VOL. II. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, ; JULY 1, 1869. NO. 286. THE WILMINGTON POST. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. ; OFFICIAIr OR&AN. HAS. I. GRADY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. . tEBMS Or SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Per Year.... ............ ...... .V...... $4 00 Six Months. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2' 00 Three Months. .............. 1 25 vne Month......... 50 ; i RATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted at 1 1 00 per square for first insertion and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. - ; ' " ' Ten line or less, solid minion type, constitute a square. - : rv;-.-::" ', opeeial Newspaper Advertising and General Col , I lecting Agency for North Carolina. . ! WM. A. HEARNE & CO., i Special Aenls for the North Carolina Press, ad General Agents for the Collection of Claims off every description throughout' r the State. Office, Goidsboro', N. C. , Are authorized Agents for the Post. CITY. Job Printing. We arc now prepared to execute, at this office, all manner of Job Printing. T Om Readers. Subscribers will no tice thatjthe cross ou their paper denotes "time out" and wc would be pleased with prompt renewal of subscriptions. Cheap A d veiiti a r nG . All our friends are cordially invited to send notices for this column at the exceeding low price of 10 -CENTS A. LINE. j. : , 'fbp cadet ball pased off very pleasantly. Third Ward Republicans will notice Mr. Hill's; advertisement. The Fourth Ward Republicans will please take notice of the call of the ward com mi t- tee. Appleton s Jo unlrt I contains another Victor Hugo's chapter, and has a nicturs well worth framing. The loan and building association have closed their books subscribed for. All the stock has been To day the time expires for delinquents in I tax ptiyiug ana tUc ShedfTs notice will ex pire by sundown To day the special term of the Superior Court for the trial of civil cases will be held in Robeson county. :Maior J. L. Rhoades is now acting as Justice ot the Peace. He is every way fitted to make an efficient Justice. The' Collector will sell at public auction to day the remains of blockade runners on beach at Myrtle Crove Sound. The Republican County Committtee have issued a call for delegates to a convention to meet in the City'Hall July 17th. All who love ' the w Sunday shave" can find pleasure therein by calling on any of the professors of the art tonsorial. Dr. Myers, whose very able communication-we will publish, will deliver; an oration July '1th, to the people of Long Creek. The Chairman of the Board of Assessor's "Iveslhree days grace to thpse who fail to . give in their tax. list, but it expires July 3d. I The! scWoner Nellie Tarbox. whose sink ing; wd jnentioued, has been raised by her efficient Captain, v ho hopes soon to have her in good order tpr sea. ; The Iiadicjr ' July comes to-- us with . much fine reading. 'The article on that queen among women Margaiet Fuller, is worth the price of the magazine. .SVccall attention to the City Ordinances with relations to tax on Wholesale Dealers 1 Commission Merchants and companies ; also to the regulation concerning barbers. We call attention to the advertisement ot of Dr. Lawrence in the column headed " koskoo.': The medicine is very highly recommended for diseases incident to this climate. j . . . , Ml Qur readers who may wish tor shares in . the grand prizes to be distributed in Raleigh ' are informed that Mr. Hall, at the office of the Post, is still the agent of the North -Carplina Personal and Real Estate Agency. Harbor Master's Report. The follow j ing number of vessels arrived at this port from May 31st, to July 1st, 1869 : Steamers 18, Barques 1, Brigs 2, Schoon ers 22. Total 43. With an aggregate tpo age of 17,974. i I ' . B. J. Lawton, I Harber Mast cr. A short trip up the Wilmingtoo & Wel don Railroad shows that all the county has not been so destitute of rain as our city, but still the Scraps" would be greatly im proved by a plenteous course of shower baths. The prize corn and peas on the ' Excelsior" plantation, will compare favor ably with any in the State, and as pretty a piece of cotton as we have ever seen is now flourishing on our, friend French's place. The July number of Die Mbdentcelt, an Il lustrated Magazine for Fashions and Fancy Work has been received. Subscription in cluding two papers and pattern sheet monthly, $3 00 ; single copies, 35 cents. Berlin American agency, S. T. Taylor, Im porter of Ladies Fashions, 391 Canal street, New York. Report of the month o the Clerk1 of the Market lor June 1869: Beeves. Hogs, Sheep. Venison. Geo. Bappler4 22 J. J. King & Son.... 30 T. H. Johnson & Bro 32 Jerrill & Tilly 27 W. T. Vann.,. 22 W. E. Davis. ... . 1 0 57 00 0 129 00 0 . 173 00 0 87 00 0 41 09 1 30 00 00 ,61 00 0 23 00 00 - . 2 00 ... 00 .11 CQ. Popr''- Catne. ... 19 John Cowan. L...... 3 J. K. Hanchey....... 5 .Nat. Kedd..... 1 179 1 614 00 ' WM.McLA.URttr, Clerk of Market. Union Grammar Cchool. -The citizens of Wilmington bad a rare treat in the exhir bition of the above named school at the city Theatre. Dialogues, declamations and recitations, formed the evening programme ; and the pupils showed a thorough acquaintance with the branches they had studied, and evinced in the; cause of ed ucation a zeal that promised! well for their; future. We cannot bestow; on Miss Bradley too much praise tor the good she has effected in our community ; and the progress made by her scholars is the gratifying result of her labor?, and entitles her to the thanks of many paf rents. Do Not PoivDER. There is an offence committed by day exhibited brunette beauties, and every bn our streets for .public in spection, and nb doubt, in the hope 1 of an approval which, we rejoice to say, is usually withheld. It consists in smearing the dark skin with a white powder, so that the net results is black hair and eyes with a pale mealy white-complexion a combination foreign to nature and ruinous to beauty. It is cause of sincere regret to; see the rage for blonde thus obliterating that more fascinat ing order of beauty, the brunette. An olive complection, soitar from being something to be concealed and denied, is the only proper complement of coal-blacK eyes and jetty hair, and, at least so long as blonde men have place in the world, will not lack for admirers. ' ivh en the roso of health shines through the oliva akin, the result im a glow ood weaitij ot color tnat tne i xaiater hues of the blonde can never rival. To obscure and veil this richest of flesh tints with a sickly white powder i3 more than offence against taste it is a sin and a shame lor beauty is really a posession which even the owner has not a right to mar or destroy it is a public gpod and benefaction one ot those gifts which make life a garden in stead of a desert. ; Isn't it queer that a majority of mankind are engaged in minding everybody else's business, and in jsomc cases to the neglect of their own. Aw oman s gossip one of her can be en "inalienable dured, tor it is rights," besides it is quite necessary in a reg- ulur "tea fight," at the muffins, or the bis- cuit. But the male gossip is abominable. Listen to him : Does a person move into a large house ? instantly his business neighbors begin to wonder it he can afford it, implying ot course, by the, question, that he cannot. Does another buy a horse ? there are omin ous shakes cf the head, and sage remarks, in whispers about spendthrifts. JJoes a third beautify his store, or enlarge hia stock? dark hints arc heard respecting people who go too fast, and who are certain always to end, in ruin. A fourth has made a fojtune. As people cannot now abuse him tor spend ing money, they say he ha3 grown haughty so that, unless he is twice as affable as be fore, he is sneered at for being "purse proud." A fifth) a sixth, a seventh, and so on endlessly, has some other pretended fault, over which his acquaintances talk be hind his back, oi; hint, winking yith great cunning as they smoke their cigari. i Sensible people: find their own afiaira about as much a$ they can attend to prop erly. Depend upon it, he who is always minding the business of other persons, is very apt to neglebt his own, till it gets into 1 a hopeless tanglct And he who is always mending other people's characters and hab its, would find it to his own. more profitable to attend Rooms Republican County Commit -tee,; June 29th, 1869. There will be a cour vention of the Republicans of New Hanover couuity at the City Hall in Wilmington on Saturday, July ;17tb, at 10 o'clock A. M. Wards and Townships will be allowed one delegate for every one hundred Repub lican voters and one for every fractional part of one hundred over fifty, cast at the election for President in November last, making the representation as follows : Wilmington. rirst Ward, 0 delegates. Second Ward, 6 delegates. Third Ward, 4 delegates. Fourth Ward, 4 delegates. Townships. Federal Point, 1 delegate. j. Masonboro 1 delegate. Harnett, (Middle Sound,) 3 delegates. Grant, (Topsail Sound,) 1 delegare. Holly, (Holly Shelter,) 1 dele gate. Union, (South Washington,) 1 dele-; gate. Franklin, (Upper Black' River,) 2 delegates. Columbia, (Piney Woods,) 1 delegate Caswell, (Lower Black River,) 1 delegate. Cape Fear, (Kaintuck,) 1 dele- gate. Lincoln, (Long Creek,). 2 delegates. Hoiden, (Rocky Point,) 3 delegates. ; The following persons are appointed Sub committees to call Ward and Township Caucuses to nominate delegates to the Con vention. Candidates for Township Offi cers, Justices of the Peace, &c. First, Sec ond, Third and Fourth Wards in Wilming ton, the Ward Committees. Township of Federal Point. Henry Davis. Masonboro- . Harnett, Dan. C.Davis. Grant, pela ware Nixon. Hol- Ijr . Union, Anthony Norwood. Franklin, Dimas Devane. Columbia, Wm. T. Morton. Caswell, A V. Howell. Cape Fear, Alonzo Brown. Lincoln, John BelL Hoiden, Peter Batson. Per order of the-County x S2om QeoTIZ. Fbench,! :'- i ' '' Chairman. Letters that Explain Themselves. The following letters have been sent to this office for publication. They explain them selves, and all we ask of our readers is to recollect that the man who presumes to ask their suffrages for the honorable position of representative in the Legislature for the honest voters of New Hanover, has been sailing nnder false colors, and has no stand ing in that great army ot heroes who saved the republic in our second revolution. The assertion made by Captain Larkins that he served in the " Fourth Maryland Cavalry " is met by the statement of the- Adjutant General ot the State that there teas no nuch regiment. Likewise, that under an assumed name Mr, Larkius served the land he loves to " beat" on is met by theact that his name is not borne on any muster roll : , State of Maryland, Adjutant General's Office, Annapolis, June 25, 1809. 'Sirt : I have the ' honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 23d. The records of this office! only embrace ''three regiments of Maryland Cavalry, the ls, 2d and 3, and the names of Samuel Wilson and Solon Larkins are not to be found on the list of the regiments' named ; nor: does the name of Col. Tidbalt appear on the list. In short, so far as the records of this office indicate, there does not seeni to have been such a regiment as the 4th Maryland Caval ry in service. I am, very respectfully, , Tour db'tserv't, Chas. H. McBlair, A. A. General; General Headquarters, "Adjutant GENERAL'S OFFICE, AxaAM, June 24th, 1869. yIK:In reply to your inquiry of the 18th inst., I have to inform you that there is no evidence fileja in this office that a person bearing the name of Solon "VVLarkins was a commissioned officer in the 8th New York Cavalry. ' " . Very respectfully, Franklin Townsend, Adjutant General. STATE. They are to have another Steam Engine in New 'Berne. ; The Raleigh Sentinel mauagers have all become insane. The Leesburg freedmen schools have giv en an exhibition. ! The New Bean papers mention a large shipment of New potatoes to New York by steamer. I ! TJhe citizens ot Raleigh have decided to celebrate the Fourth, of July in an, appropri ate manner. We will bet our bottom dollar with the Star man, the first bale oi new, cotton raised in North Carolina is brought to New Berne. New Berne Join aal. ; It is stated that the corn crop of this coun try promises to yield beautifully two-fifths mm-ft t.hiq vp.ar than last. The same is also said of Duplin and Sampson counties. It was rumored on our streets this morn inn- tW Sheriff Moore, ot Granville has been killed. Wc endeavored to trace the re- nort to some reliable source but could not do so. ; I Mr. Alex. Meadows laid upon our table yesterday, a full blown cotton blossom, raised on the farm ot Mrs. Anne E. Down ing, contiguous to the city. He informed ua that three oi four hundred more of the same kind can be seen at Mrs. Downing's place. New Berne Times. ! . WlLLIAMSTO AND TABBORO7 RAIL ROAD. We have not yet received the official re port of the proceedings of the Stockhold ers and Directors of this Company recent ly held at Williamston, but are informed that Messrs. Lanier and Cofficld were elect ecl Directors in the place of Messrs. Biggs and Bagley. j ; The Statesvillc American states since our ... i . last, the wheat harvest has been progressing most satisfactorily in this section, the weath er being very favorably. A better crop oi wheat never was made in these parts, and similar reports reach us from a the United States. The oats I portions of crop hcrea- bouts is most promising. Corn and other crops arc doing well. i When John O. Breckinridge went into the rebellion he Bold much of his land in Stl Paul, Minn. One place, of forty acres, ad joining the city, which he soldj for'one dol lai cash cannot now be bought for twenty thousand dollars. In Ilourd of am ' '.Wilmington, n;- C, June 28, 1869. The Board met in regular session. . the Mayor, Alder man Kellogg, Arnold,! Wilson, Rumley, Ser TOsi, Howo and French, i The mlnutes of the last meeting was read and approved. v i J The Public Committee reported back the resultof their investigation, in the case of Jewe Weatherly, and jthe Board sustained the action of the Mayor in discharging him trom the police force by the following vote : Aye3Iessrs. Wilson, . Servoss, Rumley, no we ana French. Nayg--Messra2 Arnold and Kelloiw ! itEhe ciimiiieojDn the- Poor were direct! I to mvesugaie me case ol Robert jMcAIister, and report at the next meetin icy Thecommitee oh Rtronf w ed further time by the following vote : : : ".-vuu.vu,J,1MSi(lUk. Ayes -Kellogg, Wilson .Servoss, Howe and French. ; Nays Arnold and Humley. . The committee to report names for School committee, reported back the following named gentlgmen who were ballotted :for, and dul elected : j U ' . First 7ard W. T. Cjrr. Second wjard Jamesi Lowery. Third Ward George Chadboilrn.i Fourth Ward Thomas At kinson, jit was ordered that the School committje be requested to report a system of schoofe to govern the city. Aldenlan Kellogg desired a correction in the minutes of the last meeting which ms accordingly made. . r An ondinance relative to tlu rofmUf j sales, was adopted. j '-See Advertising 'Column. , HesolvM. Thaj when the Board they adjburn td meet - on Tuesdav. TriJ Cth. 18G9; at 3 oMock, P. M. . f The Finance ctoimittee was directed to guarantee that onb-half the receipts should be deported in aiy Bank or Banking house loaning tiohey tothc cityj j The Clerk was Uirected1 to -miMi!, fi.U ueaicn qrcunauce Twice in the Wilmington Post. - . m Permission wa granted Chas. I). Myers to erect an additior oj oue room to the house now occupied 01 him, corner Third and Market" streets. An ordinance onceruinif Barber Shops was passed - . . . . H vvertisipg-4, Action on a petBon from the Steam Engine Conany, postponed to next The Treasurer was ordered to pay the bill ot Dr. W. W. Harris, for lumber used in repairing his fence damage-cause by the Fire Engine at the recent fire. The petition of chimney weep was refeN red to the conlmijtee on Fire Department.' The Board then adjourned. Benjamin Duhfee, ! City Clerk. Beautifal Wcptan. If you would be bcaa tiful, use Hagan's Jlagnolia Balm. It gives a pure Blooming Complexion and re stores Youthful leauty.' i i Its effects are gradual, natural and perfect. It Removes Rjdness, Blotches and Pimnlcs. cures Tan, Sunbjlrn and Freckles, and makes a Lady of thirty appear twenty. The Majrnoli Balm makes the Skin Smooth and Pearly; thjEje bright and; clear ; the check glow with the lloom ot Youth, and imparts a fresh, plump appearance to the countenance. No , Lady nee complain of her Complexion when 75 centslrill purchase this delightful arti cle, i T . The best thlig to dress the hair with is Lyon's jvatnanon. lis ITU OF ALL SORTS. New Jeriby is to have a 'Pedestrian con gress.' j Grant ithe only one who smoked in the Coliseumi j One thjusand meii are White Pije. taking out ore at Colfaxsavs he is 'more, than- one-half Jerseymhi." j Dorchester is to be taken to Boston's bos- 6m Jan l, 1870. i - ThqCape May bathers and seaside roys terersare having a fine time; this summer. Major-Gen. Meade will unveil the mon ument at the Gettysburg Cemetery, July 1. Seifttor Carpenter has been retained to do tbi Fourth of July atj Oconomowoe, Mi Boswell Baden, of Ihdiana, has had so rimv wives that he can't 'remember their names: Tields, the Boston publisher, has lately Desn Visiting icnuysuu, auu ts uu mo giiest of Dickens. j he euagc of the Missouri Pacific Rail road is to be changed in July from 5 feet 6 iiches to 4 feet 8 inches. ; i -. M. Adrian, a French artist, is preparing a panorama of Rhode Island. The Sprague is suggested as exhibitor and commentator. As an instance of the rapid ? communica tion iwith the West afforded by the new .Union Pacific Railroad, recently opened, it; may be mentioned that the ; Daily Montana Herald, published at Omaha, is now re ceived in Reading on the second day alter the date of is publication. America is evidently intending to seize Russia Cameron, Clay, Curtm having C. cured the ministershiD in resular order. Thei Spanish I iournals arc circulating a curious report to the effect i that the Prince of Astdrias is to marrv the English Princess Beatrice, a ladv of his own age; that he is to be King and she Queen of Spain Donna Isabella abdicating, and that in consequence bt such a verv nroDitions alliance, the Brit ish Government will restore Gibraltar to the Spanish monarchy. MISCELLANEOUS. Brilliant : Scheme for July 10th, 1869. THIRD SUAlTDRAViriQ, TO TAKE PLACE AT TUCKER H ALL, naleigh, C.y July 1 Oth, 1 800. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS : Hon. Siok H.RoaiBs, Raleigh, N. C. UTBus P. Mkndexhall, Greensboro'. N. C. L. C. Latham, Plymouth, N. C. Footk, Raleigh, N. C. Tw' t? mcClintock, Raleigh, N. C. J. . W. Habbison, Raleigh, N. C? -oZ?c ?iT explanatory drawincr of tlia N n IntMTcftyfonnir tSSS append the scheme, vhxch is a brilliant oV.Z ff! wm.De B"n b a. mathemaUcal chorT. . MUnn. one nnze 01 p.vf.rv tan 7 o Tipta n r " . uwtwj, uuu enclose i'vowiftc biuuijj iu pre-jjay leiier. IiIST OF PRIZES. 1 Prize 1 Rosewood Piano 7 Octave round Corner, Tremaiue orus., new lork, 1 Fine Top Buffo-y 1 China Tea Set? 1 Chamber Set. ' 45 yards Brussels Carpet 45 44 i it w it it ti it it $650 00 350 00 35 00 25 00 135 00 135 00 70 00 18 00 45 00 120 00 45 00 250 00 45 28 u SPlvCaroet. 30 " Matting SO Carpet ng 1 Sewing Machine, each 1 Green Silk Dress 1 Acre, Building Lots, $50 each, near 8t. Mary's I Lady's Gold Watch and Chain, elegant ! 1 Silver Pudding Spoon . Music Box 15 yards Oil Cloth 25 Striped Carpeting 40 White Matting 1 Saratoga Trunk 1 Morocco Satchell 10 yards Gingham, each 1 Elegant Fan, each, 1 Gent's Hat, each 2 l 5 110 00 20 00 125 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 18 00 : it ' Ct , t tt ti .t it i tt i ti tt It tt tt It it it tt it If tt tt "tt tt tt it 7 00 5 10 6 1 7 2 rawe uovers Muslin Dress. 10 yds, each urunze vv atcn sale 44 Inkstand Dressing Case, each Glass Tea Set, 6 pieces t 1 1 1 Parian Toilet Set, blue Toilet Set, Bohemian, Wine Set " a pair Silvered Glass Goblets, a i i ' (1 it Silvered Glass Salver it . (C 1 pair Glass Clery Stand at 2 each ' v at $1 cacb 100 262 Prizes V? wjr -5. O. Beat ana rersonau Agency,'1 t t win XT r J - With stamp for retxKt,tage encfoaed. Mr. S. G. HALL, at th UDo,iiv , iLl.XjXJl.VJ Jij office is our authorized Agent ior WllSinevl ft rid BTirrniinrtintr pnnntrv. -rr, y A Proclamation by His Ex- Executive Depaktment or Nobth Caeolin Raleigh, June 21, 1869. -TTTHEREAS. official information has been re- V V ceived at this Department that a Tacaocy exists in the representation Jrom the county o.i New Hanover, caused bv tbc resisrnation ot L. G. Estes, Esq., lato member of the House of Representatives ; , Now, therefore, I. W. W. Holden, Governor ot the istate ot North Carolina, by virtue ot au thority conferred by law. do issue this proclama tion, ordering an election to be held pi the aev eral places of vo tine in said countv. tn. the first Thursday in August, for the purpole of filling j saiu vacancy. ; . Done at our Citv of Ralefeh, this 2ist l. s. I day of June, 1869, and in tfce ninety-third 1 year of our Independent. ; Vv. W. Jl( VY. W. HOLDfiN, Governor. By the Gcvernor: W. R. IicHARDsoN. Private Secretary. : june 24 24-td x NOTICE ! HIS EXCELLENCY, GOV. W. W. HOL den, ha ordered a special Term of the Su perior Court, for Robeson county, to be held on 1st Monday in July, 1869, for the trial of Civil Cases, and to continue until the business of said Court shall be disposed of. Suitors, witnesses and persons interested will give their attendance accordingly. non i 1 june l(f , 380-tjulyl Journal and Fayetteville Eagle please copy and forward hill to the Register's office, Robt- son county. - THERE WILL BE A MEETING AT THE nonrt House Friday niffht at 8 o'clock, (sharp) to appoint delegates to Township and County Convention Chairman Ward Club, julyl ! 286-lt INSURANCE AGEUTS. YOUR ATTENTION IS HEREBY CALLED to Section 35 of the "Act to Raise Rev- enue. rAr"KTS day ot April and every three months thereafter thpir "UriMineTax'' Yon are there- fore requested to call at my office on the 1st day nv Jtrir hext ana pay mis xax. .every insu rance Company incorporated out of this State which has no other agent except the one in thia county, will be required to pay the lull tax ot four hundred dollars. J. V SUliEMJK, JR., 1 Sheriff, may 16 73-t julyl The Copy Book Primer, OR AN EASY WAY OF , LEARNING TO READ AND WRITE, By J. I LOVE. THIS LITTLE SCHOOL BOOK IS received, with favor by the public and is selling quite extensively. Another large lot just received at LOVE'S BOOK STORE. aarch2S 259-it PURCELU10USE. J. Jl. DAVIS, - - Proprietor. THE ABOVE HOTEL IS THE ONLY FIRST CLASS HOUSE in the City ol Wilmington, and offers to travelers every comfort and atten tion tound in the cest nouses in toe counirv. June 10 tf&AX 1 H MICELLANEOHS. BRITISH PERIODICALS I The London Quarterly Review. The Edinburg Review, The Westminister Renew. The North British Review, Blackwood's Edinbnrff fllagaWue. The reprhits of the leading Quarterns and Black, wood are now indispensable t5 1 w ho deSS to keep themselves fullv ihformL iD,?!re thgreatsubjects ottheday.as vw ilF&7btst MhoUars and soundest thinkers I reat Britain Thf contributors to the paees oUhese r are men who stand at the had A thn !? vl ghsh writers on Science, KeUgidl Art, and Gen- ntcraiure, ana wnaiever if worthy of dis CUSS ion finds attention in t h Tiea of these Re that no snbRt!rihr ran fhn Jeatisfied TK. s . , rff Z.th thMnr1l fll" delify to the English copyfe1 ro rf? ' Ai prioes whihe place them"111 reachof all , . f ; TERMS BJ869 - v v Per annum. Forfanv onn nf tha Rnff3i. J.... ....... $4 00 Joriany twooftheRel28"'1 or any tnree ot they Yiew8 ............ ForTall four of the riews For Blackwood's Jazhie ....... For Blackwood anQ Keview. . ....... For Blackwood an two of the Reviews ... X'Or Blackwood three of the Reviews. For Blackwoodd1 the four Reviews.... 7 00 10 00 12 00 - 4 00 7 00 10 00 13 00 15 00 !. ' Jf CLUBS - : A discount yJ "cm will be allow to ninh. v-.iJr more iersons. Ihus. lour cop ies of Blacked, or ot one Review, wUl be sent o oticfiddred tor W 80. . Y V -IS POSTAGE. " 1 Subscribers should prepay by the quarter," at theffice ot delivery. , The rosTAGBfli0 any part of ffie United States is TWO CENTS a number. This rate only applies to current subscriptions, u or bacK numbers the posuijto & uuuuie. PRiilCJMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. fytr subsbrlbeto any two of the above pe riqiicMls lor 1869 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the four Reviews for 1868. New Subscribers to all five of the Periodicals for im may receive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of thei Four Reviews lor 1868. Snhsfrihpra mar Viw unnlirlnn ..T.. i UO n back sets of the Reviews from Jan., 1865, to Dec. .lOftOIISKS onH nf R!a.b-nrnr,rl0 VCr, ' T .ii! ALBUMS 1 '4 LARGE AND HANDSOME ASSORT- Xjl ment, comprising a great variety of new" styles and sizes, and sold at prices lower than: those ot any book llouse in worth Carolina, at HEINSBERGER'S Live Book Store. june 27. i. 285-tf ; FORTY THOUSAND pIRST-CLASS OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT, Postoffice, Bon-Ton, Fantaslc, and other superi or etyks of ENVELOPES, just received at I HEINSBERGER'S Live Book Store. tW StiefTs and Knabe's Pianos for sale. June 27 285-tf .Notice To Tax payers. ALL PERSONS LIABLE FOR TAXES ARE ; hereby notified that the Assessors for Wil mington Township will receive the Tax list of all residents within said Township, on Mon day, ttie 2lst, at the ,Court House in Wilming ton, and will continue in session from day to day until the 80th day of June, inst, alter which time the hooks will be closed and all persons not giving In their taxable property within the time prescaoea win De required to pay a aouoie xax. Office hours from 8 o'clock, A. M., until 1 P. M., ana from 3 r. m., im.o r. m. TH TT TIT WOtfH HENRY JONES, . Assess ore. Wilmington, N. C, June 11, 1889. 281-tje30 NOTICE, JAMES , RE1LLY IS MY AGENT IN Wilmington for the sale of Shingles. Per sons id want of Shingles far building purposes, or for Shipment, will please call on nim at the FcrryJwhero samples can be seen. T maj38; , v Stf ; nnr.niiiTfi AMD FLY NETS. TATENT CEILING AND STANDARD FIX- turos. The largest stock in the city. or sale by , D. A. SMITH, South Front 8treet.

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