1 . as 'fc&fliblvi it ; might be! dan feercios'? 'to ciyfctf,' 't . . iw f.ii .t.i - T:r.:- iiut it your rroceeuings manucii uiai nappy upy fition;,which is to be deftred ardently by every good Friend to this as well as the 'Mother Country, I affure you, in the Warmth of my Heart, that I. will return with the preateftiov. and fhall iconuder it -. I as the trioft fortunate J vent of myJLife if you give me an. Opportunity to be an Inttrumentof promot- ... Vt - - j. ; - log your ijappineis, ana mcuiaiur uciwccu jruu 'and tnefupreme Authority, to obtain for you every Explanation of your Doubts, and , the. fnlleft; Con- ; viftionpf the 'Sincerity of their Deftr'e to confirm to : you the hndifturbe4, Enjoyment of your Rights and TWrrvv and I (hall he well Dleafcd,.:bv brinsinir rny, Family back again, that you ihould hive luca .' a pledge ojnv&&c ana of my Wilhes to cultivate a cloie ana lamng inn- taacy with thfe inhabitants- "June lo 1775. ... .... proacJuKj; Fate,' tftid to Took y to .the which God and the Conftitution furnifh, of or alleviate the impending Calamity, Sources , to ward DUNWOREl In CONOR E S S, 2, 177$. :lfpn' Motrin, tRtJolvtdiZ ..' .: vi: " That no Bill of ExchingerDraught, or Order of any Offfeer in the Army or Navy, their Agents or C ntraaors be received oregociated, or any Mo- fuoDlieJ to them y any , rerion in. America. .Thus circumftanced, the Inhabitants of jthe United AmericattCdoniiif by their Representatives, jnet in I i.ongreJs at x 'btiadtiptoa in aeftemetr lait, deviled ar Plan of commercial QpobiitKin as a peaceful Ex pe l dient to bring about a Reconciliation with the Pa -rent State, "upon .Terms con IUtutional and honoura- '. ble to us both. A moft humble and dutiful Petition v toihe Throne accompanied k.7 ;The firft; of thefe has ndt had fiifficieht'Time"t3v'w6rkhe EfFeft pro- , pofed by, it The latter, however, flattered i; with -" a gracious 'Reception' upon the firft Introduction to the Throne,-. Va afterwards buried in, a 'Mafsof'nfe - -lefs Papers pon the Table of the H mfe of Com rtns'an ared. themmon Fatejf wiziaei "Hmonftrancw andTemionvUd be reltfckd andlbrgou" To the, 6efut Catalogue of OppreiEona recited in the Troceeoings 6f the late Congrefs; are now fu- pcraaoeu a xm pa"cu . rarjiameni ior prpnioiung the Fi(hcr.y,oT. -rhe fit-u?' Ene&nJ Colonies, and, re- the TraJe of other Colonies to Gn&t-Bri. n?y That no Provifions or NeeeiTafies of iny Kind be' rnrr.ftu-d or fttDblied to 6V for thoUfe of the Britifli Armv or Navy in the Colony of MiflTachufctu-Bay and that no Vefl"( I employed in transporting BriHlh -Troops to America,; oMrom one ran ot Nortn-A- -. tnerica to another, or warlike Stores or ProvifionsJ ior Ta'id Tibops'j'b'e. f eighted or urhihe with"Pr6r i vifipns or any Necefiaries.nintil farther Orders from;, . this Ccngre.frh-...: . 1...:, . , trtXloprfrm the Mitjutet. ' , ; - -r CH ARL1SS THOMSONrStrcretaryr In : 0 N G R E S S. Monday, June 12, 1775. AS the G R E A T G O V E R H D R' oft h e W O R LD, by his fupreme and univeifal Pro vidence, not e nly conduces the Courfe of Nature with unening Wifdom and Reftitude, but fre.- quently Influences the Minds of Men to fcrve the wife and gracious Purpofes of his providential Go; . Vertiment ; and it being, at all Times, our indifpenfi; , ble Doty, devou'Jy to acknowledge hisfupepintendirg Providence, efpecially in Timcs.oi impending Dan- and Public "CaUmity, to reverence a'hd adore - ftrainmg iaint.!lrikndt' iU the Writilk' W eft-indies The Minifter ftill coijtinues to pour 'frpops into the Town of -oJIi)n..Stme have lately arrived, and many more are riourfyexjte&ed ; thus? reducing that cnce.flourihirigCitj to a GarrifonVdealing out from' thence his Inftrumcntu of .Tyranny and Opp'ffll rn, to overawe ah3 enflave the other Colonies. 'His . per .p. . . . - . At . . 1 , hi? immutable J ultice, as weiras to impiore nis mer ciful Interpo'fition"fpf -our Deliverance."-;-- - 77.- -- This Con Cksis, therefore, confidering the pre fect critical; alarming, and calamitous State of thefc a t tnf rift Colnmes. do eaineH v recommtnd, tnat 1ukj DAYX ht.Twentittb Day of Jul; next, be obfe ed bv the Inhabitants of all the Cnghlh U f. . - K i. 1! ' m ' it" nrt . Dies on this Continent, as. a nay or pumic HU MILIATION. FASTING, and PRAYERi that ' we may, with unitedjHearts and Vol our joint Supplications to the All-wife, and Merciful Difpcfer of all. Events, humbly be- fetching him tp forgive our Iniquificj, to remove .our prefent Calamities, to avert thefe defolating Judgments' with which we are threatened, and to ,blefs our rightful Sovereign, King GEORGE, tfce J (Id. and infpire him with Wifdom to difcem and purfue the true Intered of all his SuKje6U,--that a fpeedy End may be put to the civil Difcord between Great-Britain and the American Colonies; without farther Effofion of Blood, and that the UritiQj Wation may beirjfluenced to regard the Tbitgtlbat belong tt her Peace t iff ere tbty.ere bid fre m ber Ejet, v-that thefe Colonies may be ever under the Cire and Protection of a kir.d Providence, and be prof, fered n all their Interefts. ' hat the divine Blefinrj jnayjefcend and reft upon all our civiLRuUfs, and upi n the Rcprcuntaiives of the People in their feve ral Aflemblies and Contentions, that they may be directed to wife ard 'effectual Meafurcs for preferv- . ing the Union and frcuring the j u ft Rights and Pri viJfgts of the Colonics.tharViriue and trueRcli. gion may revive and fl iurilh throughout our Land, and that America may foon behold a gracious -lo. terpefition of Heaven, for the ; Redrefs oThrf inaujr Grieyarces, the Reftoration of her-invadfd Kightfc, a Reconciliation with the Parent State, on Terms conflitutiona! and honourable to both, and that her civil and religious Piivileges may be fecuf ed to the latelt Potlrrity. And it is recommended tq Chtlftlinf 'of all Denominations to aficmble for public Worfliip, and to . abflain from, fcrvUe Labour and Recreations oa faid Day. . . Hj Order ef tbe Cenvrefo, ; - "JOHN HANCOCK, Prcfident. fA true CeffJ r CHARI.ES THOMSON, SEcaeTAav. Defigns have hithtrto proved unfaccefsTul. Heaven feems to have iffutoed the Proteiory of the injured, 1 6 f a 1 ted Tppl on fts7ah d "fi gliaTIoTave appeared in theirvoUrV ihen in the late Battle at Lexington fix Hundred rajy,. uadifciplined provincials, defeated eighteen Hundred.repular Troops, . and purfued themlnwiheifCa .V'No Engagements are.'f alH cien t!jr facfed to fecure the performance of theroVhen the Fears or Expec tations of jhe General make It convenient for him to difpenfe with .them;. ; After, the mod folemn Compacts to the contrary, . the. Inhabitants of the, Town of Bojlon are doomed to foffer the moft abjeft Diftrefs from the want of the common Jecefliries of Life ; conSned within the Walls of the, City, and riot permitted to fee k a Refuge amrmgd her TeiRh bours in the 'Co'untry . -Thefe are the Miferies which -jhey.'fulFer for tljeir. brave D-fence of the common Caofe of Britijlj America. They Were deftin'ed.as a rrfl-Viftira to n)inifterial Tyranny. But, Fellow " SufcjeclSiT think not his Schemes' are to end here'. No,, if Succefs fhould ftrenghiien his Hands the inhabitants of the Southern Cjlonies would foon .feel tbe Weight of his Vengeance. . , ; ... .' eiv- " The Provinces of. New ttanpjhiri, Rtbde IJIand, olo- ''djC5jtf4inJmitai: Brethren, hav enlilled Bodies of Troops, preparin? for the laft Extremity, and. determined to live -free, ces,, unfeigned. J or not at all AVw Jeri,hs, to the Drigrace of Omnipotent, I Liberties of ptmerica, boldly ftood forth, determined ' 1 To tbe COMMITTEES oftbefeveral Ttiuni' and Ceuntiei ef tbe Province of North-Carolina, appointed for tbe Purpoje of tarry ng (nti Exetmfon 1 the Ktfolvtt if the Cqntimntai Concress. GENTLEMEN, W u tv n tnc UDemes ri a rcopie are invaded, and Men in Authority are labouting to raifj' "vStroflurt of arbitrary Power upon the Ruins of a . free Ofinditutinn t Vhen the fir ft Mni(lr of Rritnl' exerts every Influence that private .dJrefi or publi: Violence can give him, to (hake the Barriers of pef ."' fonal Security and private Propert) b it natural for us, Inhabitants of America, deeply intererted in tae Etent Qjfhii Deigns, to be aruicui for our ap. , to brave every Extremity, rather than fobmit to the Edtfls of a Minifter, or defert the Protection of their conflitutional Rights and Privileges. Nttu JtrJfJ r tnr.fr Ivamas and the Trovmces to the. 6'oothward, havetakejO an .hoacurable Share in the Line of Oefcacej armed and equipped to avert the ieipenditg Calamity, - dreading a civil War 1? the jnojl awful Scourge of Heaven, and to plunge their Swords in the Breads of their Fellow Subjects, as the greateft bf all human Calamities, and the ' trioft painful Exertions , of human Fortitude; but determined, at all Events, to fuffer theExccfsof htiman Mifery, rather than be brought to the Feet : of an infiilthvg Minifter. ' North-Carolina alone ranains n inactive Spefta- -or oi this general -defenfive Armamept ,fupine anT carelefj, (he feems to forget even the Duty ftje owes to her own local Circumttances and Situation i have you not, Fellow Citizens, a dangerous Enerrry in your own Bcfora, and after the Meafurcs whichnhe Minifter has cctdefcended 10 in Order to carry into Execution his daring Schemes, lo you think that he would hefitate to raife the Hand of the Servant aairfft-rte Maftey? Do&of Jotnflon, a penfioned Tcol Tor the Ivlinillry, in a Pamphledr intituled, Taxation no Tyranny, fpeaks the Intentions of AH. miniflratiqn in a Laaguag too plain io leave any Thing-to dcubt: " The Slaves mould be. fet free; Han Aft which the I overs of Libeny.muft furely . Z Vomroend,"4f ihey are furniihed withArms for defence, and Utenfils for Holbandry, and fettled in fome fim pie Form of Government within the Country, they may be more honeft and pratefnl t than their Mailers," are the Words of this pro ilitoted Court-Favoorite. -.;. Have we not been informed thai the Canadians are to be embodied, and the. Indians bribed to ravage the .Frontiers of the Eaftern Colonies t Has not Gc neral Carlton already given a Specimen of his Pow. er by forming a Canadian Regiment of Men inimical to our Liberty and Religion f Can you think that your. Province is the ngular Objeft of minifterial Favour, and that in the common Crufh It will ftand fecure? Be affurcd it will not. The Bait the Mi nifter has thrown ou't to you is a delufive one, it Jnds to D;ftfuftion : Have you not, by various public Afts, declared your Refolution not to be bound by minifterial Shackles, bat. that-you will live in a free Conllitution, ct perifli in the Ruin of it ? Do you imagine after this that you are bis Fa- ' vouritci i Voa are cot- D 0 yoo aCt wh; then yc" 1 "ar exernpted from the Penalties of the Bill rdirain ing Trade ? The Reafon is obvious Br itain cannot ketp up its Naval Force without yb'u ; you fupply the verySinews of her Strength : Reftrain youj Na val Se'oresVUnd all the Powers of EurepejCin ijcarcely - rfpplf;hff7ern-the'm,s-'an$'you. ftrengthen the . Hands of America in the glorious Contention for her Liberty ; through you the Minifter wiflies to dilunite the whole Colonial Link ; we know your Virtue too welUo dread this Suceefs ; yoa have the Example of :New3"ofi to animate Tyouy fhe fpurns the proffered '. Boon, and viewj the Exemption of that Province from the reftraining Bill as the Smilerof a Minifter who looks gracioufly ia her Face while he ftaba her to the Heart. ' S.: It becomes the Duty of ui, in whom yo-J have de--ppfited? the mod facred TTraft;Ttbfw;rn2yojif-yoor-' Danger.-and of the" moft effeflual fcans to ward it off. It is the Right of every Englifi Subjeft to be prepared wjth Weapon for his Defence. We con jure you by the Ties of Relrgnn," Virtue, and Love of your Country, to follow the Example of your Sif- 1 ter Colonies', and to form yourfelves into a' Militia. The Eleftion of the Officers, and ' the Arrangement of the Meri, muft depend up(jn yourfelves. Study the Art of Military with the utmoft Attenjfi :n, .view it as the Science upon which your fuWe Security de ptnds. -r-y-'- p:: " ""--Carefully oreferye the fmaliQaanitv of Giinnow- der which you have amangft you.-itnvill be the laft ;. Refource when evry other Means of. Safety Tails J P.u. ljGreat - Bt 'aJiaac vty ou-off-f rofn-fu t her Supplies. We epjoin you you tender the Safety of yourfelves, and fcll;.w Cjjbnifts, as you would :vi(h-to-live anddie" freer., that you would" refer ve In Part, betrays his Cour;trv who frjorts it Vwa. perhaps in every Charge he fires he gives Wth it the Means of preferving the Life of a fellow Being. We cannot conclude without urging again to yorj 'the neceflity of arming and inftruftrng yourfelves, to be in Readinefs to defend yourfelves 'againft any Vi olence that tayp be exerted againft your. Perfons and Properties., In one Word, ' Fellow S ibjefts, the Ciiiis of America is not at a great Diilance : If fhe falls; Britain muft go Hand in Hand with her to D -ftruftton. -Every Thttig o'epends upon your prefent Exertion, and prudent Pcrfeverance. B in a State of Readiaeis to repell every Stroke that through yea uiuii wuuna jinucnaans;er ner. ;. strengthen - the Hands, of civil Government, by refilling every" ACt of lawles Power. Srcrn ryrannyrin itsCcmmenCe ment; oppdfe every Effort of an arbitrary Minifter ; and,, by checking hs, Licehtioufnefs, prtferve tle Liberty of the Conftitutipn, and the flon.Tur of your -Sovereign Look to the reigning Monarch of Bri ' 4ain as vour riph; f oi and lawful S.werpion Air , every danger and Difficulty jnSupport of his Per - fort: Crown and D?nitv arid cnnfir-i.ifi.r M Traftot to his Kirtg, who, infringing the Klhta 01 nis simetuan auDjects,. attempts to invade thofe glorious Revolution Principles which placed him on . the Thrcne, and muft prefcrve him there. - . We are, Gentlemen, . - (tour m ji obedient andery bumble Servants, PbilaJihhik' " WILLIAM HOOPER, , June T JOSEFH-HEWKS. June ig,. 1775. RICHARD CASWELL. P O R.TSMOUTH, Juxe 2. , Laft Tuefday nbout 30 or 4.0 Mn from on Board' the Scarborough Man of War, now in this Il irbour, cawe on Shore at Fort William and Mary, and have torn down great Part of the Breaft Work of faid Fort, and did other Damage. . , ... -The D:iv hefore this Attmift. th .rirWnr-n n U ti. , rro Provifion yelfds, loaded with Corn, Pork," Flour,' Kye, &c. coming in trow JLong-Illand, which were for the Relief of this Place, as the Inhabitants are in great " Want of Provifions ; and nctwithftanding the moft pru dent Application of the principal Gentlemen of this Town, the Captain refufed to reUafe them. - . .. . . O (hocking situation ! Upon this Rcfufal it was ap- prehended Uie moll violent Outrages' and Tumults of the People would immediately follow this Detention of their Provifions, the Conferences of which would be ' moft probably very fatal to Ms'Majefty's Sul jefts, by bringing into the moft immirunt Danger the Lives ad Properties' of his Cud Subjects, v.liich ought by all Means, to be prevented if poflible. . ' . Uronbis unwarrantable Tranfaaion'tle Inhabitants . of this and the neighbouring Towns were greatly a- - hrmed ; and the next Mdrning between 5 Qr 600 Men in Arms went down to the Battery called Jerry Kittt, and brought oft" eight Cannon, a, and 31 Poundtrs, , being the whole that were there, weighing 4800 lb. each, and brought them up to this Town. While they were taking off the above Cannon, tbe Canceaux, with a Tender, fet fail with the two Provifion Veirds for Bofton. The next Day live Town was full of Men from the Country in Arms. , This uncommon Exertion of arhhrarv Pr.u-r " - ' -----wj m C IliliilV" ct.ttely alarmed the Inhabitants, and the Committee of bafcty having met, a Memorial was, by their Approba tion, prcfented to the Governor and Council, who took tvery prudent Method in their Power to, pacify the Peop'e, and to btain a Releafe cf the Captures. J lis Excellency repaired on Board the Scarborough, and informed the Captain that the Provifioni weie the Pro perty of fome of ti e Inhabitants, ho had before eon tmfted for tlie fame but the only Anfwer he could obtain was, " that Admiral Graves, and the General, had forwarded Orders to take every Protifion WCA that fliouM be met with, on everv Stailon. an4 rA , thrm lortrmith to Bofton for the Supply of the Army Stal borough, infcrm:d two of the Committee it Ftrt." -i - i - I i i t 1;

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