isspsj., - ** nt!n of ) ou.i^lves : ceafc, ceafe and know kiil'i'I'iilii!'"''"il'‘'i^l^ ■' JllijlKJ w tri, E/^i Prejtdent und li! ali your boafted fcience is a dream. )oint—refletfl on God t jji^/fiofe eye furtimes, all things, all Tpace, lii’Kink ■ f thj|flflni'(cient, fcholar and the proud ! NohYh-Carclt W A% By the Hcn-urahlt Maf:};?•./ 'uh /der ^ Lhitjf in unit sv/-' bif Majtjiy i Frimince c) Norti*- A yil i’W,: vvlTo that glorious planet of the night alking in tjrfghtncfs form’d ? who Itudded o’^r i *!vThc immeafurabie valf of heav’n with liars ? ii i Felt I' l the prince, the llatcfman or the peer Iv ruM yield up human fcicnce, and of power 1^':: ^on^5tuOus boalt—look, monarch, on the Ikies, ^ ^ ^ ^ H E REAS Informal Ion M A 1* Tier upon Oath, that fundry Perfon?, under Colour ard ; been trarle unto ms, r^jihv / funs midif thoufi^nd Tyrtems fix’d c heavens their glories ? 'I'his was God f thy might ought fimilar atchieve ? thou create one atom ? halt thou povycr Mbne atom to deflroy ? yet this fair globe , lluAnd all its glowing beauties daily Qieak C r ,,, r ‘tJrbe artificer divine ! and thou, O king, Will boalt a battle gain’d, an empire won, point in fpace, and wliat thy God’s good will ^ireiniits the Iharc ! of trivial things like thefe, P;f Ah vaunt no imire: compar’d with him, who gave I'h Thy body breath, far meaner, mighty prince Is thy illull rious greatncis, than compair’d ^ 0]^'vVi(h thee, the meanelt reptile on the globe ! tence of Authority froai his Majelly’s Officers, in the f^^v.nce of 'bout.h-Carelina, have come into the C/ancy of Anfom vi*ithin this Province, and have there furveyeri Lands by Virtue of^ i the faid Authority : And whereas, fuch illegal Proceedings tend ^ inanifeiHy to dillurb the Peace, raife Doubts about the P/operty, " and retard the Settlement of the faid County of Anfon, ivhich j> a Frontier to the Indians; I have thought fit, by and with the ^ nninimoas Advice and Alferic of his Mnjefly’s Council, to IfTue \ this my Proclamation, hereby flrictly requiring and commanding ,> his IVIajell:>’s Officers, civil and military, within this Province, who fhall be informed of any Offence in tlie Premiffes, to apprehend or caufe to be apprehendedi-cvery fuch Ofl||ndcr, and to britiji^ them, with due Proof of their Offence, before his Majclly’s Chief JuUice, or any one of his Aflbciate juilicCj, to Led;...’: wiitt ac- i;i0' S me in their wealths, abundance place their trufi:^ yiiAndglor^ in the precious ore : who formed er, all that guilded dull you reap inct^flant and unfleeping toil ? all is the little earth—of which one vein P?regnant with thy lov’d mammon, wou’d beftosr ||\'Iore afHuence than thy molt fanguine wifh . p;;fikis rver hop’d : yet various mountains fwell uK veins fo envied : various earths there are, \ lixccecling this, where emmet-like thou toil’ft. And various mountains in thofe various earth n And in thole various mountains various veins lll^m'mci able ! and of thofe even one njUj-ire* than all the riches ; yet all thefe R'ue God's—are thy creator’s ! envy then Biuch. wealth, cxceecli^ fo immenfely thin^^ fe Vnd thro’ revenge, duri miler, grow oro^ a ! j'f'l! 1 1 wonder, mighty Lord, and tremWiCg Hand ‘ ^Slefiecting on my (elf! how greats ^how wile, ^ |v gj^d beyond expreiriop, how immenfe, -il^f^erful, how jj^rarifccndanrly divine, ’'dl'ifif i^i' tin' Works ! how impotent, J|!|li|i.Wne‘.anti'offending, vain and weak, )uor a thir cording to Law. ilerrin they are not to fail. G 1 F E N under my Hand, and the Great Seai of the faid Province, at Wilmington, the loth Day May, in the XXV'I tear of his Majejiy's Reign, Anno Domini 1753- "* Matt. By his Honour’s Command. fa. Murray, Sec. Rowan. s. A D y E R T I S E M .E N T ^ ■kdf'2-. A Court of Claims will be held on Tuefday the Twenty Lighni'Day oi. Auguji n^xX.^ H'ilminglan^ where all the Warrants returned into the Secretary’s Office, for w!?icli Patents have not iffued, do now lie. The Deputy Surveyors are dcfired’to be punilual in returning at or before, ^hat Court the Warrants now in ther Hands. 4*- hr 2 \ ia C» # ^ ng arn I ? and yet thou dcign'ft :'l,!jl"juvvcr thy goodnelson me ! every day I, and all mankind (let all unite % '4 •iij!|A= L -Tie in general praife) even I and all ;.,;^f:day, each hour, each n^jijute taflc frojn^thtfrf, :||||*ny C'up of bleffing : Lord, oirr^ery life ” '>ji!!|fi*ur being every moment claims our praife, ,p'^ur prefervaiion never ending thanks^. Hail power, eternal, infinite, immeiife. Nevjbern^ i6, i O N IVednefJay Night lafl, broke out •!* Goal in this Town, two .Servent Men, belonging to Mr. Johef Allicbelfoyi., of viz. Benjamin Bond, a ^Miller, aged about 40, of a middle Stature, much pitted with'the Sma!l-i^ox, of a ruddy Complexion. Paul Price^ a Baker, aged about 19 or 20, a fmooth-fac’d well looking Lad. they are both in Sailors Habits, and pafs a.s fuch : They; have been ran away fome Time from Virginia^ and wer* taken up in ^is Town, and committed to Prifon, about a Fortnight ag-i.i, W’hoever delivers the faid Servants to me in Newherny iliall have Forty Shillings Reward. Southy ReWf -•n Sheriffi. f fCreator, and Redeemer, l-iord of life. All good, all-wife, all-perfedl, all-divine ! good, all-wife, aH-perfedl, all-d»vinp t j.,ii;|ilncrcnfc my ardor, elevate my foul h'liAnd draw me from this idle, ufelcfs world '.Iliro better thoughts, the thoughts of that to come I I'bci uke not beg of bleffings from thy Hand, 4\ tf / 23* ^753' L L Perfons who are indebte^lTo D-A V I L S ani ^ MAC K L N Z I E, arc d^fired to come and fettle- then’ reipcelive Accompts by the .'lail AuguJJy and give their Bonds or Notes for 'u hatevtir Ballance may be due j ^s otherwife they ffiaJI be put in Suit without any further No tice, or Rerpecl to Peribns, by ' .William Mackenzie* tvonU be thought unreajanabliy aijt is ■ - ' y-. A4. N. n. / hope .this in the Power of every Body to fettle their Accompts* ./ • '// .■ ■ / //r ' •'. !;Cure all the fond vain evils of rr.y heart, |f|S\iid ftifle fevery Rowing folly there ! itj'lr —.0 my redeemer,, kindly coiulefcend f'Po hear my prayer and—yet wherefore fpeak, it feems good beftow the boon I \vifli, ' ’ .ipu know’ft my thoughts if not, thy will cionctf liBi ^5» ^753’ R AN away from ^Li^c Subfcribci, in Johnftoi. Cour.ty, about the N'li Jdle of .dpril lall, a Negroe Fellow na med Sam, a well fet Fellow, fpeaks good E»gli/h^ about c Feet 4 Incl'.es high : He ha.s been taken up lately, and comiiffUed to Newbern Goal, from winch he was delivered to Mr. John Smith, in order to be carried to his Mailer i but broke out of Culludy of the Ltd Smith, near the SouthAVeJ i' III .V £ W HER J^hj- hea; ncm Eden-Hvsfe, the Seat of our late GoVerror, MB iw Lf^liiiccl by Fire ; fiiifMlli Reader! to Bridg!«i.t That Days iince the faid Hoiife was. by (bme Accident, entirely wll F.4,.,4 k., w.V/. . hut as we don’t know the ParticuUu, we mull ids the faid Slavl^fo^chat hisMaftcr may Whoever apprehenc have him again, Oiall have Twenty Five Shillings Reward, our next. ■ ill ZTfiJSiJiV: Printed A MRS D^A VI S, « the Ffnm-Opi m Fnnt-^iria. bifiden what fhe Law allows. A John Di^on, ■J mmrnmmmmHmM