Ms 1 .. 0 4J Li 5 I! I K L O N D O N, SEtVtPER PRO LIBERTATE, ET BONO PUsfcrCi FTI li I. 'M trT w'l-awiaaw - a am ' December ' ':''!'"'-.;j.'iVi.;.i' St fuA proeef and effectual ibf tlw Protection and e why of the Commerce of your MaiettVt Subject, XESTF.RIMY hU Majelty went in State to the i Ba M V.'nf! "! Uwa, whack I Houfe of LorJ: a. d .I ter rbe-Houfe of Com. ST -i" Lhe S5?0 f Parliament, won. had ?n 'fined thai Speaker.. f who V 4 'l 'H'rovwa of tba MTichuiet. Btyt Miic.1.-,wjroa. hit Mmette racl eatWMar JO Mawfy! firm "I aiuJ r4t u-a, ii'iiECH the Three-vi, f - giver me mntii Concern lhac J.nbit obliged, it theOperiingWilm Pari: ment, to inform you, that ae-oll daring Spirit of Reiiilance- and Dilbbcdtence to, the Lav tHll mh-i.pjy onviiU io tho Provi-i't M illichuktti Bav. endh.u in di wcm Par oTvH-roke forth in fi'c:!., Violence of a very criminal 'Nature. .; :.'',. , . Tutu Pro:eediijji hsve tten conntenaacrd aid maturated in otaerof my Colonial, and un- ! arraatable Artemptt have been mtdt to obl&ud binttinnt. 1 have taken luch Miaiiiret, and tivea ' fu h O.-dtra, at I iudre it molt pcjtrlad afeAual iut carrying into Lxecutiun the Law, which wer? pallet! in the UR ieltiot M tut late rarhamcat, lor tne fniteAiu) and S? a ily of the Cftmmereeof ny SihjcAf, and f-T the ii,9ri.ig aad prtCerviof Older, and go 4 Government h the- Pio vince cf the Madachaictti Bv, and yM may tie Tpend aaon tnt irm ind tfedlalt AeruldteMM to'witri .nd every Antmpt to jeilft.AiiLawywf--r8iu pteme Aothofi' ot thit L-g:flatars, oyer aJl iinwiii ol my Croa, th Maintenance of .' huh t ronfi ler eifrntial' to t!ie UijrHr, the , aaiety and fhe Weltjirr, of ths Britilh Empire, afrfrj m) fell that, while I aft upon theie Prin tuln. I t!..:l uetcr la;l to !cci i your AdiAatM ... i . ... . " I aata the .twnt ai'irWtin in MnrMr M inform you, that a Jrraiy of Pf ace i eoncinda Ut el Rill, and the Pore. Bf thit hanf E bi TmuUltt whiih have fn I ere prevailed in rc rrt(f Eenpe arc euinrM'itd, ..and A general ind r.nJMvour, 1 -;y fftiimi com'rU'- ' it tav uiaJiNi , t pe'. U m: o IV i' Di.lurbau.r, Dt sit ".jt'.er in,c!l I 4a I focrecd, at I .. i itiiui t.- ibing(A Alfurance from j ti i win equally lifpi)cd 14 pre- :. i(f t. Jt-m tf C 1 mil fvl1 a.' 1 ' f4f f I. a. ' . I w . ,r hi naict for the raiifY.r, ti Ue lid Ixfure yim, , S it..'. , i :!u 1(mi f Comnioaa, it ( f. r.horae C'jnaJejoe, i'n,.,, k,t ; 4I .nd Attavhioent' to I ' t n-mtnn', hi.h 1 have alwijrl, f.,i.- ,a r, giin. revived from eay " I .1 m , 1 miiit ra.M4 t yoa tt t'.n I u.v-. 1 . ft . tr i (ciaprr in yoar Deli Vf - , I mH C-iaa.mity in yoatf iUtolatioai. L. i . f.i'r try Mit of eay DowiU ea aw t. . .u r.Miapie to have due R f t i 1 m l a ;aH Scnfe 0 the B j.4" tast of . . - ti rat c.MilittMMM). Thay auy be a tirJ taa . a. I have umhinff to atJth at lUaft t i'l.nperity and laJliag lliptuaeft U ar -' . Him.i JDVXtSS f'i Ztl Hmmrmlll tm U ariairv.t aW ritteoatt, f im.4: -avaaf M M UJJJSIT, Tan , ... iVaJUr , iyy4- 1 Mt (lii.mti Svvtaat'.a. . Wf. "M Mrr'l BM d"'i-l Md loyal the Lwdi p4riaial aad Teaaporal a Pat' .at at a.1VhteJ. Wf Uawe retam y '4.t r ikUIaaii ft yew mo graaoa t liitM nadifpeaiaM Potf t eWave h. O m, aur AU 111 tare aa-i DaaBaia4 W dV.. S rM ae HatidaeM Dit ooort tha fbprtm Adihnriry of thrLtailifiire over all tlu Doiuinioaa f w Cruwn,- yoar MajeSy may W aoiiixo, rev we, wiir cneerjuuy co-operate tn all ntcn Meaiurea a mail be neteffary to maintain the Dignity, the Safety, anil the' rVelfre, of the Bri- tin tiupite. ( . -- . At thit NaticA tinrnt. be nnconcerncd in the com man Interest of Europe, it it with the ereatcit SatitfaAtoa we are acquainted w ith the Cooclaiion of ttie Peacaf betwenf Ruffia aad'the Porte. ,Ves nave the filHtd Confidence in your MajcJJy't Ea dcavrjcrt to preetat, ai far u poCblr, tbe breaklntr oat of fieU) biflnrbaacca and from the AITuraaec Sten p yoar Majf ly by other Powen, we have a nlcafutr ExpeAatioa, that hothine i o bsppb thatHiiy htermpt th; prefent hippy 1 ran. ijuuiuT in coropr. ; We bevLeavrambly'ln aiTure yotir Majey, -that it wilrbb no kVOMr Doty than out Intlinaii oa, to proceed with Temper and Unanimity in nur Delibtrationi and ReioliftioBi, ani to iacu!ca:e, by obr Biample, a doe Ravcrac for the Lawi, ud a iaiSeafeof th Excellency of our CcnHifuti on. ImpVtTed with thefe ftcoumcnti, and with the Ucrpcl Aratilade lor tbe away BleAngv we have enjoyed daring the, Cawrfe of your ntajcny'i Reirt U will be our princl-ewl Care to unify, with oaa.'rected Zeal, at thit Conjuncture, our inviola ble Fidelity to yoar Maiclly, aad our, Irriout At btario n the PaWlc Wrlfare. ITTSJNI ttm fy jmr iltmU IraarM if Dtfj tad UjJtJ. TI Ztml j tufrffl ftr tit Smfprt tf lit Jitfrimt Jtibtritj lit LifjUlmf, mibifh I fall njtnth maintain, 11 trj ajriralli r mt 1 tit-tr Rij'tUmtt frtnti Ttifir J L imlf ta jmr VihltrtJiuu, mi !' grtmir SMiifi.'im, U it tfTtffJt it Uar'j CtmtrM I jbmlf rvtr bavt ftr la trai Jnttrrjfi tfallmj fnflt.' TU aoUitl ADDRESS AHjuii yCon- . MKt 4iVC; fry nrtanju X-V0. U-1 Cratim Sntrnga, WE, tour Majclt't mUl dd'ir.l and lal Subjedi, the Commoot of Grc.t Bri aiu, ii failiaineat aCroiblrd, return your htaj rtK " hxeriMe Thaaki, '.0: your nuU gractoat Suecch ftvut the Throne. Ptaatr w toaCere poor Maje.ty, -!M ma it reive with the htgbcB Scale ol tour Ma)eRy t Oooa atlt the early Information which yoa have been pleat d to give ai of the btate of the rotiaca of the MalT.iriafettl flay. , W frrl the fkod fiaoere Concern, that a Spirit " and Refitince to the Lawi mould (LI! unhappily prevail in that Pioeince, and that it baa broke fotth ia frcSt Viulencci of a anoA enmi aJ NViare 1 And we canaot but lament that fuh Prowedingt Ihoald have beta countenanced aad en. covriged ta aay other of your , Majeftv '' Coiouian, and thai any ufyawr SoiyaAa mould have beta fo far deluded and aiilUd, at ta eaake rafli aed ea warraa table Attrtnpu toobAruA tbe Comaaercc of yjr Mjiy l.njdorat by uaUaful Caenbiaati. beg Leave ta prefent war mot dutiful Tlaakt to year hfajejly, for having iakea ih Meaare a rat MajeBy judged m propar aad etVual, fee carryiaf law Eaecatioa the Law, whach ware pai. tti ta tla tal Saftoa of ne late ParliaaaetN, far the rraaWUoa aad Secatity of the Ceaateroi tt jowt Mtjaiy'i lubjaAa, aad Lr raleriagaad praArving reace, Order, aad goad GoveraaMnt, ia the Pra- Uce at 1 a Miaacauktro say, poiaT hlajcty't Ccatdaa ia thii ninaat imJ& ad which are fi rriew ial ta tha Djf- SalaiAi ad WallMtajaaftJte lr.tJh Empire. ! . UxTfe Wi Iwra with trr. 6a laOion, thai atretM ef Peace il roacjuutd bctwaen KulEa aad the PtarW bad that, by tbie bippy Event, tbe rBtW 1W. qwlbtyMfcweV anrrie w-.ja4.weatalb cnoeavoaia pa prevent tbe twaltiaf oat of ireaa Diftarbaoceay wiU be ata-ai..l vadr'Skcaat aj your Maysfly cootiaeet to rfveive ibe (boaget Ai furancet from other Power, t f their- being ttjtiilf tiifpofed h wtw the Pcat. " :r ' 1 . tot affure toar Majelly, that we will, with th tttmot CVartitVaafi. (Tint to yoar Utktt everr I necdarf SappLri and that we coafidtr oe Ctlvaa n 1 i. i . 1 x .. . ... . wwai rrrvrawHwe, ea wen aa jury, to give every1 -froor.of par mo4 aftaftioajte ARacavtat b m Prince, wbu, Crariuj thrwh.-h: Courle hia Rogi hat made the IftpPtneii ot h i People tObjc&af ail hit View, hod the fta'e ' f a.1 hit Artiona, " ' , "! -GetvUmea. IlETUXNj m farliafar Thati fir till War UyJ ami aUtifA AU'tft. I itfltjl Sali-faSita ani Jfrtlatit, jtar 4ffM - " a nfftrt, ia msHrmaiaf taw .hibtritj of thf Uf.Ulurt avir all tit DamaUm af -1) Cnwn. It tall it mj Can t jtftifj, If tf Caw- I 4.3, tht CeKltai atlHtMtlj eaprtfa, tauf 1 jk-w that I'tajt m lttrfi Jcfarati fnm teal f" f . BERN, j. Switzerland) Nm. ia,' Tl! Z Court of VerfaillM and her Allh beev dvand that a frat Moaafcb " thWIfaaTfaa 1 hi eaw aaajaw- h i P . ia Aaawvua. m abaraA, be aa lawful Ua- ff TraJe r4 thl lufJan a JiU a.hawkdf. a the fat Ttawa, lb lata.'- t M pWaaad yoar Majr ak av m, ea .ax kwvt'f af fa- a Mr aw4 J w . Chin 1, a. )asii U,fy jwJgvd tb haa, fittve the Prate, ewolo.ed himlelf both ia ta Cabinet aad the Field t be toreire what aaay hap pen it he toukt with Iridirrcretice on tha PrnjuAi oaf 1 hole Potentate! who would, by their Graataeft aad Poer, cbatmand all iht three t.natee whtJt feraa atb.ticni tha ila'an.c ot l.i! ope. Tbe .Oaueraat rrt Keuf-l hi'rl hi altrad. tarallhcd then) With a Accaunt of the Number of TtJop. which tbe ltttt irtn Canton can fet oa Foot .a CatV af Hanfhf a and t 11 'pund that 1.4 Caaron of Beta aloae Jotoi h tihty Thoufmd Men. Aa taar Caweaaa . are ! J to the Repwblic of Genera, wbLh Savei -ma hit iu nu.h a: Heart ta bicoeaa acdaaBed af. the a::x of it would be attacking tbe tbweatw . - l . .j.w -i. vi a .annini, man ars ia ireary wiia taa a lag oa Pie nu. ' Hc ji, .V(.tvi. There aever waa tack a Fumeiit ia thit Kepwblk at bat beta far tbefb it M.mthi r 1 1 all the Member af tbe State) aeaa -to be-anrArd with- itr aatbf If tltkrd af ba ugn:atiaj our Troopt, kit ag oat aoiaa or war. krMiing waaiika itarea ta all war ColaaaVaj aad em r-gi ig tinginecrt from all Pan ai pal ant fculaaa. PU.-iin te be State of l)eaee t aJt attcb rivea) Keaion to lal'pcct that oar TaaatMUiry k U DaW get of being inter rapted. Our ralitkiaaa aat h ta SpcoulauMM 1 tae Baewr, aaatic-'avJe Bam Yea a faithad Com ax-a, aaiaaated byvoarWa. btr! rracieai Afaraaca, will ow ever Weaea ia jalL'aWlrat taCt tW BIJf WatClUlbnif ...M ami lavioUte tat raieeaaa Awtberity af that LeiiBarare over all the IXajiaaioei af year Crowe 1 beiag traly feahUr that we Ihoald brray tbe Treft i. .a. aad be waatiaf ia every Duty which I are awe ea voar Ma rlr aad m oar f i.Tuw bubjrtlt. I if we filled at give e- ma tealoai Support p , I UaoM rrf at uaiarataoaal ri-fti. wmM.fvm tarn Caw the CaahMia. have bad rivall witb the PreaMlcat af the Staaea GaaeaV biMi ot Veafaillea, aad lea AJtlea. efpa a-ty Idee) the r.mperor leaae ta ad witb tawwa aMarvw tbo) watett Mcreip aad CbcaaafraaObwi.'aal tbw aaav in IndiRerrata af eke Coart af Oraat BrttaU. lowka aa if rbey aattaded a aaaaa-a aeatar Jf aabV bla. la abort, aecardiag aa tbe aeefiat Appaaraace) of Thingi, war UK bkaai af bee art y waU ba ea' land upoa our Uaard. beep aat CooVi bebed bp. aad aaaaa? Ule af tbe Coauaawi rcber a ward oaf Dan -era, thaa to eagaga ia ai -alt. ' The Kaaaataaui of tbe Cvi w AaUWdam naaat, have prvwwi aaeaTctUaal t tbe vVkaMiuw af aha S'ataa GawaraJ relatWe u tbat Alaat beltane. I Imad. U aoaaaa.uawca tbaWahf Trwapa Jctia-1 a4 M that waaawry, are ewara4 ta at ipM 0"r " Rea Jeavwaa at WilavaaataJt, ae aa an taan aat OqMrtfei Oiktli-ai r raait, aiir 14. iae wi vrwwi aw-ar-aaf, at Nan ia tbe Moroieg, the kjf, aihat m aaadaag Divine aarvtca at the Ikaey hjpeL ami ta the great Cbawber of Puliaaweat, auxaaai by hi QAXbera, aad tbe Dakei ai QrVjaa. Chain n. aad tbe Ret af lhe Princei of the BtwoU, aba gw Oiutn af State, itc In. V.bea they wr4. 1

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