".. i ' - ' r - - ' . t - - ! C;i)'i;".;i;.y?-at!'"!ir.:si ;,; , r.f'tf.! . i ; . 1 s . . . . i : . -nl) power and 4Utliorityito ma- )c undtfrourmmill f7 ".:'.:; . r'::.:.:''-v".;;:'l ';;;"':.'nagc'.::.' and cajifc to be levied. and: col- 6u't nl pay; to -"iuVpcrlo pKv GEORGE the Third, by -the Uracc.ot icctea v a; (;0 I), of Gredt Btitatn, France, and other duties ;ira& KING. Deader of 'the Hiith, liamentiipon . v . ... , . or imponeu, or wnicn ma ue Drougni .or-im? ,. pe.nces inund aboutthe Drcmifes- n:' - ". ported into, or exported or carried or whiclf funis of nunif v as bv vnTr-nitrjfti-ii. mir tftifly and lball be .cr ported or carried fforn any xfrnur ' "or zny- three or ' more oryofti-u?S jo.m Teii-flu - Ir n.iam tSurcbt Loarkrrax- cokmus, ' plant tiiontfnd prtivirces lyiujg and riectl!jryandrexpcdiuit lor our;fv Vv . ifiw, and jffjm-JitMjsn', tj$rs. . beinf irt tlie cintiiirLj or r?rri, from thc; and finguljLwhicb payrncots iiv;ljv ' - . : ; ,; rSi ;7;: , : r .StrVi-hts cm ri;,to-afoi-cfaid;h'as arciiJoc-rlIK 'TTTT 'T"-11 KR t! 5 by an aa of the C. f.f.tf: - -.s-u inncs nd' ttr' nude iccdrding to your or aisuiK.H A ''" VX vV'"" -pTi imiFlitiiy : paiitd . t j . rirc-VtCJ'j o" loch cmU", plautxnw and -:b- cf your belt difcittious V 'tf? "". V Vf . cn-b!c i:s tu 'put the cuitoms.' j; . r .uiivtly Jjom:ng and' b i-u.g, montjr and rewards L as &i ' VAJJ and othvr tlunrs m the v i,,ii.c v. t -r jiUnd tAj!jrtda our der to our fcrvice, 2ndior-'ou?:vM':-1 17 V. tiOv.. d';ininhf,$ Jmnu c- ; V n a , , : T n4ny (, f the i flairs by your warrant or ami therxicution the Uws rtliting to trnt i...ft-L;;;. . .-uk wc d s hcrcny and three or more of you to be laA. ' there? uiuier tc i;un.ptiivntf Camn;&,j. uutua oV ( itwi-. . r jiHonrrs dar- cd, we will,' bnd&Qitdf' ' r.m be arpMiitrd ofi purpcv.a to i - , t ,r M ' ui.-StM any three heirs and njcceflbrsdo nraiSWf f ; ibrr tf,t in th .Hr:! domiritrxis , Va i' VVl r aid ; -:riiy to faiUficJ out ol fuch fums of -H.feKt- ' 1 It t i KfiHtJ, ;I hat t! .c cvltums and. .other ouK lo tt ?U i. i.d exccV , w thin come and grow due and payati: t ' U V : (hticvimlnKV any iji r Siof pailhrrent the limiUTiif I itu runuriUioil, .U 'an4of or for the cuftoms or otherffi? T' any HKii or nwii'inu moy-ni.or- la.ular tru uwv ..i.i iUs -nd and ion; nu-ntioned bv trc Cafhif ; v, ) imprtnl into, oVesp'nud-or tarried frc:n-ny the- pj'.cmj out. .iul claufis, tit or the rcfpeSivc Corlcfs-or'. $p'-: . -.Umifblony or j'.JatMatioq ir jUtrita may.; thUn orar.y cf-tfiuVtoat-Cc, touching or tors or other prop ? olTuk!1 ' from tirnc to lime br putiniitT-llie innjc- corccu.i:: lU colUilir.g, kvyiugt .'reciting . .time bein and tor thebettcr'-;X:'V 'irtenfarvd dindlion of linn Vftinit(!i 4k? to 4;f KiUii.-ny t-t luc 1-U duties hereby-toni-; put of t;ie cturgs-of 1 f and fjkctlt irL tiV OUI rr thttr Ccinmiiiut 1 or . .- nrh tnt.riiiAl ki d tKlni u,li2trac ill ami uCmi-- ! I ''5.i.- A. " ; coiii'nvialoiu, ui-'r t c fr:at C ' ol .64..- h Vovchtj cr nkting to the lUciiuiVan'J '.. quire and com. ; "trJ Cit-it CkI! juicto be raott fur the adv-n tride cl tie rijytolviiics in 'An.trie4 with Kctors or other officcis wi 1 tc ' ! trade aodfecurtty vt" the kv'ui-j, of the m the iioits atfaid, i wuc Ulctcl?paf "ncc thereof ff6m'tinVicIkf'".?-?. ,r :r -?.. fl...n ?.iM vi .i. '' Am mbcriu '.ve hive ..Jj,tJ thjt it vt'l c; mr J 4 cuftoir in LuLki! by viitge of. fu.ns were neceflVrity exp(jidel!(; :v ' ) v.u for ic'A4.r.tj:iA itij ol prSuiner.t m Jot cc. at-ihe -$f-trV faid-levchues"f And io lKf; 1 et -r 1 e ea 1 nc -iu 1 in.uuu.w, hui tltl;c tJ int p.is:jg iurcu. Aia v;euo ncrcby-nd lingular thc'cujtoros .;.nyA.v : . , 15 llcii 4nd?cthrr? itus i:p (VJ hf )f fuithr in.povvir 4id suthoiixc you- our faijl duties, and alfo all dhd cvK(tfS;'i al m i4 p .:Umtnt i r , f'-$ .d C i!.irii& .ws, or any three or c-frc tf you, ncy and otir the prerKffe-!';. rrerrh.;? t-1 i Hi' t or i f t;.t,' H is- ioa lime to tunc, to cu.'4itutc.and sppoit.t apdl we tb ' :of truly and fj v; rrt ,,f catiua taci anyo! wc c.U nu$, by.ny uriting under your har.$ and fcals, wc hire further given and " j hntit;. 1 .ic jrci s Hii ?A KU.tt u yndtf the Lantii 14 feail of any thrtc cr thtfc prtfents do give and gvllf tc rfMwci'i t jL.ru fiwii 11 e MfMhtt ' inc:ci!yiu, bferior officers of il ufi-J ftnguv kid Ccmmiflicneis, or any; ' renw-r 1 .;!!, t th; lir the uu witniii the iiu.in'of this'your . jou, and to all and -,veryT?.fe'l!:, I. "-irt it JiiU. and ili if.-t. -i aid tr n mit.ifi.kii fothir than fuch Lf!ici& at are "of nuiv-ColleAort. Minl(!rr.4 ; t'" . t'.tuL t. fi.cH o l. , j m' uuti i i.ni ii?y be corlututtd by Utters patent. of us our other' Officers ferving an'd ' t ' f r;::iin;t4.flKt:-.V.v 4. inJUbfin bilti ui fuciilUn) aexurding tofuth war- tvciy the port's or cther:.pUV.t ;v :!; r-vt.-.cr teui ,i.r bitr-u-hi 4i.d our ft-ti ou thalHiim timeu time receive; mit of .this"your(Cpirn.kyj: .6 d of at- 1 i't tu nc of the fioi the CoinniiiSixcrs of our Trefuiy or powcrand authority' fron r;;W ;;. J J! ( tJ j.iLVJjJli k jLXfinu; LUlH,l ft jurtr. for the . tiixc-beingtand of tc a-asnced (hall-rttiuicf 'f t rr i;i.cr:: rd C:fe!i':- it yu t'.efr.a Hthty mi Chrii -sty the fad warrants fcall be oath or oaths to any iVi'Yv""; ' .." j1 i iJ:irt;- CJj,i4; t4f ,cuJJ ar.d tliim fiom time to tiinctofuf- cor,ccrning the culioms ar H,; .v, .1.1 7 t i A -rt, Ijk i.i.icff :i vn in , in ve and ifrUce us to you our faiJ ' in mentioned, which by ii h fUc m 1 c fv 1 i.tt; miTiH.f Cr Cc nnfTciais 01 ai.y thrtc or more of you relating to the laid revc --?n ;. . 1 :-f t iI ) Wr HihU 1- Ju! tc thought iiccclTarj, and cxprdiuU for practice for the better ''$t'&;t v - i i : t 1 1! r utj.t bcir. th-U i.r i. -ice 1.1 the prcmiks ; and !!o to take ing thereof in Itich cafcv j ) V ?. - d , . viitf ,tt yw. u in our name of every J fully ifdmiaiftercd. A 4 Vk;j ; ,:.;J". VAC-;- - Xh,t rfinz tf- "C;.irct'.rtf luty Oallcclur if d otiicrt)cj tinc atypurr their 7- 7 7 -z'Z'Z' t:.: -.r-rrrr 177 Tirrit'M.trlnMi" flaTie fi -pjiuinteii71iJS "YulRcicnt'fc- , wills and pleafurcs, as ' :. ' i n .rt, f. -f, i tr rt, ' t :t!iy .rd M) !otl-er v-j.J and liithful d ineanur-of to enter and'jo oa -f-. rt nt: f.: -r rn t e y.-tuptM r.t tlua.i.Uis, 1 i.thilr fevc'raland refpeclivc iCi- other ytfTcU riding, ' , ; i . 4i 1 t ira 1 c;;m.tud i- v -1 cp, yUi indmployra'ints, fo long as they ..and corHlng into any, k . : , , - ;- r r-r, rr- t Tn"f.r:.; i J.rT iluirabillc" 4id cintinucin the lame, as by haven, withirTthe lim , , ' ' J i--t t4d!itjt't' vuu ot ft id Comiruinoaits or sny' three or" fion aforcCi; A .f-.r ; " l !a 1 irr 1 .,4 -7;r 1 i.,trtrF)ialhallletM;ht,fcaional!e tojbc .then, lndV . vfAiVi; m. i.d we Jo. hereby further give and d.thT'J Jj r?V.- .'.;' ';k.' Cv.V fi :J ' 1 V..e rr p red y , full poWtr and mortV V; T '7; : VuJ i 'Uwt- . i; fa iHlf V 'wair. s tothc Call Vm aiuj Pny v-r-? "rA':-- V'v ., ... v.,-;. ;