1 - : . I THE WILMINGTON POST; WILMINGTON, N. C JULY 4, 1869. . . .-. ...Ii, General It utherfbrd. - -As the time for holding the convention .approach evjue propriety of supporting for position ttiat 'candidate having - the 'tnot strength and greater; claims; to, public iavdr becomes ipparbe necessUy for ability, fo?thfiiln.a- knA entire" devotion to the fn terests-bl therRepttWicao party 4n Jbe j State Legislature all confess and no inan possesses tbe qualifications named in a greater degree thar. General Allan Rutherford, whose name tre submit to the Republican voters of New Hanover county for their. suffrages. It; can be said most truly that if he consents to have v his name presented to the convention tbe . offiee will seek hinl and notbef ther bffice.". IJp has twice refused to be a candidate,! and only in a time when the party and the coun try demands uis services will be consent to serve. - This fact is apparent from the career of the man as known, to us. For four .year? he has lived in this cfommunity, and with a devotion to duty and thecause of the lately eufclavtd has labored to secure them those rigliis ntvtr theirs but for efforts like -General RuibtrforrfB. In season and out of season, sacrificing health! and all hopes ot gaining wealth in the profession of which he was an omanieut before the war ; our lawyer soldier baa been loyal to the . highest duty apparent to him, and this duty (has gained him the gratitude, love and respect of the entire Union party and people of this State and section of country. Several other gentlemen have been suggested as possible candidates for the position of representative. V Did notT the occasion cat for a man of Gen eral Rutherford'- peculiar character we would not feel disposed' to take the field in advance for i ur candidate, but the situation is one demanding quaiifien ions of a pecu liar -i- tr, nd a$ no candidate has yet- ap ptaii d a !;o ctiL show the' name amount ot energy, biii:y and experience in political affairs we feel it iur duty t" advocate e'i . .'tire ui.it v in tte nomination t. th;-. pk pla CANDIDATE AND FUE.-kM CS's FK1 H.ND, GEN E HAL ALLAN llU rHERFOuL-! j ) With; many good and! true men 1 acting V; representatives io the lower branch of the legislature, the Republican party ha3 felt tb necessity of extra ability and devotion 'o duty. ' It is not given to all men to sacrifice gain and ambition 'to the public good.' Few ? possess the peculiar qualities of mind caus ing one to repeat with the old Roman ; " It is sweet and glorious to die for one's coun try." The record oi General Rutherford x hibits tlu se-heroic qua!ities in the highest degree. Leaving a lucrative profession he volunteered as a p-y. aiy ia the celebrated gentleman's n initnt," the New York National Guard. Not a holiday soldier: Iw i.,n1 iKor f Via la nrl ha InvoH wo u lu danger of disruption and extinction as a united and great people, he buckled on his sword " for the war." To a name honored in the annals of our country he has added new laurels, and actuated by the highest motives he lias- to' day the honor esid fighiing his country V battles, of assisting t settlY- by honorable means tiie bd feeling engi.; 1 red by strife, and sarng from an bviuassion and nrnii,. ffcr tbe conflict of arms hii'i ceased. Dted to the education ot tbe njae has ben instrumental in giviiw cUr pjuple 'schools, and the hope ot the country the rising generation- will ever bless the name of Allan Rutherford for that rmost priceless of treasui a good free scuuui euucauon; r Among citizens where our candidate has la. bored so faithfully and so well it is not ne , cessary tj enter into a detailed account of the nurneious Oi utfitsj conferred by him on the Colon d am! Munrer cIasspa nl nnr nnnniatlnn It gratitude exists among them, then each and every one can uo uothing else but sup : TlinTlortftrH A nanoral TTnttiPTfnrd. The following record of the favorite can didate of the loyal voters of New Hanover county for the position of : representative in the Legislature to Jill the place vacated by another gallant officer is" worth read i ng. We commend it to.our readers forexamina. tion and preservation; ' ' 4 .General Allan Rutherford was born in New York city, and is descended from one of the oldest families of that State, j He served for seven years in the famous i 7th Regiment of New York National Guard, and was one ot the Guard of Honor that ac companied the. body ot Ex President ; Mon roe when it was removti from New. York to Richmcnd,- Va., in 1867. When the re beHion broke out was engaged in tbe prac tice of law in New York. He, immediately volunteered and entered the army in April, l61,as a Sergeant in the 9Ui Regiment New York National Guard.; he was prompted toibe Captain, and then to Major 7th of January, ,1862, and Lieutenant Colonel 80: h September, 1863. He was breveted Mjjor, Lieutenant LColonel, and .Colonel for gallantry at tbe; battles oi "Cedar Moun tain" and "Second Bull Run," brevetted Brig. General " for distinguished gallant and meritormus service during the war." He pirticipated in the following battles: " Harper's Ferry," ' Bal l's B.uff," " Cedar Mountain," Rappahannock Station," "Tuoioughfare Gap," "Gainsville," " Sec ond Bull . Run," "Chantilly," "South Alountain," "Anuetam" and all the battles and skirmishes, during Pope's campaign and Earley'? JKaM. H was wounded , and in consequence was transferred to the Vet eran Reserve Corps in 1864 . as Lieutenant Colonel. He commanded the Department Corps of the Veteran : Reserve , Corps near Wastington, D. C, for nearly six months, and organized nearly all the- regiments ot Ijthat Corps. Ordered to Indiana in the Snmcner of 1864 to aid in sun Dressing the 'Democratic conspiracy of the " Sons of Lib erty." He commanded the camp of the Draft Rendezvous at Indianapolis and or gn;zd nearly all the last Iudianna regi ments. He relieved 31 -j Gen. Hoovy of the conuraand of the Drafc Rtiudr zvous of Indi ana and remained in charge until the close of the war. Ordered to North Carolina in March 1866. he his remained at Wil mington ever since. Having been placed on the retired list, he is at liberty to serve his country now in the balls of legislation, as he has ever faithfully acted for them in the field. We are pleased ' to see that our. young townsman, Mr. G.'L. Mabson, has sustained the honor of Wilmington in the Washington University, and that he is mentioned as tak ing an active part in the debate among the law students. Ws are pleased 'with the .appearance of The North Carolinian, a new paper published at Elizabeth City, and born on our birthday and .therefore we tell friend John he must " keep burning brightly : the fires of liber ty." : -mmwt -. - - We are indebted to Hon. O. .H. Dockery for Report of Post Master General. SPECIAL. WALDRON'S GOMJHN. 1 1 SPECIAL. officii ii. ; AN! ORDINANCE CONCERNING BARBER Shops. " Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the City ot Wilmington, as follows: ; ec 1. That no Barber Shop shall be allowed to kep open later than 10 o'eloc A v. o i Sun-r d.ys, any ordinance to the com j notwith Ktandimr. ' - .... ... She. '4. Any, person violating tuis orainance shall be subjeet to pay a penalty of $5 for each violation thereor o Passed in Board of Aldermen June 28tn. 1563. BENJ DURFEE, i ' City Clerk, june l j 86-2t ORDINANCE, ATTENTION IS CALLED TO 8ECTION 25, of the General Drdinant e of the City, con cerning 8treet and; Side-Walks : ; Paragraph 6. No person shall .hitch or tie ary none or mu e to any snaae uee or ump puoi t any street: nor shall any person hitc or tie, i ride or drive, any horse or mule upon any side walk. All persona violating tuese provisions 1 shall forfeit and pay ten dollars , for every of- j fence. . :: fr ' f Pari 8. Everv nereon driving any carriage. bnggy, wagon, cart, dray, or other vehicle, who shall stop the same on any of tne crossings ol the streets, so as to obtrvct it, shall forle'.t and pay live dollars lor every offeue i W. P. CANADAY, City Marshal. July 4 I 2S7-t 1 1 :o:- BUCHU OFFICIAL. 1 CITY ORDINANCE- AN ORDINANCE IN REGARD TO RE turn of Sales, &c. be it rdained by the Board of Aldermen ol the City. of Wilmington, as follows : Section L That all dealers,.whose sales amount to $100 per month, all Auctioneer, Commercial Brokers, Commission Merchants, Insurance Companies Telegraph Companies, Gas Com panies and Ferries, shall make return to the Clerk ot the Board of Assessors of all sales and receipts, on or before the 10th of each and every month. Sec. 2 Any person, firm or company, who shall neglect or refuse to make such return, shall be l'able to a penalty of $10 for every 6uch neg lect or refusal, and in case of such neglect or leiusdl it shall be the duty ol the Clerk of the Board of Assessors to estimate such sales or re ceipts, and to assess the same against such per son, firm or company, together with the penalty uer&i.i provided, anc; the same shall be collected in the same manner as others monthly taxes. dec d. lhls ordinance shall be in' loice trom and alter the parage thereof. . Fussed m iioard ol Aldermen June 29th, lboy. BENJ. DQRFEE, City Clerk. julyl 2S6 2t From Dispensatory of the United States. DIOSMA CBEFATA BUCHU LEAVES. Provtrties. Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, their taste bitterish, na analogons to mint. Medical Byrpertiei and Um Buchu leaves are gently sti" ulaut, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organs. They are given in complaints of the Urinarj Organs, such as Gravel, Chro Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid irritation o. the Bladder and Urethra, Disease ol the Prosta." Gland, and Re tentioq or incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also been recommended in Dys pepsia, Chrot.ic Rheumatism, Cutaneous , Affec tions, and Dropsy. Hblmbold's Extract Buchu is used by per sons from tbe ages ot 18 to 25, and from 85 to 55. or in the decliue Or change of lite; after Con finement, or Labor Pains ; Bed-Wetting in chil dren, j in affections peculiar to females, the Extract THE WILMINGTON REAL ESTATE SALE." SALE REGULATOMi AD HORSE RAIL R0 -:o:- R. S. ALDR0N & 1 ! CO., lil vv;: : of .: REAL ESTATE - - AND . . ' v .L ..- PERSON All PROPERTY -v:-'::-:BYTHE''." -.'! ... riORXil CAR Oil HA Real and Personal Estate Agency, CAPITAL STOCK $ 1 30,000, 1 SUBSCRIBED AND TAKEN BY RESP05SIBLE PERSOK8, AND CHARTERED BT TH3 LEG ISLATURE OP NORTH CAROLINA. 1 JOSERH G. HESTER, President. JOSEPH DIXON, Vice-President. JOHN C. HESTER, Secretary. ROBT. .Q. LEWI3, Treasurer, bond $5,000. Sapervisors of Drawing. CYRUS P. MEN DEN HALL. SIUN H. ROGERS, ; JAMES H. FOOTE. 3,000 Valuable Pieces of Property to be Drawn for. Worth $H6,o94 73,347 Tickets to he sold at $3.00 Each I REAL ESTATE. SEVEN FINE RESIDENCES Four in thb i Citt op Raleigh t T7VER WILLING AND ANXIOUS TO AC- Hi .'.If commodate their friends, arrangements hare of Buchu is unquaied by any other remedy, as been made for the Cars to pass their door ab&ut j J in Chlorosis," or iKetentiou, Irregularity, Pain-: the middle of next week. ) - One Residence in Raleigh, N. C, i One 41 " 1 One " . " OFFICIAL.. CITY ORDINANCE. HEALTH ORDINANCE im port for office tiie man who has dyne so much j or them, duly the weak, the crimi nal ana the childish forget favors received, and presume to throat themselves into oppo aition to the moral sentiment of the people. Some such are among us, and forgettul of the past toey come before the, people advo catinsf their own claims or the claims of men without principle or standing in the" party as if our citizens were as ignorant and foolish as tlivyapparently suppose them to be. To such we say u t he wise never in tuit the intelligence of tbe - people." Our citiz have en igh of thought ,nd j ad g tnfii.t t - select the wheat fitm the chaff; tin true fr m liu: talse, and when a man of Gen eral Rutherford's character is presented for iavorab!e consideration, tl ere remains but one duty hir tvery true io a i mi pairio' do, and thnt tt suppori nnd sustain "right mtn tor tu rigl.t jj ttCe." Alwas in favor of harmony among our par ty wef8ubmit to the judgment of the Republi can . oterg; .of . New 1 Hanover county th: claims of our candidate. ( We need i HUff -but whether he is nominated or not we shlb tustain the views of- the majority, of &he party, and always place our predilectiooS 44 subject to the action. of the County Con .ventionV From allindications we think we give t bis " action" in advance, and with confidence in the wisdom, good Judgment :- patriotism of the delegates we rest as sured that the PEoruvf csoicr will be our candidate, Geo. A itu'uvrtord. m i The New Berni, Times appears in a new dress, and we.. are ; delighted to see" so spright'y and pleasant a la'iy able to wear" ... new cltithes. .. . , , . . , . , r TThe Times it a Wthy exponent of Re publican principles and is doing a nob! work nobly and well. - Captain" Larkinst I The miserable subterfuge of " Captain " XiarUins who advertises in a Democratic paper that Tie -wag jQ the United States ser vice ; can deceive no body " Captain " L. when he imagines that by slincrincr mu.d.ot gentlemen who are well known for long and faithful services i to th Republican party, hexan decease any body but himself and his supporters. I IWd would not dignify l Captain" Larkins by this public notice but for the tact that he pretends to lien Republican. God for bid ! The word Republican ex presses nothing mean or low or base, and the ? geni leman " and " officer ' who could bor row inmiey from school-mistresses ant' live on tne ch rity of ladies wht-n occupation was ; flf, red is beneath our ntice. The countr) U turned by just such men " as Cap rain " L .rkins, and we hope the people who countenance aT too transparent ' beat " at d fraud " will glory in the reputation the Captain " now -lias the unenviable " hon or" of possessing. "Captain" Larkirs slurs on the "Grand Army" who refuse to acknowledge him, (and a gallan. officer who does not beg for office but is man euough to gain his living without either; into the hands of both army and officer we commit our spurious u Cap tain," beft not without telling " Captain when he declares the Post owned by any body but the present editor he i. e. the "Captain "lies as badly as when he claimed to be a soldier or a gentleman. rpHE MARSHAL SHALL BE THE GENERAL L. Health Officer of the City, and it shall be his duty, at all times, and more especially du rim? the months ol June, July, August and ciep teinber, to observe, auu he shall give it in charge oi all rnemoer 01 the ponce, to observe and re port to him, the sanitary condition of all parts ot the City. In addition thereto, t he Beard ol Aldermen shall ai nuaily divide tbe City into as many health wards as they may deem necessary 1 and shall appoint one ot their number to be s T Speciarireaitii-vnxcerior-cawtr-ot- ..qy bach ileal tu c nicer, as oiien as Le 6hall deem it necessary, and not less than once a week, during i i. . . I ,1 L. 1 I ;. !t . i iue uiuulub ttiureeaiu, au.au vibit ana inspect tn condition o. his ward: and they and the Marsha . ha 1 report to the Mayor the condition Ofauv part of the City which may at any time require attention; and, especially, they shall report everythiug that may require, or make it expe dient that any ol the tubsequent provisions of this bcctionshouidi beeutorced ; and the May or !u.dl take action as hereinafter required. i A.i CBiiars, excavations, or openspac s, under i aDy building in which water at any time stajr- nates or rises, or wnich are damp, and in whicu uui ana uuwnoiesoiue air is generated or touud, shall, upon the notification and requirement ol uu Mayor (which it atull be his duty to give;, De fiiled up Dy the owners theteol to the level ol tue street or al ey djuiuiug thereto, with sand or gravel, or sooieoiher iuiyerihaile substance. Aiid all lots on which Water remaius and tta uates, or wnich are geueran wet aud danp, ard ull lots uunk. u below the level oi the uext adja cent ctreet or alley, and irom winch, there is no suitable drain or gutter, ol a perruaueut charac ter, sufficient reauily to vent water from the oauir, suail, upon like notification and require ment Lots drained, (which it shall be the duty oi tuy Mayor to give;, oe filled up by the own.s in tuj mauuer aloresaid, or so urai ed oy gutters, cuiveitfc or drains as to be kept fr- rv.m water or dampness. .Every peron tailing to comply w.u the fore goiug pruVlBlOus of luis fceetiou, alter uotiflcu ion aud requirement from tne Mayor, c-hall lor leit and pay tweuty uol ars lor each and every day of such failure, aud, moreover, shall pay ali tue cost and expenses of hi ling up or draining as aioresaid, which, upon such lailure, the May or shall cause to be done at the exoenss of the City. I f . ! ; All occupants ot houses 7ith cellas, and it ' there be no occupants, then the owners, shall j cause all dirt, flitn and rubbish to bs removed! uluess or 8upprefcsion ot Customary : Evacua tions, Ulcer .ted or scirrhous state ot the Uterus,, Leucorrhea, or wnites. Diseases of the Jsladder, Jiidneys, Gravel, and Bropsicae Swelling. Tbis medicine increases the power oi Digestion, and excites me AOsorDents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Cal careous depositions, ana all unnatural Enlarge ments are reduced, as well as Fain and Incarna tion, l Helmbold's Extract Buchu has cured every case of Diabetes, In which it has been given. Ir ritation of the Neck, of the dladder, and inflam mation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kid neys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases Oi tne rrosiaie ! ijiana, oiodb in iue.oiH.uuer, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for enleeblea ana deli cate constitutions, of both eexes, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Ex ertion, Loss ot rower, Loss oi Memory, Liimcui ty of Breathing; Weak Nerves, Trembling, Hor ror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision. Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing oi the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, fallid Countenance, i Universal .Lassitude of tbe Muscuiar system, &c. HELMBOLD'S ! JbXTHACT BUCHU 13 DlttrCtlC and Biood-furifying, and cures all diseases aris ing irom habits oi dissipation, excesses and im prudences in life, impurities ot tbe Blood, &c , superseding Capaiba in affections for which it is used, such as Gonorrhoea, Gleets ot long stand ing, and Syphilitic Affections -in these diseases, used in connection with helmbold s robs Wash. Sold by all Druggists and dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take-no other.; Price, $1 25 per bottle, or six bottles for $t 50. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms in all communications. Address H. T. HELM BOL, 59 Droadway, N.Y. 53?" None are genuine unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac simile of my Chemi cal Warehouse, and signed H. T. HEJLMBOLD. i inly 3 ,1 287-t-au"-24 We nronose to reerulate tho price of DBY GOODS for the Summer. 1 If PULL THE BELL ROPE IN TIME. ' J4 110,000 . 8,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 The Wilmington Regulator is the place tq get the best assortment and the most good to the least money. I f i-i We are bound to close out the balaucje of our SUMMER GOODS, regardless of cost, and f will for the next "THIRTY DAYS ," comlnemcing WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 23rd, nst., sell Goods by the schedule price below : LADIES' DRESS Best Figured Lawns, only $. cts. 1 cts. Beautiful Jaconets and Organdies front 35o 50 cents ; former price 50 to 75 cents. j Berage, Leno, Mozambique and otblr desira ble Dress Goods, including a few patterns I t ig ured Grenadines, at very low pnees. Warrenton " One 41 Chapel Hill " One Hotel in Taylorsville 41 LIST OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Samples on exhibition at HESTER BROS. & CO., No. 26 Fayetteville St., Raliigh, N. C, at the regular cash prices. 10 Fine Pheatons; $600 each, made by H. D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md , 0,000 10 Fine Top Buggies, $350 each, made . by H, D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md,... ithiiy) 50 1st Premium, 7 octavo Pianos, made , by Tremaine Broi, N. Y., $650 each 32,500 5 Parlor or Church prgans, 6 stops, $2501 each made by Tremaine Bros., N. Y 1.250 500 Sewing Machines, Wilcox & Gibbs, $60 each.... yo.000 500 bilk Dresses, best article, 12 yards each, $40.... 20,000 1 6 Velocipedes, S75 J j450 24 Rolls Brussels Carpet, 45 yards each, i $135 per roil.........; ;,500 , 6 Salamander Safes, Wilder's patent, best ? ' in the world, $260 each 1,500 1 Cash Prize, $1,000 gold.. 1,000 10 Cash Prizes, $100 each , 1,000 200 do do, 10 do 2,000. 672 do do 5 do 3,300 1000 do do 'i do 2,000 DOMESTIC GOODS AT OLD, TIME PRICES. i NEW WIL. AND AliVERTlSEMENTS. RE VD I PONDER! if? ' A DOZLAB A DOLLAR SAVED. IS EARNED. WEL. R. R. OFFit'E. Office Gjgnekal Ticket Agknt, i Wilmixgton, V N. C, July 2d, lb69. ) 6i.cl Li Common Calicoes, only i Good Calicoes, only..; , 10 i Best Calicoes (choice styles). . . . .:12s aiid p.5 cts. -a j r cts. ii j Oub readers are directed to the very able argument of Dr. Myers, on our - thiid page, crop. Those people who believe that the coun try is growing poorer are advised to stuiy the income returns of 1868 as compared with those of 1867. Whether the returns lor the city ot New York may not be taken as evidence; that it is the rich who are growing richer, is a question, but there can be no doubt that the number of income tax-payers in that city has increased in this one year nearly 3 per cent., while, the taxable in come baa increased 24 per cent. Tho oum ber ot tax-payers in 1867 was 17,430, now it is 18,030 ; the income taxed was $68,045,862 in 1867, and ia now $85,597.484 ; while the tax baa increased nearly a million ot dollars. The average income of each tax-payer in 1867 was $3,800, now it is nearly $4,750. ? Our candidate for representative is a lin eal descendant of j that gooc old revolution ary Rutherford i after whom the county of Rutherford in this State was named. Very few of the pretenders to superior purity ot descent can jboast so pure a pedigree as our gitlant 4carpet baggern candidate. 1 The Pennsylvania Industrial League have requested all persons or- corporations rep resented in their body, to forward to them suggestions concerning tariff modifications, tor the use of the Congressional- Committee ot Ways and Means. As soon s he gets fairly warm in his seat the new Secretary of the Navy should set himself about revoking the order issued , by his itamediate predecessor in office xhang ing the name of certain of our naval : ves sels. ' '. , We. ate. pleased to see General JEstes in twn. He is lookiDg well and gives glow ing accounts of - the prospective cotton To Excursionists. T HROUGH TICKETS TO THE FOLLOW ing Smnmer resorts, at the prices specified, may be obtained upon appiitation at the Ticket Office of this Company : White Sulpuer Springs, Va .$23 50 Rockbridge Alnm ' .... ... 22 90 Healing j " 24 75 Hot . . 24 75 Bleached and Brc wn Shirtings and Sheetings, 6i, 8, 10, m, 15, 15, 18, 20, and 25 cents, aiid up. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. n 1 ! Extra size Honey Comb, and Marseilles jQuilts, in great variety I j Table Cloths and Damasks , Napkihs and uoyiies, CtilSAl'. We will shortly place on sale Excursion Tick- . ets at greatly reduced prices, good until Novem ; ber Itst, 18o9, for grand excursion t ri pafrom Bal- tlnwre .by Kail, River,- &c, . to Niagara Falls, i Montreal. Quebec, Superior City, White Moun- ! tains, Saraiuga Springs, &c. Passengers going j by one route aud returning tother. Corresponding ticuets to t . nect at Baltimore ' win ue soia ai tie wiimiugtou and weldon Kailroad Ticket i ilice. The prices oi these ex cursion tickets vary in accordance with tue roate taken, but all terminate in New York or Boston. WM. M. POISSU. General Ticket Ayent. July 4 j 27-lt if from such cellars, and tho. raida tn h.a tium.o 1 " w UMUSC I UtiH WtilTHWuahuH vhonouo on A n xi shall be notified and required by the Mayor so to do. Ail occupants, if there be no occupants, then the owners, of all 6tores, shops and warehouses, shall remove therefrom all fish, oeef, pork, hides or other matter or other articles, whatsoever, which may be putrid, or offensive to the smell, or may tend to corrupt the atmosphere, and shall ventilate and cleanse their building when ever notified and required by the Mayor. All persons keeping one or more cows, horses or hogs, within the limits of the city, shall keep their Btables, Tards, pens, or enclosures in which such animals shall usually stand or be, dry and thoroughly cleansed ; and, once in every fort night, tney shall remove the filth and ofial from the same, beyond the limits of the city. No person shall permit an putrid, noisome or offensive matter or substance of any kind to re main or be upon the lot or premises occupied by nlm, out shaii immediately remove the same be yond the liuiits of the city. Ai. privies or necessary houses, or places used as such, thai! be emptied or cleaned put, or thoroughly disiuiecteu once in every tortnigbt by the occupant, or, in his absence, by the own er ot the lot on which euca privy may be. Ho owner of any lot shail suner any James town or other weeds to grow thereon ; bur, all lota shaU be kept tree ana elear therelrom: by the owners. rf Ho person shall place, deposit, throw, pour, or convey by any urain or gutter, Into or upon any street, alley, wharf, or other public piace within the city, and dead animal, otfal, garbage, filth, manure, feculent matter, foul or putrid water or other fluid, or any matter offensive to the bineU or iujmioua to health; nor shall any pereou keep, or suffer to remain, any ot the ar ticles or taiaga above mentioned, In or upon his yard or lot more, than twenty tour hours. Avery person violating any of the provisions of tue bevtn last preceoing paragraphs of this section, BiiaU lorieit and pay twenty uollars. : J"'? 1 i5-2t WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO., , vrfiCE oy UHIEF JKO. S GEN. StTPT. Vilmington, N. C, July 1 I860. ) ilKlDiS AND BHIDlSGaooM. Essays for Yoitng.Meo on the interesting relation ot Bridegroom to Bride, in the institu tion of Marriage, a Guide to matrimonial felic ity, and truQ happiness. Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes u-ee ol charge. Address. Hu W ARD AtiiaoClATION, Box i Fhiladelpnia, Fa. 275-3m M0G0UIT0 MSA1u 8AFES, FBATHR DUSTERS AND iTjLChldren's Carriages. Just received and for sale low, by i - - Pure Linen Huchaback Towels, commencing at 1 3' i $1 50 PER D O ZEJX I i All the better grades DECIDED BARGAINS. HOSIERY. THB BEST ASSORTMENT IN STATE. Ladies' Hose, only.. Gents' Socks, only. THE 0 cents. Lib cents. 3000 Prizes. v alue of the total am't, 148,694 All of the above is put in the drawiDg at the regular cash selling prices and will be disposed ' of by a regular mode.ol Drawing, and in order to accomplish this, the Company will sell 73,347 tickets at $3 each. . ' The Drawing will take place in tho city of Raleigh, immediately alter scao of pickets, of which due notice will be given, at least one week belore the day ot drawing. , The Company is working under the provisions of a special Charter granted by the General As sembly of North Carolina, which compels the Company to comply faithfully with all contracts. Copies can be had on-application to the Com pany. All the above mentioned property will certain ly be disposed of as above stated, and those drawing it will be invested with the title b fee ' bjmpie. 1 ggpT No member of the Company is allowed to purchase any tickets. L All moneys 6eut by mail, at the owner's risk that sent by Exp- ess, Post Office Orders, Checks or Drafts, at the risk of the Company. No property will be listed unless t-e title indisputable. The Treasurer has been required to give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties , lie is required to deposit, daily, in tnc nanE, an mon ies received, where it wivl remain until all the tickets are sold and all the property will be pos itively drawn and delivered to tue parties draw ing. .T&end two dollars by express, post office order; registered letter, or draft, at our risk, or by mail at your own, aud take a chance at th 3,000 Valuable prizes ottered. Tickets will be sent any where in the Uuited States at the Company's risk upon the receipt of $2 and postage stamp. The plan of drawing shall be as follows : there shall bb two wheels, one a prize wheel and one a number Wheel, arranged in 6ome public place in the city, wlure any one holding a ticket may . nresent on the dav of drawing. In the num- i ber wheel there shall be 7.5,347 tickets corres- ponding in number to those which have been j sold. , in the prize wheel there shall be 3,o00 i tickets. Theee tickets wixl be deposited in the wheels by a board of supervisors, who shall be ! appointed by tho Directors, alter which the wheel i shall be sealed up and placed in the bnk iu thb ! city until the time of ai awing, when the super- visors snail bring them to the place of drawing, j break the 6eals and the drawing shall be dispos-' I ed ol by taking a ticket irom each wheel at the i same time, ana the prize ticket taken from tbe prize wheel snail designate tue prize- arawu uj tke ticket corresponding in number to the one taken from the wheel at the same time; The wheel shall be well shaken after each ticket ia drawn. Excursions to our Seashore, Forts and Battle Fields. EXCURSION TRAINS WILL BE RUN IN connection with Steamers from all points on this road, asjwell as connecting roads, to carry excursionists! to the Seaside atSmithville, Forts Caswell, Fisher, Anderson and the numerous other defensjve works constructed during the late civil war. Who will take in hand the Recommndalirma for excursionists on the Seashore and at Smlth ville? i 8. L. FREMONT, , , Eng. & Supt. July 4 J 227-It PRIVATE, 1D AND PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. STOCK NEW. SHARES LOW, j ; DIVIDENDS PROMPT. Enquire at the incomDarable CITT! f!LinM. INGaTOREbt , MUNSON&CO. JoJy 227-lt. TN lit CONSEQUENCE OF THE ABSENCE from the city of the General Acent of the Piedmont Life Insurance Comnanv. a renlv m his advertisement of June aoth, has been de layed, but will receive attention as 60on as be re turns. July 3 "WM. L. SMITH, DeROSSET & CO., F. H. CAMJfiRON, MATTHEW P. IAYLOR, J. E. 8 f EAR MAN, ' E. F. GEORGE, i JNO. A. BYRNE, I Life Insurance! Agents. i 287 tt D. A. 8MTTTT. BouUi Front Btrett, Office Tbeascbe3 & Collectob, ) Wilsiisqxoh, N. C, June 4th, io69. f pERSONS HOLDING TOWN HALL AND New Issue, City of Wilmington, Bonds are no tified that interest coming due the 1st proximo will be paid on the 10th of July. BENJAMIN DURFEE, ' ' Treasnrerand Collector, iune 27 -:8&-4L Star iojerttlirte times. ! 'lhe6UDervi6orswiilbe gentlemen well known Full lines of the above Goods at satisfactory j and noted for honesty and integrity, who will - not De aiiowea io purcnase uckcib or own uj ! stock in the Company. The numbers and prizes , will be drawn from each wheel by two oiina do.vs prices HANREMHIEFS Pure Linen, 10, 15, 20 25 cts., and; upwards. Fine Hemstitched Linen, only 25 cents. SILK SPIDER "WEB HAIR NETS, piacjt and crown oniy o cents. Cotton Spider Web Hair Nts, only 5 dehii. HOOP SKIRTS J I ' ! t Best makes, 25, 35, 40, 50 75 cenW, and up.. - SILK, ALTACCA AND GINGIIAM UMBRELLAS, Best Assortment in the city, PRICES p jU AR- SUN SHADES, PARASOLS ANI FjiNS, In great variety; VERY CHEAP. LACE MANTILLAS AND SUMMER SHAWLS,' At about naif the former price. WHITE AND FANCY SHIRtS ND GENTi' FURNISHING GOODS, Modern styles and living prices. The public are cordially invited to time and receive tue rail neneni ot the fi TnEf.lENDOUG HE0UCT R. S. WTALDRQN & CQ Proprietors; of the Wilmington .Regulat an." No. 7 North Front Street and a lull report of all numbers drawing prizes wrill be'published in 6ome prominent newspaper immediately alter the drawing. DESCRIPTION OF REAL ESTATE. Seven fine KESiDENCBSi-bur in the city o Raleigh. Onemagniflcent brick residence: about I mile from the Capitol of the State with 8 acres of ground, fine orchard, delightful spring of water, beautiful grove, walks of modern style, abun dance of evergreens, all necessary out-bouses brick stable, carriage house, &c. Value $ 10, 000. One large and convenient housoi in the pity of Raleigh, on Newbern street, thirteen large rooms, double parlors, with all necessary out-buiidiDgs, It acres of ground, and a beautiiul . oak grove. Value $6,500. One large house on Newbern and Bloodworth streets, containing twenty rooms suitable for a v boarding house, alliecessary out-baildings, with . a beautiful oak grove in the yard and acre of ground. Value $5,000. .One beauti:ul large Residence, on Newbern street, eight rooms and basement, four out build tngs and stable,seven acres of ground, elm grovo, very desirable and attractive. Value $3,000. i One in Warrenton, N. C, known as the Alston property, in pertect order, one of the best built houses in tbe State, containing 8 large rooms, double piazzas and porticos, one of the most 1 commanding and beautiful residences in tho plat a, with o acrs of ground, fine orchard, beau tiful oak grove in tbe yard, and all necessary outbuildings. Value $2,000. The property at Taylorsville 13 very attractive, valuable and cheap. It is a hotel at the county seat of a flourishing and growing village ol a thousand or more inhabitants, and situated one square from a good and nourishing College, no school of better grade, right on the line of the Atlantic and Ohio Railroad, and being situated in the mountain region, the scenery is truly de lightlul and fascinating, contains twenty rooms, and the buildings are new.. Value $2,000. , One in Chapel Hill, containing 4 rooms, with fire-places, and one forty-foot dining room. Ako, kitcnen, out-houses and one , and three-fourths acres of land Value $2,0 j0. J ?. Those ordering tickets can select any number , from 1 to 73,347, if the number ordered has been . taken, the number nearest will be sent. One three cent stamp must" accompany every order. All tickets will have the seal of the Company, ana signature of the Secretary. . , ' ' . BfWe refer to any merchant, banker or qw er gentleman of standing in the city ot K,1 . RFor further descriptions and particulars, address. " " . JOHN Ca HESTER Sec-

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