-"Sir- s" jtt ' '"J Fran, karing bcn dcfpatc.ed oa fpcctal cb.fl M tbt court from the ited ftate,. . . W I LL I A M 5 B U R G. Jfril 17 ' THE S. Taainy. Capt. Cnmngnam. in twelve day, frma Si. Bnftatia. i"d J""""r Ml, Lgo. Id he, came paffe.ger Mr rhoa. Shore of Pe terfbarg. ' By f.id effU we h. the mel.nc.cly accost of the K.ndrfpa frig'.. C.f. Biddle, hng blown op. .boot fifan L.-JaftA. had ftrnck to the V- f .,. It w foppofed to have been done by feme of the c 0 loard. at near oie hundred of them were deferte.a from the Tar EX. TS whole (hip', company cped of three bood, d od fi.teeo meo. only three of whom were W-We Jfok 'hat the American frigate Alfred iauken by the Aurora of jz pun., hn.ine been deferred by her confort in ume of aaioo loth th.fe accident, happened bit March, to the wmdwa.d of J TheBriti(h cruifcrs cn this fta-ion have lately captured, and brought into H,iiHton road laii Monday, a Spanish foow and fcho oer, and a French vtfiel". . - The flxp Sally Norton, Capt x m twenty -one days frrm Martinique, is arrived at South Quav. laden wn jfugar ccffee, ialt. and dry good. Capt. Cox miorm, u,. that he heard Ca Thomfon lay, who arrived from France a few days before him. aVwaa obliged to put into Lifron in diibefs. that a packet had ioaraved ther frcm England, with intelligence that three commifiToners were to fet out immediately to treat withhe Amc rican Congrefi, ,wo had full power, to acknow.edge our inde pendency,, provj&d .we gave them our trade. Extrca j Uutr fy gtnfiemanim Martinique, t btt frund i tk'u c:tj, dated March 1 8, 177. I did mfelt tbe honour of writing to ou on my arrival at this place. I then informed you of die interring new. which prevailed here. Trie account. Which arrived yefterday feem to promiie f me little repofe to America. The court of France has juft fent two deputies to Congrefs to ratify the treaty of alliance for thirty year., which (he has agreed upon with Dr. Franklin Thrfe depurie. had embarked in one of the King'- Ingatet, com warded by Moifieur de CarniquV Letters brought by the fame veflel allure us, that they are at work night and da in our ports in building thirteen (hips of the line, which will be rtfady to fell by the lart of this month ; that 80 oco men had been fent into che prorit.ee. of Flanders and Briiar v. under the command lot the Prince of Conde ; that an Engl.lh fleet of 20 fail were lysog efftbe harbour cf Brett; and that the Count De Noailles, our mbaiTadour at the court of Britain, had retired on account of the egregious l'nfult. he received from the popohce of London. Bcfide. al thin agreeable new., it i pcnively affirmed that war wat to be declared on the 1 5th of the pmfent month ; mi , confe nuencecf which, a corp. of volunteers i. now raiting to frve as . guard to ibis .aard, and an embargo is laid on all our mer Chant fhips. F.ur (hip. of war have arrived at St. Eultatia from II Hand which have expref. order, to protect the AmcrKan frade and to permit American veflel. toxoid their colours in their 'prt.. which wa. not the cafe before the arrival of this loua dron. I perceive, with a ftiU&ion trulv patriotic, that all ihe bowers oi Europe are ar.xiou. to contribute to the liberty cf a na tioa whofc courage and heroifin havefojoftly merited their e- ecm.w .r LaH nigBt, aoout ntren the evening, we bad ! me very ir.arp tV under and lightening, which ftruck a liable in which were fome h'Tfes, killed wo of them, ah dunned other. The (hock was felt by fun dry people in and near tile place. The account publi-d. a few week, ago, of the lofs of the continental fllip Reprifal, i contradicted by this week's mail from the northward,, which wt heartily wffi to fee confirmed ; and Capt. Cox, jut arrived from Martinique, fa$ he beard no thing of the fad difetier whkh is faid to have happened to tbe Randolph frigate, and dVe. not give credit to k. j ExueSsfrm M J aMrtfi tt the imhabitanU of Anertcar hj th mmbor COMMON SENSE. THE only way to fimfh a war with the leaft pofihlc blood tSed, or perhap. without at y. if to ecllea an army, again the p wercf which the enemy fliall have no chance. By negle&ing tri. we f long the war, ai.d double both the calamities and the txpenie. ol it. Whar a rich and happy country would Amencx b, we fhr, by a vigrurr us exertion, to reduce Howe as. he Kid Burgoyne And why not do thrfe things ? What is thrre to hmder f America t. her own piiilrefs, and can do what (he plea fi. Vigour and determination will do any thing, and every, thing. We began tbe war with this kind of ff irit j why not end ft with tbe fame A fmaJl proportion of the individuals to be cho fo by lot (if tha nnmber do not prefer the glory of (baring in bis great work and offer themfel vet) and rewarded by ccntxibu- mm, -aj Jtm 'hfm. wHl flnfwer the DUtooe. xr i . m m m. mTk.M t-k r m T. ' n F r. L lalil M m - m m F 1 j f i n a nil v it; uiik fuiiitu av viiuura never oa tuiau . a j j5f- loniiv of final fcf.. . Tbe death wound .L J.. ,rrn,OWn 1 e IOUOW It UD. iC CQCtnwh, La fitoatioa i. -witni- ou, ,aeh and by b, rrt.C IMM wi.bln onr power.- Hert'. .. tht, (pot, om bnfi.eft to b,. eomoUlbrd. our. felicity fecured. Iter I . the eo.y . Hata rr-i - -..it- ahs n jnni nw 111 hi niiicuva. , t,cs ft. the army. ine micTcu, .a-rr.. - ed in this baif-ruined place. Come on. and help us. Hcrctrc LAURELS ; come and mare them. Here are tones; come help us to exVl hem. Here are whigs, that will make yo welcome ; and enemies, that dread your coming. Obey th.sc.U, ye brave Virginiant. t A frrr A NELSON waits to cenduft you thither, ana yoartf. MrWut countryman will then lead you on to the accompli!), ment of all our wifties. I . Jn PnnJlvnta. Extraa frsm a fmmfbUt lauly pMJbed in England, a. Americn affuns, h lord A B I iUufirnms fur rfthtr Le re printed to the AortLrd. and uivrfall, admned. . r -nT .u,.i- o,hfl Derceive a war, and lucn a vu UrUW ,c w 1111, j - r--- 7 ' 'c J t . too, fo weakly fupported. and yet fo v,olently potfued; wbe - L a.9j5LmA frhP church Dreachine and publilhme to , . lWm And non-rtfilUnce to the fupremacv tne woria paiuvc um.Uivu. ..... z of law, whether that law be rig b or wrong, whether it be good . ...u.i. :e k- r i-ftahlifh oooerv or proteftantilm, whe. or oaa. wncmci 11. r a - , , , - . . u .1 , hnneft or bv a corrupt and abandoned tner 11 oe caaucu vi - ,, . , . . . - parliament ; when I fee men that were-pilloried in the reign of iood old George the 11. penCmed in tma, it .or c ue ? 1 1 rliaL hired to root Lut ihe very idea of ions: Wneu i. ucai "a , : . , ... r .k- and tear benevoknee hum the hearts ol Englifhman ; when I reflect (but why add more to the 1.1 I. t nun 1C UdUtcl ? ' a B ,J -a tllflVfv I. a ion- c f a- w ,, - - 1 . .:.k a.-im va,icf. to call for union among the It IS lime, rvcn wiin ' . idi- rt. t , r .i. u:....; ir m time that private opinion mculd rnenus or uic wuumiunva., ----- , -yield to public fafety, it is time that we keep both -waxh ward s" for if ,h liberties of our felK w.fubas inAmctica are r.. ir for the ideot only to fuppofc that tO DC llkcu num ,,- - . : ;ji , we can preferve our iwn. The dagger uplifted againjt tle breaft 1- . f- .k- heart n Old Knvland r imeiica is mcdin iyi c. . . . In fine., thefe are mv fentiments, and thcie my pnnc pies - They are the principles of the coniticuuo.; and under this rer luafion, whilA I have fi-ned thetn wiJi my name, I will, i! ne- . ir ... 111.. f.A , hom n,ih mv blood. eeiury, as rcaour itai - Extraa f a, Utttr dated Maor-Hall, near had quarter,, March The Mrcharoe of rrifjners ueends on the iffue of a confer- r it. f nm the two armies, whj a e D m et at Germantolv, between this and Philad Jpbia, txt Thurfday- G neral Lee,i. now in Phiiadlelbia, having pauea unaer a adj Irom New-Yo.k through Jcrlcy. . a4 ix- .,,o,n in nnr t nc ,m Diiien t at the Valley forger About tcoo paients have paiTed through inoculation f-r the ima Ipt z ; not more iimu . ' ry healthy. The enemy have, fr,m ail accounis, no prulp.Ct fpeedy leinlorctmcnts. T7 HEN I reft cl on the valt extent and power of tfce Brrtiflb VV empire at the end of the latt war, aoa connucr uuw u.v happinefi it might have diliaicd tfirougnou. m: w..,.,u, r-. ri ksn. HfllM f rMnfC T All the thOne. and made a pr. per ale cf that ptmer, I am almoft tempted to repine and raurmcr at tne difpenfatjono ol rrovider.ee ; out nen 1 iw 'i was fo corrupt as m be unworthy of fuch a prince and incapable of making any other ufc of its power tb?,n to tyrannize over the reft of the world, I acknowledge the jufiiceof Heaven m giving to fuch a nation a prince who ftems formed like Phferuab, at ooce "to humble his haughty fuhj di by involving them in every cala mity through his obftinac,, and by bis tyribny and cruelty to o. bilge an oppreaeo peopie to ma&c o i.a.6 - -the iuftice of Heaven in humbling fuch a nation as Br stain, which j . r . i . a. . . Ar ernnn wltiV has fb wontonly iponea wun taac grri . . . which Heaven had entrufttd her. She might have diffa led the B itifh cohHitution in it. perfection throughout a great part ol the world, and might have kept all the nation, of. the globe W . . tUm .inkr llr rhe find nf oeace. have broken the bow. and knapped the fpear, afunder ; but, inftead of doing tlwe things, toe has refufed even the fnadow of heronftutttion to all but thofe who live within the narrow limits of her little ifle. and has fullered her bloody King not only to look on with- uncoocera at the tyrannical, wanton, and cruel effufion ol blood in Corfica ard Poland, but even to affift in carrying on a war af carnage and defolation between two of tbe moft powerful nations tn th world, and now with uaheatsi of cruelty, he herlelf employs the fwordi of foreign nercenarie. , and the fcalping knives of var indians, to ail ber own more favage troop, to fpread deftxaftt-