... . ' ' 1 ' JL . - 4 - I - nnon the Subject. If mv Calculation areri&hr. the . ? 9 publication may do good ; if Uiey are wrong, an 4 .' 1 any "Ge utlcm an who h as ; a better Opportu a a ty " to v ' 1- . Am ' mill fo fk l-im'fM nMin l , AUUW," nil. aiiw a ius . . pvaifc vuk Error, ho will at leM fiud one MaaTJpeB:ta C-n j ' viction. ' ; -Uryj'. : v" v . ' ' yy-j - :- "-T7 - ' ' It appear! from Mr, , Burgwiif Lift , of Debts, I . wbich includes the . Collection for the Year , 170 that lucre was then due to the rubhc 64013 1, lor Taxes,- andv 2429 I. for Rem l)uuesvt-And it apv peart from his State of the finking Fond "at the fame Time,that there remained ordy 42594I. in Circu-; latum of all the reclamation Money emitted, before the Year "1762. We were alfo given to indeVilini that 10' ftt Cent, fcad Jbeenregul wly ided a jbf Info! vents, except, in a very few Cafes.; At tuft Sight it would feerarto follow rthat there was even then in Debts, iiidifputably good, more than enough to fink alHheid'Papcr MoneyVand-thatMtrW-T-ajr laid tor tnat rurpoie ouant to naye ceaicu Dcjoro. that Time. In this Point of View f,dar fay a creak , Majority 0! the lalt AUembly iaw this Matter, ana ofCourfe almoft ill the People of the Province have T adopted the fame Opinion. But, Sir, I fancy i the Gentlemen Whd'have aded as a Coramittee for fet tling with the Treafurers can feiveatv?rydifterent Account of it. f hey , can iulorni you, Sir,; that thlsrftyoij 1. wai i Arrears ' doe tor fevt;ri Yidrl c; - -back j -that T Part only belonging to each Year was ' . appropriated by Law to the Pufpofe of burning the Money ; that this Part m ioziz cL tlcYcifs did .no t amount to one ivveuth i'art oi the in ears tor tnat Year i that all the Remainder ha btn collected for Deduct, fjir CenhTuX : ' ' - From hence it appear that 1. 51. 5 d. is all . that can pofiibly belong t6 the finking Fund oat of the 66443 1. dee to the , Public, according to Mr. krgv;iii' Lift. ,Let ,a$ now.adA the Collection of . the one Shilling Tax for the Years 1771 and 177. There wis 710 Collcdion atv all .For the Year 1 7 73,; and by the Refolves of the laft Affembly it ought not lhecplleaelfor ;theJiiaVl774lXhilargeiLiAj;i of Tabbies which I have yet ieen Jor any Year iell fhortof 53060, from which if we Jeiloft io'fr Crf. otlnfrlvtncs, 8 ftt C. for colkiitingi and $ ftr Cent.'foc the Treafurers, ;we ITi all find the Number rediiced to about 4O000. The Sum.therefoie of that can jeafonably tbc expected to .Colieclioa of thefe Years. Tit mull ' D: fHcal ty ta bf in gb Mrf Tr :afarcrs " to JfcttKTit th'c fins Time; wh:U every A'ument founded ia Rea." Ton, Example, a ad public utility, may be urged itt Favour fifoae -yjJL-'-J ;- -' . , LaftIyj I would recommend to the Gentferaeo of the "Afiembl, whenever they again pablifh-a -Siata of the Public Accounts, to diMmguith carefully the Sams from which Infjlvents have already been de- : dueled, and fubjo'm a Lift of the Sums paid by the rtfpedive Sheriffs. 1 would lead of all be under ftodd to except thofe Sums whicli are always faid to hav? been paid to theTreafiirer during the Sming of the AfTembiy. -Under that Defcription, Half the ax- delraymc the contingeht ,Chaf2fS irGovefnnient t. and - f ! V that nothing lefs then 6 pofnive Lav f':rxthat pofe can jultify the ApplicatWh of M ney fcol letted for the contingent Fu r.4 ta .;ihe - Pu.p0l'c of j finking the Paper Currency. ; - Ax From the Table of Taxes pilbliibed at the fame Time by Mr. Burgwini I have been" enroled id make the following iirtimate of theSunis which will belong to the finking Fund out of tijc Arrears due for each Year. I believe it will be foUad light upon Examination. . . 40600 1. is ail strife from 'the 'then follow, if there is Truth jn Figures, that' there wiu remain a p iiiantc vi uiu c iuv.. iviuuc ui v,ir culation above 22006 1. for Unking whereof there is tib Prpvi'fi?n made, except nty.the Sum that has or 7ma arife from the Colieftion of the 'Duties on Li uors for the Years ijj 1 , 1 77 2, andj 773 ; Of his 1 can rnake, no Ediniiate, having, no Roie tojfalcu-, s late r7yT.'Blut" tifhrji fupjofe 4?661T7tIeir; of -ill Deduclioni a very large Allowance. r ,i nis btate, Mr. Vavn, i douot nav . will appear !traBe-trjih'offfharaT.farisrie4 with the firll View. of Things. I tonffs it appeared wholly unaccounta ble to me. tn wrderi however tli uiSft any Gentle- t'mari who has an Inclination to exaimine farther into this Affair,' I ,mall juft xaeatida.that from, thc'-pnnt 'edl'aple of Taxes, ttaprarf.:that-jhe.-Taxej;Jaid-: ". for finking the i 2000 U emitted, tij the Year 760, Ind tiie"20od61. in the Year 1761, "and" which were voted off in the Year 1768, will1 fall Ihrt about l iood!. Belo is the State of. the.. Collections -(Js thefe two EmiEioas In J 763. J 73 20 ,1'axables-, at i .4764, 40586 1765, 41075 1766, 43811 1767-, 40693 3 3 3 3 .1863 9. 6087. 1? 6161 , 5 t7M 709 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 .7 1 X 1 8 J7S4 1755 1756 17S7 759 1 5 7 10 12 xo 6 k it''-' y t - - 1763 j 764; l7tA i?66 4707 i;63 77 6 ! T 2 10 2 o S 6 10 lb - 600 16 337 10 739 " 1181 5 i8ib 6 - 2749 7 i 460 14 Mo6- o . 4 1772,14 6 : 5295 96 j 3871 30 2596 1 1 "7 ' 686 j' , 7 'lo 7400 ,4 o 12100 13 7 64013 13 3 .1; 360. (j 8 1 v i39 17 o lV. Hi 7 d .1 117 3 o 6 o 272 tyd l, ' ; .651 2 6 aao 4 I. 118 18 6 2 14 v o 4 175 20 4' 25 4 4 2396 16 10 4. 392i ;7 4 1 113 8 o 1; 2074 8 6 JL 2i. 10 18583 7 o en then acknowledged frhkh l am certain will Deduct l-l. 16 ttrCiHt. for Iafolvnts, 8 Jn rCtnt, for .. IShffirT?, 5 per Ctnt. for Trea lurers Ccmmilhon, and a.very imall Sail for bad Debts. 2 - 4 befi'c: cut. 20769 11231. 9 o t r; . i V I. t f - ! t"" to be bad : thcrt kie bthi UJound 'foj Nand there are fome Collections for whole Years from particular Counties which Ciuti be loft to the Public; as there hat been no Shei'ifi" ap pointed to collect the Taxes, and no Steps likely to be taken to compel Pay ment . Thefet amount to ,13022 1. 1 1 1.' 5 d. But as theih LofTes fall hrtvictt ' on thofe Years, when the finking Tax bore but a fmall Proportion to the Whole, the Lofj upon that .Find amouau only to 2494 1. 13 1. It may bt true that to fir Ctnt, has .been gtntriBj deducted for In iblvtnti. 1 cao only fay it has not' been deducted .from the Year 17701 and if it has from, the Year 1769. it appears by the Balance faid to, have been due for that Year, that there had been only. 1400 1. aid by all the Sheriff in the Province for the Col eflionol that Year at the Time of dating- the 'Ac- counts. I Hull, however, admit it to have been tlons in all Cafei, there fiill temaios she Sheriffs " CommiHion of 'ur Ctnt, and the Trcafurers of c ftr Cent, to be deducted, which, together, make a little better' than one eighth Pait oi the Sum, and a snounts to 201(1. is. 9 d. 1 fhill fuppofe, as the Amount of the Ram Duties could only be known from the Collectors Accounts, that their Commiffions ' are already taken out j there only remains to deduct the Trcafurers Commifliooi of 5 ptr Ctnt. from that t Sort amounting to 121 1. 91. 4 d.' and then the whole Account will (land thus : Due the finking Fund cot of the 1 Arrears of Taxes; including C , 18583 7 o theYear 1770., , t ), , Deduct for the Px9PcriloB of bad ) . Dctu, j , ' '494 3 o Deduct i. 8 Tor Sheriffs ixd Txca fatcri Comnuic&s, . 16088 14 o 2011 1 9 sC4077 3 1 Wc feliom think oarfclves tnuch obliged to the Man who tells iis di!agcabra Truths'.' '- TbJs Ar tempt) therefore; to explain ths true State of the ' Sinking Fund may not be pleafing. Truth, howe ver, has been the fols Object of my Enquiry f and the Intereft and r Honour of the Province the only Aim ofthis Publicaticn, . l am far from thinking that the Tat ought to be continued- until the - whole Sum be actually, brought'to the -Oven f but furcly the Laws of the Country; and the Obligations of. fnoral Jullice, require that it fhould continue till fuch a Sum is, or ought to be in the Hands of She Tills, , Collerto's, and Trea fureri (from whom there bat lea It ft i'robabiltty, of recovenngi as wilibe fufHcient, with what was burnt at laft Settlement, to fink the whole Sum of 42594 1. ' Perhaps nothing can be oi greater Importance to , the -Well-being (of a Country than a regular MaV fcageaefct of the Public Revenue ; and in no Coun-! try have the Public Accounts been in greater Coofu fion than in this. Notwithstanding the liudable At tempts that have lately been made to bring them into Order, the VVork fcems far from being complete and it were to be wiihed that foros new Meafurcs mle adopted for its AccompliGiment. Far be it fiom me to think of directing the Gentlemen of the, . Houfe of Burgcffes, many of whom I know to be better acquainted with the Public Accounts than I to fubmit it to their Consideration, whether it might ; nof be for the Advantage of this, Country, firft, To place all the Arrears that tray bie itill due for the Years 1754 and 1770 inclufive (or for a lefs Number of Yrars) into the Hands of a Collector diftinct from 'the Treafurer, whofe Bufinefs it Ciould be to attend, all the Courts where Suits are or may be commenced for the (aid Arrears, acd to profecute them with Vi gour, and to appropriate all fuch Money, . when re ceived, to , the Purpofe of finking the Currency. -. Secondly, To appoint one Treafurer only ioftcad of two. ' In other more extenfive and more opulent ' Governments, where the Trouble is much greater, and the Funds more intricate than ours now are, they never have" thought of dividing the Treafury. This Meifure would Tave two or two and a Half ptr Ctnt, Commiffion on all the Public Money, bcfidei ' about 150 1.' which ii paid at every Settlement for, reducing the Accounts of both into one j the Settle- , meet with the Treafurer would be more fimplc 1 -and the public would have Icfs to apprehend from the per . fonal Influence of one than of two Gentlemen, whofe Intcreil mull be confiderable to entitle him to fuch a Truit in any Country. Attain A the Prefent Mode I &ccd cnlyrteeauoa cc; umfoira Expedience of the Arrears faid to be due to the Public might be tncIad- . ed Befidesr isit nofciruel to publifli a Sheriff as 177 Public Debtor who Jhas faithfully difcharged his Dil-. -ty ? And has it hotTn evident Tendency to defeat the original Defign of fuch Publication r" If - fuch a T Meafare was adoptedi though if might not explain he Reafon why thd Sums oppofite to feveral Sheriffs 1 Nimes in the laft Lilt of Debts have fwelled finve ; ;-Mf. Bkrgtuin's Jjift was printed, it jnight however enable any. oi the fJentlemen when at home and at '" ' LdfuTiV to examine, and perhaps detedt iother Er rors which the Hurry of Affairs prevented during the -Seirion : ' . V Having no other Apology to offer for the Length of this Letter, than a fincere Deftrc to do Service, to " the Public, I Skxii tinclud? by dbfervjng, that it is cafy to cavil, but in this Cafe it will require Pea ' - &ml L to Confute ; -.-'- I am, Sir, ; - t " , " - ' 1 ir bumbh Servant, ; v - Itaft Week we had a violent Gale of Wind here at Weft,; and Weft torthweft, which did confidera--v. ble; Dama;at;0gca(:ocJc Bar, ;. where feveral :VeiVI. vere forced on bhore, arid two of the Bar Pi lots 'were, drowned.; ; . V . ft Jtiji publijbed,: and fold at the Printing Offset) fnd 'ly mi1 of tJjf Storekeepers in -Town and Country (Prtce Eigat Coppers) The firft Book of the 'American Chro ; . ; ( nicies ot the Times.': v " A Work of Co much Humour that upwards of 3000 Copies thereof were fold in a few Days in PiiU" dfybia. ' - ' " . , r.;.-'. '' . " ', . Specimen of the Work. ; c h a p: il i6.:tvTEVERTHLESS il camc 10 Pafs aboat - JLN this Timet that OCCUNNEOCOGE- N COCOCACHEECACUEECJDUNGO, the great King of the half Tribe of the CbiUiji$uaffua2xi:g9 Nation, the Scalpers,' whofe Habitations are in the uttermoft Parts of the Land, in the Mountains, in the Fti-efts, in tho Dens, Caverns, and in the ''Wigwams thereof, - . ' -' . 17.1 And who were famous of old in the Land of, ; the Obiot when the Cageitet fled belbre them, who were expert in their Rides, in their Bows and their Arrows, their Knives and their Tomahawks, and who could take off the hairy Scalp equal to any t'rthcb Tonfor in the Land, heard of the Things which were come to pafs, and how that the Heathen threatened their Brethren the Men of New England ,, 18. That he lent Runners unto them, and faid, Fret not thyfelves becaufe of the Ungodly, for they ' lhall foon be cut down like the Grafs, and be wi thered, even as the green Herb. - . 19. For behold, Brethren, we have kindled Fire, and danced around it, and fat 'with our Breech on the Ground, and we be fcady to paint our Faces, disfigure our Brows, and come by the Light of the Moon and help ye, we will caufe your Enemies to flee before ye, like the Arrow from tha Bow, for did cot One chafe a Thoufand, and Two . ' put Ten Thoufand to flight ' 20 Now it came to pafs that the CarolinUet of the North, whofe Dwellings are in the Midft of Difmals and Swamps, and Quagmires, and Peco fons, had heard- all thefe Sayings, and pondered them in their Hearts t and they made a Fire of Light. Wood and of BruQi, and fat thereat, and they lifted up their Voices, One and All, and faid. We too will aflift our diltreffed Brethren at' Bejlen, , 2 1 . Then arofe PINUSPIXTEkfBlNTHUS tho ' Tar-Burner, who had fetmore than three Thpufand three Hundred four Score and feventeen Kilns, and faid un:o them, ' Men and Brethren, fellow Difma litcs and Swampers, are not we the. Men whom God hath appointed to curb the Infolence of Bri tain 1 for doth not our Wildernefs fpontaneoully produce Yiwfok, that healthy Subftitute or the .abominable eaftern Weed, the Tia, which hath been the Caufe of all the Evils that have befallen us. 22 And furthermore, are not we the Sons of. thofe Warriors who in Time of old withftood in bloody Conflict the mighty Army of the TaYOM itii, and bade Defiance to their General even at the Cannons Mouth. 'at. And behold, are we not able to flay Thoo fandi, yea tens of Thoufands with our Thumb Nails j for what Men of any Nation upon Earth can cope with us at Gouging , v-TT V 1 "4 ... ' ; j I ; i. t

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