NUMBER 332. 3P . Acvk. .iAV. ' -M vv'.. .' f v is.;-'' '-"J - .1. 9 EM P ER7PR O L'.X 5,E RT AT?,; ; E X B ON O P U B L I GO. r - ' - Uz - ,,. '- '.9- ( i r ) ; if 1 c 1 j ) I IA P RO VI NCIAL C 0 N GRES S, :ii&leJtowntWdneJdajf Junt-z : "). 75.' Dffiutes - T"- f vetiueen iDEREPlt the Honr Wil liam- HcnrT $ Driy toaf-the --Horiv Capt. BarnTH Elliot, CoW .Gharl Pinckfteyi Opl James Parfoas, CoU Iaac? M6tte Jolv 'StephendMull,:: oU Williau rvloultrie, Major Owen : Captriohn HugeiiViilerewtoil homa FeH i i ; guion, ana Lvaurii tapers, ,tiquir5&, oe a uepu,- tation to prefent tohis Excellency rhe Governor ; ' the acuireis'jrrets--.-: ,' : ;r ' ' SOUTH CARQUNA. r v -, Atii -.C am p b E L L, GovwJiQ f nd Cwnmiinder in - Chief inland over the Fh-Vihu a fireaid The' humble -ADDRESS and'pECLARATlON - - i' r' : . JJ I'n ' "vrtaC rso TINCI At vO n C n ESS-. w Jliifojr it pleafe.'yeicr xcYi!&t$i ' E, hisJVlajefts IoyaVabjetls, the Repre fentatives of 'the" Peoisle of this. Colony, in-i t-ongrels allembied, beg Leava to dilclole to your excellency the true Lauies ot o4r; Prqceedir?sxjnQjL; only tat upon voiir Arrival among ns, you may receive no unfavourable ImpreCIoftTor oiir . Conduct, but that we may ftand jollified to'Ae Wprli.V:- - When the ordinary ModeTof .Application for Re drefs of Grievances, ah4 the' tfaal Means of De fence agaihft irbitrary Impo.Ujn haver failed Mankind generally have hadRecourlfi to thofe that -- are eytrabrdina'ry ; Hence, the 'Ongin of . the Con tinental Congrefj, ajld Hence th: prefent Pcprcfcn tatioa of the People in thivColc '7,0 -VLyr r' It is unneceflary to enumerate the Cmerarices of , 'America) they have been fo ofrn reprefented that your : Excellency cannot , be .a ; aD?er to; racnu . Let it th'eire.'bre fuffice to fayr t' the Hands of his 'J MajellV Miniftcri having.l: ' iin Keavy' now -t 'i 1 ' ' r . . " -. - . - -l nvbtcO at irelent knheUth fubffl tt Great-Britain and the 2merihn ColonillM. J iUmfojfillf,: rival'. -tbM 'tjhould have'acWei ' fHchafymqledg: of the State of the Province, jiu to bc atfrrefat able to make any Re prefent ation thereupon, to his fyiyeIy, hut you may heaf 'ured no' Reprefcnfationyfialtever be Made . by mey but what Jball je Jirityy confident with T ruth, . and (with an earm ft Endeavour to promote the real Hat - . - Ptnejs. ana rjoperity oftbt rjvncJZ 4- - fane; 2.1 ;:i77P:v.; vs vuatwt. Campbell, -.k t:? PubUjbtd ly Order W-the Cefiereft. ;t ' ' ' PE TER TI IOTHY, Secretary. In PRO VINCI A. O.N ORES S; ' "'.' ' " Cbarlejiovins ju f izij-jt,, ;? 'TH Provincial Aee:efi having received an v,-;' X vr Intimation," that cjrin perfons hayc alrea ;dy bought up, ar d others pi npw buying up Indian Corn, with Defign to takei vantage of the Times, -have''-, ' - : XsiijjL lefolved. That fuch enrt-c-Snc is intolerable; and obght not io,be fuffered h &is Ttnie of Scarcity, : .Refched ,'ftlfo, That ,fu h -perfons as may have bought up Indiaa CornV ?Jht ndt to fell it at an advanced Price, and thatroper Information, ought that no Love of Innovation no Dehre of altering the ConlUtution of Government, no Lull ot inde pendence has had the ieaft Influence upon our Councils : But, alarmed and rouicd by a lung Suc ceiTion of arbitrary Proceedings; by Wicked Admi sullrations, imprefled with the greated'Apprehcnfi ons of inltigatcd Infurreclions; and deeply affected Troops againil this Contine'nt folely for the Pre-: fervation and in Defence of our Lives, Liberties, . aai Properties; we have been impelled to allociate - and to take up Arms. - - ' We lincerely deplore thofe flanderous Infcrmati- ons, and wicked Counfel; by .which .'hi Viajt'ty has been led into Mealares which, if rfutca in, ttUil inevitably involve America in ail the Calami- ties 01 civu vvar, ana rcnu me onum cinpixc. We only delire the fccuie Eujoymcnt of our invalu- ' able Right, and we wilii tor nothing mote ardent ly than a fpecdy Reconciliation with bur Mother Country, upon cenltitutional Prinup!es . Coulciou of the Jaftice of our Caufe, and the Integrity of out View; we readily prufcliour loyal ' AtuJiment to our Sovereign, his Crown and Dig- nityt And truiling the Event to Piovidcncc, we 'prefer Death. to Slavery. Thefe Things we have -thought it cur. Duty to declare, that ywur Excellency, and through ytui our augull Sovereign, our fellow iuljccU, and the . Whole World, may clearly underhand, that our, taking up Armsi the Refult of dire NeceiHryj and in Compliance with" the firlt Law of Nature. We entreat and trull "that iour Excellency wili make fuch a Rcprefentation f the State of this Co- iony and of our true Motives, astoaffarehis Msjef- . ty that, in the Mi Jit of all our complicated Diilrtflcs ht has no Subjvdli in his wide Dominions, who more fincerely defire 6 ttllify their Loyalty and Affection, or who would be more willihg to devote their Lives and Fortunes in his real Service. . Order cf the Provincial Congrefs, at Cbarlrf. town, June 20, 1775." . HENRY LAURENS,. Prefident. - Tha TJer100 being returned,: the Hon. "Mr. tinV0ft Kpo-i that they. having delivered the' ! ddVefi 10 the Governof " E"Nnc was plcaf- : tomako.'ncllowingAN.wiiJ I' KWpfo &?rtftaivei if tie People tfihh Prtvinct, txttptJW' tonjlitutitrAllj tenvtned tn Sterol Jtfrnfy wdamiIittnete judge cf the immediately-to be laid btfpre the Congrefs or k Ge ncfai, vommittee. v .; . - Ordered, That the foregoing Refolves be forth with printed and 'made: piblic, . . . : By Qr&r tf tht Congrefs, -'. ' : PETER TLMOTHY, Secretary". , In P R O V I N;Cl AiT QONGRES S, u Ctarlefovjst, ' Satwrdajfjuki 7,-1775 .- -;-; RESOLVED, That. fesXongrefs (halt expire oft xhe 6th Dl of fogab hejet : ,That a new - Election be. made on Mokiay the 7th and Tuefday the 8th Days of Augdft,ixcept in CRarieftownt -And that the hew Membrl then elected do 7 meet in General Conirrefs at CI rleown on the firft Dav of December next, or &on if the General Com my- ice in an inin k i 5. f Ijo lun Tnonin? Ordered, That the above Refolutions be forthwith 2 printed and made public, - i; rT'TTx:" v PETER TIMOTHY, Secretary.: In. ; P R O-y i N C r A,L C O N G R E S S', CbarteJTown, 1'burfday, -June 22, 1775 RESOLVED , That allAblentees holding Eftates ; in tnis Colony, except the o'ickV. thofe above Sixti. and thofe- under Twenty-one Years of 'Ape'. ought forthwith. .retara.'tjthis.CoJ Colohyduitht (a, withdraw from i;-s Service, ".with--i;l - out giving. good, aAd'fufficieht Reafons for fo doing -;' tp this Cpngre or, during its Recefs to the Ge ; neral Committee , ?' I'tX i':'i Ordered,'. Thaj the two iforegoihg feefoi'u'tibiv be " 'printed and made'pubIic,-4--V--: i -iCyrrt PETER TIMOTHY Secretary -In-'the C O U N C I L of: S; ATi- 'U.rv C-hsrleflvwn. "fane ti'.'- ii-rt"- , ;'.' . ?.V.'.; EltSONSvwilliWg to pfyrtkrtwoejneia or root in tne service 01 tnts voiony witn rro- vifions atithree Shillings a Mapper Dv; are dej ; fired to give in their 'Proposals ot Quantities and "Quality, fealed v6 on or before the 26th Ihftaht,, ' before eleven o'clock in the Morning, jo i -.'".'. r'.'.f r' -"-'-?.! ' : ;1 r r awmonthemij;. UiILrlcrihalL it" the 'lime of choolin; I)eDuties to attend the Pror vincial Congrefs, likewife choofe a convenient Number to form Committees in the faid Pariflies and Diftri&s refpecli vely, in ordef to enforce the ditVercht Refolves otthe Continental jind Provincial . CongrelTes. By Order of the Congrefs, , PETER TIMOTHY, secretary. . In PROVINCIAL CONGRESS, Cbarhftovjn, Saturday t-June 17, I77J. RESOLVED, That .THURSDAY the 27th Day of July next, be obferved in this Colo ny as a Day or FASTING and PRAYER, to humble ourfelves before Almighty Cod, and implore his Favour to this epreflcd Country,, and Suc cefs upon all our Endeavours for the Security of the.'.!" Liberties of the American Colohies And that the,; Clergy be defiredo pr'ea.h fuitable Sermbns, and ; ufe luitable Prayers updn the Occafion. "'""And, that the.Cbmmittees of . the difierentDiftrifts, do take Cire and give due Notice of this Refolve. By Order of the Covgrtfst ' PE1 ER TIMOTHY, Secretary. In PROVINCIAL CONGRESS, sr t ff f w mm t s t isharujtov:, weantjday, June 21, 1775 RESOLVED, That the Election of the Thirty Deputies to reprefent the Inhabitants of the Parilhes of St. Philip and Sti . Michael, Charlef- town, in the next Piovincial Congrefs, be at Charlejtown on Monday the 28th and Tuefday the 29th of AuguiV, in St. Michael's Church, and con dueled by the Church Wardens of both Parifties, . By Order ,cf the Congrefs, "' ' PETER TIMOTHY, Secretary In PROVINCIAL CONGRESS, Chnrltfovin, IVedntfday, Junelt 1775. WHEREAS the Inhabitants of Poole, a Sea- Port in the EnliOi Channel, loft to all Senfe of Honour, Humanity and Gratitude, have by their late Petition to Parliament, manifeflcd them felves not only inimical to America, but defirouj to add to the hay Oppreffions under which the unfortunate and virtuous Inhabitants of the four Ncw-England Governments labour, in Confe rence of their laudable Conduct in Defence of the Liberties of America and of Mankind: To teilify bur iull Refentment of fo bafe and cruel a Conduct in the Inhabitants of Poole, it it hereby Reflved, j nat this v.oiony will not nle or employ any Ship ping belonging to that Port or owned by any In habitant there, or carry on any Tranfactions, r hold any. Communication with that People. .. -"PETER TIMOTHY, Secretary. - 1 ' . MAD RID,' March 28. v H OfEce'r arrived heir Vefterdav from Melille; . -v. with the News that the Kine of Morocco had. railed the Siege of .that Place with Precipitation, 7 ; and that before, ht retiLed he had lent one of hi principal' Officers to M. Sherlock the Comman-' -dant, to .demand a Truce, faying he intended to . write to his Catholic . Majetly to, demand a Peactt" - . r of him. Mi Sherlotk ;cnt him ,Word that it wai : pot in his Power to gtaot his Requeft withcut an . . . Order foni his Court. In Conleauence of that , . Anfwer the Ring p -Morocco xiecampisi. with hit . -' . V' wlAre??tLhav uVtr ;UidntTOttttrr,-'.T V-Ti It appears evident,, that the News of Tome Pre. parations hat are making in our Ports made him apprehenfiv'e of being attacked in his own Domini ons.; which indeed would be the only Means of fecurihg Peace to us (in Cafe the King fhouldbe willing to grant it to him) and an adequate Satif faction for the Infult he has been guilty of towards " ' fo refpedtible a Power as Spaini - . . Paais, Jtpril 11. Orders are given in all the Ports of the Kingdom for no Ships to be freighted for the Englilh Colonies fign fyiti to, thofe who d it, that it will be at their own Rifk. ' RATisaofi, ' April i. The Rebellion in Bohe mia is not yet it an End. The 1 aft Accounts Irom thence import, that the Infurgents have plundered - (amonglt many others) the Eltate of the Count de Scafgo fch, and driven away the Count and Coun tefs, after ftripping them even to their Shirt'and Shift. Amongft thofe who treated them with fuch . Indignity are fad to be forne old Servants who . lived in the Family twenty Years ago. After pil laging and deftroying one Caftle belonging to Count Ferdinand Kinlky, they were preparing to act in the fame Mahner with Regard to another .Callle, and threatened even to mtirder his Children ; but a Battallioh of Infantry happily arriving in the Inte rim, the Commandant defired them to retire,' and on their Refufal, and having the Audacity to at tack the Soldiers with Pitchlork and Staves, he ordered them to Be fired upon, when upwards ct ".. ; " fifty of the Rebels were killed 7m the Spot, the -. " oihcrs took to their Heels, but were met by anothc - -Batallion, who made 400 Prifoners, and puCued the reft tb a River where moll of them wfr, drown- ' ed. . H ac u i , Vn7 1 8. An ' Indi;mjm ttnn& a t " Batavia, ha brought U moft Melancholy Account Of Ravages occafioned bv the Vulcano in the Jfle of Tarnate, one of the 1 Moluccas, in the Month of Octpberri773. The Eruption was accompanied .l . with the moft dreadful Thund,r 1 :k.:. and the Oanaty of Stones and Lava which poured , from -the Vulcano was fo extraordinary and terri ble, that the Mountaineers of that Canton, think, ing they fhould be fafer on the Sea, flew with fuch ConfuHon and Precipitation to their Canoes, that ' rnoft of them went to the Bottom with thofe who had embarked therein. In the Space cf 14 Hours eighty Shocks of an Earthquake were fslt, tw of them fo violent, that it feemed aj if the whole If. . land was to be fwallowed up. t : . - , 1 1 : 1 I 1. -rr: f V. .N i r m i

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