. . - : - - n- . . !-.. . ; . .j J.,'- . i .- ... -. -v.-- J - 1 - ..- i I- - . 1 i : With the lateft ADyiCES, Foreign and Domestic SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE,1 ET BONO PUBLICO, !r ' R A i; T I R E 29 x777- : ' L 7nniDv:C nf fhe INHABITANTS ot lJtN5TLr Th-na 7 i 4D. rnti wti r s on -J LT ANTS ,ly EJ. A V A R-B, The Jcrfics were once in yoar ,xceiiency-s pojiemon- 15 was at a time wncn; we nad jcarce tne maauw u au ww; w and ihe". the grouad with you. Jnveigiea Dy your prociawauuo., Mjr of ttie inhabitaais of that bwte aaoptea tne iamc noucoiwa. i taHIAi n.e ow? " 0 rt. nf M AtYtANDi to hi of tlie inhabitann ot tnat state aaoptea ih v on the Eastern Sho" - , l? W: j.rv fft .i. Ur Excellency at tbit time fo prcJEmrly invite :.Sciy Sir WILLIAM HOV. . v Vsca onac- : 01 yoar iucccllcs, when lo ; you was jcen coupcu up xu4 Ov0ardi:ly iircourfe wb degenerate n : fe"- M bu oo haottv ia effeUnRaa e- .nd erceoane.. m r .-yt-- - - W ftip,. WU ourExce. be jcrcto ry our iuuv-, 1 1 .w if j nvr wuijiu w r . B!1, rr: fM :-and wc aopc revcr to g.vc WOUIU uc nwvj . w. - .u ...rn--tn kplieve that there placed in oar prpmifes of proteOion V cltatcd'denintoinfuU us we the lecurityoa . .bate the propoll you Jjold out 1 -"..J d the - tben !afforfcd.-fo your'delodcd-lbllowers w tUat:St.,to-Wfcai5 JLL have aOed only m " fubotdmate fta onf , and the w lavilhvour uromifca. and who had weakly confidfJT aUbIiriyoi?Sr".Tw Tkerf were.e ,goWe eomjanwo. ".mW" . iAu.- e M . a 'Mil wr m -m m i uvir : vaaahonds and exiles.-their farieited c- jme fmall compenlatioh for the evils they. by their deintracy, alkited in.Dnnging upon mcix avQ land, i- -'!' ' ' i u..r . -imrvi;pd the rum of as many as you were anle. , with them failed we pc never - , STJ& ContiQCnt, y0UP Wilency (ee defirou. them reafon-to believe that there Tby vour.'tb incrcale the number in thisbut forewarned, toreanned.-- rpmiles ot protecuw . - We have profited from their misfortunes, ana rrom ; tneir error rxnHt0- r , 1 .ir .fcbe vour endeavours to we have learnbd prudence time and experience ave "" To the fame-caufe we would xlfb aftr.be our enflka fiendlhip fo repugnant with dettruaiop. The die Vcdtce tRofr oficersandfoM is caurcbice adeand we hop, tobe : able conrince, to fubdeeby open force, baTe.y to deUi W. yO0r ExcelleScy that we are not to be terrified out of our free-: Irtedom, in which they are engaged, "d "h'C3 dom by your arms, nor wheedled oat of it.by your dedaiau. .rtftmoorts ai an inducement to wnich yoar a-f.W;,.. ons: , f: L .s - ' -d to promife them pardon, for a lM-ftat. r- ' , 1 ' "- riiencv is. too lrapoitui v r ; ' . : vtvntt rt a. letter mm a su.i , 1 an'rAfondoftheyokeasr , ,v - - o,r a. if77. ' . I. 111 u ii. m u - 1 " j rimitrii 1 r 1 fi0e, tZ ' wh, SjXrh".l "e m3dy ihake o their unfiehng lyrant, ne , kif fl. f U away, at your iaviuti-n. to crouch at ha feet, and kill his m bpon the difpofition lollowing. We begun our march at lix h-tnre. with an intention to begin the at- tack at 5 nexrt morning. Generals Sullivan's and Wayne s di vifions formed ,the right wing, in order to attack .the enemy f left- Generis Green's and Stephen's divifions to forta the left wir-k1 and attack the enemy's right; Geni Conway Vbngade-; to march in front of the troops that compofed the right wing. f ajid file off to attack the enemy's left flank ; Gen. MDougaUi hat comcofed the left winr, and to file ofar to ttuck the enemy'snght flank; Generals Nalh and away, at your tUWre we inclined tofufpicion. We (hould be apt to cenfider W ExcdUncy's declaration as the laft words and ,d)ing fpeech your lixceuency 5 ucw Excel ency, knowing f con fcious.tm potency. , AnJ tha t oo- firin an3 l:u::.. f nmii(riunf r- - tne impraciiuiiit v '"j-b .0 ; lappoieottveo ".-r-r---T eaji lt.rms than ,pl, o. J"" ""7r'0n ia ca, doc ours, i. wha, fighting for tbem.-J.a your ow . &ie anJ.;. SrSK rooUr7aithfui d. d, we 0y af- 1dS'c& prccUmauon o proceed fro. uotaamiiiing ui, uninfluenced by one finUter jSLdf.0r-,o..defiSBSi u.-, yet have wa cogent reafbnto decline the fP'",-5 ;3 that ;rammenfdan. We cannot perfuade.ourielvei wc ar. " . . t th. .OUIfeof r vMr Excellency would intimate ; e think tn. cuVe1 ,0rV you will h"f. 1)uttri,Dgi , b'ravr, numerous, .and well-provided Jor the aivation of this fenH:o under GoJ, to be able to workout fcr ourselves a rao.e eseutt feenrity and i-"" - ,Uut even were our ;r :w frnritv was ; knf mmmon oriiacu.., I777. N the Id of this initant the plan laid for attacking the e . Ii r : in av.rurinn .iTrdav the td. 13V lUlUi 1 JC Wrta puw a . J , . .. . itr 'L: :. i-V. ii lArraftrontr'i militia ot renniyivanians w anac wj Itcir left flank, and rrar. The proper meaiure, previous I this enierprfo. being concerted we marched at the; time men- rk. . . . F.! " . :i morrh irl nnf arrive to loon ai tioned, bujunaving 14 ,r , LriT- A we exocfted; fo that it was near 6 in the morning of the 3d be. Jore the attack became genera!. The enemy's whole force wa. rA'd- We drove them two miles wun conBucraoit-w u .u-:- r,r Onr lols cannot dc aiccnaincu certain, bu t. believe they have fuffered much, as we. palled great . V n:n iri ,k- ififldJ O-irarmv amed nere a- llin la'l ight, much fatigaeJ, having marked all night and . fn day without halting cr rctreming ; and am happy to find ; neyve L objeaionfto anUher trial, which mult take pUce ; The enemy were pofted at German-Town, and aU their rmnns from Philadelphia were caneu up iwl,",." ww"v . ; S3s me .hint the got wind of our intenuon.. withliandihg the precautions wcu lY " t raCir Hue . wu - . . s - -. -'its- Sade fomeWour men prifohers; The lolVcf the enemys un- -i r' m i 1 I