1" eupoutivH wim iu treiaua, ana lata tnat to give all the perceiving fiteci p.muic 10 m new ravour, ne advifed him to point oat to were pofli r rl iiinen t of Ireland uhar i f o.io-k J U.. U : - v Hw - umkiji uu. uy r?rvi riinri it a n rnnnfi to this hope I approve the motion, And join in it with all ray the natives of Ireland or their posterity now living in America, PS? . . . for they will feel a purer and higher joy than any other can ex Mr. Fsr mm nl i men ten the m.i..:a - - r r i y . r . . 6 ' . ""J : - " t 7", : " .kgi gcncroiuy 01 cuc preis. i here is another let o! men wnqic inward thoughts, t:er the above, it would be entertaining to obferve if it ibie to difcover them; I mean thefe traitors to their f 1 a m "' mt n r V rf A T or r si tu no no Kn rtAi m rw rhi. 11 fiftn r r iuApi i? delivering the mm Catbolicts m England from the abfurd ty- aftjons and .writing, to perfuade us to fubmit to the dominion of ranny of the laws, which pcrfecutc them there. Let an univerfal England. What mutt they think of this nngle confeilion of Sri. tcieranon, iays ne, cemomtraie that the torch wfnch has enJigh- t,jh iniuftice and tyranny for ages over a flAcr but dependent king- tened this age, has not been cxtingui&ed on the coair. of - dom ?J - Mr. Ellis added to what he had already faid in favoar of the ' BALTIMORE, Aguji if. motion, lome reflexions ferving to mew its importance, and to A writer in a late Philadelphia paper, obferves, that it may not take eff the faceof the obit etions that had been made to it. He le altogether certain that every uncommon appearance in inanimate na- faid, juUifying his aflertion by examples, that rivalfhip in ccm- ture is correjpendent to one equally fingnlar in the political and rational merce, being a principle of emulation, always produced an hap- fttern. It muft, however be obferved, as fomethtng extremely obferv- W f o v ablt . That after the fur render of Burgoyne, and while a treaty Mr. Burke saving heard attentively all that had been hi herto of alliance and commerce with France was on, the carpet, the Ameri- fcid on both fides approved of the difpofition cf the houfe in ge- can heavens were brigh(ly illuminated, at different ' intervals , for neral; bot added he, when we frel the nccefliry of yielding ro whole months together the aurora borealis, or northern lights, were the inclination of doirr; good, why do it always by halves ? why then the great ejt and mo fl beautiful that had ever been feen in Ameri-' attempt to give Ireland lome apparent marks of good will, when ca. z. IVhcn the fleet of his mojl cbriftian majejiy, twelve hips of jna offer her at bottom no feal advantage ? why for ever refuicli- the line, and by the capture of a'BritiJb foip of force, thirteen, under ocs? You fay yru incline to gne Ireland liberty cf commerce. the command of his admiral), the illujlrious dyEjlaing, hove in fight Give he then this liberty in truh. Suffer her to manufactu.e off our capes, the artillery of the fkies was dijcbargtd, and thirteen acd expert every thing that (he produces. Do not except wool thunders were difinclly heard on the. wet of the Delaware. 3. On or woe lien cloth. If yco limit ycur conceffions, thty are good the morning after the arrival of his plenipotentiary, the accomplijhed for nothing. Kay the Batter is if ill worfe. Tfe have sn ap. Gerard, being the thirteenth of the month, an aloe tree, the only one pearance cf infult ; or carry an idci of artifice. The rninifhrs, in that (late, immediately font jorth its fpire, which it never does but afier the teflon that America has given them, perceive that they once in the courfe of its exifleme ; and in fame other climate in not left na1 make an appearance cf doirc ( merhing for I eland. But to than one hundred years. It had been planted about forty five years in appear to give, ard to give ft.merhing in efFeft, are two different the neighbourhood of that city, and heretofore every year bad produced things. Do you know what will happen ? Thefe pretended con- four leaves, but early this fpring it fpread forth thirteen. The fpire ceffions ill tearh Jrtlattd At what rate England 1 ftimates her pad- is rtmarkatle, being thirteen inches round, and having grown thir- ence and fubmiffion, whilr on the other hand the comtniifioners tesn feet tn the frjl thirteen days. The Scotth talk much of their thi- nrbo are going to America will teach her the more powerful ir.flu- file, and the South Britons of the Gtouftenbnty thorn, muck better coce in certain cafes of adnern ined riC fiance. To grant to Ire- thtnps may be faid of the aloe tree of America, and the Jteur de lis of ijstf tne JiOeriy ot exportation i;h ut rcltrim.jn, wo 011 be a i Trance. 4 . ' . worthy of her fervices and worthy of the gene cfity of Greet Bri- - tain ; bot to except wool from this conceflion is to reouce it to NEW B R N, Odober 2, 1778. r.othine ; it is to leave merit wkhout recomoence. and dc verv Extracl of a letter'from General Wafhinfton to Comrefs. dated head c ' -w j ' j j j j a , a ' little h nour to f arfelvej, quarters, White Plains, Sept. 1. , Here the queftlon was pot (that is to fay, tht firft motion of SIR, Lord Nugent) and pafTVd without the lead opp.uion. " I do myfilf the honour of tranfmitting'yott a copy of a let- Lora Augent then made a fecond ; tr I this moment rerejve.j from general Sullivan. 1 cougratalate ! ' That all the merchandizes and manufactures of the colonies C ngrefs on the repulfe of the enemy." Head Quarters, on the North end of Rhode Ifland, Aug. 29. W? r I -1 11 L My L - L " dd:r ct!y int I eland, except incWg' tobacco ano fagars.' It s with reruilance faid the hen urr.b!e member, that I except i t r - f -a. uars ; out 1 nave oeen to;o, tnat a ceram let or men, wno, K w M J t . m I I iincui any iuvkuic u cngtuna , cApun uicin iu neiunu -n a Dear General, A retrra- to the north end of the ifland having been deemed advifeablf (rrem our great diminution of n Umbers) by the deter- minari n ol a c .uncii f var held the 16th inftant, I lad evening rr r . Ji .. -v. . u i . . -j t i .1 nr I I I ix i"i j ii j j ., - f c ' - , - . c mportanon. iar retreat ; witnout i nng any part 01 my mores, oaggagc, or Lord Ncvuenham obferved, that if fugar? were excepted, the h?avy artiilery. The enemy was apprifed of the movement fome j ... ' - I I J t ..af J mm. . 7 . J V-fl-A I mm t k - iw.kfr rkju K i A T funAAfA r Jl A O A I K 1 A tfA Alter a fliort difctlTion they made an nu -odmi-nt to the (ec nd in ccnfun )n and precipitation, and no douot with expeaation ot I rw I fl 1 L 1 jlTX . if - A i. .... .-v mh. M . mm, m mm. J fk. m a a. A Am tirrs. , U i, ii .n u. r. r o nai in inim' i k m nri nr i i i t i i i t , , i r i i 1 1 v ni v. ii vj ' ii k w w j i.ir ai m i c i; u iiiai t uw i vjtiuiiuwi t vwi v - - p . . - i . w a a m f forzrs was alfo granted to Ireland. become an eafy v1ct ry. In this belief they marched in two co- Lore sWgent then propofrd thit they ihould repeal the Ct that luiiins on the eatt and wtiLroaas, ana vigorooiiy attactcea -ois. rbids the exportation of glaf frcm Ireland. 1 ftis third motion Livingflon and Laurtns, whofe corps was difpofed between the afled without d.fr.Ciity. two roads in frunt cf the army. They were warmly received by He then m?de a fourth, and rropofed, that cotton fpun in Ire- thofe two gentlemen, whom I reinforced occafiorally, to prevent e.V might be imported into Great B itain duty iree. Uitaui- the contcii ; being too unequal, though at the fame time they were iCl.'.V T e J tO Ul CU"U U lUW ivy uium; " uu a . iviiui wi "v7 Then Mr. i?rif propcred. that fail duck and cordre might ed with the ciders; fur I (cared y remember any thing of the impcrtcd frcm Ireland into Great mitain duty free. J nis mo- kind n-iore regular. i ne enemy were naturauy iea on to cue n alJo puffed as the r- So far tne Lngttjfo papers. neignouurncou. i ucy iitii puti wmuuumug k,uuuu ib ur fPerlapsa queftion may be properly ilked. Whether does front, and immediately attempted to turn oor flank to prevent i . . - ai i i ' . ir rr, . .u;e r rl-forK. A rntirfrahl hni i if-s nl ini.intrv. CJur artiilerv wot nuna owe lu szngtat.a or ssmgi tea uci; mifviuin . . j - - - thty are the efTcCi, us is t robabie, of the prcfent fituaticn of well ferved, did great execotion, and contributed not a little to i j i. . ... .i.n...,rr fiv.r m nr. t h h r n , m r r.t t n t ci a v. :r rni nmcr conrinuea g iinnp- ine aav i r;rs, wna' y.merican cors noi ca"u m ins iu . - -- - r. o - fsfoi flruprjle he ha-h made for hi own riv',ts bs aleau fpread and the fuccefs of it was determined by a warm aftum which Uft- hippy influence to a dillar.t oa it n ? We need lay nothing to ed near an oaut. an enemy were ouugeu rcrc ia grci ui