^ advertisement s. ^Iiji imported in the brig Sally, Simon A l d e r s o n tnajier, from Bristol, by RICHARD ELLIS, And t/oiv opening at hit ready money Jiore in New Bern, A L ARGii and general alfortinent of dry Goods, Rtnong which ate many articles not uiually iiitftnted h'ic. 'I'he iearoti being fo far advanced, faid EUis afi'nres the public in general, and his friends and cullomcrs in particular, that he ..ill Jifpol'c of thofeg-.ods, by wholefale or ntail, on inueh lower terms than any hitherto Lid at A'e-mbern for feveral jrear.s pall, He gives the highrft prices for produce. Vi; be S O L D public ‘vendue, on 'rhuriday the bth day cy"'January /tr.v/, T) M.T of tile fa iiunal ellatc of George Kornege, ' decejifed, confiding of Hog*!, Corn, and lundry Inr.f-.ifJnn i.^c. Six iTion'hs ert^dii will be elloived, die purehallr giving b^nd a id fecuriiy, if raijuired, Jijhn kgunf.ge;, 7 JAL'OB KGRNLtiK, >E.\ccutors. tiEOKGl-: KUKNEGK, ) All perfyns indebted to the faid elfaie, by bond, rote, oi ctheru i(c, arc de'ired to nia.he iinau'diate payment t!ii re •!; an l rh fe that luic any de naiids again!!; the .‘aid eilate, are deliied to bring in their acco'.i'-.s tliat iliey may In fettled. I'o be S O L D, I V E nurdied acrejof Eaiid in Du;ii)i County; ‘ witii a vciygond ilnulV 24 by 24, Brick Ci.im- ne., a kiteiicn 24 ty 16, and other outhoul'es, a g '(.d (..iieh md of I’each am! Apple Trees. T htee hiiridred ai d ieventy acres adjoining, with a Houle 24 li) Jb, witii an Urciifird of 500 bearing Apple Tri'f.'). Two hundred acre«, in Duplin, very j.*ood L't.rn La.id, .about 25 acres cleared. Alfo, 900 rnres, ill Duplin, near the Konh Knj} cf Cape hear Riier, good l.iglitwood Land. Eor ternio apply to the luidinbei, near Dupl'n: Court Hrufe. BL'RWELL LANIER. W JI E K Ih A S tunny of the P erl'oiiS who h,a\e leafed Lards l c!o''eincr n. Kicli.-'rd Pol.bi .Sp-u^iif, a make a IVailicc id cut- int; t ire Wood lo, .s de tiorn rB'the ihid Lands con- tiaiy to the AiR of .A.AlmMy reg.irding O.rh.aris I .■iiiib wouh Imbid arc to be made nii them : 1 liercby on Beiialf of the G'nardian cf laid Mim.r, cfler a Reward of Fora y Sn/i mncs to .a iv Per- fon uhn w,l| make a Piieovefy ofany OiFeiidcr'there- to be [ am' t.n Convirtion. in Noz- 17 -T ey / I'JM. CLEAR. ^ tl'\ J /^DltCK of flip I'cipCV X Duporbed a z'cry large and curious -pMrb^>P>t C..' Tvvvk ot.xr rpatcnuts, per]onus all Manner of i^nnt.ng Jcvrk as complete and elegant as can he don I.? L v\ N K S Lomlon. All Sorts oj cn this Province Jtf. /fr/ he.jlU HANpLILLS, ning;]^ ui panting JPay, may be had ai ihe jlahjl Aottce.---BL A I\ K BOOKS fnai,e to^ any Idiredlions, mav he had at Ips OJ/iee, zvhere BOOKBINDING is aone ypat'^"-nu.. RON A \V A Y, Tj' R O M ihe Subicriber the 5rh of Sep- A tcpilier bill, .1 Negro Man namcj S H I ia, .a- biiiit hive beet ‘^it; Jnciu.s high, a Scar on liis Stonnch, bow Rueed, talks little rr no F.ng.liih ; . .'tcct. it Bonnn^ Neg'o ried away a Dm h Blanket. Eight Dollars Reward V ill be paid, to any Peribii that apprehends the laid Nej ro, and fecuics him To that his Owner gets him, paid by me CbiRlS'roPMER CIIIS'FIAN. Near A.n.'-ov Couri-li.iufe. For SALE, A P> O IJ r Sixty Thoufand of White Oak Pi',).7llieaj Stave-;, now' ready tor iM.ifket on Occacock bland. wilijam burgess, Co, TO BE SOLD, A PLANTATION pleafancly lituat- ed on the South Side of Aeufe River, about Six Miles below Nciuhcrn. For Terms apply to Mrs. D E W E Y. T aken up and committed t at Beaufort in Carteret County, 'I to Goal Beaufort in Carteret County, Two new Negroes, they came in a Canoe to Begue Sound, but where from we cannot undcrlland. By fomc Ac cident, or Aft of Humanity, they got out of CJoal, of a cold Evening (alinoll llarvcd even in the lore part of the Night, and mull have inevitably perifh- ed before Morning) and Strayed to the Subferiber’s Kitchen, who willies the proper Owner had then, but cannot fend them any more into Confinement to flarve and frc'ezc lo Death according to Law : For the Great Law-Giver Mnfs, had in Command, that wc r.iould do no Minier. RCBERT WILLIAMS. Hamlet, Carteret County, Nov. 21. 1'“'^. i* O F F I C E K O F O S A L For ptirting ty i'utfctiption, r H F. ANL AUTHORITY JUSTICE ol tho PEACE, As '.veil within his County Court, as without. A L S O, The PuTv of SHERIFFS, CORONERS, COSN'l ABLbkS, CHURCH-WARDENS, O- VER.SLERS of ROADS, and every other Miuif- teriai Uliiccr, of this Province. All fo vhich 'will be added, Manner of tifoful Forms and Preckdents, adapud to the Ule and Practice of this Province. CONDITIONS. 0 T ' II1 S ^’I'ork will contain about Thirty Sheet', in large Oclavo, and will be printed on an elegant Type, and fine American Paper ; and de livered to the SiibCcribers, well bound in .Law Bind ing, at Two Dollars. l*rcpolaIs for tiiis Book were fome Time ago pub- lidied, but the Revifa! cf the Provincial Laws, vvhich has been ft-me Time on Hand, impeded the Pub ic 'tne-’ f trwfii’ if 1' Vfpy-foiftft' ’bfe’' f ea'dy'fo be laid before them. ^ Subfcrintiiins are taken in at the Printing Office in Nenvbern. •l o be S O L D, T he following ITafts of Land, Lots Snd Hotifes, formerly the property of the late Chief Jullice/A/./r,! ; to wit, One Traft containing four hundred acres cn the fouth weft fide of Pee Dee b'-ginning on the fouili fide cf Fork Creek, below f fO'k; three hundred acres on the foiul) Will m'e of Pee Dec River, beginning on the i.or.h fine of Lynch’s Creek-; three hundred acres on the iomh weft fide of Pec Dee River, beginning on the Fall fide of the north prong of Fork Cvt ck ; three iiunded and tucniv acres of Land cn the caft fine of^ Lape-hcar River, below W'ilmington, nerr the for c of fitid ' River: five hundred acres of Land in Orange Cminty on Mountain Creek, and one hunorid and tifirteen acres in Chowan County, near h.dciicdn. AHo fui.dry Lots in the 7'own of Eden- ton, and one Houfe and Lot in the 'IVnvn of Halli ^ "f’P'y to S A M U E L J o‘h N- ^"7 1" b fully impowered by f,..'',. ,!r'' r Heir at Law of the faid C.iicf jufhee llenhy, to Biake a good title to the a- DDve titatfs. xy H E R E A S Mailers of VelTels, V r anu other Perfons make a Praftice of run- ■ R^ons fixt^ in the Channels leadi^ to COuaeori h.r to thejrreat Prejudice of the Navi- g.ition, and the mamfeft Injury of the Subferiber. who IS miployed by :hc Coinmiffioners of the Navi- gation ro keep the i.me up. j hereby olFcr a Reward f-T the Difeovery of any Perlbn offending hm in, to I,e paid on Ceviftion. J GUN B R A G G R. A JOURNEYMAN BOOKbTndER, t lat IS a good \s orkman, may meet witn Encoumgement by applying to the Printer ol this Paper. ^ B me NEWBERN; 7he S good D r 1 N G SAINT. ZEKTEL on his bed Lay fick, and lull ol fi.ars. Attended only by liis maid, V/ho oft in need hml lent liim aid,, His eyes gulli'd out with tears. The fimplc girl, to footbe hi.s pain. And mitigate his gritf. Thus try'd m confblating ftraln. Nor was (he wont to try in vain, 'J'o give his woes reliel’. “ Ah ! wherefore, inaftrr, ftiould you dread “ Death's all lu'otliiing cl irt; “ You, w’ho fo good a life iiave led, “ And to fo dear and wile a b.ead “ Join’d purity ef heart P " Your garb w.as alw ays neat and plain, ** ItAJr I*ul4 RtVvi. I “ And, let it hail, or fnow^ or nun, " No weatJicr could your zca! rellrain “ rroiu MtKTiNG oiKt u week. “ You never fware, as others tife, “ Nor fpake, but to ft.me endi “ You never paid the parlbn'e dues, “ You never tt lifted Turks or Jews, “ Nor e er deceiv’d—-a E'riend. “ You ne’er encohrag'd legalf rife, “ Nor fold your waies e high ; “ You ne’er were drunk in all you*- life, " You ne'er debauch’d ycur neighbour's wife, “ Nor—cv'er told a lie.” At this Ezekiel fiiook his head, And heav’d a jMteous figh ; And thus in grief of heart be faid, (Then funk dejefted on Ifis bed) “ Ah f Betty, I’ve been jly." p -fit - -t-i-iY -Y i:^ - u-6- North-C.vrolina, ff. By his E.vcell.rcy jOSIAH MARTIN, Efquifl Captain General, Governor, and Conunander * Chief, in and over the faid province. -A PROCLAMATION. W HEREAS I have received advice from Major-Getirr?.! tfaldimand. Commander fn Chief of his Majefty’s loices in America, that ac counts have been tranfmitted cc him by his Majefty’s -^ffittfifclr&ra‘’moff't,a'i1^Hl%s^mr‘"wk'?,^^ without provocation, committed bv a certain •'MF- ZEKIAII ( OLLib.S, in the back part of the pro vince o.- Georgia, on the bodies of two young Chero- kee Indians, wnicli hath highly exafpcrated'lhat na tion, .and may tend to intcr.rupt the good harmony fubfifting between hfs Majefty’s fubj'eft.', and rh.at and other tribes of Indians, unlcfs fitisfaftion be m.ade for the laid violence; and whereas the mur derer hath abfeonded, and tiic. Commander in'Chief ofhis Majefty’s forces hath requefted me to offer on his behalf a reward of One Hundred Pounds flerling for apprehending the faid HFZEKIAH COLLINS, fo that he may be broueht to jullice, and other large rewards are off’ered in the fi'uthern colonics for {-•- curing the faid offendpr; I have thought it proper, in a cafe of Inch eoinmon concern and importance to his Majefty’s (ubjefts, to concur in tne faid meafures, and have therefore ift’iied this proclamation, hereD* promifiug to any perfon or pcr.fiiris who /hall appr.-- hend and fccuie the faid HJ-ZEKIAH COLLINS, fo that he may be bri uglit to juftice, the further tc- W AXiti of One Hundred PoiwJs, proclamation money and I do'hcreby cemmand and enjoin all magiftrates! Iheriffs, and others, withm this province, to be vi gilant, and as much as p'>l]ible aiding and alfiftiiio- herein. ^ GIVEN under my hand, and the great feal of the laid province, at Newbern, this i8th d.ay of sp/ember, lypj, and in thei-jth year of liis Majefty « f.^ign. jq. MARTIN, G (J D fave the KING. fy hi: Excellency's command, J. Farr ATT, D. S. HEZp:iAH COLMNS is ,S or ,9 years of ana ot a tawny complexion. Pa*^e^^'’' '^^Ao’nctsmiagoinferttdin ih ^ h^lhet r, John Cotl.ns-, lul hy a Depofinon tvanJmstUet to hss Excellency she GL-itrl Tohlvet^^ Georgia, she Mu'der up; earl to have been cemmssted by Hezckiah Collins-, it is the, e^ ^thenght^ptjon, cJereifA BE R N : Printed by, J A M E S D A V IS, in F R \ \ the fir'b va;- r 'x~h ^ T I SF MR ^>1 Perrorjs mny be fupplied with tiiis P A P b'R i tl.' Cr.l Week and Two Sn,eL,..-,3 U every Week aiier ’ i.-^f'rted for T„.«k LaLlx!! '

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