; ' Yeflcrday .Afternoon the Kin g Fi&er Sloop 6f' VVar,' weighed Anchor and proceeded, to the North V "Kiver," in Order to protect two Tranfports,' which - lately arjiveu uexe iruui xjihuii, iw iaic in iitv-vi- farfp fnr carrvinorion the Siepe of that Place:" . " j Yefterday Afternoon arrived John Sullivan .'and J. .ionn .iiangaon, liiqrs. weicgarcs lor, wo . rrovincc , - or iNew-riarnpuiirc, oa;ieir , ay iu iiic uhuu ; 'Continental Congrefs,to be held at Philadelphia ..The 10th ot next Montn. , ; - i Tie following ' Letter come, by the -Earl of Dun unmore, A few Grofs. oLWa de's- excellent - . London J anuary 30,-177?. ' , I 'From inqneftionable Authority I. learn, that. ' about a Fortnight ago1,: Difpatchcs were fent from hence by a Sloop of War to General Gage,, con tainxng among other Things, a Royal Proclama- . tion, declaring the Inhabitants of Maftachufett?- Bay, ; and fome others in the different Colonies, actual Rebels ; ' with a blank Commifiion to try .'and execute fuch of them as he can get hold of; vith this is fent a Liltof Names to be iaferted in the Commiffion as.he 'may judge expedient. I do not .know "th'eni all;;, but :Meiib. Samud': Adams, John Adams, Robtjrt.Treat :Payhey.and John Haft cock,' of MaiTachuferts-Kay j John ' Dickenfon, of y Philadelphia ; Peyton Randolph, of Virginia ; and 'Henry Middleton, of South-C arolin a,; . are"p;'.r ticu- larly named, with many others,- fhisblack Lift me vjcncrai wm, no ioudt, Keep 10 inmiui, anu unfold it gradually, '; as he finds it cr.venient Four , Regimen ts from Ireland, one of them, light Dragoons,.- are under failing . Orders1prP:ollont' 'with leveral : Jrimital Shii nf War' fim hpiire ' s.tA iy fNirr,. -to obftrucYthe American Tradelnd prevent all European Good from ' going t'hei'e ;: particularly , At P QE TLB flC 0R.E:i , ii . ALL Perfons' indeb the E- jt. ftate of Capt. Jobs Richard decea&dara reaiiefled tamake Payment ti enabi -me to finilh - THO. iiASLEN, Adm. Vis- SOFT fmiling Hope ! thon Anchor of the. Mind ! The only relting Place1 the.wretched find I - " How doll tbou all our anxious Cares beguile, 'v a "TLifd make the Orphan and thrfnendlelVfmilc l- All fly to thee,, thou gentle Dawn of Peace ! J , v " - The Coward's Fortitude, the Brave's Succefi, The Lover's Eafe, the Captive's Liberty, 7-v T The only Flatt'rer of the Poor and me. .:J: VJv t With thee; ; on PIeafur?s Wings,vthroV Life were A ; tDorne Without thee,- wretched fs friendfefs, and forlorn;" t Pofleis'd of thee;the weary Pilgrim 'itfayrV . Thro' barren Defarts and untrodden Vays : : ' Thinly and faint, his Nerves new Vigour ffringSf And full of thee he rjuatts immortal Spnngs. t " The martyr'd Saint, whom Anpuilh and thi'RoU , Have prov'4i thro' thee walks worthy of hi Godv ' 'Infvain are Axes, Flames, and toit't. in? Wlw.els j ' He, feels noTorhienc,-who no-Terror kc'S r .i - Thro thee his well iry'd Spirir.nouari lpnn :1: nud Spurns at i ities sceptres, 1 nrones, anil ivingsi . O tulFof theel-in Quiet may I live,. : X :v.:-':: The few remaining Moments Htav'n fhall give!: "'.j Come then, thou noneit Flatt'rer, to rny BreaftI Fnend of my Health, and Authixcf my Kelt : TliroTrthlhTfHture dduxIIeTsaTrap pears,- ' A ihort but iinilinr 1 rain-er ferpry-ifaf.- "W ms and; Ammunition; which "makes it expedient; ithout a McmnV fuch Thmcs as yoa mav want; La!t Friday. Nich the 27th Jnaiit, an':MeafureS' were all fettled fby -the. Miniftry, art of them isf-tapnf an TAdf-Pirliamentn-iliftirig Pains and Penalities on , particular Pcrlcns and Provinces in America,." to countenance;ihe in- to General Gage ; alfa it is 'determined to take away the Charters of RRode-Iaand.ud Connecti cut. ' I have not been abfe to learn the Whole ; . though in general I am informed., it is denouncing otter Deftruftibn to Amcricari ( Liberty. Depend npon all this to be Fud-.''. , . ? . - BEER: in prime Order ? for prefent Drink- . ... ...1 . ... ... ri.- f. o ni.rn...' J mg, to De 101a zi 10 oniumgs u Dozen, 'Bottles included) by ' ; 4 ED. BATCHELOR & Cov : R XJ N a- W, A Y s. ; T? LOPED from the- Subfcribers on JVednef lii xJav the 26ih Inft. two rewlv imported Men Slaves, named KAubn'tfi and Boohum, ab(;ut 6. Feet. high,. and; perhsipyV.jo Y'a-' . Age.--They abfeonded in Company : with three other Slaves about fw Months 'ago, and were taken up at Jiroad'Crelk, ab.iuc 10 Miles off,, and brought back by VAlham GatUa'g of that Place, who has rince-purchafed a Wench who was importeci witn them : from which it is fuppofed they are lurking about that Neicbbourhc6dr Whoever takes-theirr- up. and brines them home, fhall hfaveFcrty Shil-, ungs rewara irora , V' - - 1 v v 4 V . O 11 Pafs but this Inftant,- Storms and Tempelts ceafe, Ahd, aHTypd I! A D V R U T I S E M K N T S. Craven- Countt, iT, t;; ' 7 JOHN HAWKS, W LANCELOT GRAVE ", bBERRY, Efquireiy, T w tfjMi Majejlfs Jvifcei r tftbe Peace for faU Counfj.) V -v WHEREAS Complaint hath been mad: to as, by Jsmei BiggUjloH, that a Negro' Slave be- , longing to him, named JEM; about, 28 Years of Age, a Jlout likely Fellow, about -5 Feet 2 Inches high, and is Country born ; had cn when he went away, a light coloured milled Duffil Jacket and Breeches, and check Shirt, hatfi run away f6m his fafd Mailer, and is fujncfcJ to be lurking about, doing Afts of Felony in this Province. ' -' .THESE are.therefbre in his M0?fly's Name,, to Command the aid Jilaire: forthwith tn fnrrenticf Jiim. fel, and return home to his faid Mailer, 1 And we dd hereby command the Sheriff of the faid County of Craven to make diligent Search . after the above- "incntioncd Slave, and him having found, to appre hend and feenre, fo that he-may be conveyed to his faid Mailer, or othcrwife difchrrged as the Law ci- 'teflsj'and the faid Sheriff is hereby imp'nwe ed to t aife And take with him fuch Power of his County as he fliall think fit for apprehending the faid Slave. And we do hereby, by Virtue 0 an Aft of Afllmbly of this Province concerning Servants and Slaves, in timate and declare, if the faid Jim doth not furren tier himfelf, and return horneimmedntrly. aftcr,ihe "Pubtrcation" orfhefe Prefents, that any Terfon or pifons mav kill and ddlrov the fiid Slave, bv fuch JVIeans as he or 1 hey fl.all think fit, without fmpeach. ment or Accaftion cf any Crims or Offence for fo doinj, or without incurring any Pcnalryjor For feiture tBereby." " "."" ' GIVEN under our Uanh and Stah, l Hi d Diy May, 177-, aniin He itb l(ar of hi$ Mjrf it Rtign. ' ' JOHN HAWKS,' . : : L. G. BERRY. N. ll. The above Negro Slave ii fuppof:d to be harboured nr kept out by his Wife, named Racbtl, a wench belonging to Mr. Jfaae Foirviellt, and it is very pcflible he is furking in the Neighbourhood of his Plantation.' Whoever will talte him'to and bring' him to nf, ftiall receive a Reward of three . rounds tor his Trouble. - - JAMES EIGGLESTON. T LOPr.D froni the ferieantiae.vf ntnifclp,. in XZj ifbly 1774.10 " in Jehtcd Servants, -wj-G tORGE TA V ERNjOR, aHbuf i 8 Yearilold, veryjflcrjderi and l isted with the ftn-.U. Pcx, and I ' calls himfel! aGrooirj or Ilorfe jockcyVEDWARir G1LKS, about 23 Years old,, a lnori hump a tac Pet fon with red Hair, and is bv Trade a. Curry er or -1: Leather DrelTrr. ? fth fuppofed faid Servants are .; Jugvflhb, new.Negrp Fellow, . by Name QUA MINO.'abbut a. Feet 10 laches hisb.Vnd aboot ad -Years of Ape, has a Scar above. hii right E)5 his leeth are hied, and is - marked wun nis yountry Marks; hadonwhen he Went awky, a Collar about his. Neck with two Pronw. marked G-P; and id Iron ort each Leg. Whoever delivers faid white oeivanu anu lcgro 10 nenrj i oung in u itmingiaTi, fliall receive 61. Proc Money for the Whole, or 2.0 s. for each.' and reafjnable Charee j. or fecores them in any Gaol Co that they may be had again. t IVilminpton, Mtit' FbTT75 ' . . r?HIS, is to give all Perfpns Ndtice, JL that there is a Negro Fellow named HOL LOW, detained from me; he is about 30 Years of , Age,' a ihort well fet Fellow, has a fcald Head, is a good Cooper, likewife a Corker, and is a feniible Fellowi ' Whoever will take the faid Fellow, and brin? him to me. fliall have Fivfe Pounds re gard, paid by. " .. BENJAMIN BLOUNT. mw 10, 1775. . . .t ' N Thi Day is publiflied, E "iautifullj pnnteJy on. -ad entire new "lfef andT good tapir andjn te fold at the' Printing Office in Newbcrn, neatly bound in Law Bindings - - -- '- T Price X W O DOLL A R S, ' 1 MIE Oepice and Av-r haiitv nf a 1IT55- . i T1CE of PEACE. "And alio the Duty of SHERIFFS, V.Q.ROK&RF, CORST ABLES, CftURCH WARDENS. OvERSEElS of UoaDS. RaANCH . Pilots, and other Omccrs. Topether with Pre! CE nENTS Of WaRRARTJ." luiinMtMTi. V.ti. maijiiuiiti wiujin incir icvcrai juriicictions,' iq Caics civil and criminil. with Kfn)ru nf n,V,. cial Proceedings befor? lullices of the Peace out ot within their County 'Courts. : ' ' 10 nvbifb it ad.f.d, , Ait. A PPEN D I X: Containing many ufeful Precedents,' and Direc , tions fvr the Execution of them. ' Ccllcclcd from hs Common and Statute Laws of England, and the Afti of Aflembly of this Pro vince, arid adapted to our ConHitution and Practice. , Jlfa to be lad At tie faid Of Fi CF,' Thic late Revival of th; ACTS of ASSEMBLY cf'this Province, with the. two laft Sessions of Assembly bound up c'omplctc.' - T AKEN up on Adantii Crei'i .and committed, to the Public Gaol in, Nevibcrni eft Saturday the 8th of this In flan t, a ihort well lei'Neero KUn, . hear five Fcet" hish,' about to -Years of Age. - fuU ' - faced," ; Country v Marks in tis Temples, and his 7 Teeth filed lharp, (fuppofed to be the : lame: biavc fome Time tpait committed to Carteret County Gaol) he fpeaks little or no Erglijb, andtantiot, -or will rjot. tell his Mailer's Name. ' The' OwneV ; may have Mm again on proving hisProp r;y, , and paying Charges. By apptyhie to 1 ' ' ' JOSEPn CRISPIN, P. G. ' Ntiub&nt April 20, 1775. - . ,. ' - yUiSl PUB L IS HE D; 'And to be fold en the Panting Office, in Hewlet t . ; v. , . . Price two Shillings, 1 EXTR A C.Ti) Irom the Vuies and Prbcec4-M ingi ol the AMERICAN lCONTINEN i Ar CONGRESS, .held it Philadelphia, on the Fifth .. Day of September, 1774. Cciitaining the Bill of -Rights, a Lift of Grievances, Occaiicniil Refclvei, the Aluxiationa'n Addrefs to the People ofCrrar Britain, and a Memorial to the Inhabitant) of. the Britijh American Colonic. Alfo the Letter to the Inhabitants o( Quebec,' and General Gap ?i Anfwer i j iiic inkier icut mm oy iuc vjcncrai VAingrcu. , ONE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD; WHEREAS orr Friday the 3d Inftant, two Men came to my Houfer who )odgfd there that heiv theygave-wea-ThirrTrllmg-BHhtoJchange,'-- r.- v ..1.. k..: o..i. 1 it J. .1.. into a Room adjoining to change it; when they ruflieJ in upon me, preknting their Rifles at me; and order ed me redeliver up my. Keys $anLtiponmy telling them I had riot the Keys, they made my Negro Wihch bring therrr a Hammer, and compelled me to bieak open th C hell, wlien they took thereout 375I. Proc. They then proceeded to another Chert, made me unlock- it, and plundered it of n car the like Sum. They , likewife took with them a liht-coloured Great Coat a Pair of Leather Breeches, a Pair of Leather Bag, &c. , One of. tje above Men is about fix Feet high, be tween 15 and jo Years old, of a famly Complexion Jndy.rcd lieard4 and has down Look-had on a inoflt coloured Surtout Coat, with a Piece off the left Skirt, a blue Jacket, and black Breeches, and rode a large blare Face Sorrtl Stallion, about j Hands high, M i-..- r.-. .'I.:.- - . 1 1 ! . ii- rtu iwui 4 tci wiiuc, ana was lame viin uavcuuig. rl he other is about rive Feet feven Inches high, be twtcn i an 4 j-Vu kl, -ha tuihd Lotkf; ftdf mouihcd, falks very pertly, aid i Lime in Ms right7" Knee and Ltgj had ofi a pale blue Surtout Coat, leather .Breechci, a half-worn fmall brim'd Hat, Leg gins the fame as the Surtout, and a Silver Sjitirj and: took witii him a black roan Horfe, (the Property of the Jrubfcriber) near 14 Hands high, about '7 Years old, one of hi Fet( white to the Footlocks, has Koman Nole, full of grey Hairs, pretty lively, a na tural Trotter, and branded on the near Buttock I WY Whoever apprehends the above Perfons," and fc cures them and: the Money, fliall receive the' above5, Reward, or in Proportion to "the Money they ihall find with taem. , ' ; v v - 1 J 0 H N FO Crent'nCtunfj, February 6, 1775.' N E'WBERN: Printed by J AMES.DAVIS in FRO NT, 5Vcct..:r Air Perfons may tc fubplicd with this PAPEJ6 : 1 SATrf," tS,,ILL!Ms tAnnmu A D V E KT I S E M E N T S, 'of a moderate Length, alt : inferted for Tiirke Smuinci . chefirft Week, and Two Shillikcs for cvry Week after,1 V v : .

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