I, 4- 9T , Foreign and Vomtfoic ith the Frejheft Advices fl'fr B K I STOL.T Oil R.N' a t r .i flLrT::!-ti:;;Y(a ..slV4'.4-lJ .,- From the B R I STOL-J OU R N A L. To jbt Right Honourable W : Pv Fji Kttle One; until protrued Irreliiion n4 opto vWlcVcd , new uc nufic a war co civil aim muHfcry rroOOUOQti .' til the Cultom be biokth off of feigns QwpSp?vu Kegirueuu to wealthy Uenfaiigitt' m5Gre?t teflfc Tfa'r A' -P . " . V n a ItiU more rclnrutlc K( UR Gracious Sovereign hath committed to JWitv and Rtii at k you nU your friouli--ihe Admimlt ration P.y, Wxt to the Cptain, hi of puhhc Afli.r, tor the Relief oUnin- m cboofimr tm?m and other IV "utv -untu -tnc4,rpMiu ot tr.cjvlejcf .WarartiV on a it ill more rclprCtkbli;' fottng fhan at, preftnf, ia ? I, though nut ower arid and.uattl more Car e is taken jyrcq ,rcopic. vvc ocnevc vou are not a- .nation throuctumt the whole T h1rhlVdf,rkW; h ,AV "VI V- 'ft1 mm. fr.omthofc.wWe Benefit and Welfare vou have und- WtKic.1.,u. -kr ikjlv. Li laSl I - . . . . , viw wjiut:j ui IV vugivii I Wlliiun' MM WP taken to procure. On this Account we make Ufe of Kuiience,- and 'ly applving the oversown Wealth of our natural R,ghtf in fctting before you whticin, and fome to the Relief of the pooreih TOar.any Biflwi : ... r. -.y 'IIIHI n,iA.WUU US III vcu Some of our Gricvncti we Uttly nuntioned in one the London Papers in : The Inlhudiuhs itb ' thofe Mem btrs ot 1 araament to. whom no partuulir InltruCtinns ru'l been eivtn.' We reiaeat r.ur tar'ncli DeliVr r jv lome to the Relief of the poorett. Tajt ny. . P''-kwA fhoiitd have any more than iccfl 1. pet Alkouiri, any pa-j J'W-J of -Hchui Clergyman more tlin ft or 300 I.Xor le'f llaL!Tst n- ir0 I. is not Jt all fcf. th Good of Religion ;;- ; (w&fj' ns . VVc are not fo Ijiirtiine 11 io imatrine that our many , - and iTf't Purruniktrts rJ HiUn flVs on K nr-l Altf thofc Meters confidcred and red relied adding, that if fuddenly, -.it entirely. But we charge you to confidef bj ; ' we were allowed to carry Arms for our Dtltnce, we what Kind of Conduct your rVcdtCvll'ors havecauie our A f ocg wui inu may -not encroacn wpon tr.c tibkrvation of prcki.t Uiltitflcs, and by contrary Mcafurca to endeavour . the Drd's Dav (o as to have the Violation of a o!itivf D-f ; A' .. Lomnnitfyt God (already very ' frequent) enjotneU by One who "fit many ' Years M tne Helm ofAljaln, auJ 4 ' ; Lw . every Year lorwai J Briuin's Ruin, feevrtd hitnfeif uxl 4 vvc are pcrluadeil that I diligence and rrupahrv m th? 1'owcr by tntbw and Corruption, . Th r.iar.a 1 ot tne Kivtnur, nu ointr utbitro, would be tinturfhinr I aletir; to xfiow the rnCt at eVery Man, more. than H ll te prelent LandTax. "I he. Cufioms LJ-, hiai oh from cppclwjt his AdminiftratioriTHia Uo- f'.en.kivej, it urui-r as good a icgul-tun asihc Lxcifr, w:. Ar. 1 .1 ana ii ii)igt copuJ his cx-mplr, and introduced LorrupuoA in' iyvr voiiier ot the L.inJrcH'ahliuVd a Kind of ' . .... - . ' 4L ,'. '.' would br ne.ir one mil of this bum ; and the ftrikinf ,ff uftU HiVrv aivi 1'i.i.hoi., and UcditC.top rt tht e.or- S-.km r htAinti ami fcllini Votes inr t. Boroechiu bitint oJitir ai d (Iain .t .Kheis, wili rnc the other iVi;,n.,crj, ...id Votes in Borough.. The LfiVcH 0 thia Hilr. It there- be uvv IKf.cici cy, it mtjht be fupplied by vs a heavy Burden on the Nation, by new and needled applvir.i: 10 t(,c S.ping Fund or.c'liMt ol all Merchant. 1't.ris, hnnging .011 heavy Taxes t it alio covered tht. S.nps t-Kn Irom the tueii y by our M.n ol War. This Lnd with an intolerable Load 'of .Guilt, the Guilt of - litt" will reilly b ol B'eiurtt to the Service, for Expcri- perjury, ;nJ many other Crimes, 'w hick have drawn 00 . tnce hath abundantly Ihcwed that nothing fpoils an Of'.u t'e I.vhs. we now I u ft err 7". . - . ' . -ficer To triuvh as prrvvtiip tichr And with Rifpcct to the Thtfc dcilructivr ai d wicked Meafurci were expofedi . thcr Part of the Knnicit, we would hope that Pity to thwarted, ami .t lalt difcowcertcd, by another W. P. nd vur D;llnir:s will" incline ou and vcur r iiends to en hii Friend'. But weu that creat Man fecmrd tA have it deavour to nltrain the Number of Placemvn, that the in his Power to relirve hii injured Couritry, he fuddenlv' ---r,V -a-X f II 1 r 1 1 A '. lift-1- . 1-" ii ' f f " great vjns majr no lender j 10LM laieneis, - ivcoaucnery, - troppto inon. r r.ui.er unaoie 10 accompuin ma imen- r - ,s, Gamihg'ap'(uttf)ni,-up4.n the Spoils of animpoveriln- 't'oi s by Re-fin of the prevailing Power of other Cor . . A I ed feople. We flatter ouifclves too, that the rrotection ruptcrs, nr wurthrr he never h.u luen worthy view given to Smuelinf; utllnow ccafc, f.nce He no longer he Itemed to felt crnfet.tcd with having I oiled hU Ad rules, to oblige whtfe Tenant;., it hath been faid, this vcrfiry, and Rival in Klqutnce and ha;a ever fines; bin Countenance hatli hern civen. ' . buried under a I itle and public k Reproach. If ever be , As we are now cnacd in AVar, which is an Appeal dehred and really intended a hjppy Change, '.now U hie to Gail, and the Succeu eniirrlv drp 6n hi Favour, Time to recover his loll Credit, by railing and ftrengtbov we hope' fame Mith'J wdl I e taxen. by difcouraging ing our Hands. d ,1', the nation. I Sins, to irju; I n Favour, who is the Lord The fuceeedlng Miniflry trod in the fame Path, WttVv . of Hods.. But we cann-t hope that God will bid the f me Improvrmeiit. Intolerable Places and Penfions, fo- ' , Counfcls of thole that aie th,- -vowed Dcfpifri of his nign Connrclions, public txtravaganee. Bribery aoJ ... 1 Law j, and live "in oihii Condmpt of Religion j who Perjury, il ill irmaintd in full Vigor. Corruption be- V jjeod that Time in Gaming and Debauchery, which came more powciful, and put on additional Charms. iuld be devoted to GoJ in religious Duties, ai well as 1 he leading Man, -by a Frenrh Cock, aodvaD El peoce, -- at which is due to the Service of their Country. Nei bribed the Ucllietof L -ds and M rs ofP-- C, ter can we exped GJ will go forth with our h icets and - and led them bf the 7 ooth. Under Manager imitated Armies, while our Regiment ..re filled with ProphaniV, their Leader, and now a good Table is kept bjrooA rt in Men and Officers, and "every Man of War n ltding Borough Ruleri elegant Emertainmen s cauCng kittle Hell of Impiety.' Ncr can we h-pe Thing! willrGlottony and Drunkenntls, are joined with Money and ?a Utter until great Gaming.lloi.res are fuppieflid, and Places in fecuring El s. Thtteihtered ourfortner j -"ISluxu re thereby encouraged t du t!.e fame by tfila, ii.crcafed our Dkt, muldplkd our Sms, aadruuA.