T H TTj WTT.MTTtf ftTt W POSIT - V -. !....-. - : WILMINGTON. N. C, JULY 1, 1869. A CONTENTED LIFE. (At Thirty. Five hundred dollars I havc,savcd A rather moderate store. No matter ; I shall be content ' When I've a little more. I I I (At Forty.) Well, I can count ten thousand now--That's better than before ; And I may well bo satisfied . When I've a little more. , ' (At Fifty.) Some iitty thousand pretty well ; But I have earned it sore, However, I shall not complaim JWhcti I've a little more. : ' j. (At Sidy.) S One hundred thousand sick find old ; Ah ! lile is half a bore, i Yet I can be content to live j When I've a little more. ; ( (At Seventy.) r ,Mle dies aud to his greedy heirs . He leaves a countless 6tore. His wealth has purchased 'him a tomb i And very little more. .i' Colored Men Stand by the Republican Party Itcmarksol lion. A. II. Gallo way, delivered, in. the City Hall, Wil- V nungton, .N. C. , .Thursday, May 13th, 1809. Mr. I'ltiisiDENT : It I understand the resolutions just ;reud they propose to put sumo very severe, and in my opinion, unjust m Mi l ii ri it nitri I'fii'r i i n l 'i i-1 i mi id i he beginning of whatever Remarks I pro pose to make, to say here now, and have it understood for all time to coine, that I brand other portiotu unjust, unparlimentary and 'beyond any precedent heretofore established in'jiiivJ ( Inn vpntinn . (-!MmtniHin r fi..iinrf T ever mingled in. '' It seems to be the disp,itimi of t lie Com uuttco who reported these resolutions to drive them through with a rush, but 'sir, I jjclUve I c;i:Lpio,ve to this intelligent audi ence that there are brciikrrq nlir-ml :uui fbat i . - i --I jit is best, to ma kV haste very slow! r. Mr. lVesideut, to pass these resolutions Without: (MVlllcr till Mrfll'ii'il Y-.i it ii liro rinrr L( tHough 1 cannot conceive whciein the nicot ing is to prove effectual, except to doom the callers to their political graves) would be in itself a very untair way of transacting bllSIUCSK. ; ... Sir, every man wlioin you seek to injure by your resolutions j js a-' Republican aud wcte Republicans long ere any negro in this hall had his freedom. (Applause.) They are Northern men- and they caine here wheii circumstances would admit of their coming, They found you, si r,this meeting and myself slSjvcs ; they. have remained with us ;-they -have fought, the, good fig lit. aud together wo have achieved a mor.; glorious victory than the most hopeful ever dreamed of. (Applause.) It was these men whom these resolutions would attempt to. insult that jliavc, shoulder ti shoulder, workeij with the negro to place him whore he stamls to day, and now we find that some ot the very men whom they have done so much for are (I so call it) stabbing 'them in the backhand Tor what? I do not know, but I. can sup pose, that somebody wants an office, and they commenced their appliance by this in -jdignation (so-called .meeting.) ' i . Mr. President and 1 ellow Citizens It is !imm-fi of rufrf'h f lilf f 1i;i f ' miipIi ;i mif. ing as. this has been called. I fear not the damage ih will "do .the Itepublican patty, '"because that will not be worth a na?sinr no-l ticc; but, sir, 1 tremble to think that black inen, who were yesterday chattle property and to-day mri,t should be here this evening to prove how ungrateful they were for the favors extended by jh.c Itepublican. party. There is not a colored man in this Stfi ate who can afford to remove one grain of the foundation of the Republican party. There is not a black man in the State who does not owe his freedom to that party, and what do we place ahead; ot the gift of freedom i Why is one section of those resolutions so severe unoii 'Mr. French? What is his crimi. ? What has he done to be censured for ? Why is he to'be ostracised ? Why is he- to lie singled out aud held up here with such scorn and mean contempt i But I can answer these q.ueb lions. I presume, it is be cause Mr. French ha'5 done so much towards rthc internal improvement .-of the State, and probably -because he fought for the sclwol bill, and probably some of the parties who were instrumental in the calling of this meet ing were jealous because Mr. French had ior a long timc'.proven how worthy he was to be one of tlie leaders of the party; and I presume they have forgotten that he has .never spared cither pains or money for the forward jniaieU of the Republican cause here in North Carolina. And so it is with the other geutlemdn who are ' mentioned y-thcy have alike done: their whole duty toward consumathi'r the work. Rut there is some- thing else about the Committee's report which demands of ine all the' rebuke I can possibly give. It says that E. J. Penny packer has .acted in such a way as to forfeit the esteem, confidence and respect hereto fore reposed in him by the Republican party, and tolmake this a live subject let mc add that you, sir, as presiding officer of the meeting, denounced Captain Pennjpaekcr as not being entitled to such a lucrative of tice. Now just let us for one moment ask ; what is the necessity for such strictures? The gentleman! aimed at, Captain Penny packer, has beeu a strictRepublican, is now, and there are none present who. would doubt Uhat He has been a soldier in the glorious , causc and had the first claim for official , patronage, which is the policy of our gov ernment, and it was being duly carried out by General Grant as well as by our Execu tive Governor Holdcn. (Applause.) Mr. President: I said a moment since that t . I of, but at the same time it is a good pppor tunity to show up some of the ingratitude of persons, and I would if I thought the oc casion worthy of it, enter into a detailed statement ot hidden facts, which if this au dience knew, they would frown down both the authors and object ot this, meeting have confidence in my people and I trust to their integrity, intelligence, and I trust they will be as charitable as is consistent with the circumstances that surround the occasion. i . I Fellow citizens : Forget not that one year ago to day not a black man in the State held an office. Look and sec where you stand to day. You have a representation in each branch of the State government and in all offices of trust, honor and profit, where they were competent, colored men were occupy ing positions Will you look right here in your own city, where there was in every thing in the shape of office, an equal division of the spoils. (Applause.) But every man could not have an office for there were not enough offices for all the appli cants, and to the disappointed parties he could only say, abide your time. Through the Republican party seventy- five thousand men in the State were made a part of the body politic, and by that party were they denominated citizens and through the principles of that party, could colored men still expect benefits, privileges, and im munities, and I hope never to see the day when the negro will be tardy in his support to that party and its vital principles. I am looking for the rising generation, for if they fail then the cause so far as it per tains to us is dead. I care not for the liv ing present, but there must be a deep foun dation laid for the coming generation, and if those of us who are denominated leaders do nothing to advance their cause, who will do it ? - L. A.-HART. JNO. n -RATT.F.Y IKON AND COPPER WORKS, AND M-A-OllINli; SHOP, A L SO M a u lu f a i turcrso I T U KPENT1NE r S I ILLS, and (JOITER WORK in all its h ranches. Front Street, below Markni Street, Wilmington', N. C GART k BAILEV. Proprietors. auji S tf London, Liverpool and (jlobe Insurance Com pany. 4Jfets.Gofd)$ 7,005,026 Directors personally rosponbible for all en- ugemtiits ot -'the Company. HIHRV BROTHERS, General Agents, Wilmington, North Carolina. ma.eii 21 257-tf Marine L nsurance effect ed to all ports in the United States and Wejl Indies, by Barry Brothers, I Wilmington, N. C. luareii 'Jl 257-tf NOT! UK TO SHTPPFi K.R ! T. ! BY AIR lillVE ! FIVE STEAMERS A WEEK FROM PORTSMOUTH TO NEW YORK. THREE TIMES A WEEK TO PHI LA- DELPHIA. TWICE A WEEK TO BOSTON,' AND Daily to Baltimore. COTTON WILL BE TAKEN ON TIME, TO be delivered iu four days to Nevr York ; tnrco dayst o tiiutimore. Jb orfeit to oe tuc entire rrcumt turouru. The W. fc W. K. 11. Company will now have au Agent m 1'ortsmouth to took out for its in terests and its goods both ways. S. L. FREMONT, Eng. and Sup' t.. Wil. and Wei. Kailroad, Oet. 20, 1SG8. pov l: 214-tf Especially designed for the use of the Judi cal Profession and the Family, possessing those intrinsic medicinal properties which "belong to an Old and l ure (Jut. Iudispensable'lto Females. Good for Kidney tommamis.- A delicious ionic. Put up m cases containiing one dozen bottles each, and sold by all drurcists. crocers. etc. A'. M. BININGEK & Co., established 1778, No. 15 Beaver street, New York. ' J.A. Cliflord, Esq., Agent, Wilmington, N. C. june 4 : 234-ti GLOBE SALOON. THE UNDESIGNED the HAVE FITTED UP GLOBE SALOON, No. 1 Grranite !Row9 in a superior style, where they are prepared to entertain DAY BOARDERS, turmsh meals at all hours, and supply families with Oysters and Game in season. They trust their friends will give them a call. URUCh. & waists, Proprietore. oct 22 211-tf this meeting would do no good that I knew Sherifts Column. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE FREQUENT defacement and destruction ot notices placed in the public streets I have determined hereafter to advertise sales and publish all official: notices pertaining to my office in. the columns ot the rosT. Hereafter all persons desiring ' knowledge of matters pertaining to sales, &c., over .which I may have control, will find them adTertlsed in this column. J. W. SCHENCK, JB.j Shenn. Wilmington, June 5, 1869. EXECUTION SAIiES. BY VIRTUE OF EXECUTIONS TO ME directed, issued from the Superior Court of New Hanover county, at Spring Term, 1869. I will expose at sale to the highest bidder, on Sat urday the 3d July, 1869, at 12 o'clock, M., the following property : 1 Jamej Dawson ) The Lot, with improvements vs. thereon, situated on corner T. S. Whitaker Eighth aDd Dock streets, block 153, known as the property ot T. S. Whitaker, in the city of Wilmington, N. C. J. C. Barnes, assignee of 1 A Lot corner Eighth Ames & Barnes, i and Dock, block 158, vs. f wi th improvements T. S. Whitaker. J thereon, situated in the city of Wilmington, N. C, known as the property of T. S. Whitaker. A. McTcltcr and The Lot with improvements thereon, situated on the cor ner of Eighth and Dock sts., block 15S, known as the pro John E. Ennis, vs. T. S. Whitaker perty of T. S. Whitaker, in the city of Wilming ton. John E. Potter and A Lot with improve Geo. T. Tucker, ! ments thereon, situated on vs. - ! the corner of Eighth and T. S. Whitaker. J Dock streets, block 158, known as the property ot T, S. Whitaker. J. C. Barnes, assignee of 1 Lot with lmprove Ames & Barnes, I ments thereon, eitua- vs, ted on the corner 01 T. S. Whitaker. J Dock and Eighth sts., on block 15S, knowu as the property of T. S. Whitaker, in the city of Wilmington, JN. j. Geo. Parsons & Co. i A lot in block 158, vs. known as the property of T. S. Whitaker. I T. 8, Whitaker, corner Dock and Eighth streets, in the city of Wil mington. A. 8. Barnes & Co. j The Lot with improve- vs. ments thereon, situated cor- T.'S. Whitaker. J uer Eighth and Dock sts.. known as the property of T. S. Whitaker. Mike Conoly ) On all the interest of John vs. V L. Mears, in a .Lot with mi- Johu L, Mears. ) i)rovements thereon, situated ou the south side of Chestnut street, in the city of Wilmington, extending, along the line of that street the whole distance between Front and Second streets, including Lot No. 1 and part of Lot No. 2 in Block 178. j Amstein & Reae ) Improved Lot situated -c t in fln rrrnor nf li'rnnt Qnrl S. B. Kahnweiler & Triucess streets ; building David Kahnwener. J known as and occupied by the i irst .National Bank, and Dr. Jas. T. Schonwald's Office. Also au improved Lot situated on Fifth street, between Lot No. 3 Block 265, according to Turner's plan of city. Tho;uas & J. G. Johnson "j . Interest of Dan1! vs. and David Kahnweil- Dau'l Kahnweiler & fer, in improved Lot David Kahnweiler J situated on corner Front, and Princess streets; building known and occupied by First National Bank aud Dr. Jas. T. Schonwald's Office. And also an im proved Lot situated upon Fifth street, between Brunswick and Hanover streets, west part Lot No 3 Block i5bo, as described in turner s plan ol city of Wilmington, N. C. Peek, Randolph & Smith Interest of David Kahnweiler in a cer- vs. Simon B. Kahnweiler & David Kahnweiler. ftain improved Lot. comer Fi ont and Princess streets, building known as and occu pied by Jthe First National Bank and Dr. S. J. Schonwald's office. Also, an unimproved Lot situated on Ffth Street, between Brunswick and Hanover streets, West part Lot No. 3, Block aoo, by Turner's plan of city. E. K. Exbm, Adni'r. 1 On piece or parcel ot C. H. McCammy, I Land situated in New vs V Hanover county and Top- B. J. Howard and I sail Sound District, con- C. W. Howard. J taining nine hundred asd sixty-five acres, as tlie property of L. W. How ard adjoining Lands of Jno. Howard, deceased, J. W. Howard and others. E. K. Erwin, Adm'r C. H. McCammy of V On piece or parcel of j Land containing nine j-hundred and sixty-five j acres of Land adjoin J ing Lands of John vs. " J. T. Edens and L. W. Howard. Howard, deceased, and J. W. Howard, known as property ot Lewis V. Howard. P. Murphy, Adm'r. 1 Interest of John 11. Mur- Chas. Henry, dee'd phy in seven hundred & four vs. V acres Land layina; and bc- James McDuffle & j ing in Lower Black River Johr. II. Murphy, j Precinct. P. Murnhv. Adui'r. 1 I On seven hundred an-R Clias. Henry, dee'd. I M Land .m Lower Black vs. vKiver District, ad loimne: James McDuffie & the Lands of John Corbett, John 11. Murphy. J Sellers and others, proper ty of James McDuffie, excepting twenty acres as Homestead. ' J. Y. SCHENCK, Jr., Sheriff. ; Blanks I Blanks ! I WiE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY law blanks in any quantity and on the most reasonable terms. AU of the new forms now on hand or printed to order at very shOrt notice. Apply in person or send your orders to the Post Office, on South Front 6trcet, a few doors rom Exchange Corner 1 Large Auction Sale OF CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE consisting of Breakfast, Dinner aud Tea Sets, Water Goblets, Glass Fruit Bowls and Tumblers, Lamps, Dishes, Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings, Castors, Silver Plated Ware, Table Cutlcr-, lot Gents' Clothing, Under Garments, &c. Commencing this day and continue cvery day and night until all is 6old. J. r . JJIGBEE. juue 3-373 tf S. M, gaT, Auct'. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. THE UNDERSIGNED, BY VIRTUE OF A decree ol the Superior Court of New Hano ver county, will expose to sale at public auction, at the Court House door in the city of Wilming ton, On Thursday, he 22d day of Jul' next, the following described real estate, to-wit : One LOT, corner Front and Princess, being thirty-one and a half (31 i) feet on Front street, and running wc6t with Princess street 6itxy-six C6) feet, on which is situated the store now oc cupied by Sutton & Childs. SlA LOIS on Princess, adjoining the above. being 20 feet each on Princess street, and run ning back 31i feet, with buildings thereon. ONE THREE STORY BRICK STORE on south side Market, having 184 feet front on Mar ket street, and running back x feet known as No. 22 Market street. ONE THREE STORY BRICK STORE ou Market street adjoining the above 36x70 being No. 20 Market street and occupied by H. Marcus. ONE TWO 8TORY BRICK STORE on north side of Market street, 16 feet 6 inches by 63 feet. being No. 16 and occupied by D, Newman & Greenburg, together with building immediately in rear of same, 25 feet 6 inches by 15 feet 6 Inches. " A RICE PLANTATION in Brunswick county, containing 400 acres, ot which 70 acres are cleared, with improvements inercon. A VERY DESIRABLE PLACE on Mason boro' Sound, about 7 miles from the city, con taining about.160 acres, with dwelling house and other improvements. Terms of sale -one-third cash; balance in equal payments at six and twelve months. Notes with approved security, bearing interest from date. Title reserved until purchase money is paid, with power to sell on purchaser'6 account upon failure to meet the payments. DAN'L L. RUSSELL, Commissioner. June 17 : 282-ts WALDRON'S COLUMN. -:o: THE WILMINGTON REGULATOR :o: HORSE RAIL ROAD. -:0: R. & W ALDR0N & CO., E VER WILLING AND ANXIOUS TO Ac commodate their friends, arrangements have been made for the Cars to pass their door about the middle of next week. We propose to iregulate the price of DRY GOODS for the Summer. PUtt THE CELL ROPE IN TIME. The Wilmington Regulator is tlie place to get the best assortment and the most goods tor the least money. We are bound to close out the balance of our SUMMER GOODS, regardless of cost, and will for the next " THIRTY DAYS ," commencing WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 23rd, inst., sell Goods", by the schedule price below : lames' mum GOODS Good Figured Lawns, only ;.. 15 etc. Best Figured Lawns, only". . ........ 25 cts. Beautiful Jaconets!, aud Organdies from 35 to 50 cents ; former price 0 to 75 cents. Bcragc, Lcno, Mozambique aud other desira ble Dress Goods, including a few patterns Fig ured Grenadines, atj very low prices. DOMESTIC GOODS AT OLD TIME PRICES. RE AJL ! PONDER! A DOLL A It SAVED, 7.V A DOLLAR . KAllXFJ). Common Calicoes, only., 6 ets. Good Calicoes, only . . 10 cts. Best Calicoes (choice styles). . , . . .12i and 15 cts. - I Bleached and Brcwn Shirtings aud Sheetings, 6i 8, 10, 13, 15, 15 18, 20, aufe cents, and up! HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Extra size Honey Uojnb, and Marseilles Quilts, iu great variety Table Cloths aud jDamasks,- Nankins and Doylies, CHEAP, f i Pure Linen Huchuback Towels, commencing at $1 so mm bozkiv, All the better grades DECIDED BARGAINS. HOSIERY. TUB BEST AOllTMEyi IN THE ST A TE. 1 j Ladies' Hose, only. .;. . . 10 cents. Gents' Socks, only.' 10 cents. Full lines ot the uwovc Goods at satisfactory prices. j HANKERGHKEPS, Pure Linen, 10, 15j 20 J5 ets., and upwards. Fine Hemstitched Liiieu, only 25 cents. SILK. SPIDER WEB HAIR NETS, Black and Brown only 25 cents. i Cotton Spider Web Hair Nets, only 5 cents. H001 ) SKIRTS. Best makes, ;:5, ;.5, t( 50 75 cents, and up. ! ' ... SILK, ALIMCCA AM UMBRELLAS, . 5JJUVssorlmc,,-t in thy ci,3' PRICES GUAR ANTEED. SUW SHADES, P AllASOLS AND FANS, 1 1 5 i - i Iu great varitty, VERY. CHEAP. . i ' LACE 31 AM'ILtiAS AND SUMMER SHAWLS, At about half the former price. WHITE AND FANCY SHIRTS AND CiENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Modem styles aud living prices. -1 I ; The public arc cordial 1 v invited to come and receive me in u benelit ol the "TREMENDOUS REDUCTION:' R. S. WALDRON & CO, Proprietors of the Wilmington Regulator, . No. 7 North Front Street, jaw SO 383-U REAL ESTATE SALE. OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY BY THE NORTH CAROLINA Real and Personal Estate Agency, CAPITAL STOCK $130,000, SUBSCRIBED AND TAKEN BY RESPONSIBLE TERSONS; AND CHARTERED BY THE LEG ISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. JOSEPH G. HESTER, President. JOSEPH DIXON, Vice-President, JOHN C. HESTER, Secretary. ROUT. G. LEWIS, Treasurer, bond ,000. Supervisors oi" Drawing. CYRUS P. MENDENHALL, SION H. ROGERS, JAMES H. FOOTE. 3,000 Valuable Pieces of Property t-o bt Drawn for, Worth f 146,694 73,347 Tickets to be sold at $2.00 Each ! REAL EST JLTE. SEVEN FINE RESIDENCES Foun in the City or Raleigh ! Uue Residence hi Raleigh, N. C e 10,000 a.ooo 6,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 One " " '. One 4 " " One " " One ,c ' Warrenton One " Chapel Hill One Hotel in Taylorsville it LIST OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Samples on exhibition at HESTER BROS. CO. , No. 26 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C, at the regular cash prices. 10 Fine Phcatons, $000 each, made by-H. D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md I 10 Fine Top Buggies, $350 each, made by H, D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md.,. . 50 1st Premium, 7 octavo Pianos, made 0,000 3,500 by Tremaine Bros., N. Y., $650 each, 32,500 5 Parlor or Church Organs, 6 stops, $250 , . each made by Tremaine Bros., N. Y 1,250 500 Sewing Machines, Wilcox & Gibbs, ?60 each SO 20, 000 000 450 500 Silk Dresses, best article, 12 yards each, $40 6 Velocipedes, $75 24 Rolls Brussels Carpet, 45 yards each, $135 per roll., o,500 6 Salamander Safes, Wilder s patent, best in the world, $260 each . . 1,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 3,360 2,000 1 Cash Prize, $1,000 gold 10 Cash Prizes, $100 each 200 do do 10 do , 672 do do 5 do 1000 do do 2 do 3000 Prizes. v ulue of the total ain't, $146,694 All of the above is put in the drawing at the rptrnlnr rafih snllinir nriccs nnil will ho. riiRnoso.rl wr 1 ..... " -x- of by a regular mode ot Drawing, and in order to accomplish this, the Company ay ill sell 73,347 tickets at $2 each. The DraAving will take place in the city of Raleigh, immediately alter sale of tickets, of whfch due notice will be given, at least one week belore the day of drawing. Tho flammnv 5r wnrUhic undfir Hip. nrnvisinna of a special Charter granted by the General As sembly of North Carolina, which compels the Company to comply faithfully with all contracts. m 1 A A A 1 uopies can ue naa on application 10 me com pany. AU the above mentioned property will certain ly be disposed of as above stated, and those drawing it will be invested Avith the title ir fee simple. jno memDcr 01 me uompany is allowed to purchase any tickets. f All moneys sent by mail, at the owner's risk ; that sent by Expri as, Post Office Orders, Checks or Drafts, at the risk of the Company. T A. Jll A, 11 1 1 A I'll r . io property win ut iibii'u uuiess ine uue is indisputable. The Treasurer has been required to give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties. He is required to deposit, daily, in the bank, all mon is received, where it will remain until all the tickets are sold and an the property will oe pos itively drawn and delivered to the parties draw ing. Send two dollars by express, post office order, registered letter, or draft, at our risk, or hv mail at vour own. and take a chance at the 3,000 valuable prizes olTered. Tickets will oe sent any Avnere in mc united States at the Company's risk upon the receipt of $ and postage stump. Tho rlan of drawing shall be as follows : there shall be two wheels, one a prize wheel and one a number wneei, arranged in some puonc piace in the city, where any one holding a ticket may be present on the day of drawing. In the num ber Avheel there shall be 73,3t7 tickets corres ponding in number to those which .have been sold, in the prize Avheel there shall be 3,000 tickets. These tickets wnl be deposited in the Avheels by a board of supervisors, Avho shall be tpH hvt.hft Directors, after Avhieh the Avheel shall be sealed up and placed in the bank in this city, until tne time 01 arawing, wneii me super visors shall bring them to the place of drawing, break the seals and the drawing shall be dispos ed ot by taking a ticket from each wheel at the same time, and the prize ticket taken from the prize Avheel shall designate the prize drawn by the tieket corresponding in number to the one taken from the wheel at the same time. The wheel shall be well shaken after each ticket is diawn. , . The supervisors will be gentlemen well known and noted for honesty and integrity, who will not be allowed to purchase tickets or own any stock in the Company. The numbers and prizes Avill be drawn from each wheel by two blind boys and a full report of ail numbers draAviug prizes Avill be published in some prominent newspaper immediately after the drawing. DESCRIPTION OF REAL ESTATE. Seven Fine residences Four , Jialeiyh. in the city of One magnificent brick residence about i mile from the Capitol of the State Avith 8 acres of ground, flue orchard, delightful spring of Avuter, beautiful groAe, walks of modern style, abun dance of evergreens, all necessary out-houses brick stable, carriage house, Ac. Value $10,000. One large and convenient house in the city of Raleigh, on Ncwbern street, thirteen large rooms, double parlors, Avith all necessary out-buildings, ii acres of ground, and a beautilul oak grove. Value $6,500. One large house ou Ncwbern and Bloodworth btreets containing twenty rooms suitablc j for a boarding house, all necessary out-buildings ; with a beautiful oak grove in the yard and I acre ,of ground. Value $5,000. " One beautiful large Residence, on Newbern street eight rooms and basement, four out-buildings and stable,scven acres of ground, elm grove, very desirable and attractive. Value $8,000. One in Warrenton, N. C, known as the Alston property, in perfect order, one of the best built houses in tho State, containing 8 large rooms, double piazzas and porticos, one of the most commanding and beautiful residences in the plac, with b acres of ground, tine orchard, beau tiful oak grove in the yard, and all necessary outbuildings. Value $2,000. The property at Taylorsville is very attractive, valuable and cheap. It is a hotel at the county seat of a flourishing and growing village ot a thousand or more inhabitants, and situated one square from a good and flourishing College, no school of better grade, right on the line of the Atlantic and Ohio Railroad, and being situated in the mountain region, the scenery is truly de lightful and fascinating, contains twenty rooms, and the buildings are new. Value $2,Q00. One in Chapel Hill, containing 4 rooms, with fire-places, and one forty-foot dining room. Also, kitchen, out-houses and one and thrce-fourtia acres of land. Value $2,000. Those ordering tickets can select any number from 1 to 73,347, if the number orderedTias been taken, the number nearest will be sent. Ono three cent stamp must accompany every order. All tickets will hitfve the seal of the Company and signature of the Secretary. ffc refer to any merchant, banker or oth er gentleman of standing in the city ot Raleigh. 3f"For further descriptions and particulars, address. JOHN C. HESTER, Sec, apllO RaleigJi.N. G. RAIL ROADS. 4 If lllUriiglUll Qy Hl'lUUll h. If, IO Office ChiotEko. & Gen. Sufebintendekt ) ; Wilmington, N. C., April 9, 1868. j fN AND AFTER SUNDAY, the 11th inst.. VJ our PASSENGER Trains on this road will leve Wilmington at 6:00 A. M. and 10:00 P. M. , anfl arrive in Weldon 6:06 A. M. and2:50P. M. Leave Weldon at 10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 4:30 A. M. and 7 15 P. 31. The day train will not run on Sundays. A daily through freight train will leave Wil mington (Sundays excepted) at 3:00 P. M., for. th accommodation of Truck Farmers. Passen gers can also get accommodations on said freight train as far as Goldsboro j S.L.FREMONT, I Engineer Sunt. april 11 263-tt CHANGE OF FREIGHT TRAIN SI1EDULE. WiEMiNGTON, & Weldon Railboxd Co., Office Chief Eng'r and Gen'l Sujl"t j ! Wilmington, N. C. May 2S. 1S69. N AND AFTER THE 29th INSTANT THE 1 freight trains will mti na fniinwe . t i lJm,1D,gt?n ondaJ Wednesdays and Fridays, at o clock, P. M.,aud arrive at Wilmington same dflvs St S nVwt p t e S. L. FREMONT, iiay30 EnS,raUdS2U7?:ttf ILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO, 1 FlCr?, A?ASTE1i of Transportation I Wilmington, N. O, May 26, 1S69. f lETURN TICKETS WILL BE' SOLD Ai j. an stations ror.one (1st class) fare to pC son wishing to attend the consolidation meetng of tie A. & N. C. R. R. and N. C. R. R. Conpa m,c3i t0 bc held in Ncw Berne On the 2d Jane. lhee will be, after the meeting abjourns, rfi cx euriion t6 Morehend Cltv. " WM SMITH. Master of Transport ition: 277-tf 4ay 30 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Co., Office Chief Eng'r And Gen olt't I Wilmington, N. C .,.Jui 169. TO EXCURSIONISTS WO SUPPLY A PUBLIC DEMAND, NOTICE JLIs hereby given that exaursion trains of threw carsf or less will be run over any part of this road for i fliBfnrmf rf iftxr - mil 1 - W4 xiiVj iohw ui iuvi j upon mu gmhantee of responsible parties that it shall pay notjtees than one dollar j)er mile run (one way.) ;; Op 6uch trains passengers will be carried at the ratcj ol two cents per mile, going and returning, equfl to one; cent per mile each way. For a large number of cars a proportional increase to bc charged. " S. L. FREMONT, Chief Eng. and Sup't. 28o-3t juhe 27 Wilmington & Manchester R.R, Co f l T. T. Tl . o . , f Wilmington, N. C, April 10. 180tt. f OAND AFTER APRIL 11, PASSENGER Trains of this Road will run on the follow Ing Schedule : 1 EXPRESS TRAIN. Leaye Wilmington daily at. 5:15 A. M. Arrive at Florence.. . 10:3:3 A. M. Arrive at Kingsvillc. . i i;45 P. -M.. Leaye Kingsvillc.....! .'.12:40 P. M. Arrive ct Florence. . . .! 3:55 P. M, Arrive at Wilmington 9:15 p. m. Express Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, andjCheraw and Darlington Railroad for Cheraw, and,iatKingsvillc with the South Carolina Rail road for Augusta, to which point cars run through ACCOMMODATION TitAIN. LeaK'C Wilmington daily nt: 8:05 P. M. 2:40 A. M. Arrive at Florence Arrive at Kingsvillc Lea.Vc Kingsvillc ; Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington , Abcommodation Train connects 9:00 A, 4:00 P M. M. 8:40 P. M. 5:10 A. M. closely Florence with the Northeastern Railroad for - v-w u J.IU1I1 VAU IKJ L ChaMeston. apd at KlniraviiTf -Carbhna Railroad for Augusta. Passengers for uoiumoia snouia ibkc the Accommodation Train WM. MacRAE, . f ,r Gen'ISupt. a4r 15 1. 264-tf Wilmington Charlotte & Unther- ford R, R. Co. General Supkrintendent's Office, ) Wilmington, N. C, May 15. 1809. f -VNAND AFTER MAY 15TH, THE PAS Vyjsenger train on this Road Avill leave Wil- minrton on Tuesday. Thursdav and Saturav t 7 o'clock. A. M. ' Arrive at Rockingham same days, at 3i P. M. Aijrivc at Wadesboro (Stage) at 9 P. M. Ldave Wadesboro CStac-HA'nn Tiwariav Timr.. day jmd Saturday, at 1P.M. Luave Roekincham nn M and Friday at 6:30 A. M. Aririvc at VUmiugtou same dayd at 3 P. M. W. 1. EVERETT, General Sunerlntp.nflpnf iy 10 , 274-tf WE WOULD T ESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION ut uue puum; iu our large inn eigtfuii j as sortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, embracing every style and quality known to the trade, which having been purchased for Cash at low jrices we offer at very low rates. Our Stock of Goods for LAlpIES, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S weaijis very full and complete, very stylish an very! durable. Oiir goods for GENTLEMAN'S wear consists of all kinds and qualities of BO(?TS, SHOES, GAITEUS, AND BAL l MORALS, with! and without the box toe, audi the assort ment is so complete that we arc enabled to suit the niost fastidious. WHOLESALE BUYERS will find it greatly to their advantage to ex amirfe our stock and prices before making their selections. We devote our second and third floork exclusively to jobbing, and keep at all timce a large and well selected stock c! BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS, for 3ru,s, Women's and Children's wear, which we gtu. antee to sell as low as any jobbers in Baltimore or New York. We solicit your patronage. GEO. . FRENCH & SON, North Front St, I Eept'lO 1 i - j i fee?-' ?'sB 1 r - IrtiV rt 1