; . T: H E '-; P'- OLINt G . :. ,...., .-.. .,. .... OR I) i - With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign I and Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE ET BONO PUBLICO. ; . ' ,1.1. . ; . i . -A - . . . - J. A A JL JL i J. A A. ' A A A J. JL ' Jk. ' A J. rJL '' A J. A! A ; . ' Y y -y -jp -4 9 w w v v w w - w.w w v. v 9 , w.. TH-CAR AZ T O N D O N. Tulv 28. 1111, WOlCD Ifff lUfU ftiii tvt 4js vj j nf AM truly unhappy to inform you, that a fquadron of A mericah fhips have vifited the Banks, and taken up. wards of 40 Britifli veffels. On the 21ft inftant a man . of war of 50 guns," feemingly a Frenchman, came upr with his Majelty's floop the Pegafus, and a frigate of j canfiderable force, to the nonh of Sable Ifland. A de-J fn.rar" enoaff-emt nt ebfucd 2 the Pftrafus lay open to the foil broadfide of the enemyi and her (hot being very heavy, o bliged herto firike. Thc frigate being coniidcrably a head got under way and efcaped. Various reports are brought irj : everyday, but all confirm that Admiral Montague's fquadron is in the utmoft danger, and no ways able to protect the fleets on lie Banks." The arrival of the Eaft-Indiamen at this juri&ure was very fbrtunate for the navy, as theyv are much in want of men to mm the feveral (hips now fittiag out. i . They write from Petcrfburg, that according to the military jiAi the prefent force of their Imperial Majefty, including ca valry and marine, amounts to 430,000 cfFc&ive men. The fpirited conduct of Adminiiiration, in demanding abfo lure fecoricy from France, may probably involve us in a war with that Crown. We may lay it down very fafely as a max im that an ofxnwr is -better than a treacherous inftcurt t feace ; agaidft.the one we may prepare, but no prudence can geard a gainfTthe! other. The French are aiming at prefent to appro priate to themfelves the whole profit of the American trade; wallow them to effeft it, would be more difadvantageous to Britain than many wars. . j " A veffel "upon a particular "conlliuttion is now building in a private dock-yard near Limchcufc, on Government's account, tofcrve as a packet between England and America: She is to . mount 24 guns. ; . 1 Franxe had never more rrafon to dread the power of England than at this rime, or England more right to chaiife that infidi ous and deceitfal people. j . If, in addition to the prefent unhappy quarrel with America, . we fhould have a war with the whole Houfe of Boorbon, that war, in the nature of things, will be a naval one; consequent ly it will be fuch a war as the politics of this country hava been roar IB ir at ineie-nunareu years, xj uvv uuch uafc ww un.u.i, keep clear of a ont'mcnta I war, and Eritain is a match for all the world. The only danger of the national debt afifes from the increafe of intereft, at a lime when the immenfe dram of a Ger man or a Flanders war carries the money borrowed forever from this country. But a naval war witn tne wnoie nouic or xour-, bon, is an expence which fiowsin a circle conftantly going out, aad coming in 5 no danger to the (late can therefore refult from Jt j and the. propeY time to declare war is now, before the ar Hral of their Weil-India and Newfoundland rleets. . Jufy 30. The king has m-de a very ferious fcrutiny into the delays of oSce that occafioned Gen. Howe's being unable to lake the field before the 15th of June when it is well known that he might have marched towards Philadelphia early inthe month of April, had he received the camp equipage by the time he was promifed to erpea it : Lord B n endeavoared to conciliate the matter as much as pofiihle, but his Majefty fpir ritedly replied, My Lord,; that is not the fatisfattion that j will either do for tne or my feofU ; for I am determined to fave dppofition tb trouble of debating this matter, by feeing . the delinquent difg raced to whom we arc indebted for this fatal meaiore." Lord B . attempted to reply, but the king turned upon his heel, and left him to ruminate on What had palled. . 1 - J. - NotwithlUnding the very warm addreflcs to the throne from Scotland, yet; recruiting goes on very llowly in the northern part of Britain, and the few recruits that arc got, fcarccly de fervc the name of fbldiers. The following is the pollcript of a letter from Warrington in Lancafiiire, dated July 28 : " In a little time I believe you may. be furniflied with iiews from this quarter, as the American pri vateers fwsrtn at prefent about this coaft. : There never was dur ing the'laft war; fuch a confirmation among the merchants at Extraft ef a letttrfrm Duilin, July 22 : ' ' Three veffejs were taken laft week, about feven leagues from Scily, by the Civil Ufage American privateer, mounting r 1 4 carriage gunsfand 9 fwivels, with 70 men. One of the vei feik was bound from London to Limerick; One frOm Briitol to the Madeiras j and one from Tinby to this port with bak ; they were all en t to America. The capuxns-; wjrc landed hre.,bn,-;. Sunday Jafl, w'hp" report,; that thep :ivere taKeu 'with in' viqwcf a man of war, .who coblu no: Wi :o linir; reiel, there being i a ; dead calm; and, the privateer rowing with 16 oars : They alio reDorr. that (ion after thev were out on beard the Dutchman (that brought them here.) they law the fame privateer take a large vefiel, who, before ilic Itruck, fired five guns. The cap- tains fay, they were treated with the iitmoft humanity and civi lity by the captain and crew of the privateer." l ; ,!' m A letter from an officer on board the Levant frigate, dated Oioraita. June 27, lays, ziuoui ivur uay 3 uu; jrom ihc Streight's mouth we took a 14 gun privateer,- called the Vigi lant, Richard' Witear, matter, fitted out at Dunkirk,, which place (he left twelve days, before; we alio retook a brig ;from- r.Ifto lriinr1 tr RriftnL namptl the MavflowerJ which fhe had- taken the day before.' Three days after we took the Pit t Ed watd Sheers, inafier, bound to BoftoD, fitted out at Cherburgh, of about 200 tons, having on board twoorais mortars, 150 lwi vels, bar ironi fome fliot, mufquets, ice. fuppofed wortfa'abeut 3000 1. lkrling. Oa our return here we found our. two prizes fafe arrived two days before. The Raven alfo came A five day Vi fVi4 ul VkA ryponrA tn rirriOf ' finrl f CmtVl turn. laden with rice, tobacco, indigo, Sec. which fee took about 40 leagues to the weftward of St. Euftatia." ; J , 'I -s j ; Auguji 7. ' It is confidently reported;: that on a J ate folicita tion from our Miniftry to the Emprefs of Rufiia, -for hiring a certain number of her troops to fight againft bur rebellious fub ZnXXm Cn A mm K j. 7? n r r fc rnAe tn fnllnuin tr renlif tn t he negociator : ' That: if Government weuld make over the I ilaad of Minorca to her, Ihe would fend 30,000 men to fubdu" ine imcricans, nu i ucr iuic expeute uiaiuuiu auu icuuib them for two years." This propofal, if. accepted of,- by add ing Minorca to her pclTcffioas ia; the black fel, and her free,, na vigation in the Archipelago, would throw the whole Mediter ranean and Levant trade into her hands, and make her the firH maritime power in Europe. . r . .'. It i reported that a Great Perfon age has declared that the body guards, both horfe and foot,- ihall be fent tb America, ra ther than the fef vice there lh all want men. - AugUjl-il, ' Fifty' thouiand blankets: are! ordered; tb be imme diately pot ready- for the troops in America! againft the enfain? winter. r . , . 1 i ' ' -f . Admiralty Office,- July 29. The Hon. Leyefqn Cower cap tain of his Majeily's (hip the Valiant, Ogives an account, that on the 7 tn inftant, he fell in with and took thebrig Blair, Tho mas Perriam. mailer, leden with rice, from Sofith-Carohna.- J Twenty-two commiflions of bankruptcy were fitting on Sa- turd ay at the lame time in Guildhall. What a dreadful increafe :l of ktifinf tn the tommifiioners I . I ! every aay me iincfiLAinuMuici 6.tuimug vn There is not a fhip dare ilir out of a harbour, as the miniftry on manner of fervice, either to diltrefs the American prirateeri, cf protect our trade, for Lord Sandwich might s well Xend aCcw,; to catch a hare. This day elghtdayj we,wre aUrmed withfnfaf eight hours cannonading qwing. to the-engagement oTan JUae rican privateer, only or apans.lwith two of the King,! cn rre nA larcre letter ilf marOUC iOai liverPOOl. t?hCU UC ; -.. . . , -

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