-; With; the frUhcfi AMcj Foreign and 'UmftlL All Pe .;ter . Work ' The following c is ifanjlqte'd r fet right .up,-'; If he was taken Ptipjftdrjbinhcr, they Sfoufj' ywrr made yje oj jo?ne pmiojppnu lcem. tTBrftronfr-tn hiTFavQuririaci j. . . -y. - . . . - " . . .-v , . : rrA, T . , t .n' rA - it - i - : imar r? fdzingJiJm a Place-in our 1 his RcncdyTuTpjrTzM liim efFeually, he opened lsyh Papery Jor'thf Sceptxall&aleTu ll - 7;7''::: ;;' ' -r; l .; tiotv 'hiTWiiFe'' carried him' Home, where bcfcJjs ffi)3"- LE'E P; is, the' moft melancholvrnd-.humblinff they gave him no Mroicinc, he (pcai& fcnWy enOgh 1 " State of ' Man in Health ; it has Bounds thatNa mends every ,.Davv -. . sii '' . -' ;. y ture nas tne rt .or: prolonging: orcen oy naDic o.r Licicfc-t-ciuijiuiiii-ujuvak..u! a uiiuuimui.ai me.iiuiiu ng; Annuals; the Do moufe being always impttiet to get the Maitery of Nature inp , '.- .ana Marmotte llecp iix IVJLpntns in the x car, witn- mqn niuuen j-tirgns, ne ,iees, -autniiesj anu leargncs, jf' ; A.1T'.- - r:" out awaking. t A Sleeper of tjiis Sort is a farc-rKxample,-'. jtt difcove'rs.nothihgr---' . Miair7vehture Jiowcverto PPEr '." . ;-v "the Hiftoryof: whichthafeemed to be worthy of the Jin- -'-sis Conjeitu're forri'c Rtfledtions that I have .made :.- . . ; . quiry of a Philofbpherdut is'A curious Obfyver. ., . lingular a HilloryTFhat I:may rfprcht them iiUrd; rV ' ; A-Man $f&bout-45-Yea - 1 Conltitution Sluep iii thcVc-nyCt, I : . Coachi andvas a Cargenterjbyjl? ord et I ampeak i ng of, .by the following Accident; j c for'Examplcs-that'fnay haveTome Relation to it. - . . ; h had quarrtl .vith,ra Carpenter for whom ne had vyrk'df. In the firil Propofiuc-n tw Things are to be confidcifd ' , : . '- ' they were pted juft as they "were oing to fight, ,andveach- .uponwhat deep depends, and the Manner- in Nvhich Grfef ' , ; : went-hiiown-V many Cxmfes t'iat pbdiicc Sleep fgeneri; . hear'd that .his Acrfe-ifcad 'fallen .from a building! audaie Brain, Obftruction ih'tlje GLrid Comprcffionjbr was kill'd. This fatal News fazed him wkh fuch KorceT Relaxation ; from hence com nonly proceed Apoplexies and Conftitutionr Arrto I mt L that he threw hirnfelf with his Face tip(MftIie"GrOund,' and Lethcrgies :: In the Blood, impbverifhing of tMSpirits, id his Spirits ,and..Seiifer failing, he grew' drowfy idenfi- from hence proceeds the indilpcnfable ISeccj(tfor Merp -big.. '!;;, ". ' flcep,v to repair 'their Spirits too: much incunKered by the The 26th of April 17 1 3,-he was carried to la Cbariu9 vpQ Parts ; and hence proceeds the Difpofition always where he remained till the 27th of ' Augujl of the fame Year, to the fletping Difeafes. Such was the State of our Patient that is fyur Months The firil two Months he gave no before he feil. A Carpehter by Profeffion, and a fot by Sign of voluntary Motion or Senf;itioihis rEyes were- fliut Inclination ; Qualities which commonly furniftttk Day and Night, he often moved his" Eye-lids, his Refpira- Bloodj the ative Principles of which are hard Maifeh?- tion was always free and eafy7 his Pulfe was fm'all and- low, caged j Rcafon proves it, and Experience confirms ft evciy but equal ; if you put one of his. Arms in any Situation, it Day. ' , remained there, (a Difeafe that is called -Caia(ipfyj)-but it .I his being fuppofed, -it rernainrto:cxaminc th vasrnot the'fame vith the refl of his Bodyi thcymadthim. in which Gaief-ads-Gricfis a'Difeafe ,f-the MirrJ,- Aig fwallo'w fome S;)"o6hfuls of Wine to fupport him, and "this- of the moft terrible and inoft. fatal ; Rage, ' Defph,-Fclr was his only Nouriflunent during this-'Pime; he therefore Revenge, and Melancholy, are its ufual Effedts., Wfat became lean, dry? and emaciated, a very different State from Diforders do not Paflions of this "Nature, produce ' irijhc that he was in' before. ; v Machine j ,: Sonic prcci'piute"thc ' Motions ; of. ihe . Spiiit M. Buretta under whofe Hands he vas at firft, made without Order, whence Phrcnjies arife, jndninnniteNuin ufeof the moft powerful AHiftances ; of Art, Bleeding in the bcr of acute Difcafes ; others retard the Courfc of it, 3.1! Arm, the Foot, thcNeclc, Emiticks, Purgatives, Blifters, therefore produce hypochondriacal AfTecUojiand the gria Ltathes, and Volatiles ; and this witliout being able to pro- tehV Part of corneal Difcafes The Gr i)f oiir Slecfer (llfbeirielcnlWr with melanclibly the Bainjihit ffrfrnayrife the Sx Scnfation, fometimcs preiiing his Wife's Hand, and atprcffion, of the IVimum Mobile, thickens moand 11MC ; r other Times by melancholy Complainings ; but thii would its Prts draw clofrr, hang togahcr, and cnt-7 ! u .happen when they had been feveral Days without, purging titsf Hours of Reft-arc no -longer rf-cien' mm. r rom this 1 imc ne. ceaicu trui all jundcr JRm, , bem-MontHs are fequiiite to leparate aU V;,; careful to turn' 'him'ftl? to the ,E(c. ofthId, where a for waking. In this Refpcct I a .waxed Cloth was put on Purpofe aiu!' not '(to any Thin Ijim to the Marmotte ; being.; - LJ :" till, he found himfdfrfhere, and then lie did his Occafions, Image. . w : ' and returned to his Place he began alfo to take Broths, This Animal, heavy by its7- y;y Pottage, and other Sulfenince, keeping - Hill his firft Iiicli- dull, abounds with Fat ; during-. nations, a great Thirft for Winr. - r.-.. takes no Noufifhmcnt in its fix iL -He never madpunv Slrrfu flnt h? wmtl mw Tli e Times appointed for his Meals, they touch'd his LipJ ' Circulation of the Blood, anajC' V';- " " rVc ith their Finger's.;, at this Si?n;il he opened )U Mouth with- ferves: At the End of this T rX-- : .: -? fanr out opening his Eyes, arid fallowed what was riven him ; 'Help; th fix Months that it isfv , , ' itely hethtnbyill, cxcjff.g patiently, a fecond Notice. They cxhaufts but little, its Blood becor ;f ; fnd and'. i. it. lints . the with their Fingers, -flvcd hir;' tcgulrtL," : uthc was sll the Time like a CorpiUit flecps again.-Pcrfwpi- from tin