i ... j if.. -4- 1 1 year attention, I would cladly cbaifibatcto- rcTnove the difficulty you mult labour under; by. not being able to place any confidence in the tcftimpny;' 6l a itranger, mult . -therefore, in thatTcafej beg the tavour ot your wnungietter, directed to tnc iion 5 - - 1-- Beniamin Grcenleaf. Efi: at Newburv Port.r Ncw England, to be communicated to the, Committee, of Safety for that place, whofe joint teftjmohyiwiU doabtlcfs fet my character in its true light. Any ufe may be made of the above which may tend '. to : ' promote the public good.' - ; CllL V TTr Yours as above, jrPAfcsdsis," Jun. : ; PHILApEtPHIA, June 28. ; ' i? an Exprefs lubkb arrived bert on Saturday Evert . iWi have tbe following Account of the Battle . at lioariejtown, on Saturday toe IJto oj tunt'injtant. naay iigni, cue. ipm iBs-niteen. nun 'dried of theProvincials went to Bunker YHilL in order, to IntrencH there, and continued intrench ing till" Saturday 10 o'Cl ick; when two Thoufand Regulars marched out of Bbiton; landetin Charlef- -townand plundering itf-alHtaluablrEffeajjT fet- Fire to it in ten different Places al once ; then dividing their Army, Part of it marched up in the . Front of the PfovincialTntrenchmcnt, and began - to attack the Provincials at long Shot ; ; theothir Part of their Army marched round the Toyn of Cliarleftown under Cover of the Smoke occafibned " by the Fire of the Town, f The Provincia1TCen tries ;! uncovered tne Kegniar? marcning upon, tneir lett Wtng. Upon Notice of tins given by theCentry to the" Conneftfcut" Force's poftechon. that ,V ng Cart. Nolton, of Afhford, ith 400 of faid Forcel, im mediattely repaired to, and pulled up; a Poll - r - Majcr-THOMAS MIFFLIN - iff appointed- Aid de Camp'to General Walhingtoni and accompanies " the General to -the hCarap niar BoloQ;Tbe active X and fuccefsful Part which this Gentleman has taken in , the civil and miUtary Affairs of the Province of Vennfylvania, had endeared' him, fo much to his leiiow ntxzens, that lew Men have ever left us , more univerfally beloved or regretted. -v .-.".' -And Yeftcrday Morn in e Briffadier General SUL-? - LI VAN,' one of theT)elegates frbm the ColSy ;f ew-HamplbevJet off from hence to join theA- . mcru.Au Army ucar owiontxie was accompaniea a few Miles from Town, by, a Detachment of the light Infantry of the third BattalUon, and by many Oificers and Gentlemen belonging tb the Militia of the City.;.,':;- v.; 1 -,: Ytjierdaj an Exprefs arrived here from the, Cam) near -I jsojtcn, py nufjGKi ive hOfvt we jouowng intelligence., t , -Col B . Li jffco LN7 HinglamMbnddy T- . Yefterday I came out qT Boftpn .at 2 ' 'Clock K v My Lord,,' .... rv : "J: ' , iJG the Favour of your .Lord&ip ho lay before- ius Majefty the peculiEqi3arrilIijien of ray pre- 'Your Lordlhip is no Stranger to. the ConijV wluthi ,- I lave obfwved in the tSnhlppy pifutss wkh cur A ' '; meiican Colonits. ; i ..- : ,.'-. i:';.i??-'.3 C,;'. ;;.f.v V .; - rhe King is too juftend toa generous not to. believe that the Votes I haye given in Pjuiiamc.ithi Uesa "gven-according ; to trie Diftate." of my Co.ijaence. ' Whether Xiave' erred or not,-the Courfe of futUie L f;ents. inuik: determine: y la the mean Tiine if' I were , fapable of filcti Duplicity, as to Art "Way concerned ;K Chforcing thofe Meaiiues,' of Wurcii' ( have lb publicly' - tuid folcmnly exprefled.'my Difaprobati on I fliould ill : deferve what liam molt ani jitijus of bbtaining," the - Eileetfl and favourable -Opinion of my. Sovert ign.. . Mv Requolt. therefore to your Lcrdhin'is this, that joj "will :ailure"3rrajetty;thAU- and Rail Fence, and carrying the Ports and Rails, to - another fence, put them together for. a Brealtr Work. "Capt. Noltori gave Orders to the Me.i not tiisfirr"TJntit the Enemy were got wuhin fifteen . . Rods, and t,hen hot till the Word was given. ' .At-. . ' the' Word's being given the Enemy fell .furprifing ly IV was thought by Spectators who ftood a. a - -- Diftance that our Men did great Execution. - ) The Aftion continued about two Hours, when - - the Regulars on the right Wing were put ihto Con-- fufion arid gave' Way ; the ' Connecticut TrooPs ! clofely purfued them, and wera on the Point of pufhing their Bayonets', when Orders were '.received : 7 - froni General Pomeroy, for thofe who hadbeen in" Aftipn for two Hours to fall back, and their Places 7TV tcr'befar)piied by (refli Tropps'.Thefe Orders"ber :f ing miftaken for a Direction to retreat, i our Troops j on tbe ri'eht.Wing began a general Retreat, which : , . was handed to th2 left, the principal Place of Acti- ' .v on, where LaptainsWolton-ChefteriCiark-am I Putnam; jhaU'Lrcecl the Enemy to give Way, and . . were bsfore them. for foma -confiderabls Diltance, ' V and being warmly, purfuing the Enerayi wereith 1 Difficulty perfuaded to retire but the right AVing, r by miliaking the Orders, having alreadyVdtrcatedJ iKIeft; to fcvMd-bcrngrtttifcxfwerih retreat alfo with the main Body! ' They retreated with Precipitation acrofs the Caufeway to Winter's , !Hill ica which they were expofed t.ci the Fire of the Enemy ifrom their Shipping and floating Bitteries. We fuftainedoiir principal Lofs in paiTmg the Caufe vy; The Enemy purfued oar Troops to WiaterV -Hill; where, the Prqvincials being reinforced by General Putnam, renewed, the Battle with great Spirit, repalfed the Enerriy with great Slaughter , and putfued thcnatill they got under Cover ot their Cannon frofh the Shippingi when. the Enemy re turned to Bunker's-Hill, and the Provincials to Winter's Hill, wher, after entrenching and crel- t- ... i''irij-.. L".ii. - ing isancries, mey on munuay ucgaa io( nrc upuu .'the Regulars on Bunker's Hill, and on the Ships I , 'and floating Batteries lfi the Harbour,' when. the Exprefs came awayr The Number ' of Provincials I7TWdTsbetw are wbunded." Of the ConajclicutTroops, 16 were killtd: No Officer among them was tithef killed or wounded excepting Lieutenant Grofvcrnor, who was wound- -ed in the Hand. A Colonel, or Lieutenant-Colonel of the New-Hamphire forces, is among the Dead. Th'e Provincials loft three Iron fix Pounders,' fome intrenching Tools and a few ICnapfacki. t, ... .The Number of Regulars which firft attacked the Provincials on Bunker's Hill was not, lefs than 1000. The Number of the Provincials was only 1 500, who, it is fuppofed, would foon have gain a ccmpleat Victory Had it not iuca ior.Utc un,- hnpvy Mmake already mmnoncd. The Regulars were afterwards re'nforced with a Thoufand M-i.' M. I heard he. Officers and Soldiers fay, that they were fure thcy had a Thoufand or more Men killed . and "wounded. they were carrvinjr the wbiinded : from 4; o'Clock on Saturday until f came 'away. -General Howe commaTided the Troops ; they buri- ' ed their Dead at Ch.arteltovnT: among whom was Major Pit.cairn, a1 great many other Officers, are " dead. There were 5606 Soldiers went out of Bofr ton, The Soldiers and Officers4xult; very milch fc upon taking our Lines. , 1 1 , . Copy. . , JOB BRADFORD. ,t June 20, 1775. . The Deadand jMiffing on our : - Part-areabout 60 or 70.The alove Account of ', Captain - Bradford's, is confirmed I by' twb other -ljChannels, and agree. ; i ", . -- ' who is more-ready than lam, ".'"with the uttnoit Chear fulntls, to Tac) ififce bisXife ..ad'brix'-; in Support of; : in theJSafctyivH nur; - aAd r ifyniOiMajeily's 1 Crown and r'crliu ; '..but tlxe-veiy (ame Piincipki which -Tiave infpired nje WtX theie';uaititerabie Sentiment's of ; 1 :Duty and Aite&ioh to his Majeity, will not lujfer me "to be iailrUmeniiij depriving" an Pit of his People ' ' of thofe Liberties, iyhich form the belt Security for -their Fidelity 'and Obedience to his. Government; As '. T cannot, without Reproach' from my own ConlLiencef rp6fent-;4ear- Anulagainft : ni-fell6. Subjtcls tA America, in j.wh;';my..:e:kvJ3j(;cencriv'is n 1 ; clafjCauIe i ind.'as it iems' riaiv to be, fitvaily relblveij that the iid Regiment is tb go iipiri the .American" Service, I-defire your Lordfhip to, lay me in. the moi -datifuL Mariner a his Ivfaieliy'j Feet, and hunibly beff .. Your Lqrdlliip will lfo4be fo obliging to intreat, thatJ as j way 50l!-blothe '.Service would irititje 1 5 i T . I i f - : J 1: It is enccrrin how great a Number of Regulars 4 , i ' : y. J J.J.-r"j u.. KJlica or wouuuca, uai 11 was mppoicu uy were SpedUtors who faw the whole Aftiohthat there could not be lefs than 4 01 500 killed.' Mr. Gard- who got out of Bolton on Sunday Lvcning, ner fays, that there were cob wounded Men brought into that Place the Morning before. he came out. 1 This Account was taken from Capt. Elijah Hide, ci Lebanon who was a Spectator on Winter's Hill , during the whole Attion. - On Friday Morning tht Generals WASHING-. ' TON end LEE fet oft from this City 16 take the '. Command of the American Army :at Ma'irw.hu.1 fctts-Bay.' The were accompanied from Town by , the Troop of light Hotfe, and by all the Offifers cf the City Militia oh Horfebick, who attended them about 6,vc Miles, when they returned, bat the for , incr continued with tHcra. I ' C ',.") f : ' ... s .jPatertonoiii June 20. ' ; ' 1 ;We have juft (VeceiVed an Account by a" Man', "wntrir'faid "to- have" fwamoiitofBoftonfahafwcV killed and, wounded 1000 ot the jVfinifterial Troopj", among the firil of which is a, Generalj, Majors She riff and Pitcairn, and 60 other Orjiicr ; 70 Ofiicers .wounded;'' The 'Whole of thejrubps landed it Charleftown were coooV : " ; v-' k-- .Jn.this Atlon tdLoiir. worthy ad much-lament -d trlend Dr." warren, with as rnuvli Glory as a Wolfe, -after performing ' many 'Feats pf Bravery, and exhibiting a Coolnefs and Conduct;' which did Honour to the Judgment of his Country"TiTappoint ing him; a few Days before, one of our Majors General.' -7- Extraft of a Letter from IFetbersfeld, jfhne 22. , . .' Before this you mult know (I conclude) that" there has been a Battle, in whichJjeUjhejhonbura-- -tlerbbleH&rTVafren. FoFFearTyoii ' may not -"have he'Particullrs I will endeavour in Part to relki'e to you how the Affair was, 'according to the. v befl Accounts I can gather py fetters irom the ' Camp.. Laft Friday AfierncniOMejjejiifiued for about 1 806 of the ProvinCi4 Jt 'Vo, and "zoo ot; tnetxiorrncumivr'io paiadV Jirft 1 ve " ar Iix " vb Clo.ck,' with one Day's Proyifion;1 e4uipped with lacksi Blankets, &c - Their Orders were given at nine o'Clotk, and they marched with their TfeamsJ trenching Tools,5 &c. on Bunker's'.Hill, to heave up.an Entrenchmentwhich you arp fenfii . ble'is near the Water, ShipsJ &c. They worked molt furprifmgly that N?ght,,-and were difcovjered at Suntiie by a Sailor, ironi the Mad-Head. The Britiih Army began a heavy Fire from Cop's-Hill, hear Cutler's "Churchi. in Bofton and from all the Ships' whkh could be brought'to play, whicK con tinued till near Night. . . , About i o'Clock M. the Americans at Cambridge heard that the Regulars were landing from their floating Batteries, the Alarm was found. . ed,"and"tKey'were ordered down to the Ere'alt Work at Charlelrown j and Capt. Cheiler writes me, that befirc it was pbffible for him to get there, the Bat tle had begun in earned and Cannon and Mulket Balls were plenty about their Ears." Cheflef and my Brother were both in the Engagement. They fe, inforced'our Men that had left the Breaft Work in .fine Order, th'o' they paCed thro' the cannonading of the Ships, .Bombs," Chain-Shot, Ring-Shot,-kc. but then their fuperior Number of Artillery and Men, for they were three to two, forced our Men to retreat, after a warm Engagement of an Hour and a Half. .Thank Heaven, but few of our Men fell, conlrdering the Advantages tey had Over u't,' our Men being much fatigued with working at the . Entrenchments,-and I baiitve not in the belt Pjc ' paraticn to meet an Enemy. The Biiiiflt, Troops, to their1 eternal Difcracc, - Sham: and Barbarity.' ict Charleftown on Fife with Torches J : i My Brother fays we weie obliged to retreat to Prbfpea-Hill (alias Wihter-Hill) where we made a Stand, and declared we would all die befbre we would retreat any further j but the Britiih .Troops ' did net think 'fit to come out from under the Pro - tc&ion 6f their Shipping The Lofs of Americans is fuppofed to be, of wounded, milling and (lain , about 120. ' A large; genteel; well dfcn'ed Gentle- . man, who firft mounted our Brcalt Work,'ai ovcr4 fet by one of our impudent Americans; who took fd codd Aim' as to prevent his ever -mounting ano ther,, aiic. tumbled him into the Entrenchment, juft as he cried, The Day it cur onxn. .t ' We greatlv rejoice to Hear of the coming of me goou, mc uravc, ana great ucnerai wauung inn ri i'iii rrr.ii mm mirn m me td; the Right ot felling wha( I buglitI may be- allowed to retain my Rank m the Army : that whene-' ver the Envy or Ambition of foreign Powers (hould require '"it71jmaybehaHed to ferve his'Majefty and my Country in that Way, inVhich ftbne I can exptel to ferve them with any De;ree of ErTefl. s . Your -Lordfliio will eafiiy conceive the , Regret and . Mortification i leel sit being neceffitated to quit the mi litary Frofeilior which has been that of my Anccllors fqr majGcneratioiis, itpwhich J have betn bred al- . "molt from mynfaiicyTtb. wlilch. f have devoted th Study of riiy Life, and to perfect mylelf in which, I have fought Inftrufbon and S ryice in whatever Part of the World they were to be found .,' " I havV delayed- tlds to-the lafl JVI.orrient, .'. left any wirong Conftr uftioa mould be given 'to ' a Cpnduil " which is inrluenced only., by the- purclt . Motives ." t complain of nothing j I love-my Pr-jfcfliun, andfiiould think it highly blameable to quit any Coyi fe of Life ia which I might be.ufcful to the Pjiblic,jTo loniaimy conftitutionol Principlts,land my otians of .Honour , pernutttd me to continue in it. 1 have the Honour to be, with great Refpecl, . . , t . . . . . , .. ; "Your Lordi'hip's inoft obedient, r ' " - """' ' AJJpbi BuiUingx, And moft hurrible Servant, "' April It, 1775. ' - P t t 1 M U'U A Mi orJ BARRiMGTOtf , Secretary at War, N"E W B E R N, July 14. .f , DOBBS Countv. , I Commitet ChamttrJ u! it 177. MR. GEOPxGE MILLER iniormd the CcTfi: -mjttee that divers ir.jurious and icaadaloui Reports, have, and ttill do prevail in this and thd heighbparing Counties, tetd.nj; to repreftnt hkn as , a Perfun inimical to American Liberty ; and that re-.' gardlefs'of tHe fcveral Rul and Regulation adopt ed by the Provincial Convention, and County Com tnittecs,.as well as by the folemn Refolves of the Congrefs, had aitually publifbed. and caufed to bo handed bout; for the Purpofe of being figned by the Freem'en of this County, ccttsiri written Papers, purporting a Difovoual of, and Oppofiticn to, all " Obedience fl any Mtafurcs recommended by Ihe Congrefs.' Which Allega?ion being minutely in- -quired ihp by this Committee,' . ' Arol'ved, That the aforedid Charge U i altogetner bnjuit,' ungenerous, and without Foundation ; and tbat frcm the Conducl of ihe fid George Miller on all Occafioni, it appears to this' Committee he has appr.vtd himfelf a Friend to American Liberty. Refolvedy That Mr. Jarnet Davit tc reguefled td publifh ihe aforefaid Ri folve in the hrewler Gixeue, By Order. . " ' J. GLASGOW, Cnai-manl ,i : On Monday laft. the Court of Pycf and Tcrmli rier fat here, ' but there b?ing no Venire returned from Pitt Covintythe Julias tthcre not qualifying ' lartXourt oh Account of. foitnc new Additioos ta their Comraitfidn of the Peace, his Honour the Chicf'Ju.Ike; dlcTllttle or no Bunhefi; And Ihe Pri for.ers were remanded till next Term. ' We hear from Salilharv, that this Province is at' lad delivered from that PelVof.Socicry Jofeph Pet taway,' one of the Perfons' that roUbtd Mr. Foy, and vTho has committed, with one Jacob Odam, a Man' now in this Gaol, and others, the' molt- dar ing Robberies that perhaps have been perpetrated in America. ,This Manjriadc his Exit at the Gal lows in Salilbury," oh the 30th of June lad, purfu ant to his Sentence, for a Robbery commiticd at the Houfe bf Mr. Belief Guilford County; and from Hillfboruugh we are iifformtd that 7 have bc'eo! , lately hang.d there,' for various Ciimes. On Wedotlda) U(t -rrntd here ihe Brig. J ha and William, dpt. Srtith, ir S VVcrks frrm Loo don., He brings 00 Piprti," Nut f;s there ar prtat Appcarinces of War in EriKland, Siameni wages arc raiftd, and almyft the Shirs t f the holt Navy ate ia Commiftcn. That there hart Leti ' 'V' 6 . - C""- i . X...: I 1 ' 4 it j 1 '4 . '" '1 i ' - , . - -.1 n. 1 ''. " a. 7 : 1 7 f