A1D LlH Av'toliriP:- ff-i I i allyour boaffed fcience it a dream, ':' it .; -. .. "T'"""":'"t i - '.I n t v in . n : mkf ttortfni cichtt fcholar and the oroud ! 'tfVSuM yield up human icience, -and of power "WTT v J' T IP IT IT A T I 0 4'-'. L. HER E A S Information tlj: jfHV' tOn s midftthbufandfyftemi fikM - fjiiiina.a-. . . iw ...... i&.-v, if utj vvd ;y . upon Oattfiat; ndry 'Pcribn' under Colour and Prel V Mncc of Authority from his Maieftv!i Offir v in W- y nice oriksrftf iiave' come into - tfte U antvroFvA- . BiiwliiVbvinceand-hayen Virtue of IS the faid "Authority: : AndwHereajiTo'cl -illtftral Prnttij i 'tt :Bl! 1 i C"! .' J' . ... . - 1 ... , v' . v : .. . : . i - Spjpin,ft 'thou create one, atom ihaftth6u;p6)jffr 'PWlP"-or toerfl:rcy ? ' yet thk&ir gl : ne-artincer aivmcrj. aim uwu, -v ing: . . mH WiVVilVboaft a battle gain'd," ah empire won, ' , ' iif A'poifU in ipacerana wnat tny uoo sgood wiIU PfFcrmits;the:Mrevlf trivial !iby body breath, far meaner, mighty prince v Sillls thf illuflrious groatnelsjrtharlcompair'd yrSStg n jppvv nn tnee, tnc meaneit. rcpuie on tne globe ! , J 1 who formed all that euilded duft vou rean ; Utlf are tncf flant and unjleepihgrtoil?-." MlfeVaft is the little earth--of which one vein ':$!reffftant with thy lov'd mammon, wou'd beftovir I .'Ibre affluence than thy; mo'ft (anguine wifh ; ; t , : iiS!as rvcr hop'd : Nyet. Various. mountains (vt . ' ,L:iftjWith:veini lo 1 envied various earths there arc" t-'ceed'ing thi?, where emmet-jiice thou toil'ftrX Miytini v?rious mountains in thofe various earth fl i'l And in thofe various mountains various veins pillnnt'merable ! and of thofe even one ; ' feiifr niprc'' than alf the riches : yet all thefe r JRie God's are thv creator's ! envv then :Kibuch" wealth, exceeding fo lmmenfclv .thine the taut Authority : And-vvhercas;. fuch il WmI Prom-4 v w:- im W3hifefily to difturb the Peace, raife Doubts about the ErrrW. T :" ' " : l!T a frontier; to-Mc-Indiansj I have : though fif bnarTwitir!th in,' 1 nis, Majclty:s Ulhccrs, ciVil and military, withm this Province, who V illf l: Anil be .informed :of ' -any Offence-in- th'e?-"Preminesr: to.-appreend'-AS w .ic io,Dci.apprenenaear every ..i4Ktt :,uinderr.and ;tObr cnem. with rtli Prnnl-nt - f hir-l lfhtrv - hpfnr hie Ibf-,T-n..i. Si! . BIWSWH jilltice, .or. any one of his -Aflbciate JatlicCii' to; Lcdtt With ac : cording to Law. Herein theXare not to fail. . vV'-f'iifP Sis hi ! it J NT ' t" ; ' ' "y- " ,,,..,,, vre or toe Jala- M rilPMi" Province, at Wilmington, . f XOt b Day cf-Uzy, in rXXVl'Pl Tearl birMajefifs Reign, Annb Domini 1753, . . - ,H jllf vB his Honour's Command. . i : Ja. Murray, Sec. t A- : p ; .y v ' .7 77 I75V. A Court of Claims' will be held on T uefdaj the Twenty ghtrji'X)a of . ? next, at Wilmington, where 1 1 1 :Sna mro revenge, uun muer, grow prorj J rfli 1 wonder, mightv Lord,, and trembrngftaji!; J ililfteflcdting. on myfclf I. how greathow wife,- S'fWW Wonu .exprenicf nowimmenle, ff ; ri'jjrc rf u 1 , ho vv-irniccnd a nt ly d 1 v j n eV . ;ii -ii i: are an tnv worxs j now lmootent. Ik l 5 , . clvtriiits ftturncd jntutbe Secretary'sniceHo'riivlflch' "ratcnts have notulued, do now he. ( The Deputy Surveyors 4 il II il Uf aA .Bias arc defired to be punctual: in returning at lor before" that .Court the Warrants now in ther Hands. V I SB r T . i IC! ;'i ! (ill -'-,.r. Ki 111! ' :i if. ;!,! l.J.i9.yi - - . 1 A. "V t I " : 'TN Wi&nijday Night laf,roke. ouif 'Goa?in Aii ''r 1 Towi, two fervent Men, belonging to Mr. job yM& -duiutcuvti vLr trMinta viT., :3cniamin norm a . muiiu hn.u k iuwi,. rortniht ap-o. SSifelp? itpoffend ing, ' vain- and .weak, Irllfjoor a thine am I ? and yet thou deien'ft- i T 'nntl all mankind' Het all unite . ' f c,T..'rf-?.i -- v" a sjm -,r , li-Mv'.Ui'.' ti iW'rwnM-l nraife evn T anil nil " . 7 fW. '' . , : IlllPyup of. Welling :JLord,ouTvcry life' : ; v .-f.;:.,- v;zi!-.pur octng every moment cuims our prane,-, S&Uur. prefcrvation hever;cnding thanks. ' Iff if Hail powert eternal, infinite,' immfc, Creator, and Redeemer, Lord of.lifV, aged' about 40, of .a middle Stature, ; much pitted wfthlrTe' Small-Pox, of a ruddy Complexion. Paul Price, avBakers aged about 19 "or 20, a fmooth-fae'd well looking Lad. ' they .are both Jfi Sailors Habits, and pafs 'a3 iuch : Theyj . have been ran away fo'me Time' from Virginia and Wert taken u p in t is; 1 o wn, and committed to Prifon, . about x Whoever delivers the laid bervants to me - f y v in Newbern, iliall have Forty Shillings Reward 'l! ,l iTriir mil lrrlrtf. WPVate IT1V frtlll I ?.:.!if!i .A ml ilriwr mr frnra thi? iillr. lifelf! wnrld ALL Perrons who arc indebted to JJA V Itb and, vV' ir ' IVIACKE N Z I E, arc defired to come-and fettle-W :f0f;i their retpectiVe Accompts by- the Lft of Auvuft and eivt .U :f y1s: I ;'fro better thoughts, the thoughts of that to come '!. Jifecme not bee of bleflincs from thy Hand, jtflOt for incrcafe of virtue : gracious, pur 7 ipSrhy holy fpiriton 'my foul : fo make . "' 7' ifslrhy. fervant fic for -heaven and thee : r' ii?Sri,lMJiirBo5j" guidcTneAvith thy hand' i.'j fj-ure all the fond vain evils of my heart, 111 vjAniftifletvcry Rowing folly there ! I: ; T1; O my redeemer,, kindl y condcfccnd; Jff. ?V 'fafo hear my prayer and yet wherefore A;eak, 5; v itfcemsgooiTbeftow the boon I wi(h, ( -j r-.r v'Spji know'ft my thoughts if .not, thy will fee ..conci- V,or nnik nr Nnfrs Tnr whatdvAr Rjllance ma v be due : .. . t tt othcrwife "they flialfbe put in Suit wnthout any further No-, j. ... v , tice or Refpccl to Perfons, by .JVJJliam MachnzieV -X, i thi Powtr cf every Body to fettle their Jcccmfts. -VA B---P-Wi--W-"" - V-.S'i ."' n j "T ' ' 1 - llint C I7Ct. -...! .t I AN'away from Wc Su?cribc H'i Johnao'Cour.ty, about the Middle of 'Aril laft, a Negroc Fellow na- f ; fikiv med SWra-wcH ftt-Feilowr fpcaks gooaT ,p, about iljn iR AT know'ft my thoughts- r Fcctj.. Inches high : He has been taken up 4at elyi :and nmrnitted to 'Newbern Goal, from which he' was delivc'fcJ to Mr. Hohri Smith, in order to be carried to his Mailer j but committed broke out'of Cuftody of . the bid Smith, near the Stuth-Wtfi :.::r:''HK,'bea;- from Eden-lhufct the Seat of our late Governor, That Whoever apprehends the faid Slave To that hisMafter rnivr . J;iir0rys lincc the faid Hotife was, by forne Accident,. entirely , ... aain, (hall have Twenty Five Shillings Reward, ti" know the ParticuLus, wc.mu; taw allows-' - Jthn DiMon. '1 . 1 r 1 f ' 1 1 1 i,;H!! 'fi;vi;.'.V' Hi,!::" . .(V A. M'm ,:ik' 'v R .1 Ml S '-.'irn nJ-i-j'L. v ? p nKl J it the FrtnMz-Ofrct ia rM&iri.