'. ' ' ' ..V" T t r r, A . -. in '"it'. .- m " "i .' 1 -.- i ' ' .1. H" I. . il 'p yk-.oavv, l, viz. Jomua vveit 1dr detrauding ... aHii liiojuW be a. J error to an tnoie wno aarc cntne mg itcx . SfeefA -FbuJ.'."p for a FoiL-ci yy Davtor 'lleal- Occafioato imprecate thcr-J udgment of God on thdrvi- f5?i'-u y,:fox ai thcr Jelonyi i , .ooery, were orour to feftv gracious Pardon j which -I Affly 3, to be tranfpofted for icv. 'f.l'.s,kt LiU' ; -but'-: mho bibfon was la vvVald 1 I foX !f feilfc' - 'vnK i-WW to be tranfported foKlb ;!?:?;iSi;;rV'-V -,.h!silaiefty's- Clemency was read glflhehad rather' die than live: i'lio , Heads.' to fJ.-r 1 nere rs lately ainvcuin lownirom uieiaii dly, IndicSibutlaftfrom Lifbon,, aManofthemoit furpridng unac- ; art--, Xcounfaote Genius, that has appeared in:thc VVorli for thefc. of rriiy Ages pait j he lays he n an ita-ran, and a Mative of ir- Civ'ka Yecchra, named Signprc Andcro Gninaldc Volante,: to aped about Fifty, of a. middle -Stature; in ' Hory Orders of and "the Coiege of J efusy and vveiit abroad twenty Years iincc, - ids, who had made Intcreft to travel in" the Laftern-Nations, by Urder, of tlic'Tathcr tiov that' if he lived he ihoild VProvincal of the Prctftganda fide.- ; This, wonderful. Man, it onfl ffiin I ip( Anrf thrJ i-iff'r f i i h 'w n y --a f i n ri-a t I .ahour ani f.xnenre. has con- liic next Sellibns ; ancKvhtn he- of a inoft cyrtous 'Pcxture and WorfcmaniLip; which by ;;v!( r t:; 'iid he fhould be uftticrtxsnc Mind, ; the Help of Clockwork, is made to amcuiifm the Air, and '1 ' ' 1 , " ' to procttd willi that'Rpidity .-cf Force and Swiftncfs, as to ,)v'...i:i'.A'i?:.,I Ii . i : ' . -Kit i ...... - .. ..... r . t n W E Eigiy,l,rcncr m ure-iviaijcict naving put oc amc co travei tne is. are or Jt en leagues an noui;. , i:$!t:?4!1 J Ci1cy m a grcufy Bag? went out in. It is in Oiape of areat &rtl the Kxtciit of whofe: Wings, '!:u fccuiing Jt;wlicii lie iivturnM.frola Tip'to Tip,", is twenty two.Fctj the Body is compo- :ce.s of Cork,, cunouily held together " by Joints -covered with Vellum r.nd Feathers j thc .VVingt ; - "'Jsi11 ''C-Mtney gone,' 'and . charged 2 'fed. of Pieces ;ti t 'H'iitt-i ' the Shp aftc-he kd jione of Wire, cover i A. iM.f':' m 11 .i 1 0 f 1 1 1 '. .I'v'v , -, it v. ,r. I that D:;)' : Ttui aDoj; in tly Market be- 'with two Rollers, or Barrels of Brafs, and fmall Chains, rCiEturiiir offTrom-each other a counterpoize Ain thuc Mann: '. H; went dirlyVeTght, andbylhHeTjroTTr I jJ 'fTUoIfad carried th them; and loaded witha- U-A the Ml ey williotv tlie Lofs of a certain Quantity of Qakkfilver, the Machine is by help of r ' ,. -' V . , ."h- th Artilt, kept in due Equilibrium and Bai lance ; and by "41 . - 'fOr 'ft: as fo'Iar fucccedtd in fene pfjits late Re- . large, lurpnzing Moguct, the whok is kept in regular pro- . obtain:th'cfer.',hg cf C 'rcular (Orders to grcllivc Motion,, unlefs the Temperature of Winds , and $ &Jjji' 'MyTu-judizs c Sh.". in tV Spanifh Wcither prevents, &r.fiosan no tiiore ily in a Galni thai Q f u ' ' jubilance or whicl" is as t116ws : . .Jtic ran iira Stofi. Tni3 wonderful Maciiine is guided. and" . I-' " Will IKs Catholic Ma- hW0f&fir heijce.rth. the hjarionn.i Ccm-' oLcan'firfrps to hAin Uiljiglifttin ihc Wcft Jran his Cegs," citljsr to en Feet long, 'which is fattened by nees and Ancles j and.b'y the expand c to' the Righf orLcftrhe4 moves the j 1 - iri. -tt 1 -r t . 11 - rOt""i . j "uptca,: and ' tnat tnei cik it .? not ttopt, w noiu wiucn way nc crimes: 1 re neaa is auo oeautn 11117 ' 'V!v ,. they arc found frihtciici in carrying 011 formed, and reprefents that cf an Eagle's. The upper-and i': J I "rad"- prohibited ijyvTretiesr-That-he; lower Bill is made of-a curious Arabian ,Goats Horn, 'ft; f- A -cinit 'vifitedi, detained,'-' tr rrolefted, under transparent, and the Eyes of GUH, as natural as -the- Life, I hat he mdtrs Ids Gcvu norland Com-" and turns :J Sf.olc well to'.thn, and mVns them to priilh fattened 1 'Vrivatcers or Guarda de la 'Codas' as (lull (be tual M v. '. iiibbcyiflg his Orders. -But there fecms three Hours) an Axis inward,-by the Help of two Wirca ecps all three in pcrpc inc Mies, (which is but and tneh " ; ; 3 yeMackinn; here : -It is Kit laid, that the oi Courfe lights gently on his F ee,, wnen lie winds up the ,.,r;(;::notftcp, vifit, nor-(carch our Ships op the Clockwork, and lets" himfclf apn. on the -Wing. But "u dbre they may find fevcral Pietexts for do- D.ould any . of .his Spr's or Wheels rive Way, he mult Klv fi fr tli ' T rt fn r . ft IW M if 44 liwll VUb V UIW n't. T l ' . . 4 1 1 ' .' tl '.II. : . rnii 1 iirirTiint- tinii is nr ni.i t inii)inn v tjii rr rn nrr i. WCJ prc tiiat fixfli Reprtfciitatidiij may produc;. Clguds, fwr vyliich Rcafou he ncyer (bars above the Height 9Z I t f .V