T H . j- ...... ft . NUMBEft 40. NOR OL GA ZETTE NdvrMBEK 14, 1777 T H' CAR IMA With the lateft; ADVICES," Foreign and Domestic, SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE' ET BONO PUBLICO. 3- r HOUSE op LORDS, May XCcntitiued from cur laftA ' HE Bifhop of Peterborough by riling interrupted the alienation between the noble Duke and the moil moderation on his part. He feemed much furprifed at the timid : defpundent tone, ..affecTed by the noble Earl, in relation to the conduit and ultimate views of foreign powers, whole fire fpirit and zeal, for the honour and dignity of his country, had carried' Reverend Prelate He recognized the fab, and terror and' conqueft among the lurrounding na ions. He alked fupported the deductions drawn from them by the Ms Lordship whether he could reconcile to his former conduct, noble Duke, and imputed the whole of our prefent to hold terrors oat front the refinance we mizht meet in parfuing misfortunes to two circumltancds equally tendings to the fame and ai&rng our undoubted rights, either from America or elfe paiat: that is, iuppoiiag two . thingsequally ill founded and where. He remembered thr time when the noble Lord held contradictory, that the colonies meant independency from the different language,- when he infpired the nation with the moll, brzinr.inz, and that a very confiderable parr of the people of exalted and heroic ideas ; 1 when he cal Fed upon the people to afV n:.u r.ii writ, 11 iliiui v iu f s v ws uiiiwui mm vt aaii ivr l t w . iulia uuuuui ouu ui vuvuiivi w w 1 4iitv kuvur a vv v. t uuiru v - . m , v . " - M I fi!pt of obedience whfc h tne tfritilii leemature con'ena tor. it in Hurore mould combine araintt tnem. flis L,ordthio next Icient, and the p blic a: large, into the truth of both th tie con- vails there ; r the acts- of violence treachery Ciueltyj and Injcff tf idiclory propoSti ns ; bzcaifc, if in the firlt inHanct the co- tree, that are daily committed in that country by our rebellious l6 ti me.n: r.sthin? but independency, not a redrefs of griev- fabjecli,' upomtheir loal'and dutiful brethren,' merely becaufe aiiCcs, inc vonuuee ui .nnic in power wt pcrick.iijr juiuuauici mcjr wuuju iiui juiu m ucir uuui'i .i uucum ui urcuuiuwi tiilefs we abandoned America entirely ; if in the other, a very all juft and legal government. The laws trampled upon her confide-tble and powerful part of the people difapproved of the courts of jtiilice ihur,- government diflblved, magidrates, impri- c-jr.ducl of thofewho wiOied to carry matters to extremity, it loned or bammed, the faithful arid obedfetit patt of ithfr people followed of courle that America was ftill worth contending for, oppreffedj defpoiied of their property, (ufferihg in diirig'eons becaufe great numbers there were ready and wilKng to co-opc- or obliged to fly their native land. He obfervedJ thiat?v to all rie in tire "reftrrirton of legal govern ment, and a return to con- the ho- rors of war, the rebels hid! added' the brutality of lavages liir'jtional obedience. Bat thefe p op-u:ions fie laid,- were and treachery of cowaf dsw Tneie were the perfohs,vand this- from he i-urnah Droved it: tht examination alluded to, taken fertions that America had never any theirghtf of .independence. at the r Lurdlhips bar from the rao't iftdifpntable authority, Experience "had vefified the language of Admrniftration on both a fiiewcd it beyond qtiellion. In ccniiderirg the fubject, he thofe points. The' noble; Lord who made the motion laughed ; fhoald alwayftike it up on that narr6v, but truc groend; that at the absurdity of fuch an idea as no iaierference on the part America arerrf aimed at independency, till fee was compelled of France; and the Congrefs have long lihee declared the united to it by oar harth condudl; and that lhe is at leaft unanimous in" colonies independent ftates. -The other noble Lords,- on th one thing,- never to fubtnit to unconditional claims of the Britifh fame fide, denied the leair probability of any fuch eventjr and rrgiflature. What thcn my Lord, will be the probable con- pledged t iemfelves,t if it jfhould ever happen, that the would' frquence of the prelent unnatural con'eft takehe matter either be the firland moi't zealous in endeavouHng to compel them to- my ? $apponj that you (hould meet with na oppofitiorr but a return 01 their duty. ; The event ha auatty takn place, and from th m.ricaits, in effttUnp your ulrimate purpofe ; if A- what. is thbir conduct r Inliead of recommehding vigorO!s mea- rrierica is unanimous in her noiions of independence, or if (he :furcs; ' inflead of fupporting fpirited and decifive exemofiS of h: divided.-oa mafl reduce her bv the f.vord. The conaueli our whole ilreneth. we are told that France does not mean, to w j j ' . a ...... - : will coft us dear; it wilt confidcrably add to the millions we interfere but leit (he mould, it is now propofed to open a treaty have alteady contracted. Well, fuppufe-us in poiict'ion or tnis with declared and open repels.' uur ngnts are to De aoanaonea country, it is impoffible that we can; expid to be inrmediately ot conceded, left France mould go fo war when our ftrength and iepaid, or fuddenly groiv rich. I he very contrary will be .the Cafe? you will poffels yourfelf of a country ruined and depopu lated. Ycj will find your itfength waited, your treaiurcs ex hanfted, and the very conquelt, mflead of recruiting ofle or're plcnifning the other, will call for uc.v exrrtion. You-will re- qm e a conhderable military force to iecure te oacdience of thofc you have reduced. Slavery mull.be enfurcd by a Handing we may be! rcfources are weakened arid exhaulted.- This is iurely itrane-e language; and equally pafillanimous,- as unworthy the attention of this hcufe. France I am fatisfied, from my own knowledge is neither;4be nor willing fo go iovferj arid though: flic were I tnril we' are prepared tot meet any foreign enemy whatever. Let us turn our eyes fo thejftate of our relpe&ive finances,- arid enabled to judge in fome meafure of the reipecUive army; and alkwin that we had Hrengtn, vigour, ana internal anilities ox. Dim counincs. cc iucmw.mu fp ref arces, to bear us through all this? we kill lie at the mercy dition five millions were borrowed fn a nation fafd tq beyerg ofFrance, who may at that very iollant think fit to pull off the ing towards ruin. I will venture to fay; that a fiuularfOfter malic, "and drive us to the neceOity -of d-.hr-dlng burfelves, and would not; produce the tenth part of the fjm in Frane jDoei cf trying whether we were equal to tht- talk of making a frcfli thii accord with the lamehtablejpicWe drawn by the fmt-Ie tnnoeeft rtf nr Inni In America:' His Lord fl)i d fpoke very Duke, and1 terrors ' fofpenfctf oVeri Our heads by the KijrhrtjRrr. patheticallv on the melancholy profpeas which printed them- PreUte ? Merchants and men in trade, however frier cry to r- feldom trull their profrtyi to precarious flcyrityi j la colons they pay! a con dan t attention to two'cbjelf and fecunty. Thev arc. cr al! men, themoft cau- felvcs on everv fide, bur that of conciliation. , lie lamented the vernment,M eVenrna! !nA nf Amriea. the Arcav of our trade in c nfequence thofe tranfaftn rf V- ir. mA v-:-:;-ki rtfin-z'lln . hi -h muit follow a advantages war,' the profefled objeft of which is the total ruin and fubju- tious of dipofin or trulhng their mortey out of their hands and gating or tne rarty we are conrenarng "-7 ,w rr; . . C r r--- r -r Lord Littleton controverted afaoft every thing material urged ed.' This: abounded credit is feldom a forerunner of a bank-; bthe three noble Lords who fpake irr favour of the motion, rupt government, or empty exchequer. His Lord hip nexran He direded his atten ion firft to the mo::rn, and the riuble Lord fwered that part of the noble Duke s argument in refpea cCthc Who made it. .He acknowledged the eminent ferviocs which his petition ? Gongr and.theevjdence.givyjMr. irf whatever no- Penn. He! infilled that tire former was tne ertecjt otTnere-ixypo- tice the motion itfelf was d.fervin'jr ot the moderate terms it enfy, and- the latter to hi, own knowledge, far.frca.berng effcred. and the remarkable dferving of, the" moderate terms it crify, and-th le coofnefs and decorum in which the fup ported" j by arguments in fupport of it were orged, called fcr" candour and what did it truth;-- But lluppofine' the ! fbrmer wai ferious.1 import f An appeal from the Parliament to hisMa-j