C: |o m«t nMn niatlc.Y moft ' mwlto lltff many daageh!>tn And fiMMe refol«feft!tfw>remedy v^reof, Bd Tluc froth itAd after the qo i«§ Ault bv tjlM W the SeloAmtQ, a' retjceH of any nmiM^or Cncdt^Idera, wttk- ooc leave of iW* Gbrtrnor in ejipreffing.fhe [iKrft 'had 30) obtained, e^Mfortae alkotel jofctiog'in the month of March, ft?r myrhaice of Sef4ftman; Codftables, and other o^ceMy-mnd that no otker matter Ihail bo tfeatod df jb'fbch meeting, except' the election of their aftvi^aid officera, nor' at any other meet- ing^ except the bttiiheia cxpredixt in the leave'given by the Governor'. ^ A ad whereat, in pdrfaance of an aft of Ailembtjr of the laid province, ;nade in the fieveoth year of the reign of WiUiam the third, and three other afti of AlTembiy, made in the eleventh year of the fame, reign, jurora, ai well grand ai petty, have been nfnally ibmoioaed and retorned by the conltablcji of the Arveral cowna, by virtue of writs or warranti direftcd to t!ein by the clerks of the ftvr/al coorts requiring them to afletnble the inhabitants of the faid towns, to chufe it pcribneiOdlHre^l’iuroirs for fuck towns, andvrifutninon and A^ni fuch pifrfons lb titbfen ; which praftice of'cBofipg jurort, arid returning Uiem, without the iitte#hent^im of the fbe rih, has necn I'oand to'be dctrimliial to the admini f- tracion Be It'^herefore euafted^ by the auihorify aforf^jl* Tbat iroin aad after the next enfuing, (b much of the faid afts| of AiTsiSribly, and,of all other laws nbw in force,- within the laid rc.'vi.'ice, as direfta the returns of Jaries to be made y the conftablrs, by an eleftion ol the inhabitants of the feveral towns, lhall . and all juror«, as wcll,grand aeperty, (hall be returned by the (he- lifFs of the feveral counties, and not otherwife ; and the Juftices of the Superior Court of the faid pro vince, at a convenient time before the fitting of the Superior Court in every county, and the Jullices of the Hcace for every county in the faid piovince, at a convenient time before the fitting of the Quarter Scfiion of fuch county, (hall ilTue their^ precepts or warranti to the (heriflFof fuch county, f^r fuch fe deral courts refpeftively to fomnion,' bit of the free- udders and inhabitants of fuch county qualified to trve upon juries, fuch' n number of good and lawful ten as fuch precept or warrant (hall direft, to rve upon the grand jnry at fuch refpeftive cou't j id foch perlbns As fummoned gnd retorned by the id (berifT, or fuch of them as Hiall appear, (h ill be :ipannellcd- and- f^ora ^he grand inqaefl for the ody ofthe county, and (hall continne as fuch dur- ■g the fitting of (uch refpeftive court, and until ey.(Kajl (sc difmi(red by the fame ; and in all in- ftraents, info^inations, uttions, and caules, de- nditig before the Superior Court, or any Court of >art:r Seifion, or Court of Gomraon Pleas, in the i province, which (ball be at iiTuc, and or- ed for tmC the juries lhall be (nmmoned, im- joellcdl^^bd-sctit^ned, by ihe’^td^of the coun- cut ol freeholders aqd inhabitants, of the d yuuntyJmalilied to ferve apr.o juries, a'>d (hill • chqfewSP arfaved.j't Inch manner and form, d by an£. \qith (pch regulations and i;eltriclic;n3, direftcd.ai^ Ordered iu and by an aft of P.ir- smeitt, made in thf fevenih apd eirrhth years of le winn of bis late Majefty King,William the third, Atitul^, ** An 4ft lor the eafe ql jurors, and bet- V regulating cf juriesand one other aft, i ^ihe eighth and ninth years of the fame reign, itituiutib ** ^n aft to enable the' rernrns .of juries • fotMrU, until the (irft day of November, one lOuftBd hundredr and ninety-feven ;** and one ther aft of Parliameiit. made in the third year f the reign of his late Majelly King George the intisuled, “ An aft for the Mftcr^i^ulati- cood. faid, Tha^OlI and other per (one the ordering, malung, lifts of the freehollers (c|ve upon ju/i^— tain, according this p.refimt aft ‘ who (haft be gui IS of juries j** and oneother uft, mijde in t^iweq'y urth year of the fame reign, intituled, An aft r the bcttecjcgulation of trials by jury, and for ilarging the time (or trials by Ai/f Prius, in the rooty of Midd!e(ex..** And be-k further enafted,-by the authority afore- lid, That Jifta.of the^freebolde-s and inhabitants of he feyerpl towns qualified to ferve upon juries, (hall e returned to, and recorded at, the Quarter Sefli- •Ol Aar she feveral counties, and (ball be -delivered o-thw (e^reral (herifFs ui manned and form aadirefted ry the faid afti of Parliament, cr any of them ; and ncil fuch lifli of fuch freebolderi.. aad inhabiranti lall be delivered ai aforefitid, the fherjft' of any ounty (haU and may fnmmon and return fit perfoni ® "P®* j*rie» ai afeteiabd, out of the body . d w irceholderi and inbabitami nf '^onlv. juibfied an ferve upon juriei, accoi'diiri|f'm hit judf- ment nd dUcretioo 1 and whenever tbejudgei of the ' SuKraor Come fhall nwarda fpecini^nryuo beftrtitfk * (which rimy nun hereby anthnrized and eqipeSyered • IP do In fhch.JMnncr ni'fflerial jurici hnvebecn ufu-- ally ftmeh in the Cenrto at.Weftminfter at triali at bar) and if the (herilF of the county in which fuch jury (hall be awaaded, (hall not have received lifti of the freeltoldera and inhabitanti qualified to ferve opon iffNa ai herein baAare'ordered, and direftcd,, foch Ihcriff (hall attend the proper office of the faid OOnrt with g 1(11 of of the principal freeholders •nd inhabiianri of the faid county qualified to ferve" Span jariei, andthe (a-1 fpeckl jury fhall be (buck jM or the faid ltd; aud it fluU.a^d may be lawful cbO Juftices of the laid Soperiof Coum, and they , lirf ll^lkdbp ^nthorized and empoweredf upon the' motion of cither of the.partrei, ip any cile or afti- on which (hall be brought to ilTue, to order the faid cAuIeor aftion to be tried in any county, other the Country in which the faid f:aQfc or aftion have been brought or laid, by a jury of fuch other » county, as ihv/ (hall jnd^e fit and proper; any a" *' of Aifembly, or proviaa,^' law, to toe contra^ notwithftaod^. , \ ^ , o And be^wl|^.efagl^jhg tVp^gthority ai Kml (lieHf, confta I me faid province, to unborn' delivering; of recoldiOft, jha ai:ffi snl^itafts qualiAe(^||^ long or epper^ ' meaning of y referred »o, Dcgieft, defailt, ot misfeay.inc'', in earning into execotion thit aft, according to its trpe intent and meaning, fliall incur and fufter fuch fines and pvnattiei^|ui ^ fe- veraily ineiuionrd in the faid afts or.P^||nunt hereby'icfcrred to; and all perfste who,H^rn^%dly qualified u aforefaid, lhall be duly fummonud to ‘ferve upocf-juries^h mannev afostfaid,..and (bail faid, Thai if any a.‘lion (h ill be brought againft any SheriiT, for what lie fh!ll do in t-xecucion, or by virtue, of this r-ft, he may (dead the general if- fue, and give the fpccial matter in evidence ; and if a verdict (hill be foutd for him, he (hall recover colls. , J BILL f r the irr.pjrti^l Admhvjirat'ioii nf yujltc; i:i the' Cu^^i jf Perfons qucj}im:d fer any Ati: d:ne by them in the Execution of the • Law^ cr f:r the Supprcjfion, of Riots and Tu mults in the Province of the Maflachufetta-Eay, in Ne\v-Eii;.!aaJ. W HEREAS in hi.s Mj.’fly’s province of Maflachufctts-n.iy, in New Englasd, an attempt hath la'tly been ni.ida 'o thro.v r fF the au thority of the Parliament of Great llriii*iu over tiie faid province; and tin aftual and avovtj reSllancr, by open force, tn the txecutian of certain afts of Paili.init-nt, hath heen fufFcred to take place, un- ccntroullcd and utipunifhed, in defiance of his Ma- jeftyN aaihoriry, and to the uUcr fubverfion of all lawful government ; And drhercas, in the prefent difurdered ftate of the faid province, it is of the utmoft importance to the general wclfaic thereof, and to the re-cftab!i!h- ment of lawful authority throoghout the fame, that neither the M.ipiftr.i;»*i afting in fuppori ol the laws, nor any of his Mrefiy’s fubjeft* aiding and afiiiting them therein, or in the fupprclTion of riots and tu mults, raifed in oppofuion to the execution cf the laws and llatutes of this lealm, /huuM be dilcuu- raged Irom the proper difeharge of their duty, i*y an appiehenllon, that in cafe of their being q^uclii- oned for anv afts done therein, they may be Jiable to be brought to trial (cr the fame, before pkfons who do net knowVdgc the validitv of the jlaws, in the execution whereof, cr the authority of the niagi/lratc in the fupport of whom, fuca afts had been done: In order therefore “o remove every fuch d’fs'-urage- ment ftom thv minas cf his M. jcll) '., lir'jCi‘l>, and to iticuct them, opon ail pp-pi r ocialious, to exert themfelves in frppcrt ci the pnbllc peace cf tlie pro vince, and rf the au;hority_of the King and Parlia ment of Girat-oiitain over the fantc ; Be it enafted, by the KingS Moll Excellent Mnjr.'ly, by ar.d with the advice ccr.fert c f the Loidv Spiritual and Temporal,K.''mmons, in this prifciit Parlia ment afTcmLlVii, and bv the authority of the fame, That if at ary nme, within the fpar-c of years from and alter the pny bill or liills of indi^lment (liail iK^fi'iind agaii tl any perfon- fer murtber or other r fi'tnte, in the pr(,vincc of the Maffachuktis Bay, a.nd it iJialt appear, by iuformatlcn given upon oath to the Governor, or in his abfence, to thv J.k ittenant Governor of the faid proiince, that the fxft was committed, by the per- ,fon indifted, while he w?s ciihir in the cxtcutii n of his duty as a iMagiihate, for the rupprclTico of ricti, or in the luppoii I ihc laws cf revenue, c-that he* was afting in his duty as an f/Titer cf revenue, or aftiug under the din ttic n ard order of ary Magi- . ftratc for the fupprtfiioM c'i riots, 0. for the carrying into effeft thedaws of revenue, or aiding and alhlt- iojg in scy of the purpoie* uforelsid ; and i( it (hall alio appear, to the fatisfaftion of the faid Governor or Lieutenant 'Governor refpeftivejy, that an indif* . lerent trial cannot be had within the faid province, iff that cafe it fhall and may be lawful for the Go vernor or Licutedant-Govanor to direft, that the indiftment (hall be tried in feme other of his Ma- jefty’s colonies, or'in Great Britain, and for that purpofe to order the perfon indiftvd 10 be fcni under a fufEcient cuftedy 10 the place eppointed (or his trial; and that there may be no failnre of juftice from the want of evidence in fuch cafes, it fhall and may be lawful for the Governor: or ih 1* s abfince, the Lieutcnant-Ccvercor, to fettle and aiTcfs a rea- fonable Cum to be allowed for the expcnccs cf fuch witcefTes as the prufecutor, or the perfon indifted, (hall defire to be fommoned ; which fum Hi all be advanced by the ecu*, midi oners cf Lis Majefiy’s cuf- loms, to .'.e wl;a '-•s, who, upon the rec-ipt there of, (IiaII enter into a rec-ignirance before a judge ,o( the Superior Court, to appear ai.d give evidence ’'upon the trial of lich indiftment. And bb it further enafted. That ibc C-Dvernor, 'Or in his ablenhe the Lieutenant-Governor, it he (liall direft the trial to be had in any other of hit Majefiy’s colonies, (hall tranfmit the tr.diftmeni, together ^ith the recogniaances of the wiinefTes, under the Teal of the province, to the Governor of fuch other cotbnv; who (hill immediately iff.je a commifiion of Oyer and Terminer, and deliver, or caufe to be delivered, the faid indiftment, with the faid recognizances, to the Chief Jufiice, and fuch other perfons as have ufually been cdmmifTioneri of Oyer and Terminer there ; who fhall have power to proceed Ujpon the faid indiftment, as if the fame had been found befo’^e them, and the trial fhall thereupon proceed in like manner, to all intents and purpofes, as if the offence had been committed in fuch place : A»d in the governor, or in bis abfence the ^kutejiant Goveriwr, fhall direft the trial to be had in'Grcat Britain, I9(hall then tranfinit the indift- mcrit, together with the recognixar ces of the wit- i’-e fc^ of the province, to one of his Majefiy’s principal Secretaries of State, who fhall deliver, or cauliu to be delivered, the fame, to the Maftcr of the Crown-oflite, and t!ie indiftment firall be tried in the next term, at the bar of the Court of King’s Bench, in like manner, to all intents and purpofes, as it the offence had been committed in the county of Middlrfex. N E W B E R N, >// 15. By an authentic Account from Crofs-Creek, the Perpetrator of the horrid Murder and Robbery com- tnittcil there fometime ago, as mentioned in this Papcr is difeovered, and proves to be Mr. Patrick Travc.s himfelf, the Owner of tlie Store tliat was robbed, who is now in Gaol, and is foon to take ids '1 rial for'that attro iiyus Crime. Tlie Goods were ilie l^ropvrty of feveral Perfons, and vteie found buried near Mr. Travers’s Saw-Mill, and the Linens and other pcriiliablc Articles were moft- ly fpoiled. Wiien we conlitler Mr. Travers as a Gentleman who had long Hied at Crofs-Creek iu the Cliarrifttr of a worthy Member of Society, and a Man of Property, we lhall be much at a Lofs to account for his Inducement to merder his Store keeper, and rob the Store. Surely fomething more than A’vuricc mntt have tempted him to violate the faertj Tie of Friendihip, and fo daringly oftend againd his God and hi.> Confcicnce. Hv .Accounts from Philadelphia, as late as the 23d June, we li d there is to be a general Congrefs tliere of Deputies from the feveral Colcnies, on the Twantietfi Day of September next, in order to confult on \S ays and Means for the Pjgfervation of An,Cl ica again.l the kite very extraordinary Afts of P..Ili.iincnt th.it have bten pafl'ed, which wc find, by the tiorthcni Papers, have fpread univerfal .Alarm there. V/'e have received the kefolvcs of the Province of Maryland, which will be in our next. ExtraHs of letters frtm Lonaon, Jatfft Ap^il 7 and 8, to ptrjons '.n Ne-uu-l'crk and Philudilphia. V/i'.h the mod anxious and deep concern I fit clown to give you fome account of the jiitter things that aie meditated againfi America, and through her againfi England itfclf, and that conftitution, by which it has long been diftinguifhed among the na tions as a land of freedom and happinefs, and an afyluin againfi tyranny and opprefiion ; a difiinfti- on, alas 1 that now fubfifts no more ! and rouft be for ever Icfi, unlefs kind providence fhould inter- pofe, to fave us from that flavcry and darkiiefs, which has well nigh overfpread the face of the whole earth. America, the laft refort of retiring freedom, is now to he invaded, and the fugitive driven from her peaceful rccefl'es there, that fo fhc may find no rcfiiiig place on this fide heaven. A plan of ilcfpoiifm and arbitrary power has in- tcffantly been purfued during the prefent leign ; thiough all the minifierial changes and tnartruvici, that has ftill been the grand objeft in view ; and may explain all ifir fe intricate movements of gnvcin- ment, which otherwife appear quite mifierious and unaccountable ; eipccially wiili regard to the colo nies, it may account for ihat cLflinatc pericveranco in mcafurcs palpably incoiifificnt with cvciy prin ciple cf the Englifh conftitution, of jufiice ai d of common fenfc ; which have bccn attended with al- mofi infinite expence, trouble and difficulty, both to the colonies and Great Britain itfclf; when'at the fame time a plain, cafy and certain way to peace, harmony and profjaerity, lies fo open before ur, that none can mifiake it, and yet offers itfclf in vnin. An abfulute, arbitrary government, has in finite charms for a multitude of haughty luxurious parafites and flatterers that ever furrounded a throne, and hope to fhare with it in tyrannizing over the people, and rioting on their ffioilt. No wonder that fuch as thefe fhoulu prevail on a ycung rao- rarch to be plcafed with, to countenance anc adopt their pLn. Unlimitted power is generally a moll dtfirable obieft, cfpecially to youat and inexperi ence, aid few arc difiruflful of thcmfcl\c.s, or iinagit c that it would Lc unfafe in tlicii haad:«

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