THE TRIBUNE. AN ISDfcPJs.NDEM', VEKLT NEWSPAPER. PUBLISHED BY J.ABNKJJ HAPwPwELL 1 MBUNE THE TRIBUNE. ADtCRTttl!lU BATKJfe t Ms M IS M 'Ml a It M II ! U M S U I t l to ta c a mm i I s ti m TERMS iiF SUl SUiilf XlON, VOL. 1. HENDERSON, N. 0., DECEMBER 4, 1873. One Tir. in advance, Hot in advance, NO. -11. 5 OO l tHm'm t rr. It 14 S Ml M I DEU3GIST3 & APOTHECARIES, Henderson, N, C, Feb. 27-12m ya Bonouuii auus, RALEIGH, N. C. G. TV. BLACttXALL, Proprietor. Reference made to all Traveling Gentlemen. Feb. 27-12m. OfcO. JBADGElfc UAUIUS, Attorney at Law, AMD NOTARY PUBLIC. Practices in the Circuit Court of tbe United States. Supreme Courts at Raleigh, the Superior Courts oiG-auvillo, Warrtu, Frault- 11U itUU tiivc. Henderson. Feb. 27-12ui S. J. SKINNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HENDERSON, N. C. Practices in the Federal Courts of the State, and in tbe Superior Courts of Granville, Franklin, Warren, ana tuiitax, counties. Feb. 27 12m THE NEW Wheeler and Wilson tEWIN MACHINE. "THE sSOUIliEtiN FAVORITE." Tbe reputation of tbe Wheeler and Wilson s a ltadiug laiuily Machine, is well known but TOE NEW IMPPOVrD DRAW-IEED 3IACIIIKF, from its simplicity, light running, little noise ease of management, ready application to u vide range or work, aud its great durability , is WITHOUT A RIVAL. This Machine was awarded the highest Pre- minm at the Worlds fairs in London leU2. Paris !So7and recehed the Ukand DiplOUa. oe Hknok at Vienna in 1873. Every Macbiu vramintt-d ami thorough instruction given. J. & J. J0HN60N, Geul. Aicts. lor North Carolina; Office vyilmintston; branch Offices, KuleigU, Cbiiilott'i aud New Berue. LAFAYETTE FlSllBACK, Traveling Agent, Henderson, N. C. Sept 18-ly J. F. HARRIS. GEO. A. HARRIS. J. F. HABEIS, CO., GENERAL MERCHANTS. HENDERSON, N. 0. 20 Ton. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. 20 ' Zell's Aiumoniated Phos phate, tor Cotton. 10 " Zeli's Tobacco Fertilizers. SO bbk Syrup. 50 kegs sails. 30 bbls. Family Flour. at J. F. HARMS, CO'S. Henderson, Feb. 27-12m. CAY I0M & WOLF, One door East of Corner Blount aud MORGAN STRELTSi RALEIGH, iT. C. PRACTICAL ST0HE CD ITERS AN DEALS S IS ITALIAN & AKRKAM MARBLE. li t-infU of Monuments. Tombs. Head- tones and Garden Statuary made to order on reasonable terms. May 1, 1873-ly Call on Isaac Oettinger. 48 FayettemUe street, RALEIOH, N. Cm For Millinery, Ladies Fancy and Furnishing Goods, lor real and immitation nair goods. lor Kid Gloves, for Laces, lor Editing and Insertion, for Corsets, lor Collars and Cuffs, or Ribbous, tor Silks, Velvets and Satins, for Ruffs, tor Hoods, for Woolen Sacks, lor & Ladies Caps, tr Fashionable Bonnets and Hat, lor Muses Hats, tor Baby Caps and Baby )r esses, tor Baby Cloaks, for Baby Sacks ud for every thing in the Fancy line. Oct. 9 3m Henry J. Brown, Opposite Masonic Hall. RALEIGH, N. C, ALBIN.S0tlCO Cm. 0 Undertaker Keeps on hand Fisk's Metalto Bdkial Caseb, Walnut and other Wood Coffins. Orders by Mail or Telegraph, promptly attended to. August 31, 1873.-U Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin egar Hitters tbe most wonderful In Tijroraut that ever sustained th sinking system. No rcrson can take these Hitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Rilions? Kemittent and Inter mittent levers, which aro so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Hod, Colorado, Hrazos, Uio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah. Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout onr entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat ami dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, ami other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful inllueuco upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dii. J. Walker's Vinegar Hitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its llaids with Hi iters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had Tasto Lin the Mouth. Kilious Attacks, Palpita- tatiou of the Heart, Inliammation of tho J -lings. Pain in the region of tho Kid ncys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, White .Swellings. Titers. Kry.Mnchis, Swelled Neck. Gtiitre. SeroftiiuiH Iii!l;i:iiinaUns. Indolent Inflammations. Mercurial A flection. Old Sores. Eruptions of the Skin, Soro Eye, etc. In these, as r.: nil other coiisliiuiioiial Dis eases, A LK Kit S INKC.AK HtTTKItS llftVC shown their preat curative powers iu the most obstinate and intrai tahie caes. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, (Jout. Hilious, Kemit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Itiood, Liver. Kidneys and lU.idiier. these Hitters have no eipial. Such DUcac are caused by Vitiated Itiood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as l'lumbers. Type-setters. GoM-beaters. and Miners, as they advanco in life, are subject to paralysis "of the Howels. To guard ajrainst this, tuke a uoc f WaLKEK's VlX k; a r Hitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Kruptians, Tet ter. 8a!t-Khcmn, Hlotihes. Spots. Pimjiles. Pustules. Hoils, Carbnnrle, King-rorin.. Scahl-hcad, Sure Kye. Kryipehi-s. Itch. Scurfs. I)iscdorations of the Skin. Hun:ors ami Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nr.ti:re. nre literally dug up and carried out of the system ia a short time by tho ue of these Hitters. Pin, Tape, and other "Worms, larking ia th? sytem of so many thousands, are ctlectually destroyed ami removed. "o system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelminittcs will free the systcai lioia worms like these Hitters, t'i I.'iuh.iIa f'Avml-tnWc InvAnnn or old. married or sinjrie. at theilawn l" wu- or the turn of life. thee Tonic s. niium. vimi itiiiiii.i. iu iwuii- Hitters tlisplav so deeidtil a:i itiCucuce that improvement Us(K.n perceptible. Cleanse the i Vitiated Blood when- ever you tind its impanues uurstiup tnrouga il-t ii T-in1. I-rn Tit iniic .ir ifirp cleanse it when vou find it ohstructed nnd sin?irish in the veins: cleanse it when it u fjinl; vour eaimcs will tell vou when. Keep th- i.rwxi nr, -nj the health of the svstcm will fvdiow. u. it. Mcdonald a co.. rnipirits nml l-n. Acts.. S uj Francinco. Cifrtrnls, ami cor. ;f Va'ni".tiin n;.d t.-'auri:'i Sis.. N. Y. ;.i'fl tv ; - 'r-jls uitil Deulcr. Dec. 4, 1873-ly James H. Lassiter & Son, MERCHANTS. HENDERSON, N. C. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry GOODS. NOTION 9, Millinery Goods, Hats, Caps 8hoes, Boot. French Sole, and Upper Leather, Hardware, and Cutler), China, Glass and Qoeensware. Lamps, Groceries, Druss Iron, Steel, Sad iiiorv !iriH; stdtiona'iv aud Fsrniintr Hn- piemen;.. You win and J'fi1 lfc usually kept in a nit cliss retail siore. We would advise all persons to examine our stock bdore purchasing AUo dealers in Leal toba-co. Agents lor Fertilizers. Peb. 27-l2ua I want tO BUY. OH orders 200000 1 lbs., good Smokers. j. s. meadows. Iltnderton, July 2, 1873,-tt PETEHNRCRU A DV ER1 1 Eft ENT . H. T. ALLEY, WIIOLtHALE AND RETAIL CONFECTIONER. FRUITS, FASCT UOODK, TUTU, Weddings and Parties famished. 133bxcamore St., I ctersburg, a. iisrAui.tsnKD i 3o. Robert A. Martin & CO., GIIUCEUS AND Commission Merchants. so. a iBO!t moxT cun.niMo, Petersburg, Virginia. Give strict Personal Attention to Consignments and u,ake prompt re turns. M&rch 6 -l?m Harness! Harness!! SINGLE nu(tKte lltmeM pt-r ft. 1- i at sis.HMw.srv. t , ,si,t . A large Stock of nil xntlw' badalcs, Harness, uritldlcs, Uollars, n ... I "Whips, Spur?, tfcc, &cf AT tOW PRICES. At P. II. STEWARD'S, 8aIdIo A Harness Msnaf-clary, 90 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va, M .r b 6 -1 rui J. R. CARY, VliolrHule lealcr In Crockery, China and GLASS WAMS, KEROSENE OIL AND LA2TPS. S4 Sycamore St.. I'eiersburg. Va. (Opposite Iron Front.) Goods carefully packed. March C Aim Furniture! Furnituiel W. II. MORPJSS, & CO., Faycttcv,llc Street, Rale.Kl., N . C. Mnufctorer id Dralr In all klod l FUKN1IUKE. AUn,couimIyn tud and made to order. Miuea, Cotton A. Shuck, Jute & ahuck si d lUir Mttrrt. renot j victim; the 'apiiai oi the ftute m I'lcwc give Ui a can aua eumiue our iuck. VI. H. M0REISS. " . ... , no. i inoji i'hoxt, . ... r i -t" I fcycamorc street, i etersour,,, , . sll order by ttlerspu, ului or daj prouipilv attended to. MsrcU U.-12in. E. H. Plummer & Co. Ko. 121 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. Be leave to call attention their Stock ot J HON AND STEEL, to I ARM MACHINERY, &Tirl & rr ri rn Itlir? 1 In TlltneiitS I 1 n I'l Ilfl I Ilf ill DaTt. i r i " . . J Improved Montgomery IhOCkawayx r? n.J Mill tmm Cutter, . ' J. n , ..,?, Agent forliickfordtc Ilujfhiant Wheal Drills. We invite special attention to the I jrannerS JT ri inners Fritnd Plow Perfected. tvcry pioW warrcnted to give satis- e n,u (lrrlora urnmut faction or no sale. Urdera prompt ly tilled. Auir. 7, 1873. T. R. MuORE, HATS. CAPS. STRA IT, GOODS. FUDS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES, No. 115 Scamore Street, PETEhSBUKG, VIlltilMA. August 27, 1S73. KUDOS. CHANOK 191 .OLD. E. RICHTER, Has removed his entire stock of ifXTCUl S. JEWELHT A ClOCUS vbok xo. S Bias STaiir, vo , oo cycamore street. I'eiersourg. r. Tbioklnr the public for former patrooscrt. tis hniic. a rontlnusnca la tsTur bias ttb order herctoiors. I ill mv work tn mi 1 na ntriBtttr itttfldra to and tiuctun Kasrsnu-ed. I11'i:"ii'.rD:rr.,r:'",,d w't"- ltj is. un-ij. Manufacturer and Dealer Io all fciaurs oi i :..(,- to l,:,n cverv hotlCit man and I . Furniture Alt kind of Matlmsca on U.nd l8ier lo m,n """" ",a" . oSSeSlOtl ot Ita OWUCr. ....I .....1. m nrilrp Aim. lndef Ikliilf In Si I liui.niic!iinMn will Kn I. ir1fi'f t fl 1 1 ti t I . mm r . lUbrancbrt All kind and .livs of Ut-'.lc ' w' .. . A 1 OUtg Jsttly: I. a n ri itoua iuuin;. tuu)iuni w - i nun ... m .v.-.w i. . . i .. ... t,tt.'n -. THE TRIBUNE. TnURaDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1573 , N.C., Xov. ! lSTX KtNUWOOP Editor Tribune. I havo nccn somewhere, an nrticlo written cn the suhicct o! uThat not HJ 'ht and some of the su-gctiuni struck mens heinj; of considerable inteJctt. I will give you omc that I recollect M l,car ns ta". not tlniming the idcaa aa ori-inul, and thcrvhy not Kt anv one run ofT with tbn fA.t ¢ of a 6upiHcd tdgiarim: I When travelling i a fit coach (say the writer) 1 swa man drets- cd a gentleman and ready to shot any otlicr who should dvtiy that he is so, puflin tobacco smoke into that air which hi fellow paisencri have to breath, reardlcMf the dts- eomtort he cause them; or placing his feet upon tho teat they occupy, 1Hys perhaps ita ncttial cutttnr-l vitli . . . their clotltc; 1 say to intscll"! hat I I not ICirlit. '1 he son or brother who sister he is grutl, dUeortcoti, sullen and disobliging, mby be r.umed that every d.secruing and jutft mind will think "Thats nut right' Who ever after marriage abates aught ol the neatness iu person or drc which be had practiced before, is gnilty or a fraud; and need not . rt.-.f 1 wonucr n uc lo&e iiioe aueciiona which were given him upon an im plied condition that he should re- tain his desert of them. Ills own conscience tells him "that not right." Ilow much more is this true of him who as a husband, lays a&ido the Ltiwlntf a rtMft rttirtiA tit tt hli-ll aft A -,,,""iJ "w --v lover ho had won his bride. Iu many, many, a house, docs the spectacle of such altered conduct cr!in TrulK run n !.-. t ir-nlll lufl .. 4 VI,,.fi T t..,. tol.nt ro ehcWL-r Stilt ntll 1 sec a lonacco cncwtr spu Upon a cCan floor or CariHTt, When I . . - A windo'V or nre place IS in a lew feet of him, it strikes me "llatinot ngm. ncn a man reiuse io pay the printer for his paper, and the fl.u-tfir tvhn riih s tliroinli find r nnMuQ and ftorm to dtulm. Thattnot rigW1 G. E. M. To Wash Rlsck AND Wiiitf. DRE5SLS. Takehalf a iH.und ofthe best yellow soap, and slowly di solve it in hot water about a quart, so that it forms a jelly. Wash the drets quickly in warm water, meingthe jelly instead o, soap; well lime it in two or three clean water, and v'i&g it as dry as possible. Ilyon wrinirim? I ,. li i ti i n rniiimr rtii'iT. dia rubber roller, that isthebet; til but it not, double vrinrr the drew. it ralP .irl, Have ready a basin ot raw starcli. prepared in the following manner. T two handfulls of laundrv f tarel n,.Art ..r-.i.i rtir ainh..! ...j A tajtoontul 1 powcereU OOrax, anu R leaipOOniui y .... ol turpcn.ine and well n,ix ; I,.. .1.!. J ! J - . I . Ia a I as dry as possible; roll in a Urge .l.,il. r..r a ir-ir min.ti and th,.. i it i c aiiv-s v n si r at bh l l r in 'f i iiu i s iron with ns much speed a, compati bio with good workmanship. ! Prarr i tho iaL of nneaMtril th. atillnM of onr thoerhta ? the r O - - , . . w..,w . illiV lJ f i9 an smiles anu ciiKcn cottpi.iccnry wuuui. " um uh j i ru ut in iuc i ttnoihcrel lauh, at mcrnorict of to gentlemen and Indica not ot hi free, it iideotalk to us akiut the I thc c!own loom upUdore tim;tct, Lousihold, while to his mother or suppled insalt to the tbr', by the wsth an awfal frown and in cocr evenness or recollection; the seat ot , meditation; the mt of cares and Ho burthcr-s cf the unfortunate the Uie calm of our tempest. Prayer is insupportable wcght .f a e- . . i- hereafter. I ir?r Hue. ine luue oi a f;rcai uiinu oi uuirouo-1 - led thonghts; it is the daughter ot charity; and the sister ot mcckncsA.1 Taylor. An enterprising phrenologist once wrote to the late Charles Dick ens, asking leave to make an cxatni nation of his cranium. Dickens replied . MDear JSir At this time I require tbe use ot my skull, but as soon as it shall be at leasure, will williugly place it at your dis posal. Wc take tha following Irom the I ctertburg Index & Appeal. "An .M Onfi-dcraUT ttiJcnflr cn. Jutal A. Karh, trrile to the Lyntlilmr Vir-juiidit, itujutrirs vrlwt lie Uiy in t;rcyM htc lodo witli ihc troubles tf the United SlatMViili Cub and ar-uin- that our hould rc nothing to Jo the matter. Wc tte had ij acc to icprvilorc entire the vin.ui and jdej ktfer, frum which the following u an vxitAd: What has tho nation,' uIi.hcI name wc ntccllcd nm to tindi- catc, done tt protect our rights and our liltrtu-f that wc shonld be in neh a hurry to cc that the Con- rcJ. at whose hand wc hare had nothing hat wrott- and indignity, should Vring tht Cuban jnrtin to a eho ut once! sir; if the f:r name of th: nation is to Us vir.di catcd, let the Work be Lectin at lit . I ninc ij unuutnj tnc many wrongs I inu:cic J uinin me tcon;c oi the I capture d a voel enga-cd in an unlawful attempt U aid a mcie tac- tioti in Cuba in the effort to subvert the legitimate government of that island and set the negroes free. Wur is National tJaxK Crcmrscr IjRS AN Ut.MI:R)XJJl v:0 9 ,u . , , . rnfcllcM anJ I these arc the answer: Practical Man: It aint like it! Sic Young Man: Uccame vou can make a si rend with it. a tr.,; .v tf... lr,,T r. mm, mm mM - - - u m m A M tk. m UJ WOBlOVS tnc ttarucst to borrow when you need it the tnoit. . a ft a a A 1'vor Young Man: Bccauc It I .... Uun t take Iodz to count ail vou vc got. An Experienced Man: Hccaujc it don't do any gtod unless it U UKd. An UnfortunaU Man: Hecate yoaeanl gel it back agnin when yon lend it. A Jo&ut Young Man: Reran it is verv cunvciiictit when the , , A x.cori!: liccvjre there's no I avfitrin oi central rcuc m i tun wntrr - - .urn,d aisrr b-atln-. eeaue it it lv one rKiona ;,,nrnrr A Ilard Monc; Man: V.n,. it ii inctivcrtihle. Tlie owner can'l rrc4cnt h? umbrella at the Trta- lurj anj demand coin far its fall V4iu(, Ah Jmjyyrf: RCCauc it won't pAr Uutieaat the custom h.,u,c. 1 X cWo jrtln: lfccaM U i ca,v io Ue it. Mittrbj Nan: IWrautc one A lj-iiJtJrij1: Ik-raacrrc likes to have it to Use when there's occa sion for it. A Quiet Young Man: Ikcacie it prou.iiM.-s to pay. Jci(: w cI, Jor e. w ho need an h?iL-u&j f..r noi tuv his board b-il. '3t B Ut ,,c ' cnccrneJ. his I - . ... i i I currency is like an umbrella becasse It the wretched tendency of our times to bale all catculatiur.i. all cllo.ts, on this life only, locn.wJ etery thing into this narrow span. In limiting inana end and aim to ; " crresinai eautence, agra- . I a11 l,U lrriL!c Kcligion is becoming as easy to wear as an ancient well vcntilaUd I shoo, and is to be kicked into one corner when it is in anybody way. Ueechcr says he likes the custom of - asking the L!c;rg before meals, - 1 makc the bread tatc sweeter,' but fur those who are indiScrent 'there is nothing obligatory aboct it.' That is an item fur lrthsor Btot. Grat- 1 1 itudc to God is no longer a Christian l virtue, but oo mean conditscst for I cruet. Interior Uro.i Tnt$ Plea Wk Air Yoc to Pat TDK Pjcxtls. Printers aro mt client and fiilhful toiler, UriJ, thcrrturr. e da cot uh to to cn!inullr 4b!owtng, aloct t!ic!r Lard, hard lot nor !o we at ll - ciihcr dlnxtlr cr ind'rtlr Hut r inters do itrvc lie polUc fuhfuHr. and wc Lc.pcl for ticni a crnrwu rctoin. Frota crlj ir.oni to noon, and frxcj nyzn to .ti rv, - ... t too tf the wt.rb! iloir qu;ct the corapH;tr arr and ycl how fat thrr juck w i ? trx:! Tlicrc i m s-"rt ,f ncr-u :il!:ifs in t!irj men, and it gra!c l.ari!,!y on their fcflin-i t Lt this .H!nc-s trolen. llicrc tauil l no loud ulkin-, no whttllin. no igin, no mirth In a rrintin-, OrrxMonalle. in seme dark evncr where ifck Lr-s are adctil ii0 has r.ot quite fumjttca tlio uuu tone, tho dreaded forccjaa scares him into silence. The sun goi down, and the mooa ecrmrt up; bnt still thej work Pters- by become lcs fmjucnt, and tho i;u i: tl;C !wP out; tul s:ill they lull, Krcn the red ctstcrI.-M Udc array at length; I ... ..!! .1 -I- a. .... uai "' wur" l2iC KU n,w,n !- War l!;C, Lcr Uihl vn tnt still tI,c V''A rrt"14 rumbling, and tbe editor is thinking ai;d ntmz w ' and mailing, an J the printers am "letting, and the devils arc tirc4 and drooping. IIa!c old have striven hard to day, and this sweet rest which toa are taking nov, la the quiet watihc tf the niht, is good for your tired lody. list away In a u;isani luwa mmwc r-ia "d ac;,,c KJn arc Vuirg: io rencer in ita moti attractive lurxn the pajcn, eontainicg the very l tU! new . It has been said thai "there is a "im!J ihspctoar er.d, rough I l.rff tl.rrti u xrn will Wc accept 1 w " "I. 9 Ibluw cur nngers fn icy tnotLir-gt trlth 1Mr l-.i-ff n.nA ao a 1jVAf )Tf TI 1 fi-ci'i rifl m Vm rk. rv p - I ,cr wc a our lilTini- I I . . . bare hapcj oar end,-to wcai na ,oTC,t to cal no htm r Teal cutlet. Rot wc hink ditTcrcntly cmecrnlng thcc printer; we bclietc wc know- 1 11 c'r ,)itimlci "TC a'aJcd . rJirtl-ai wc in t enable tho tJarry out thedictaieU Crac rca Ik.: la, Dr. Simon, a physician of Lorraine, gite a new can; fr boils, by trratirg thctn with camphorated alcohol. As sooa aa the calminatirg point cf a Uil make i:s appearasre, to pcti a littl cf the liquid in assurer, and dipp ing the cr.ds cl his iniJJ.c f rgtr ht mU the bSactcJ urfaee, "pally ;c n!r41 rrt ref-eatirg thera!:,.n e g..t or ten tirne fcr U f ll l- aI!oir t! e lcrfACC Xo dr7- P-'rT over ita sl'ghteoatirgcf camphorat ed olirc oil. lie says that fosr isch applications will, in almcMt all ease. eauK U ils to dry up asd diiaprvcar. The applicailoo shonld be made at morning, ntoa and in tie eveiicg. A Scotch parson had a frc;Iag r.c;ghbor who waa in the babit cf shooting on ssndsys, 1st alter a while this Sabhatb-brtaktr jc ined the Church. Oe day the minister to whose Church he bclocgtd, xrxt, a trier. J of the farmer, asd ssli: Doyon tetany d lie recce In Mr P. since he joined tho Cls arch. V -Oh yrs," replied the fries df a great diil.rrrie. BeforT, when he vent out to shoot en Ssnday, te ca tiled his gen cn his ihoclJcr, let cow he carries It under Lis cct.n ; 1 J i i i