"I divert fen diKtiIToni lu IXftgii of iAvatHiig Ha- . then tailed Am' as H wai Mm Dr. 17. There is fuch a. Ferment in the Parti tahcdTJjut'M h wnjes T5cfJTr,?TloP, ar.d vm re iA-Vi engaged, tne Lourt did not tutak fit to fcliifliiiQtteii0J4 'ftftif 1 r ... j. . . : .: v-Mi.t ,,,, -p im l,ial. Io0'. Members ; have -rcfigned thcirJViW oleaV-tbauDf7 believe, the TrKeof(tdbe,.tlf4-1i'4i "and the whole public. Bufinefs is at a Stand. , ' " . -;' 'ral IniJime't .front clcg,jbe;.l&f mjp.., . V53j-V'if , J7$j ' " : It js; rumoured that an extraordinary Nuncio is come t Geerie' Fiftfmtuth HtUw ; arj toYjef ctfaj Mrv$YvW'-' rc to funport the Pope's Brief relating to erclefiaftir,.! BoJrd and "J dedviMU: Dilute,, ,a.uJcnu,J th it may tuve the Force of I. !.$mk. UKtiu a Guaru put and 1 . The d Vi'ttT , v The Vtlfctn that wounded "the Kintr has-- Since mv knTmved Admiral Ihukeintht' Rtm'mMM- ot.SdO'Mcn lit over him. ana has alrtMilv JW'rV theLnre-fter the Pnfe-toio i at ike Rk inf tha Hliilif 3 & I to the Rack, in'ordcr to ufcovcr his Accomplices ; Wight, being obliged to cut awy all . her' Mailt, M&MHm - it is laid hM$-Iready--iwnu'd:fome .t:lbl,leAafIinwUhc brought this Nieht to ' hc'- . ' : "!'-V -vf :mmM' MheXciergai and locked up in Monteoijury's Tow- th,,jm mionsire tikes info On Mwnday a Crrt! Ship arrite'd at:FaliwtkWAEl?.m je'V-bound in lych a Manner as to prevent being his own .Vncliwt.' cxecurioncn . - -. ' LONDO , N, Jaiuary n I'niooru dont Diell. . Th? D:r r;inW f.oin 'if-.v.-A-jrim Troop's i very great j and a is Fid th it f.r-, .i ,x: t'ttrrted from one Rrgiment. jf 140 Hit vc piv'c AJvii fiotn B iHe in Swiizc'iUnd. of Cc,i. "iau,tn 1. Vfrtcrdftf war brtL'rti mtCc4;Mli4,7?ir MfjayVlhip Dover, ot Captain ;.ChWopkeVU0ft1 Coinmantkr, al;cr an Krgajjaiicnt f 40 Honn, ihei tm;( w ihcrrv, of' Port rOritnr, ticntk Ett ibdlaiutt. ok ScofTm IJurtllcD,' homev.;lrd bound : it u tbought fce will JL Prize of btt c?n 4 and 300,000 1.. v ' . ' ' V .:lV,i?, . Ont of his MieflyVbliiPk of War is arrived at JCinCiU't.Iii Ts. AflT.:r ftf J. ,Afw. K, im. af t ..- (V.,a her ratlate IAe took and uovenc in were a cicbw f mw ..,-! . .7 of GrraiKntan., the Attention of ihr Public is fixed in a very loGuns, and 150 Wn, . ' ;; f ,M;Mj . Vf' pirticulsr Manner or, the U ire of Pru2ia..a Reign begun with 7 V : R 7, Afrd $ y fch h.-j py Au!cr, h; r. i cd fjitsble F.xptttai;u, and it7 UbFrUaj Evening kis IucelJmy iU Goti rior; ini? : Itf ; y. ; iTwt.tuined the 'ri.iui;. b;:t;ctr v.il! rro.;uce'fone'uWirtusrro.'in goodllelifroirt rt;itaJtfyU "vnJVj ' . . ' . . v . . I r 1 11. I I I J I J . u.il Ft 4 Kit UIMIir. ' . ni..iae vpgrcis ntui .lucre ny i-oia uw,wiwi- ""T?; tlovrrnnr on f he tWtinrnt 1 atd neitt DiV h plea W W , the yl Via of Ucc;:X t, which V :a'vo Vac Vov on tlw 1 6th luilant Even: from tht C.iirttr. .A:.d.iv V- his MiHly's lall Ex-- p!oifi he provc.l tli..'; Numbi 1; arc no Mr: 1 c h for true F01 titdt,c, conducted by fu.xnor Wf.lrm, f( it is .i'Jentty wjftil, by 11 tm Fffn' to. Lib'-Tty, t h 1 1 iie tmy tu it and humble, the proud Tvrant of the tarih. and let the Nation ftce. , - - tn for the Meeting of the General A&mlin 'M :Id here on the nth of oexr, Tot br V lfTue his Proclana " hich is to be held Difmtch of tMiblic Bj Gncfs. . . .r. t..fi '1 his Eay his Excellency ir8S plefed alfo to ifli U t' mation, Unclly enjoining and cornmandinB the i9Aof Uq next to be kcrt srd chimed at a folettn l)ay of Fatmg a4 IJiimilntlM. in humhle ourfelvil before God, od tO &tti c.ite his Judgments for our mitifold Sins and TratfgrtfliUti vine Laws. : . ... " - NoaTH-CXaoLiNA.it T " ' By lis Excellency ARTHUR. D OB B Jiis Mfijfjiy Captain-GtncraU G&scrxeir, a?4 , , i ar.ujr'tnCbief, in end ever the fatd PnvtK&i ' ' A V K OC'L AM ATlON; -tV r;r Mestikc ef tht A S SS EMB L Y.'3 .. v "ft f fihkKAS on the prefent Emergency nt Affijri, the pu VV -lic Wtlfre rQu.rt,.taiit As!ubly of ibis FrtK ... ... . r. .' (.U. ' t- vir.ct aculd be coavtefttd rcir-re tr.e cjpuanon o u.. . TLxtraS! if a l.tUty em Vort, ma. '., Jr.tt. 22.. - Satxrcir anaar; I i-iS AliC;r.Oo.n 1 heard but little. Capt. Cornwatl tive hu .hi idti.ee.1' which .1 did cot hear 1 b-Jt Mr. Bng cti$-etsi:r,--'i hiia in a f:v; Thine. ; rd faid, cte his Judg .'nffmiK Cx.rnt , wrflir ' tiff, fir ;Ut tit M if: 9glilift n, d' tti'jist of tint Dtty flivirj r"a ttivr Ici.Leid bwt lltrt) ni mi... ' -- J r.'-'-'w6, Jicf ij.. Mwf 't:" .0t..b Cornwall fv.!hj 1 Lfot Lu.ir.iiion hbuJt Morn, i'u uP.i:h he en rirnu i ." hiu (.i l in !vs forme r N irr..tim, in 1 erms and Ii. niviOi.' 'i!,? the firntleman and -brave ,v.i:rc. '. fJis L:e:c- njwt. Mr. Cuvd. o.as then c.-'Hed- who.lt;iu' wit a Deceit v wid Ci'i..(i, ;.d d-.J r.n: st-c.rpt to pve a is-'rriie n, me whole 'Act:in, hiiii:ur.:en; hclud, not-er.abl.rg htm lo to rWii-D.ir-ll. of fhe Trident, beint fworn. derofed much t:,- L( PiAroaaiir.n thereof. . Where foe'c thil ' V - - 0 ' HUV - - ' w . i the ti::v, a CipMi.i Cornwall. . fevcral Mewbetsof the-laid AsTcmbly, ate berebf v y XTut.'Jt? ii.'Capi.in GarJncref the Ratnill'ts was under ltf.QC(i ro be, p.nd meet at timhtm. on T,Uaj the Thirtieth ;' H Kxim,iu itio.t" and Crou htr,r.:sr.::ion all D-y. He could not y cf yay Mll j when and where the faid Affctxhly is to fit , 'yf -v-ftlS :h; ir-u fit, or ilut the Rc.r D;fion could not,r lhe D.itch ol public Mm fi. , - , ,.' -cnmcpto r-tWc-F.r5.Reroertr ;.s well as thi Van, . but faid GV ; iirr m J tit $t Ui jV ' Frreirttxn tlni- .dii-d the Admiral to bear 'do n i tnat the Admiral 4 .hU,,,,' yfj pa,f April, 1757, mndU tlffi ,f " 7'J ohi c-d tbrrrto. ard tiive hi Rcafcns aR'inll ii, left ri Accw vf-r j .t. -J Mi dc'.i of a fimul-r Naiurewuh lint cf AJmii.d Matthews ia - ' , ARTHUR DOBJ35. . the fimt ea, flmaJJ be the Confc-q icrcc, r.nd hadjiothing 10 By j-F.xceHency's Comma.d, - . - , , - ' f.iy airiiv t?. AdmlmP perfona! Brhr.virr - U'ilmtu PiK Dep. Secretary. lltJu,hr U. Urd RoUit Bertie brirgfwo-n, fa:d he wu . GOD Savt th JT.VC.-v .-ni tl ;.M.a in tf CUutrr UiC? itn me- n-inun., vi - - . .vt ft,.! .; n.il .!! irr.l C u... i.a-.i u M,rf,fi evil! I'or hive iel I ort M f T ti I tMMVU .III t - 'f - Pa.!.. bit tre cf '2Jter u" ""U,J l' Hl- i Ired C!Ti:cr. and RrcriMt; liePpred 10 . OVER T 1 S . E M E N T 'l. liOliVI U have Pa:enir for Und, granted ntbefMGo- FUt. V'- X: 4i ' . 1 .. : ipilll W.''nr.f w.i-. . .. ... ...Arrr.. ..rhrnr pI i'h- .-nul ;a.,0 as i.i puirpai. '" F;a?rf 'tn:rfrt Pi ' T-j-fl'V 'e llili L'TtiM i.rdn;f Oi-r--1' i fan'i, , t:o,-d; t'Mt U :M I Ihe Adniir.l J.o ui ior 3..ii,.i . Sii'iv IO t i!ivn to it' l . iti'iV. v. r s.'rre r-!i on R'Jrd tne imirji s '. : Til iM fpo'-e rft 1' r"'0'4'1 Cctrge f A . - . .""... r ..1. l .1. k f v er ftbnj($H ., or i rttcrni M-e ww,.Mr iwy are in the I !arc" 0! me feulki ib, or lying ia the SJcrt-; oltain the fjine, fi) irg ihe Kes due theicon. . '-fv ,lt 4 - - ytmfa.LJte t f.. 1. ii v- ii ' hij. To Be SOLD Reaunaklj i ... 1 e.l i!.e Aitr:r-1 ;.: .i.en J 1 f il v r i k! L Il.n-fr of poo -' on B 1 d each o;hi f 1 trr Iri'i"' 10 if" the itamn.iri, ni and that he M-red ir thithJ i.Mt IiijimV.', tl.ry fhoulJ have co.nc to a tlu.'c llhi'tcncni wiih t'ac 1 r.a. y. Colcrel Corowal.js wa SUNDRY VlaUe Tn-Q. of Laud, lyitg ia 1 the $ of f JllfV f I4temb, and Ur J WW. Jcip mum .- w. w. r 7. TV 41 , lowed, the Purthafrg.!.8.IJond na Jj . N. S. The Lndi ia VJctnliitA GnM u pvct& I;4 1

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