1 NSWKRN, Marce 13- THE Treasurer f the continental hwn office for the ftate of Xortk-Carolina being impoered to appoint a deputy in c.w.noftD iom$oiSaliJbury, HtllfUromgb, Halifax, Edtnton and H'tlmingtyt, for thp reception of all fuca money as may be lent on iouxeft, gives notice that he is on application ready to ap point i'uch depatiej, they fcrlt cnte ing in:o bond WKh ttcunty for the faithiul dilcharge of their fcveral oihecs. T US T P V'Jfrfr hS H E . '' i rjr sum - r Comprize J in Twenty One Shets in Folid ' l m I T i ir l M lull i I y 1 1 rTr k held at Newbern in December kit. EDENTON, A&rI 25. fo be fold at public vend, on Tutday the $ib of May next, to the bigbeji biudir, Jvr ready v.oney : , THE dwelliig boufe, kitchen, ttcre-ncufe and appurtenat ce ihereto acjjioing, fiiuute in ihe town vf'&iMm, whereon ihe late Mr. Elizabeth WatactAived, Handing on one lot of lard ; it i by far the belt muauon lor a merchant or ta vern keeper' in the whole town, feuding the niheit to ihecou;t houle, and in the very centre cf buiin is : The careMing hi-uie confitfs of four rooau Mow, thrc or wnicn have he places, and fix good-bcd-charubeis above, wherein artwo fireplaces, 1 may alfo fay that the f il if r?m nkable god Lr a ga.ctn. there hav ing formerly been a very fiuc one oj it, and ma: tfcete is a iurfi Cteocy it for that purpole, and an exctrcdjjj line fpip6 thereon- Ai.o a dwelling bfufi and kuchen with nve ood i-jts, now cccp'vd by Mr. Sinclair in the 1 m :on, picuf-uciv lituatcd ei ;her fur a priva:e periln or uit of bufln fc, and is capable of vry great ijBfftroi metis, wilh v. juJ ipritis taexeoii. . V ft uM at the Printing Office to ive-ujhnn j pay a aouur . A- ruiTAM kJr,.?n flio rk rtn united toloniftS. lafi,. - 1 m 1 1 i f 1 ullitlvu in " 1 -7 --iv jo a K, r.rder of Conrrels. and ablolBteiy neceiiary to u by cry perfoa who wifties well to this pinion, aid wants - la ted. PvCCKV-FOl'T, New Uauver County, fe 23. TO bt f Id, iw 1 ialutk traflb ol Uoc, c n.aimug 1280 acn-5, fit ) te in Cwnbtrluua County ufl eith fif of ine N. W. branch of Cpe Fear rivv- , begiui.ii.j a qua let cf amiie a bav? tne m iifh 1 credt, (ku 111) oJ vuca u te. vg wu for corn, jce an I itici , and on one ol tne trats a-er' a a go -d Hrea n a mill. Ttocte -jo ; we e paienud by John Bapttjlu JJji iif-i i deceafed, ih b:b bly 1730. Any yciou i.icii...uj to ourcuale may know in. terma b rl)ing ;j n HOMA5 .V.uiiiLV. " Ail ULA., 3. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. TT UM aw?y fr m tbis place a r;c.o fc;4 w i.'ame $uUmt a t. b a 5 j.-.t 9 ii.clcs h;h, lu.ty and well maue, lpc;.ki h , j E lh, atia is aUJ to tr.e 'rivci tr.uic ; hd on wn.n ne went away a ret n j ickct, uiuy o-Jwf.W ,ome ft ck:i gs, new fh cs, wi'e metal ouvklki, and-a criip nat ; he It lop, ulftd 10 have gone 4 tnc " 'er' as he to lc wi.h him a taU o -de ma keJ on the fttro H. S. Wot-ver Onngs tne laid i!ne anu Joa I-j Nevubem ilull ave theabi.e je-vard. BATCHELOR. ALL per fo as are fore w a coed from cu:t:ng wtcd, cr ccmnut ting aav trtl t.1 on the ia: d ol the fubfitriber near htst as (he is determiuvd to make an example cf the firtt pcjion oU;:i 'J lt thereof. DIoORAH biVilTH. Thc -hav4-' CRAVEN COUNTY, April 17. .!".F.N tt hk ctte.nllfcribcr, n art muHeie.hell, a Urge iire. r browa colour, aoout 5 years oid, oranued with A on the oiY 1-urtock, and moulder, paces flow, owner proving bis property, and pairg charges, may her of r. Lib HA o TAFx-ORD. A VV A N 'S E D, Jrornsyman ?RlN.R. Any perion that is a good ban J, may have great Wage, and coadant Employ, by ing at the prHitfng OrHce in Newbern. N a W B ER N , June 27,1777. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. UN a ay frOT1 Grr;t 5rJ near Newbern, a Negro Fei fv fo'- naned SMART, v,Vy black, hout 5 Feet 5 Inches hi w mae, ah i very HkeS , foeaks broken Ecgliih, but v a-tful aad in .. id Hi- h i, been u-cn lurciug about the planr.ttion cfM-. at Cre jsunJ, Jn company v;. r. Je;iow bclocging to Mr. Levet Jones, and is fuppoled to be harbo rcJ in that tuighbourhood. As the penalty in fuh cafes is very vTeat and the courts of law now open, any perfon "that mill be d-necled in fuch a pieci ofinjuftice to his neigh bor, miy perhaps repent his Te'merity. V hoever bnogs the i-id Slave to Gran Sprht aforefaid, mail have re abov rt warJ V JAMES DAVIS, .PROP O SALS For pricing by Subscription, a N exaa ABRIDGMENT of all the ACTS m ... ...... . . . IV. bctiealiy uigeileti, aown to tnc i ime 01 puDiiiiung - -; , rhfe Time of naliifip- the Darticular Laws, anu iLe ters, as printca at large 111 uic icvutu ouu jua.i this otate. 1 V C O N D I T I 0" N S. ! ift. That the Boot wilf, be printed in large Oaavo, crnm Amtttcan Paner.' and a-beautital new '1 vpe. ol which Dollars to be paid atvths Tune of fubfcriba. Sujiciiiitrs appear. ; To the PUBLIC. - .- ,- wV" r 1 o . a ;t 1 I1U Vaa&0 n.liv- . - . 0 T . - 1 I - -.1. U . UK rh'u I In UWI "MP ' . - V - v to expiaui to mem, a iu.iti ""ww led doiiars, will be the pnee ol the uook. ' 1 JAMES DAVIS. Subscriptions are taken in at the Printing Orhce iai Counties of the btate, ot which rubhc louce win -given in this raper. L,ateiy j)zti;iTj7ca, yt c - '. . ... . . I . ' A , I . . 1 . .....v.-.r III .-s. . . ,1 .11 II. i, ' ri r, Will .C ama nuiuyuiy ui j w - .m PKACE, and alio the Duty of oheriffs, ccroners, on-A-,kioc ok :,t.-wrdfps- Oterfccrs cf Roads, a&d other Ofi- r. T. rther wi.h Precedents of Warrants, ludcmCTts, ti- eoutions, and other legal Proceff, iffuabie by Magiitatt witi- . y- i ; 1 , : 0.; I I r-riminai. . i thpir Hvpra Ln'.uicuunj. 111 vtijca tni, ttuu .. .--i be lore luiiices S rvii.U inv w - 1 o ''-, - " 1 OB. rjt. - - - . ... . r. -k t m , ' l - ' J I at. H within their eountv IJOi rrs. 10 wmca i joucu " : j ..r.7..i . v- Aim. - r,A JirfrAant DenulX. conuariiuri v umay uieiui 1 iivvuvu,, f,- il,. F.vrrurinn of them. CoL'e&td from the Common &d OULUa J,a.vs vv - -t vince, and aaaptea :o oar vaini. a- A a ii al the laid Ofcce King in the Yesr 174. Vith the Msrcf Priming and Loading, and the Pofitiua bt ech Raak id Fir. Ara tne V Method of performing the FaksC volutio; c5f. a views and Field Days. To wkuL U zd&d, the Articles ot War of the Continental Army. NEWBERN ; Ptiated by JAMJZS DAVtt.