V f" " , ....r-rK.- m . . .. . ''. . O f ' ' --- ! I ft" v "1 in London, and in' chief of the manufacturing Towbs in England. 5 That the American Merchants are in the utmoll Confternation and Anxiety for (he Event of the prefent parliamentary Meafuresj and tho' certain Accounts have been received of the grat and uncommon Armament of the Spaniards, yet 1 there was nothing talked of in London but Tubdqihg 'the American Rebellion. The Puhiic will fee. bv the feveral Accounts '. this Paper, of the late Battle at Bo'fton, that there is not 'the Jeaft Foundation for the Account that has been fpread of "6900 PrbSftncials having fallen ;in that unhappy AfcairV i This Hews, it feem$; ; took; its kifC among the Tories in ftewi York, and byt Perfons congenial with fuch anti-revolutional Spi rits, has been endeavoured to be propagated heiel On Wednefday Evening Col fcichard Cafwell, one of the "Delegates of .this. Province, leturnedjkre from the "Continental Congrefs at Philadelphia, and confirms the Accounts pubjiihed in this Paper of the r lateattle at BoilonrheamrhaYiiigenetciYed and pubHfhed at Philadelphia before he came away-j ADVERTI SEMEN TS.' F O S ALE, 7V VALUABLE Negro Maaffeaioped to; the JL 1. v.oumry. rj. W. STANLY. WHEREAS a Boat belonging to the Governor was, on Sunday the 1 1 th Imtant!, 'conveyed ; by Perfons anknowc fiom the Bui; houfe behind the raiaic in iwof iu h a ,mu u Swivel Guns, the, Property of his Majeify; which lay in the . faid Boat for JJallafty at e fameTime- ftolen out of her 'it. This u . to give Noice that a RewarJ of Twenty Pounds will be given to any Per fon or Petfods who (hall difcoyer .and make known the Thiefprhves who committed this Robbery, fo as that one or all of them may be brought ta Juf- ticefor Ae lame, y me :t'V-,' ""-JO Fort Johnflon,, June 21, 177c, J MARTIN. JU.STW UB L IS HE Dy , - .This Dayjs publifhed, -v v V . "f PritinUOpfice New- : ''.'iir-' ;:" : hem, .Price 1 s. 6d. . - '. ' T H : E C ;R : ': I S 1 'S. PERIODICAL ,;raperL lately pubiiuiea in tnrNulnbeTs? It a true Portrait A of the prefent Times and wrote with great Freedom. , ' Jt has been confignej the Flames-Jy th prefent pious Parllanent,, the comm in Hangman having ' "" fpurnt it in feveral Places in London by theirOrder. . 1" - hmmmmmmmmB mmmmmm mmtimmm' 1-.- NorthtCXrol'ina. ; . , ' - - - . :By .Kis Excellrnc JOSIAH MARTIN',; EfquireV" ' ' ' Captain-General, Governor, and Commander . . In Chief, in and over the faid Province. . 4- A P R O C L A MAT I ON; T 7HEREAS the General AflTcmbly of this ;W Province is appointed, by his Majeity's . ' - ' " Writ, to meet at Newitrn on Wtinefday the lith " Day of July next enTuing, and it is necelTary for . his Jaeftyrs Service that the fiidAflembly be pro-- roguea: l nave tnougnt proper, oy ana wiinine Advice and Confent of hjs Majefty's Council, to ' , - 5Tue this Proclamation,' hereby to prorogue the faid : Aflembly to Tutfiay-the Twelfth Day of 'Sfptm&tr i ext, then to meet iiNewtcri and the faid Ge neral Affembly is Hereby prorogued accordingly. .-, GI11N under m Head, mi tht Great Stl of the V i-- ... V fM Prwinct, at Fort Johnllon, this t6tt? Day V ., GO) Javetft KING. , , w ' By his ExciLtiNCV's Command, . ' 'Join Collcttt:$to Jamt.BiteJlont D. $ec.'4w CfcAvfN CqiiKTy. V 2 JOSEPH LEECH W THOMAS HASLEN, Efaulrut T uio if bit Majtfy't Jfoxt o tit Ptdct ' far faid County t " WHEREAS Complaint hath been made to us by Hnry Viptn that a Negro Slave, named BILLY, ( a yellow Fellow, he formerly belonged to the Eflate of the Rev. flex, Stewart, and is well known iboot Durham Creek, wlu're 'tis uppofe'd he is harboured, ran away from him; and is fop. pofed to be larking about, committing many Acts cf Felony. Thefe .ara therefore, in hfs lajefty's Name; to command the faid Slave torthwith to Surrender him'fclf, and retdrn home to his faid Mafter.J And we do hereby alfo require the Sheriff of the faid County of Craven to make diligent Search and Pur fuit after the above-mentioned J!avc, and him hav ing found, to app'rtheod and fecure, fo that hs may be conveyed to his faid fvl after, or otherwife diT charged' as the Law directs. " And the faid Sheriff, hereby im powered to raife and take ulth him fuch Powrt tf his County as he fhall think fit, for appre hending the laid Slave. And we fo hereby, by Vinoe of an Aft of Aflembly of this Province con cerning Servants and Slaves, inornate and declare, if the Tald SiI!fdoCl'liox furrender. 'hirofelf, and return home, immediately after -the Publication " cf thefc Prefenu, that any Perfon may kill and de. Uroy the faid Slave, by fuch Mans as he or they ' rnay think fit; without Accufation or Impeachment of any Crime or Offence for fo doiog, or without incurring any Penalty or Forfeiture thereby. GIVEN under our Hands and Seals, this nth Day of July, 1775, and inihe 15th Year of " his Majetly'i Reign. , . JOSEPH LEECH. . . , THOMAS HASLEN. N. B., Whoevet brings the Head of the fait! Slare to me, ihatl he Five Pounds Reward. " - . HENRY VIPON. jind to be fold at the Printing Office Eight Pence, T HE SPEECH Of the Right Honourable the EARL CHATHAM, ifi the House of tiURbs. "Januari 26.'' i77Cv On a Motion for an ADDRESS :6 r.is MAJESTY, to give im . "mediate . OBejfo?' removing;, his Troops: from . BOSTQti forthwith, in Order to quiet the yiinds, and take away jhe Apprcnenfions of his good Sub )tt mZlMERJ. 't-y'''y - -f-V , In 'No. aa his Paper we gave what then ap- - peared fb be Lbcl Chatham Speech, But'to preferve t 1 the Purity of tlat great Man's Thoughts on Ameru can Liberty, aa exact Copy of the original Speech, taktri down asiTwas fpoken in the Houfe of Lords, has been transmitted to Philadelphia in Manufcript, and there publiihed in an elegant Pamphlet. From' that Copy the lame is now publijhed here, , and - ought by every true. American to be preferved", as the liveliell Picltre ever drawn of -his Rights aid " Liberties, inyadea by a wicked and tyrannical Mi- p (Jets corner. the D U T Y:a-V I FE; -TJ IR S T, of her Lord, the Temper let her fcanv J ..k And lay thereon, of future Bliis, ; the Plan. Whene'er'his troubled Bofom heaves with Rage, Try. gentle Means the Tempeft to aiTuage ; , Or if fome Wayward Humours, (hould appear, rIo iooth, to overlook tKem, he her Care. " ': In Trifles if ihe mildly yieldsh? Way;: t ' , . . fWith gYateful Cohfidence he,r Lovei he'll pay; ' ' ! To her will truft his Hopes, his Doubts, his Feark ina iranKiy m;pgie an nis aout witn fters. ' The fine It Form ador n'd with graceful Arif: , Derives new Pow to captivafe the Heart; Ana it, belore the Nymph became a Bride; The various Ornaments of Drefs flic tryM ; B Y Vermiffion and Encouragement of the Tfuf tees tne Pabhc School Houfe of this Town is aaiu openea, wnere. xoutn may oe uugnt ine Lnglijh, Latin, cxPrencb Tongue ; as alfo Writing, "ArttiimeucAlgebf a; "Trigonomeuyyplainind fpherical, ftroaomy Javiationiurveylngr1 Geography, the Ofe of the Globes, or any other Part of the Mathematics, the, Italian Method 0? Bookkeeping; at the. eftablilfced prictot the faiil School; which, may be known by enquiring of Mr, Davis, Printer of this Paper, and onte oi" tne Truf-tees.-... . .... :;; . ') . -. y .tfewleritjvfio, 1775."?. - '" . - I '. . - .... ploilN Hvs, rANCELOT GRlVE . . IjiLKRi , tjfuiru, Two of bit Majefift Jttfita tf the Peace jr faid County. ' WHERhAS Complaint hath been made; t us, by Jamct BiigUjl'on, that a Negro Slave be longing to him, named JEM, abqut 28 Years of Age, a ftout hk'ely Fdlow, about 5 Feet 7' Roches high, and it Country born ; had ou when he went away,' a light coloured milled Dufil jacket and Breechei,' and check Shirt, hath run awy from his faid Mailer and is fupofed to be lurking about, doing AQs of Felony in this Province; THESE are therefore in' his MajcdyS Name to command the faid Slave, forthwith to furrendcr him felf, and return Home to his faid Mailer. And we do hereby co.nmand the Sheriff of the faid County of Craven to make diligent Search after the abovemen tioned Slave; atd hint having found, to apprehend and ft cure, fo that he may be conveyed to his faid Mailer, or oitieiwife difcharged as the Law diredli ; and the faid Sheriff" is hereby iinpowered to raife and take with him filch Power of his County as he wall ' think fit for apprehending the (aid Slave. And we do hereby, by Virtue of an Aft of Aflembly of this Province concerting Servants and Slaves, intimate and declare, if tie faid Jen doth not furrender hira ' felf, and return home immediately after the Publica- tion ol thefe Prefenu; that any Perfon or Perfons may kill and delfroy the faid Slave, by fuch Means as he or they flilnnk fit, witheat Impeachment or Accufation of anj Crime or Ofttnce for fo doin'g; or without Incurring any Penalty or Forfeiture thereby. . CIPEN under our Handt and Stale, tlh $d Day tf .. Mr 1 775 mni in tbt 1 5' Tear of bit Majtf fi Reign. ' ' t JOHN HAWKS, . , L. G. BERRY. N. B. The fbove Negro Slave is fuppofed to be harboured or kept out by his Wife, named Ratbel, a Wench belong? og to K-!r. lfaae fonvielle, and it is rery poflible he is lurking-in the Neighborhood of his Plantation, j Whoever will take him up and bring him to me, fhall receive a Reward of three Pounds for his Trouble . ' . f JAMES iBIGGLESTON. . 1 Let her purfue the innocent Deceit. . And jhy, with double Diligence, the Cheat For tho' a Cooqueit is with rafe'obtain'd, . OnCe lolyalas 1 'tis hrd.to be regain d !' Therefore, if Drefs affilte to allure, Purfue i lKl4 .'the.Captiv tjj fecure. f With cv'ry Grace our, Perfons we . fliould arm, Vli;hjr9lWant of Omiment, a Charm-; , EJIfelasgud-foq fhe nuptial 'lame will burn, Ahd the bright 'G to mere Viwa turn. I Yet 'be not Drefs, thor one, our only Care, " Eternal Charma, nhoweverToft Vpd fear, ' C annot prclerve the Ardour of Defire, ' Ufiiefs the 'ipental Virtues feed the Fire. . Good Sinfe wilj charm when 'Beauty is decay'd, " . Good Senfe, the blooming Sweet, that cannot tVel But gais from Time an higher Stccgtkto pleafe, 'And gives tho( Wife 1 Pow'r that ne'er can ceaer"" ... But then her '.Wit mull fever be difplay'd, Where it the rfuiiband's Province might invade s . Be me cojtitent ole Ari to remain, Nor poorly Itrive the MaferjJA tobtain. . , This would occafion Jars, inteftine Strife, -Imbitter all the Sweets of nuptial Lire V " Then let.ocr not fortG6vernment contend,' But ufe this Policy tc gain her End" Make him believe he holds the SoV'reigu Sway, And (he may rule, by fecmine to obn. vu oiaic aa oc rcpieiemure witn joy, : Some Incidents will happen to annov : But foe mould never heighten the Diflirefj, Be it her Cfre to make the Crowes lefs : Tot fpoil with difcontented frowns her Faccy-" JU-Naturen an Err-myjo GTlce; But fair Good Humour brightens all her Charmr, nm 'tuiVNtuu 1VVC OliaXOIS. jfrj t h fll ct the Printirg Qfce, in Kew!n a . ' r Nt . Price tw S&ltixgi;;. EXTRACTS, ffjm the Votci and Proceed ings cl the AMERICAN CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, herd at Piiladeffbia, cn the Fifth Day of hfttmbert 174. Cc'tiuiBing tht, Bill of Rights, h Lift of Grievances, Occafivoal Rtfclrei, the Allocution, an Addrvfs to the People of Groat Britain, and a Memorial ..to tht It habitants cf tht Britii American Colonies. Alfo the Letter to tht Inhabiunu ofif, and General Gge Aafwei to the Letter fent him by the General Congrefs. This Day is publiflicd, Beautifully jritited, en em entire new Type, r. T good Pdper andfto bt fold at the PiiMTINo' 1 ,OfFicr in Ncwbcm, nestly found in Law Binding' s Price. TWO DOL L A R S, THE Oinca and Avthoritt eft JUS TICE of PEACE. And alio the Doty of Sheriffs, CoRoriEas; Cokstaiiu, Church- WARDCNS, OviRtkfRS f ROADS, BRANCH Phots, and other Ohicers. Together with Pai. . cidints of Warrants, Judgments, Ei. cutions, and other Jegal Kaoctss, ilTuable by Magiftrates within their feveral Jurifdiaions, in Caies civil and criminaf, with the Method of JoJi. -ciil Prociugf before ja.lictt f the Peate rucf- . St(Hons- Alfo fome Directions for ihelr CendaiV :withia their County Courts. ' To which it added. An - A P P E N D I X. " Containing many ufefu! Priccoikti, andDirec- tions for the Execution of them. Collected from the Common and Statute laws of England, and the AU of Aflembly of this Pro-,-vince, and adapted to our ConJUtotioa aad . Pra&icc. . . fij' t'rtiUatdOnict, r rTi7 PC the ACTS t ASSEMBLY of this Prov;nCe, wuk the two hit Snuom cf SSCVIlLr bound no complete. f f""J- rNEWBERN:,Printcd by JAMES DAVIS, in FRONT Street. ahp ' " st Sixteen Shillincs per Annum. ADVERTISEMEN t S of a mTV ,Z t J17 fuPPlicd wth thi the firft Week, and TwV Shillings for every ViA $u ' ' 1 5 nfe for ThWi thii PAPER Shillings !i y t 1 rv1 . - I'" r

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