. : 'may 'si jiffs! ' '.':H.:fe--i f;;: ; JUL-, aL-JL ; 'XiSL2lV'i-!L lir&': 3fJ 5ft Sr 4t?ft .Tj?S S" V u"r!S nx '4ivrtv 'iw 'tirr -vi-' rie . r'Mrjv'ivJ' h; Aivw -. flfiif v -'ivrv ... l. . i : t .. . ' : . .. , . - SE'MPPR PROrLIBERTAT T BONO PUBLICO;' ; . :v ; , The SPEECH of the- Tight Honourable the Earl of CHAT HA My it the JHoufe of .Lords, , Jan. 20, 1 77 5 on the following Motion made by his -Lotdjhip. That an-humble Addrefs be prefented to his Majeity, mbft humbly "to advife and befecchhim that in order to open a Wa- towards an happy .Settlement of. the danger. Troubles in Ameri im", hy ,tcginnin 3 to allay. Ferments- and foften j JAnirupfitie3 there ; and above all) or preventing" in the'mcan Time, any fudden and. fatal Cata ' ' ftrophe at Bolton, ' now fuffering tinder the daily "j Jrritati6K of.an .Army . before their, Eyes, and - - ported in their Town. -It may graciauHy pleafe. -his Maiefty, that immediatVOrder? bedifpatched ' 1 jn . ' . - ". ---1 l -,r-f- n to General Gage for'temovhiplfi Mdjefly's Forces from the Tvwn ofBofion, as loon as tnc Rigour of "thei "Sfcafon7" and"other" Circum'iJances TndifT" penfable to the- Safety and Accommodation of JhJaldJJ2p,.rv,edirJ!4-,jfv. ble." ' . . , . , . My Lords, ' " " ' RISE with va;l Aftonifiment to fee thefe Papers brought to your Tab a in fo late a Period of-this'Bufin'efs ; Papers;litn fi'je;the .Contents of which are already known, not only to , every Lord in -the Houfe, but almolt' to", every Perfon in the Kingdom who has made Americar Affairs Sn the leaH an Objeft ot Enquiry ; yet now, in the ' very Tail oFthis Bufinefs, when Mcafures" hould vjie long fmcc determined on, wc arc furnilhed with .yhy, what all the World knew" beforethat by.Wrphs, ftriptof theif inborn Rights and deareft Refolutions and Petitions of the lbber, ;'rcfpelable and difpaffibnate ; but. the very Dregs and .Refufe of the People; and. to circulate this Report the bet ter, Letters are handed about .from fome very ref- petfable Merchants (as they arecalfed)t-from the v , ditterent Provinces. But. vJ'elH. know iiow to. de ' fcribe fuch Merchants littte 'piltry, pedling Fel- ' lOvs, -Vendersjjf two PeWiy' Wesj; and htjoodsr; vffu.) under the"ldca.of,;i lell'cvvrVl'fttng 'in their Power Iohour TrAltand Conciefite't - ' . Thefe Fellows (for fpchJ is the Lot of Humn iry) arc ever to be found in ai( Conn'tries--and are alr - ways . in ' creat plen ry t when their Coun trv is z.t Stake, -.who, .without ever tevardih"Ccnfcqoep.CM. .and that general Ruinjmght enfae, prefs ' forward lui to the Goal of Lucre,- ind cut out thelhortelt Pat (z et thele are t Jake .a true .$tatc aa upon the mo- World i. who have j their rufca , , their Tkfure's, .and cie peaceable Enjoyn.vntof their dearca-Couneaiont-a'I br .Sake of liberty, .will be .whipped into. VaffJIw like S!a eV Why, my JJords, this Condud j Governmcnis fofanta:' m! and irrial m .PmAw. that it'by.fa: eveeeds tj- - Inldcic. Wing of poetry,; '.: . for Poetry has often read Iea:lng, .as well as in Jlru4rjverttrTs M . ,ud though ifme-.; -tinieif-auiufcs IwrWf i.f.ftditti, -that -iiction. til p:eaie; .inorsw be fewndei oil .Vrsfimilitudi.. Unt inthis wife Syrian Acre ii nothing Tike Tiulh, up ' tJunfj like .Policy, nothi-g like Juiiicc; ExpeHeace or cocuntm Senl'er.v ; - -.vrc crnment lo-tap trora one mg its I'.yes to the ihcy.ar.d di deArudUe Con-' ' 111CV .171 a V ravaW fhfl I 'Anntr.t, tUC WOrld t who haveino fixed Reiidcnceno tVaite and flplrhw f'- . .L.. .l. n - .Attachments, but 'to the Shrine of Mammon. . But fjefs t feventeen Ha: Lrcvl Milei.. cau .thcv-occnv PJaces tceyJiave-;ifitMVill ftoTa'Counixyi which can produce thrc? Millions of People, wrong .cd arfd intuited as th-vare: Nrn.n HW Hrr.,c . '1 - a .. - " . ... . .,. , it is hot fuch that ever.fpk'the.Voiceof'a People, "if is the Pi-oprietors and Tillers of the Gro'und Men who have a permanent, natural Right in the J"a:e and who Lorn being ttuiftd in the Boftfar ofCultivatiot;' form ilrcng and. honojrable At 'tachmcuts to their Coup try ; it is to thefe Credit" and Authority are to bp ivcn, amd from thefe onr uen informations arc to oe crawn. - ry Coiner, andgat: ?rffcflibtrcn?thfrorai;rJh()D- j'oiitiqu ? What bep, .lance can ypu have upon rh They are Enirlimme tn-sn and their can rrivueges, nave rer.ueu,- auu tiucrtu niiu hiuu .'tioris forthercfervation of )hat 1ilejftr.g to, which Xife and Property are but fewtndary Conhderations. Tom ot. A... fM AW..- n . .... .1 a.. I this aMheir IaftRefoi?ce-,iivas of Parliament thren f Surely ,l (fay their Advocates) 'krz lacred,, and -lhould be lieeat- . . Give me Leave to afii you, my Lords, bowthefs Have thofc egates ? beci; 'j-vned , pr have., great Interett, gre!at Powerrdr great Threats been ufed (as is tou. much the Cafe in this our boailed Mother Country) to craybn out what Conduct they Ihould adopt ? No notfiirig like tins has appear ed ;- the Electors fcem to be'prdmpted By no other Motive than that glorious and exalted one, the Pre fervatioH of their cofomon Liberties .and .under this Idea they have been induced to appoint Men com petent to fo great an Undertaking Men of tried . and found Principles; embarked in the fune -great Caufe, and, from n"tnilar.Sentiments taugnt to -pity the Miferies of ihcJ-Vboie, Inverted then with this Right (the Chdice of free People) thefe Delegates hive deliberated with Pr'udcncei Wifdom: and Spirit; and, in Confe . auence of 4heir Deliberations; have ; addrcfled tjie Jufli- e and Honour of this Country. , This is their Faultthis is their Crime petitioning for, that without which a free. People canndt t pollibly exifl j ,. yet, for afltihg this Boon, the unalienable Privilege of Englilhmen, are they reprobated, and ftigr.ia- ti7ed .with the Epithets of Jug rafts Tracers- and ..ReltU. .;.,t.v- : ., Had the early Situation f the People of Bof. ton been attended to, Things would not have come to this but the infant Complaint, of Boftori were I'ttralh.tTCittA like the capricious Squatfs of a CoiUf who, ifwasfaid, did not know whether it was sg- Evil : but on an Evil which fapped the very Vitals of .their ConftitutKNvand redred alj the great 'Bleffings of Xife to Chancei Equivocation and In fecurity. , Fall well I knew that the Sons of Ati teilori born under the fame free Con fti union, and once breathing the fame liberal Air as Engliflimen, Anccftors, who even quitted this Land of Liberty, the Moment it. became the 'Land of Oppreflion, and, in ReAftance to bigoted Councils, and op- breiTive Meafurej, tore thcmfelvci from their dcarel Connexions : T fay,' full well I knew, that th Offspring of fuch Anceflors would rcfiil upon the 'Tame Principles, anion the fame Occafions. It has, however, gorfe abroad, that the Refoluti ons and Petitions of the (Jongrcfs, arc 'not the real 'the whole of the American Pepm then i7 4jcrta in at the Tfible ty Lerd Dartmouth, at the Com- nana of hit Mnjejtj, ) Engirtes"of your Wrath ami mcll leel -for Jinsiilh- . r. -Kiin. i nl,... v ' -; - Much,-. my LoitisVhU lcea faid 3bout thfc ' An- I bout then, furejy, ( ;e not exclude i hem from ithe uiu.iij- ui idiuaucui , uii-jc v,aics, auu, wncn ' raie or cuu locimtnty.. Do vou think thif br ' ulUi;nuii) agMnii meir ere ca Fjidcry ulti be to them 4 ' -,i crtcnhce, . ,- . I - But it is not taut ly three Millions. of People, the .Produce of Ataenca, : we have to romhat xvrh in f). onnaturars'tfcgl; manymore are on.theif Z, "'v lvc acc VI i .wiae empire. ;lljver'whir in this C.v.inft-i rn - ty.i i-. Wlioiilav now hc'Wmiflii.. :a:.. . ..t . i once come to be roufed t0 a Senfe of Aecollmn . when they come to weigh the great Eine of Right; r w.n'cn ineif brethren in America are contend- 1 -ir.g, the Scnfe of their own Danger will initruOt ..win jangc inemietvcs on their jide ' Who then, in the Name of Heaven, coiild ad- 1 Viie this Meafure i Or who can rmuinn n ' this ftrarge aod oncooftitntipnal Advice ? I do not mean to ievei at on- Man,'or any particular Set of Men but thus much J wilL declare, that if hia Majeity coauhnss to hear fuch Counfellors, he will V7 - . i "v ,4," ukdoni. tit may jvefer his Crown, indeed, it is true, but it will not be .worth his wearing; robbed of fo principal a Jewel as -.America, it will iofe .its Laftre, and-nb ' longer tyam that Effulgence which iliould irradiate l;5.0f Mjcfty. What then ij to becomeicf this boafted Ccfuntry of England, once fo renowned " !? A"v.a,-W?!1 " Arms What is .become of.her Cohlhtution, that Jus hitherto been the Wonderj as well as 'the Envy of Grounding NatbnsT Hzi lhc changed- hcrrivil Power, and fulutary Xaws for Yi'iW Code?. Or -has Ihe transferred herat of Empire to Conftantinople f Has ihe, , who hai ' often lhcd her deareft Blood in the manly Refillanoe of Defpotifm, now not only tamely fobmittcd to it, but fat down herfelf to forge the irbhrary Chains ' But ourprcfent Governors, alas ! think fo little ot this Matter, that I hear General Gage has been thought to havradled too tardy iij this. JJofincfs- . that he has not been fwift enough to execute Vcnfce ance, and fliaathe the Sw'ord iu the Bowels of Ms Countrymen. - I really pity the unfortunate Situa tion of that Gentleman, wljo has approved himfelf on many Occafions a gallant Soldier, and humme Man j for what? From being under the difarrera We Predicament of doing his Duty oh the one Side, and his own Feelings of JufHce and Polity on the other i what a Conflict muft he have ! Jlii -Situate on, my Lords puts me in mind of a limilar TranF aaipn in the civil Wrs of France, when the great Conde on one Side, and Marflial Turenne on the other, commanded difTertnt Armies; the latter confetous' what terrible Confiqucnres a ViOnrr.' mult produce to himfelf and Country, though often in his Power, avoided Blows as much as rcfflblr. After the Affair was over, the Marflial was thua reprimanded at Court for ret at.lcalt taking the Prince Pcurquoi net avizitui pat frit f jjm that (jencral very fenfibly replied, rarest. Sire, jln Itixntfait, -jut Taris, tn rene, jj?mitiu implicitly fubmitted ttf-Rr.if ;the : fapreme - power"' , ..does not lodge lomewrjrr: cperativ ly and erFecttve--'?y, there mtu be an If A cf all Legillation !"- - , But, my Lordsj jheyAvjo argue," or. rither dogma- oze in this -Manncrdi net fee ihe Whole of this ;in aJLfree States the CbnnitDticn ii fixed, and all , legifiative Power and Authority, wherever placed, either in collective Bodies, or .individually, mull .derive under that Conftitution who framed them. Acts of Legillation' therefore, however liron and enechve they may be, , when they are framed in the C.V.-.' nf tUi, fftli..t:rik .. ........ .U ,.... I. -" 1 2- attack their own Foundation ; for it is the ConlU t tit ion, and it alone, that limits both Sovereignty" arid Allegiance. This 1-oclrine, my. Lords, is no temporary Doc trine, taken up on. particular Occalions to anfwer partkulat.PiLpofeiUjinv.uLr heal iJoubts and lntricaciej but clear precifaand determined it is rqcjded in'all our Law,JJook.3i it is writtenf in the greit Volume of Nature it U the eflential, unalterable Right of Englilhmen-it accords with all he 'Principles of Juftice and civil Tolicy, which ticyMqt dtcd Force ott the one Sidej nor SubmiJJion on the other, .can, .upon any Occasi on whatever, eradicate. 1 . ' It was this Doftrine that was the great Guide and Spirit to the Frame! of the tfill of Rights at the Period of the glorioui Revolution Men of the grcatelt Accuracy, Wiilom and Honelly j and without any l)ifparagemdt to the prefent Day, few' fuch . Counfellors are ncir to be icen. Recolkc)) my Lords, for a Moment! the Arguments ufed b ' thefe Men and fee how ife, literal, and :gnlti- tutional they were. turn hen to their' Opponents, ana, now uimiey,:tnin, jea unprovided they ap- frrieved or not. But fuUvcll I kflew, at that Tinvj that this ChiU, if not rcdrefied, would foonefume the Counige and Voice of a Man. , 1 he BoltoniaPi- pear ! If then we applaud ur Ancellors for obtain did not, then complain upon . flight, or temporary ' ing fuch Liberties ior us, It a Time when al! th Rights of.r.ngbihmen wit trampled urbrt, and Defpoufn liad trodden dcn the Laws, furely we caonoti in Rtafon, deny jhat Portion of Liberty If. I II.. - J t. Lll -f." It . . y naruiy anu nonouraDit ootainco; to Our Own Brethren Brethren by thl.fv.ne common Parent, and who are unqueltionabi Heirs of the fame glo rious jaberitaricc. . J , , , The Fatts being then, is I have A'ted them, what has Government dbni? They, have fent an armed Force, confining cfll)ovcj'tvffr ThotfahJ Men, to oragoon tlie iiolloians into what is called their Duty, and for the thaftifement of a fmall , Rabble, corfifung cf the nteilitous and charactcr- lefs m doing an unlawful At, have involved above thirty Thoufard Inhabitantin the create A Diflicul- ty, Oppreflion and ConUenition; Is this the Way to win Men to their Duty, rid recover in them the Principles of. Affection and litifii Allegiance f Do you think, that Men who cAld be rouicd to forego

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