j a v. ;;v-vkhv v , .;,i:;vH;:vt (;iV:-.r;J.;.-i a . -J.iJLw'i . 'M.J.A '-W.IV nrWV -i v V v . .- ..lf.,'i.;. ..v.-J! -'y t -! -A.- ..',--4l !.HE Whole .slllilliW ',;! .4 JT ' J " "' 11 I aM Iff . K K . V ; -T; morr er objeft for Wdjlvlnihc firlt Se)H: -7- it-oMi(ceIIeticy:': ""; ;:,tence byur" Anvver," yoX h E province hmng been repeatedly alarm- , ! 5 . conftruding what has beei" Unjuftly called a Fortrcfj .1 A cd at' your Excellency unuYaal and warlike' Lwj uuhuh lNccK.; -.j. uc-.ianie racuoai ppim neparations Unce your Arrival intp.it, ana navmg whiclfleads theBoftnianS to call Submiffion to Go- bv the Conrefj exoreffed ireafonible Expeftatioh, Vernme Slayery-ingyTyrants-Miaiilcrs'; that yoa would defift fromi ah deniolilh ' your f Rafcals-aCand ; G6veraoTjAa: Compodad of the Fortifications orf Bofton Neck i it 'mull afFord Alto Asm' iliiliill I illliill III! Lj'VH,......:,.'v,.j i ft:rf i luuitiiiiiti'iti hi :. t;,;;UiiW rocccdinp s are fa " rcplcte!wlth FoliiUfeat;i' have more 'r :an once cjiouf jnMftsj -ave ; pruiii- ' tuiea my 1 ims in ejfpown,r - yourro. i held up as an Epitphae of, the milita- begiiislo iubiidc In Jour BofomsT-fbr le- of vonr O'Derationa. ftaitIvTWitlei; vou to Contempt. - jUNjLUSMllRNUS. ' - in famous Errand biica'they arc fenf to Arhen caj ana wuiiit in tikirnJnjtt'-auie-.in. wnicn tney ' ' '..1 .' 'r ' ' ' Ml ." ' 1 J : f- are egaeaf Menaces wiy; n9vexrcauce oupmii. fion frpm tlie PeoVle cf; iils fh6yjcr.4YpurvEk-- ellencYTas well aTthe !Xfmy7T.fSja ualy -pfeferve IT 1 r- .t' .1 ! . your Honour Dy, reiimng to luoniij f o me moi; au-r , ft.vil.! 'vf j'V rfilMi ltlrt n a r-v I r ii!Ana s,: 'Cenftire, t You KaVe relcue'd me: from euteofi;of.the"ttfntl iiae by. vour .late fwertb "the Addrefs of thei' Provincial Con2rcf3 : . av: : -' r- -.-3 .. : r " r. " , ..);'-!!,tj s4i -7 In Trcivincial Congrefs O'clpber, .29 1774. prJcred, That Caftdtn HecUhietain White. -Captain Gardiner. Mr. Cheever.' aid Mr, D evens, he r a Committee, to nuSiSt titan his Excellency ivith the fol- . Name, , a VVork which wa eiecutL-d only to amule your Oijcers, and to exercifc. your; Solujeri. Yoii ; ' ' have commenced no hoiUle Step's gain:t the Pro-' 'r yince pf Maflachufetfa Bay; you hay.e. only railed . nilhmen't. not onlv to the Province, . but to .the whole-- Contlnf ; .that you fcoafc. treat our. -important Applkations withyrhahifeft lnfenfibility. and Difrecrard. The CoDprcrs arc, pofiled of a tLJ Jj&iting with --youfignaturetrrwhkl..p it .jtnougn acarei- -whoouiciating Addref to your L at your fayingi that nlcfs annoved. will - ter ic MaJacre of the 5 th of March,, and -the xc- annoyobodyi".. wKen, .from four Inowlcdge' of cutioi 6( the Boilon Port, and Quebec Bills ?. . the Conliitutioa of Britain,: and of the : Province; r ' - f . r.i . t 1. . 1. jt : i' ' 'i V- , -wcaure ii&youTwrr-wiuxineiajiiioyeQ win f. to be a Meffage to this Uody, z -4 ' Wo ody." "''; v " '.--4: fed to fundry Gentlemen by. Na(ne T-'. tarf be deemed ungenerous to hint .that tne L- as our Committee, .-orefented aa - ' - Li vei Liberties, or Properties of airy Per 1 on, except Excellency. , Ve arc furprized ".'.-V...vov(fd Encnucs,v arc in -Danger from Britons, -af-" --wharwe call a:Fomefs:-'-ti 4Yotf. fay that Britain never formed the black De . r. fign m wantonly dtjlnying or enflaving ;any People on EKh.'; It will be fulficient to coiitradiiJ this ;; A town,: ..by -only .hinting 4it the Depredations . which', have, lately, been, committed upon human . AiAmrc iii.iac inuics, unuer me oancuon or over which, you have been by hs IVlajefly commif honed tp prehde, -you mult know tnat tiireiy keep ing a iianding Army in tJoiince,in lthe Time 'of Peace without Con fen t of tic Representatives; is airainft Lavt; and mulf be conftJcred as a great v.mcvance.10 tac ouojeas ; a vjrwvantc wjhui r. f ree- - that ordem qualto-itilnmuity". ,Jt.wou'14:be tbe"(Wacke:t In-' Redr-js Ms it not auoiiiliiinfc theii, Sir, that;you gratitude to . fuople that ourMoilier Country-ever- ihoald have ventured toraffcrtrthat a-FcrtrriV,. by intended, to cntorce the ; Ads Jor Rapile arid ,Mur- : vvha'tever,Natne your Excellency ii pleafecl to call Gare toevry them into Execution I ,j . y 1, which you Command; to cut lolf CVmmunica- fervbg "Union" -.and Hannohj between Great litU . ; tain auqjne v--oionics;.;n.a..vijE nncreiy nope tnat vou. will diftiheuifli vourfetfV;W Exertions for this : Purpofe : for ihduld you : be '. Initrument pf in- r'.VQlving.in a 'ciyij War this bpjreffed and" r, injured Landi it mult tor ever deprive you of that -lraii-quility which ' finally bias adilu to thofe whofe Hands have been: polluted witx innocent Blood. -Your Excellency reminds iis of Hhe fpirit of. the Britifh Nation ;we partake, vt rejoice in her Honours', and efpecialiy revere hr for hen great; and national Virtues j we hope five; will never Veil her Glory, or hazard Succefs byextrting that Sfi- . rit in Support of Tyranhyr-"" r'V . T - Your Excellency's ftrange Mifconttption of Faft is not lefs cphfpicabus in the Clofe of your MelTage, than in many other Parts bfit;; -You have, fuggeit ed that the Conduct of the Trovince, for fupportinj the Conititution, is an Inftance of its, Violation-- ' to declare the Truth relative to this Matter, muli 1 - 11 r t 1 . ' 1 r -.- r n ; : mi. Dearun v indication or our vonauct merein : inc -'yyy Powers placed in vour Exceilenty' for the Good of " '''! : ' the Province, to convene prorogue, and diifolie thft , -General Coiirft have been perverted to rui ancl enllave the Province;, while cur Conllitucuts, ' the ' loyal Subjects of hii Majefty,' have been compelled for the laudable Purpofes of preferving the Con3U. . tution) and therein their Freedom, to obtain the . Ml i ;? t 4-1 W$& 1 . '-"Ji-fM:,! hnlu' inAtnKT Hu I'D .'Exigencies f tW StatedirecVd- Wthnocid r 'Bf the Conftitutlon itfclf; warranted by t; ttllll?: ' a onroved Precedent and Examnle. andfi M '! 1 ;-; ': 7 approvea rrcceaent ana Jbxample by the Brituh iSation at the Revoluuon, You illegal Proclamituus will not i fufrer us to between the Country and tliii Capital of this - T .V - was - a - Fiine fwhen- Q ri tain; Uc ferved th-r TV a-.r. nF a fniriffL" nJaMr.-.-! I Rut' ..Strength and '-Validity or wiych -Precedent, tile fsf f ' -whole. Britilh Conititution now Hand? ; his prefent ; J Majeii'y wears his Crown," and all lubordinate" 013V v-r-- j cers'hold their Places ; and altnoa&h we are will- -peiievejtnac you even wun loprnerye imai ana j; riovirfce, to imprijon the many l.nouiasd Inna'oi i , :Htty4i''cen GrcatEritait ar?d hit Colonies." rants qf(he.Town of Bolton, to infult and. deftroy I '"f . ...Ma k ' . . . W fl J t -J. . 1 I - I . 1 1 l ' i. them fiplon the lcallor even without any . Provoca- continual vnnoyance which, " 'unlcfis.an- ing to put the molt favourable Ctnllruction o'q the , ' i, 1 j VVarning you have been pleafei to give us of 'the . r Rock cn which we are," we beg Leave to infbrrf " " t-7 .-mm. 1 II 1 Tr. I. " . n H . . W ...t.) n... I I .. a teitcd tliat Lhataaer by her Iatfc lhamcijl Compd s ?to rhalohFrM Community, fitipaimth the Court pi. Spain. --I'lieArmie . arid. W tomi: Will aJnoy Nobody i'l Fleet! ol Entain were rcfervcu r more; imp.yrts,n' r . A acko4cift of your Purppfesthah -td Kirpibfc the Priae 'tfa. Aval 'Nadi -iVfinceiW late Refidencc in 7:' V- 1 - li on. .' A Handful pf Cjari bbs 'pnl thel 1 2and ofT"St Vincciit rvftie devoted, tocitrldion, the Pp.ver I Vta?fcanccriillitaiaV.wereidireiled ansiiiii. Excelleftcy; s CcW.3ucl' this Province, .we con- clui will convince you of that 'Huth, the mere hiunrwhich )ou tell ct is KigMy txafperating. .,4 win mi viii'tii.ium, in. i.-ivimic yuur i-Atn- ,ypu, Jiat our Conftitaents do. not expect that in .the Execution oFthaliaportant Trull 'which they havc repbfed in us,)- vc Ihould be wholly guided by your Advice and we trult, Sir, that wc mall not . , fail in our Duty to. bur Country, find Loyalty to bur, Kir.g, cr in a prefer Refpect to your ExccU . lency. themvSJler. Tf w?' i'iclotro'us'Jvand Hosd . . Icn'y. wiilot deny, that'yof hav ported yourfelf NofJt added to, p:h'.T-Triumphs,, flhc fo! Glory of -fto jexecutothe Aas,.madc to fu b'vr t the. Conflitu- ihn (ittbtul JSifjedirjon. Alas !nta:n', ho.v ait. - rtiaofoLfe Provincci- Although yAir Excellency's toafJl-a 1 Thy Mftories are noonly oyer Hu-. 'Coijntciions with, a Miniflry inimical to the Pro indLatiJ Trophies are nar noJiing but f 4'vince, and your being furrounued Virti Men cf the thefrVis of Liberty. : .i' ..:Vorll political Principles, 'prcclu.di'thc ProfpcA cf ,yogchargetle)nhabUantiofMafcchuf:m ,,yr tully exe'reifmg towards thii. Province, vour witabvming their Charter, by afllinblinir iiran 'u"cmre'd ifcrevolencc and HumanitA, Vet: Sir we L 'iPegcl niilunconllirutional 'Manner yn this o:ep, 'priyan to indulge your fociayi'irtel lb far as to l' .-Sir thjyluvel been-obliged, to appial f om the coufidcr the heceliary Fcelincf fithli People lundcr iTff;r' Law?, to the Liberty ot N-urc. T..ur " the Hand of OppreJ:on. "IV ) Invafions of (Violation tf the Britilh Comlitution. irf.tuft -JSfuartoirte'nirav to come amonrr them, is thT tAv? t,n, at lXnu 7 ItlvVtif tKi TnJiaK;'. r,f mm. : .Po!itiCi Criae a tru? born Briton ;iiay to their ' krn, whil.1 peaceably afTembleJ,.; for conccrtin .rKc. ;u uu iwiui ouunuiiioniojipt -rnvvn, i r lea lure to prcierve their fmaonivand unpre l ll.fr..' I... 1 I 1 rn . w . I. . . . . . tncy jve commuieu mgii i reaiou igauit the - Li bcrt4f tf America. The Colonies, .httve acquitted them cf this Crime, as they wi:)i oay for an Ac- romxed'atioa with -Great Britain. i Should their fc-Vi London Gazette,' 0f7, i, 1774'" ? .'"i? -0 4 m. pared fo.detend themfelvcsj been itiiimininent Danger .from' your Troops ?, Have .you 'not, by' removing the Ammunition of the Province, and .u.li.iiyM.ivu . i .m IS I IMllii L UI1VU1U lllll ' paci; Rcfolutirms fail of this Lnd' thc -Sword pf Vilcc will npt long flccp in its Scabboard; 'Britilh, . rjii (alnck conCJfrvou 31 V?r-!n in Ami. by all other Means in your Jfowttj endeavoured to put it in a State utterly dcfcnceltu I Have you not Mi 6' ju"-rv I went, uo jicreoy mane Known jo ail' exDcrted fromvour TroOns. merclv in Llnnfel I Ckl.O. Tirt.,rl Will 1U. r... r w-- , , t , l uui'inn, uui iuim i ill aua 1 UAIU.l 11 . ii i i . . . . v - . r s d. - .... . prm r kb .un joi. , jou wi i tnen ccaie to quence pt a Keluiai ot lome lnhaVitanti ot the Fro- Parliament : And do hereby further declare, .wu,y...i ui.iuwn i hum - our ttnno:amg every vincc toiuppjy them wan Property undeniable their - with the Advice of our Privy Council; a, . "7" t v - - . ... ... v i , v mi wun it. i.n v ivmi iuuiiuiu ju tiiiuii- . ivay, . give c vrucr to our n V AlVor brea'niuIV,r ci Amctlcl V tRlb,e ttl,- uh,c.n c V- u uin, tc i ui'car Writs, in due For fi ' L i,j .7, .,r'l -,'1 -! '! 7'uniinitv and while the avowed Encmiet of Great Britain aud the a new Parliament i, which Wiln am 'vti tx,. 7 vain. I fialf ctafeo addicts you iri thil ,l5r'Marer. 1 oegan tncte metiers dj ?aiiinfi tolonie?, arc piotccted by )our."Extcllcncy, Lives, Liberties and Properties, of the lnhali itanu lSoB.your.by your Regard ibtlKc Peace api Hap- ttIl 'rovince, wno are reaj rticnoi to uc rh inefi It Briuin aod the Colonies, to f enounce i v nuiiBiiuu, arc grcau tw uBWu,,wuu ... Ccifion. U'lhall conclude thefn. by ,ctm-' :. v tame ftjotivqs, vs coTJunuc iw Itic Asicuta wul W ndcr thr'ConltoUl of vourflai" '.:f 'AfMr ii limn it mu7i iuiutj;.. wuviif I. ; ut lis llwssit cf hiuHi Troo; ; h xfjlrtl by. the I -A By the: KIN A.PROCL AMATxIO N tar (ViJJolvlngiht prefent Parliament t 'ani dcclarjflj the calling of another ... . ' GEO R G E R. V ' U WllEREAS wc have thought fit, by and with the Advice cf our Privy Council, todiflblve this prefent Parliament, which now Hands prorogu cd to Tucfday the 15 th Day of October next : - We - V do, for that End, .publifli , this our Royal Proda- , . nation J and do hereby dUtoIve the faid Parliacwnt. accordingly. And the Lorlls SpirLu Aand Tern- J piral, and the Knights,, Cfiien.OlJurgeiiis, ' and the CommifTioners for Shlrtuv.. Purghs, of . the HouFc of Commons, are uncharged from ,thir Meeting and Attendance, on Tucuhy the faii fifteenth Eay of November next.And we being dcfirous and rcfolvcd, as foon as maybe, "to meet our rcoplc, and to have their Advae 1 Tatha. . V 1 ... 1 . . v our ftiwinf ThaC . V L ... . .1 wc nave, tnu , incellor of Great Bti- r m, for callln .' to bar TVn ' on Saturday the firll Day of October next. "'end .to 4 be returnable on Tucfday the'. Tivchnr.ninih Da' A'. i !i. Cl ' " - - . f 4 " " I ;V Gircn af oar Court at St Jatnes', the Thfr- Hundred and Seventv.fourJJn. ihe! 'nr .? r ,Ycax of cur Pein,y jJ ' 4 ' . - - - ' ' r ( 1 . , i-..