T H E October 3, 777 O R TH- I X.I : " 4 . ,'- ;K' With the lateft; AD VICES, Foreign and Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. Printcr cfjfc YiLXsrLVAKiA Packet, FREELY acknowledge I have long been an advocate for t iv .i-m-.n, ' rrh. aA? nf rrneltv imputed to them, fuch as the maffacreing of General Mercer, Capt. Fleem- ilruaions continue. " If you can bring more for the uie ot the " army it will be fo much the better, ; Your parties are like " wife to bring in waggoni and other convenient carriages, with as many draught-oxen as will be necefTary t6 draw them, j H.ifitor " I Sn that under! the twode-- "d f7Je" "?"ed wSheHn- ttk.P,em dr..l., cjuij3ffifr- tt. for flh. ,; den rage mhuhu.u;. vw - r j . , , ifpp t cran rhilch cows are excepted, wnicn are to dc ieic jor fence, of brLlity and S rhllSuS h;X fw indeed, by prcvioafly ordering the lavages to be detach- fo fully unfold the genius and defigns of at leaft the g overn ng f t fa . fo i what is takin from them. " The powers of Britain, tSat I muft give them up and yield myfelf a I . convert to the caufe of America , -nnIn f h:s Dro. Firft, I John Burgoyne folemnly pledge my faith as Lieute- T5.. ..nnmeration ot his titles in tne ocgiuuiug w. - - . - - ... r mir in America. Colonel cbmatTon (which has been attrib n6t without Ibme co 1 b0tednbtw.tnoat lome co.our ... , " "n. ;m ' r draaoons. Governor of Fort .0 Afutic pompoGjy and Vj ! SNorll BrWoJrSne of Vne repreftntativeof the iaivu 1 1 w r 1 j l: -c rlaimincr credit vviaidm iu , - ... , , - r,y -rfrpm Nabobs I confidered him as claiming vun j . . -i ,nj rnmmandintr an-armv and ,J PlcdginE M:S" " A- -pJedon an edition fr-Canada,- at in, not only as F; A " -II m1 Colonel of the the domeftit, the jndultnous, tne innrm aim cvfu f 1 fk , Mnpftv'i armies, anuia voionti ui liic TJ , r .ri. roniiin title or oeneri j-v - 7-- - rnref-ntatlve - ,c inhabitants Queen', regiment, bnt a.lo a, a cml o0, and . d ofthe people ot Ureat-Br.tatn. p " mons; t0 Col. Fort William, and one ot .tne p f -V" ,r fti-hi lndiknS and I off'-?"!-!"!lS'S;. of hi, trv;i when'they arm eV- I pled-c to yc the faith of the army, of which I am bn-Colonel of the Queen's regiment of light dra ins . and as Governor of Fort William,- 1 pledge to you goons , anaai , . n. , ini j his Ma ellv ; naVr the faun ot all wno r.J.JA ItX! nmffireat farther as one ot te reprcieniaiivci ui wr - - - Xartncr, as r , , . . r p. -m-nt and of the IUW jUIUU. " 7 - : 1. A rrnuiHpri hev. remain. 1 am ucaiiuua w jjiuv j-. : j-- v their' houfes," &c. Second, Private inftrachons Baum, by the lame John tfurgoyne. j ictaca mc ght infantry from MancheOer through the coun y have glutted their fury on the domeftic, the in- duftNods, the Infirm and the timid, who have imprudently ltaia in their habitations agreeable tb my proclamation, and you have received intelligence " that no enemy is;in force on the Con-; neaicut riverii then proceed io Rockingham, andifrom thence :detach the Indians through the country to lcaip, mauacre ana 1 nira, uring vu ai iuc uuvu, n vc reo-alar receiots in the' form iv Vi rrf anv of the above mentioned 1 perfons as have remained in their ba nts are to be given to men as are v tia ttoz luncr iuti.. fnrfK,tQ be fecreted or d Indmrranccs I did not tlate even f. mch as ,o n pe a, m.. AeiUrilbner, is to be fole judge. If ny unreneroas advantage woaia o "'"' V 7" . ,his is a difpiay of the juftice and mercy ot me rging, j imn were unable.' or of the timid" who d,d not dare , to pven h ,. gj e JAmeritan to abje the tyrant and prc their came iru-. fn , th f " aftonim- vide tor his own larery, wmc.w " , , wara aetermincu w uu, -7 -- - . , . L Lr-::.,rA r-rthnfrv for the inaive oart 1 nave ' . , r, n , n n d e thca ot my auoniin lrfivca.-inOulu lucii -f t j o . v 1 r ment when I found, in his Inftruaions to Lieut, Col Baum merit, wiicu . n 1 JoK V TnJj.nit anrl orders to takepoft at Mancneiter anu u -'."a 3$ to the northward, towara ViTI feme amends hitherto taken. L lioht troops to rne nortuwu, - ---- - - , uu iigut mo .nrWn-h the Indians and light when he reacnea ivocuiugn" tw-.- - - - , w w iIC 1 . . ,1 T .Viie rrrf which the Kme, tbear- troops up tne river. -" r , "frrf : 'wr . . .. .,- . :j D..i;.mnr n ( nmmens ot threat- Ba,y:Ve ' f"" eTr: ,0; the c, the indu- ISrita.n pjvcui , uk. ,r-. Km :rnna them flriou., the infirm and tne t.mm, ?, r . . the f"S '"S ftTlip d crTy mafiacrc the the venerable to avoid men in triu, a r , .. r .v, Sir, yours, i" But the ungenerous advan age ; m. - - , credulity of the-dprnesic, tne i au.u,u-., ...w . . . - en the timid" who fltould be we enou w c .rw c , dcrire to protect them" provmcu.iuc - tion Oi sa acirc 10 iuv x r-..v,r snMrent from r . xt r o M . ir. , i W ill J- . v v j-,. ( . t r. -J c r r'onipn's notice of an intended mo- , a 1. j ... u.. t nviof-riatn ail the avenues to tion to oe, maae mis uay 7"; 17 r v the Houfe of feers were crowded very early. A little after three i. -... 11 . ' a.' .i TJr.- kb xt- onrl nan ft . l w u oirun ramp rr nic iiuuic . avfc I arms, and to fall upon and cruelly maiiacre me ne. ,T w.K W Whs olaceV he endea- 77T:i. Infirm nd the timid, Without even fpanna tne were wrapp . . . cfa - t for it is cruel, ana woe uc wu t.iw - - Ending- and ! uncovered, tiis x.orainiP v-n, ""f" faith or promifes. , trt taten ofthe c,fy t0o up near in hour in the delivery, was to the. following pur port: . !.!;; -,- f if.-.-;. ; . U b:,- j THfi affairs of this country are in fuch a precarious and f . . . rt . :l..t ...itKniir failino- in mv duty, dercr knddid not remove their ftock, ; f Emitting my fen ient. 'he judgment o" the fame! inflrnaions. " lottg ' ..V ZSi,. hring Houfe. In humble .pttOTt.h"::K..?ir WtrofUoo. re. " ande7w eomt ceived a,; pripoftd :only to mamtam f" . oT FvVaV bat-hor. to T Z TO&C ls many iadaies as caa 7;. r(rW 0f every partbf the tfntiin rmpirc 'f l about to maice, my -uurus, w 7 -r.-Mw. rn the aeal. to the fincerc views i nnwer. ana 11 ie uc uunvn- -w " ?- . 1 ! ' I -4 f f