That a copy of the freedom of this city, with the refolution P HiI'L A D -E L P H 1 1 A, Jugujl r4. . . . . . ... i . r 1 IT ! - - - - -'.' ; f .' . ' . . of the court inserted therein, be delivered to toe tugnt noii. . xraff efa letter from tarts to a gentleman in tennjjlania, dau Sir Fletcher Norton in a gold box, of the value of 50 guineas, and the Lord Mayor was delired to provide the lame. Extras of a letter from L. bat bam, May iz. writ 10, 1777. j think; it my duty to gHe. every information in mv nnui whir.h. through vour means.Lin vour puDUc character ran r ... . , - i - . 1 it'-. 1 r ' . . . r a : . . vt ' Orders"are received here to ufe the utrnoft expedition in : fibly be ufeful to the United States of America; n M TinrL-tnriam irf t- nnt fo carrv out clothinp' for the ufe of the troops in America; her name is to be changed j to the Grampus toreftip. ) John Elliott, Efq; is appointed to the command of the 1 Trident, of 64 guns, now in commiflion at this port, in the pom of Robert Digby, Efq; appointed to the Ramillies, of 74. guns, in the room of Commodore McKenzie, promoted to the rank of Admiral." - . K . The Earl of Chatham is now in a much better flat'e of health J: I found the miniih-y at this court anxious to know the fue cefs or Oiir oppolition to t;re viienr attempts or Lireat Uritaio they were furprizeif they had not received more frequent intelli gence and! applications;? Partly through the repretentatiofu which i had -the honour. of making, a commercial jcompany, with the fanffion of adminiflration, is formed under the firm-of one of the moll reputable houfes. By that channel you will qq receive arms, clothing,;, tents, cannon, mortars, gunpowder, and every other necelary article for, an army of 30,000 men. t rini rprpiven nn rprram inreiucrencs iruin ionrEis. wnnp nn t- "! U plillt emiflaries were bufy in retailine: the grdflert falfehoods i d LFirrK that the difpute was like to be fodn accommodated; and t . i . " a 1 1 . . - ..Li:n. . at war. in tne extract 01 uis jcucrs,. jiowever, a& puunuicu jur total Saturday's gazette' there is a remarkable change'in hrs diftion the miniftry at for there the ugly word rebcf meets us almolt in every line, uon of affairs I than he has been in for a ccnirdtrable time. His Lordmip rides together with a few good officers of artillery. We had 'for 2. hn 1 r i .1 i : - t ii . . nr-i 1 - nr his arthritic complaints have lately given him no unealine May 16. When Sir William Howe firft took the comman . of the army, he never once,- hi any of his defpatches, ihgma- J when the declaration of independence I made that impoirible' tized the Americans with tlic' epithet of rebels, but very civilly rhey pretended that diTentions prevailed amonglt the colonies,' 'and politely called them the.cnimy, as if he had been fpeaking and that the vail armaments employed by tGreat Britain would of lome independent power w:ta w men we mignt Happen to oe infallibly hnim the conteit in one campaign. want or intelligence nad tor lome time.-rendered Verailcs timid and apprehetofive. In thisjfuca- quitted France, in order, if ponible, to nepoti- id to open an intercourle witn tne court ambaflidor in France had exoreffed a I tf At Amierdam .: RrrmenLlxriH Hamturcr.VI endfiavouret! fr 1 excite Ipeculators to open" a direel: commerce with, us ; and no- ining uuc tne loxai wane or proper ana aue intelligence ironi j Corigrefs, or of an equal ihare of ability in the art of coining, to counteract the abominable lies of England, who ltuck at no-, i mm . ft I t -.-- 1 I I.. wk nis is luppoica Dy many 10 De owing 10 reieniraeni xor nis mio atC a loan m Holland, ai foul flight from a lmall party of Washington's army. But be of Pruflia which by it ftat as 1: may, if a perlonal diigrace has been morb powerful dehre of knowing the" true . than the public concerns irr giving, a' lharper point td his pen, it is to be hoped it will likewile give a keener edge to his fword than formerly, whenever hfs recovery from the fright arid bo dily fear he was put into on this'occaiion, will permit him to ' meet the fame enemy, or rebel, face to face. The indigo carried to France by the Americans is bought up there, and brought to England, there prohibition ot thipg to make Europe ; believe we, were on the point of iubjuga thc importation of any fort of materials for dying:' : tion,;'has hitherto prevented my fartheri indcefsJ: Gompuiiies, utheriti'c advixe was received here on Monday morning; by the Wreat powers in Europe wilhcd our independence r but -hrs , that' 4.3 fail of flu'ps and other veflels, from New York; majeliy was pleafed to fay, until we threw fixes, they mull en ia the Weftern Sound the evening before, Peering to- keep up appearances with England" A 'V'&ill have tne honour of The French, by their connection wittt'the Americans, have "got the rice trade up the Straits intirely into? their own hands, the Americans importing it into France,- and'ihe French lhip , again to Spain and Italy. . PROVIDE N C E, July 26V A exprefs were fe wards Rhode IiTand As there was a probability of their beingp the van of the enemy's grand fleet, whp might have it in view to penetrate the country, -by way of this town, orders u ere if. feed for the militia to hold' thcmfelves in readinefs, and ex prelTes defpatched to the AlafTachufctts ltate, .requefting affiftance if ne:eflary. The fleet difappeared on Monday ; and the mailer of a vclfeiy arrived- at Bedford from South Carolina, informs, that he faw 21 fail the fame day fleering S. E. from Block liland, dillant about three leagues. The higheft praife is due to the militia of this and the'ate, who at this Bufy feafoii were-vmlTgreit fpirit alTembling in. arms to defend their country. ' The fleet above 'mentioned are fuppofed tobe empty tranf ports or victuallers, bound to Europe, under convoys j UU WV V 1 - Aft-ft A.b-l.UAU IV 11 Jl II II 11 . LVLU AIR I llL. i 1 1. rl I L. wa - vs Ullill V inom wnencc our wants win cenamiy dc lUDDiiea. ana roca curkets found for vending our commodities. i ; j : , At Ferlin 1 met a more favourable reception: than I could v jjuiuuiy uatc caucucu. 1 uuuc lucre Ufuuci itpiA.ciiiitAuijj 11 , l' .j j .1 ' . -n . . . : 11 correfponding with the Pruffian miniflcr, and fcveral penons of raHK aoouc tne court, ana 1 long to oe enaoiea to luiorm zne . king; that we have thrown fxes. The prefent king is lafwm ; his prefumptive fucceflbr is. rather inclined' to eafc and pleafure', -whence it is prefumed he will prefer. commerce to war. I will foon tranfmit yoii a "'(ketch of the Pruiflan trade and manufac tures. ..' i '. . t- 'I " , ; ! -!. '"..'! 1 1 J !": jlrt my way through Saxony,,' Luiace,; and the Palatinate I found the j capital merchants meditaung a future commerce! with us. I received1 a civilities Ironj them; they fent after :me to Paris patterns of: various man ufadlufes of the different , countries. I have cultivated this geed difpolition, andmake thefe merchants' the vehicles of communicatin? through Germa ny .true accounts of every important, event in the American ttates, to ' confront the falfe reports, ipread by the creatures of the JSritilh miniflry.- ' ! ; . ! ' I TTncre is no doobc of obtaining: very large fupplies of mo-- made his cfcapeV that there were in the houfe 'ra which he was confined 170 of the enemy wounded,, and that in an open field near that place he had feen 130 of their dead. -j ExtraSI of krtvr ft ttn Fort Stanzvix, Jxfy zS. f "'We have received" freutnt intelligence here that Sir form Johnibn has ordered Col. IJutlcr to fend about 20a Indians to : F.I H - Iw I L L, Augujl y. j Wc learn from the Northward, by a foldier who had Been made a prifbner on the retreat from Ticonderoga, but has fmce. rcvito enable you to carry on the war, as long as England is maa enouga to coniinue it j ana very large lums are aireaay ac- , tuallyj obtained for your ule. The French' nation is clamorous , for war with England the nobility breafhethe:felentimen;ts, andjthe court in general leans towards, us. The miniller wifh. to proyokc Great Britain to attack them in that event, their allies, the Emperor, Spain,.- Sweden ice. will be obliged to Your commmioners are provoking.! them, by lips in the Bfitilli channel. and lelling them oorts. UDon the whole, it aDoe&rs that War on this Canadians, are with Butler and all the Indians they can mufter fide is1 inevitable, although to deprecate the- liroke the court of . to follow as fooa as pcffible." ' ' . ' ; London has flooped very low. . U K ! --! ' ;Tiiis letter will be put into your hands by rhe Marquis de ; ' ' of a noble? and ancient family in France,' connected by birth and marriage with the firlt in the kingdomV and in poflejfion of 'an citato of upwards of ioool, Aerling per an n. beloved and almolt adcied by his numerous acquaintance; but preferring glory to every enjoyment which thele, in the arms of a young and beautiful wife and young family could give him, he courts danger in defence of' our cauiei which is here umyer'ally celebrated as the caufc of , mankind!; and nothing ? - l C . . .... - . . . vmt tne iorc ana parts aajoining wno uerc to let out the 3d ot iupport thenu Augufl from , near Ofero and th.t Sir John, with takini Enelilh auoui iojo iruops, nsue up ot onum, icnes, ana vacaoona in rrench Yefterday this garrifori was alarmed by the firing of foiir guqs, when a party were rmmediarely fent out to the place, which was about 500 yards fcom the fort; but the villains were fled, having flior, fcalped, and 'tomahawked, two girls, and . wjunded a third. The girls had' been out gathering ralberrics. By the belt difcoveries we could maker there appeared to have been four Indians who perpetrated thefe murders. We had four bk'n w::h arms who had jalt palTcd by that place, 'but thefe .'mercenaries of Britain came not to hVht, but to He in wait to jr.uidcr ; and it is equally the lame to them it they cart pet a amazes fenfible men in uroDe more than to hear thre are anv J -.s Vkl Aim. rm, m.w Kr.n rf'l l' 1 " V C t 1 t i .1 4 ai tivw ti. iviui-.i ui au iiiiiUiiui uiuv. x iicic uiiaiicctea pec fjalp, whether Indians we arc informed arc fomc cf thofe fent out by Sir John Jctcfwh, CoL.CIofe, and Butler." people among you-' The fituation of every friend to America relldine in Ene- land is now become critical." The American refugees are ra.r-