iCtui (, 3 net :r\ iinwrought: liuceof tl'iis rici! f flipping, ha* rnJeed mere ham ftll’fig th.e piodus n,;eh'ncrt-« T>:j n.uiv'- i- = j ,{h HiafiimM they ie..,-A‘Mh. ' ^ .iki ii,„h thui aKs >;•■ 7-'‘'’ inaUi ih‘ ilk rnane .ill'"'- *,, i,’. h vea n rncrom. n-iilitu, ihenoUui, oad in ihor r/'”. ' ..,-6 Cl .TV.Cl I'- C ti.-lt-'-- . l !(!',. • \ /r?t i * r xvict ''■f,^-vc t "* * I ah!. iU Chan'it).,- „ ,■, or op'xriiih ex li \ u II . hut II.- 1 • I.- h-’ r il r\ tiUUJt.' > L'"' tie hol«Jinr, th'Ji! i.'nux o mu.i*- i , ri'i'M / . . ' *. 1 I «nij ic uo^ri ingih' 9ii^h nM.:v. . . r,/'w> it-- out, tlic K-in'j, uluaily maui^.^imng 5^ „ ' • iiV fiiljt uociis‘m> !'”i.; U P««, a.nu . j . ^ tlielh yre !itt!e o^. V'' n''‘'n nn, «in out. iwiei- I, ..-M no men ol ws- hi*'." ■} oi.t .« e •“■ w- huilii foivie ; uou t’v'' iia’i'C a hcc^ ot ..M.tcu , . ' lie;,, 'i lu rc'-’C-iHiC h'the cic-eii ste Ceir.’-u. , to a!Vioi'Pt t'o on. n'.iilicn 'terl. cniiuiis .A'*'' .n ViMil 'lie n'joi.'i'- n* of tht 1 ■'. j Suiviv'.T I'F. theiii- . Ihull h- hvinn, >; v yoii I'J’V inc (|mr 'k Iltiil ill.i.i ,n t l! U." |,h PiiV {i't‘ pi. It ? t',r li*l 'C r*.-' *, ,. I \ ’ ■* i 1 1 . L * ' iC i / . *. C«( ) V. t . ' ' ,1. va’ i-u’.’i ii.;erv".u.,', ^..v y. ^ YzMSy ilichti.e 'I.-'Vi ! t i '' ' : ' cip il ^'um '■■'( 1 o. hi'-'uri; X": or t'tv 1. ,‘xl un-.^ ' e .-- ...I, - J V' l^ ee 'h .f ^ » J' !l .I'.'fi » j:.t, 0.“ ' >■ ' '( 1 c' 1 "’.1 1 .,n. t n.' ih'iu- 11.4 •'ll n’ ihe T •• 1 I* . . J J - • • ' LO • ■ d • lu i?;pc'3iev c in tue .:'t, i u;C, *r, ; vV • I_. .• n "f a .iif-xK., > uuu.hi ■v: h int". alter i’-lu('. unt* ‘ A'-i ja ', kirtci rciu'ived on, lu!, I'ilttT h.iving let •! T" rj, hv I'lc tx-i ih*t ., .Mhir- i /i.i Lhu . A t tc/i .* ..VC' ci w1 u *e > Ii' i .it • i eoi. 7Wc;.. a, .1 ;h- 'tx.- hv*v.v..» -'Y^rficnn-! ^ ■ I ••• .,• f •! t’v/j (■ ich ( tinxii. V y .-U .’ u ki ',1 > u v,'i'.i>.'l'i artic u'oni a iV and ;.2,c;ntM' hit p-.x{onal fi'ivu,' xlriiolf a gtner which '.he coni' cafioni d the in. ic fccmG fruit 1;.' . fiioll ever fuim by taxes arc -h- wliofc cflate lie ^j*retty riurneroi'' b|uinifh, or O 4 th.c King, of h il'.c throne b; u’pain% ard Sv pnnc? obtain'd iorce he iiinll v can obtain the W'lie '.niti gvn.i claims a power iiim railing whi ry i bur ’ti «J tiycs too liigij., etiul a Cf • 'i he If pnt, vvh. is Ki m. : 1,1 i.eu oi tlikir X’ A V *■* 1 :> ..-■ay mi ^' .a lionlcs, .'.I'i til ;5ii \* .t li-U /t w a ta.'. on ficit x And., wiv , \ 1 ’■/ Mpoo, that ■■ c- lloi.'N •; 1 '1 r 1 { Made.'.. h'U ; '1 Jh-. i h'' e,d fio/n .. i-* . 1. '« > ■ It i i l i/tl ^ ' , ■'c n-a 1 '\)' .'.iicd f ju; Ltf ' h.b 1. V'; a ctla-r h bl*; •‘it \iR\ 1.C ./ J.y'ti 4^ ■ tr Em 'i M '*'. ten; bt n t’ov »’ k-b; . ’ c '..rn d hr ■* f f rn ^ t* R ijLt LO Cl '.7; »> t.•/ O'. H i , tiil i.ion L'.irlo*, 7 ’v A .J; on ■ ' bar, 1 bn, \v?‘, 1';.: 'iron /il, .d 7 tt'vvc.’s '.n .t'i'iu 1 e, r ^ . I il \ 1 i « A4. A a id i!s pi' j /. -5/ !:Vt" 1' ■ce, he Pie t'': : ss ei y ' ■ ,v ; / 10 J 1- ■ '.lieIf be ft r • -p ■ ) _; f - ■ -t r 1 ot i','r n -i.-, I ;u rh^ ; '.rr. i.JcCcv'ilc ’1 V V i; ill ra' iiv*...* i . ui ’•fu: • ■" . . ■ fi; .. i. ,'. , ji rn ,!v . i. hiur ■ . '' ■. ruig, ■ ' /-'■»/ • i h 11 '. I ^ . .. . ■ /.. i..1 t'.v'-. ■. t (.'■Xi. t. ..u 'a nif'v:.,''' ■fV'.. oi’n tv ' fKi-y^Ti ill ■ h' Cr.X'! i-r f 1 .i-.k.-. ^iVC v'v auch a inr.Coi And,'li^ cri'. cii.'! o .1 ! cirxiu.'n'''e tne nr-.i IC) 'kU vC .j.-t .MV . Uvlbucc 'll!.' , of! ,1.. «va''c i. jhhQ'-' >, .-‘I'.iiriiniitrai.!oP in '-ov .Zeal j.or rh.e irlor I KoVal Ivt.'lucKj,' oit; ijvy i. . nt’'y, h.aa an,' icr«; b C lii .. wa* .) or wp^.Kxcu -il Qc the ! -.'t i..ivx'ur;'vi)'t; » ,.V, .II...' in K iv. 0 h. t.i'uu! h. ■* I , u: in ail .VI,' u- ..,.in:,ihj ' '' , ..o.'u!.hilly '• no cuinuhy !.. I' !he h.5\r . t from a bloo !) ...oi! i. xpe:}- ‘ I ii.'v'>e rn.v.iyS i'...n l.k > to lac!'!hrc :;ic j. .!.crt;ii ot 'oIig■ 1 Ally whahbcv-;r. iV. t’niv, tJ.’at J. am n:.i..y A tiar^e from me. rK...!':*' t., _ ' O • p■')pK^^x a ' i'he «:row'n .1 , Mtf. -bi- ity i-n'l gentry.,. .> iltccoui" ''hiiiiki. nccvMa - .UR car'-yint: the! picroga- I -as the King has lo pr /, •> he (.)MeCl 1 of h.( 1 li'.'i-i "V ■ ‘ V J I d f rc., I i.it grant a lice oia-oiCi - '■j.xes on the A;i w’n..I '' .r b.' O' I ./f ft ' / ■ y \3 «/• ff ourr^ f , . h. I’o'h, . ■ 1'.-. .'.U: Jt 1 o;- '■■ ■' . o t /1.; J i ,1 I whr! V *• d n f I i" V/ tcy, ^ Ik'.' ) pi'iva.tc.iy p.o'd',!.; ,t: ,1 no,; m..-'-iip,, ' . iu t have not a:hr''ie . tU irh.do' " P.'" : .o' '''.xr *' . * • ’ 5 .f.’i.i'fi.-.'C >r)y, nfii''.. j,.il. IV of PolTnr .i or L O ' ^ N E S. O O N. JK. [) . 1 i 11 ‘ r , irU 1 V . ; I ' * '. i ) ' I. ’..*1 i 1 ! i S;, •1'.“'^ X) or b-u'v I tuy . ly , .‘,1 b ) o.r I'j. fx’.v,' i ,, go c .u'd a-.o. rf Pu\n-\' '.'lie - aiii.i ■ •■ . 1,1 , '. u' koe i . , u t l' } I t opy a'-.. ..ii:d neiir' t. ■L.'inl',/■ 4 -5 hi rh .rrd.iv’ Vo.-r 7.’>a /-'oP K'V and '' ttiir iuti Rt. Jion. c-Ieni/ at. P-u. sr iloling-' kiOfc. -J riiO’Xioi''. 'h/ok.'-, ■ i >'. .1 . !i. oi oil',' y\iu. Ric'jo , h'.ivv'ar.l M’kV.i i-hp; .fitrgan, and Pat.-"'it; loot Irilhinen', ',-y a,. .!: Qixv.bbei'y at the li mim. L'.\irach'dfrOff}: 'k. ./i. ‘ PiCi' k.'hiv? I«lb.v'.i t . ti... r •' IB .111. it^k \' oh n- oV.- vvt, 1 ! i 1. r;‘;.--!r,f.ing ro- ' yr. .^ ; rhr K'.')' ?s. 0 'lid W V O', ( .c, mv inoi!:i! i.n (..jf »nr j/ucW'- 1,1 ..IK. ! vai'iOfi 1)1 I 'ji '.vno' I r c. '.npoi , .uui i a V , •: my l )cy(..rhj. h I ln.'''ii.a' r Nr* nvrnU-r _ ..1'pctu.iihy wh'. .'b j-’ro- I IKS r tiic 'V jiUl( ini'd bv , n.'P,?, at- I'ofcription, and *Vj' N THE N I adore f'' .j.n idunkl- ■ 'd to .... videnac x '‘.aj.u']y I^afi: Vv iI! lai; '"John., in thk, - igu of CA ber Grace and j. vour V) «ti more than.'hir ' "Ve. j iiftcr tin; iinm fc J ;S I have bd'oiineci by urn- tc^.pectf-vt.'v i; Cou.’fa of It ; by th in* ,1 Periorij nearefi. ■ ;■ b rietuii' j and by t i- 'tv .i ofinne Is (e. ■' IS for me ' liOn and .o give ‘‘ ,rh ani- al Intc'T'Kled, 1 cenuiif: q^^,/!1ov\s; My iJcu'.y, and tlic ' \\i' ' in a ui.y. i.t and [ rr.'.iu; ■ the df !r whc'c niy Oiji lijjpaiil; 1 g \ c to .f/Vi- of h. r 'l any »C t'' * '* vv h v i. 0.f il 0 1 “ noen.'' • .1 ' ’ -ue riif uenKitiat ' .:i L. '■ J .7 1 a[>*r, 1 ,.*! .nc i n the Jung .1 W i . L alicj A' ■) Co[)y ; i' jp to t.u; ;iai^ :u-;i V ha.I to ; o. A .tti. iiiouid ngit b'c p-,.,. .1 m t’h .vViieii t!ie b ine x-/,- mine.hiU'.iyfhKiujuI. u,: f , the fodc mg 1. a A L^evtd Zh/lit'i-f a* I’i'iV 11 .'.r rh my i..'pcc..i:.j jli.'-iJs.ie i.;i ih* Ko Ao-'I' , • , . L rc. a vcrlai K,. ,i?r wii tin* .'cr: an LJ|,;"ld ly ...o.r mv _ .tb'oon? . ifrr^hu i;.urr.^,r. '-'y {s w U I c.i- n e, w '’.'f. mK;.' andi •f l .. i eloi 'v r, :i '.’c ny ;..i ! hvecUkO!'., : ix,hr.ci;;'-'f okrn' , : i Lor- bnYi^i:' '.'.'js!.;, i decAru - --s f-a be riyla.*^V-d y^u- .imyajj-oKatc XyLtiA,-toxCin-M^fcn . { , {) t,on^ ,jna UuA 7)-^ , , * n., ty.t-dnt I i>Ucrt .' . ' 17,., r'l ri’.'i Inf)imenu in’'V| , *i,, v.'hc":of, 1 hcreindo 1." i '.yib.n' ao'j tx i' '.!;c'''y,'! J , l\ovtr.'',a\, in ihi \ 'v'Sk.fli.r i.'-*' n IJjic j i, ‘U • ''1' fand 5cV' r. iiundred arm One td..; Me-'ln 'li' ’ /it nr \ h'14J’’ "fob*L R(,'!;;■.X' jb^ ..Av .. ,, th' I’cSore .lex pence; Kloinn r .n ]k,fi \V ilc l.'f, /iam Chttiiyii„ *1 uy/sr of the tv\ o allured 1‘ drcxl Gui* aas r ll'u'l Icen Legacy ot .S/ge''Srah \ P.’il ’.'R''/, i)n,/ • / \ cR rr.-l by v\ , ■■ f 7 '’/.'br "7 ' *1. n an.ijoi d; .ha), ll tllcn'o *« '2h!-.)>u enc ile R ^ jence od 1 Kf.. ??. i. 7)' ^ - g' ItJ ■ ■ 1,^,1 t /'U I ovcr.y , n'i cu bhk to hej dr //-..'w-; i, nJt -y asio her • c^ufcvtlnr ua'j Ijhuuts, ‘a.n/ ^ _ A’ dRUfacior. yy/er i h iu been i -did Int) iins InujuUoui Coen- ^ g u',i„ah,. y !' .r; in,iiyivat.:hi:rl iy my fujp'ukui ' 'g'; I n.-, f,r w, 7.*., / a . K .r ... -* •'ArP, I ''j, .-n ' 'J’jtpb . / O' Picved at Loouim, 'i.hc u^/^r. .,h“’ ’> rcp.yf..,t ,,y thui t i/c: ’,'t I ■ ‘ ’ (j}'.' Uu!>\, 0 ^LRi myii inc liun- ne'iC'h of ' - 7 aS ch'i — a J 1 iTi ■' ■ • > • “I OJill'l- •nre them r.,^isO:‘bl th.:i my J'.aiiioi.J Rii)' ] cvviir upon my i'iny give to iny ( long app,oved 1'nend'the '.liari^uis . f and iiUer imi ,ld'.;cealt> 1,'torc* the A Vo'- inp.ui ■'i'^r ne tor of Kavv.s aid d»i ” nO.' -vi i* r,k.i 'Kbph »p , " . * ’ ■ I IK.' ■■• invc'.' ;n >n(\ Auin J..y. iJcvittiLd Ji, duly i*'d r* \; miHvn ^ 175^. •?/ *..1 y : UnCi\ ue'trn i he to .\)r, l-'ortci, /ei:ai :.o hi.m , /, ?K'/.7/ ;/ .7*r/yh," !ji?Hy e,nd -liik ' of *r.s Corny. (i‘'ioni,y no: ary ini:>ry to i:ii eh . / ryp. i// ht € i. ft . innat r, ii^f.