ME VILIILNGTON POST. WILMINGTON,. H. O..' JULY 4, 1869. ; . UILpiKGTOX 0 ARECIV ; : WiwirsGTos N. C, JuljV,?. : SPIRITS TURPE NT I NE.-QSales of 13 casks ef 8pirlt3 TarpeDtine at JSi cent: m RQ3IN. Sales of 21 bbls. lloz . 03 for Strained and l 70 lor No. 3.. CRUDE.iTURtENTINES-132 bbhv. Crude Turpentine! sold .at 2 65 for 8 oft and, for Virgin. ' V' ; - , tar Rale nt 17 bbls. Tar at 8 J 25. Cotton. No pai es. ' . '' WHOLESALE PIOES. CD IScaitUng 15 0 20 00 fi ft... ........ ...4245 White pine.OO 0 0U 00 LUIS,. f bbl......;0 00150 MOLASSES, & gallon. r BfiSV CATTLE. itAtttlBLa. . Spts. T., new Cuba bbd. t ; - . 5255 do tierce... - w do bbl..... 00(55 d band do. . 3 00(&:i 5 '' BAGQIKO. Svrnn. ... 60(001 W 21(22iSugar House.. .42i45 Dundee.. ... , 0000 Hails, $J . . Kop. 7(10 Cut......... Vi 00(5 &U ..... BRICKS. vv rougui . . . , . . . .wvw oils. S gallon. Rosin...... ..0X)(0 90 l.nrd ........ 65 Doinluiro, . wr.i w tS ' it'i i . - PEANCT8. eperia.; . . .. . .50(55 p bushel . . . W 003, 10 ft .4 ..ntno . - v.i firt'iI . v- pntlTftRS. a DDL . rr. ii fMln Uh hhl l2(XM2 M Tallow.......'.. 12(d) 14 DOMESTICS. yard. ,6weet, bush.. 1 aup w 8heeting,4-4.. Htvgl3l Yarn, w bun 1 V5vt$4 00 PHO VISIONS, t , Bacon, N. C llauis.. ...... FISH, bUL Mnlleta MlddlUijra......UO(o5i0 Lauyra . .... . . . .KS-ol Kerosene. . . 4 wtg i Bio. ' . ; .V. . .a. i Unseed i , . . ; 1 40 J 50 St. Doinini'o..;.;258 Pitch. ...i.. 0 U0(sO 00 i Oak bbl.7 5010 00 shuuldera . . . .1618 Hog rouud . . . . . 1940 jaitou, Western . Pine do..i OJufl 0 0J Blacrterel ' No. 1 Inblll 00QI-J 5U, - No. il'joi 0 0010 UOj toidea.. ....... lacaiy Shoulders.... 15jltt No. 3 ; .... U 00i 16 00 Hauls . . . . . . . itits. . . ... 0 00ts 0 00 Pork, $ bbl. Herring, Nova acotia City m'sa 33 50(34 00 bbla ... ... 0 00( 0 00 Thin " I 32 5033 00 Herrinir, smoked J , Prime . . . .'60 00tg-J 1 00 boxea..... 00 0000 0U. iiamp.;... 31 00(gd i q0 CodusU..... 8M Beef. ...... .00 OOujOO 00 Butter, $ lb. ' Country 30(cfc35 .N. C. itoe...O uU(($ 0 0u FLO im. 8 bbl. . . Family.... 10 00(14 Oo. Ooshen .... ... .4 iigpo Super .......0 00(0) 7 00' Western..... ;..00(tgo0 Fine........ -.6 00.625 Cheese. & tt.- OBA.IN. V basbeL Euglish dairy.. 1522 ' State.......... 20(0)22 ard, tt. -; Corn, North.. 1 051 10 CormEasCo. 0 98104 Oats......... "90(0)1 00, Peas......... 1 05(gl 10, N. Carolina.... 2225 Western 17(a)21 . Kice. romrh..' 1 4Mid 501 - onions. Rice, Carolina. 9 10 $ bbl. ... . . . .0 000 00 E. 1. rice 00 (a) 0u- scgak, i lb. Glub, y-lh ... i9(a)20;Cuba..........l6i0J Gunny Bags, ...00 (a) UOI Crushed IS lb Guano, Peruvian, j Porto Rico..... 0o15 $ ton. 5000 00; A Coffee 17(m HA. IB do...... Itj(tfll7 Eastern..... .11 15125 C do..., .... ... 16(o)Lfi4 Northern.... 65 9fclavaua Brown.. 00to0o HiOS. ' salt, "ft sack. Green. VyuSI Liverpool, frolhl Dry...... .17 i&M More ...fO 00200 IKON, ft ID. English, ass'd u American, ret. 0 American, , sheer... i....0 Bwede. ...... 00 Hoop. Aium, ft busn 50(g 00 00 84 AP, ft U). Browu ....6 2 SHI3GLE3, M. Common. . . . 50(3 OJ 00 00 10 Contract . . . . 4 00(6 00 f 1IMBBK. i Wn, 130 C0O135 00 lioi oks, ft gallon, i Brandy neucu.. 00 00 0 Ot Shipping . .11 0012 50 .viui primo.. 50(giu ou MUlfair......7 008u0 dill ord-y.. 5 0u(s 00 r- Apple,NC. 0 00(g 0 00 ' Peach ....0 00(g 0 00 Wuiskey " Bourbon 1 75 4 00 N; E. Rum 0 00 0 00 : LUMBSU, H1VBU, ft M. TOBACCO. Navy...... 0000 Medium U0(uo Manufactured . OOuauO ' TALLOW. $ lb.......... 0000 wood ft cord Oak.i.... ..$0 00 .0 00 Wide bds..$i 0U15 00 Scantling... 10 00(12 00 Flooring, ..15 00(17 00, Ash .. 0 000 10 Flooring Mill Pine......... 0 00U00 i , Rough... .21 0023 001 Land Plastbr. ; Dressed ,.2JO0(ce35 001 ft ton. . . . .... ...0000 LATE NEW 6. 1 There is yellovy fever at. Portress Monroe.'. Swiss emigrants are arriving in North Carolina. 5 ioldsboro' has had a grand veljpcipede tournament. i There s on t xibition in Sharon, a mam moth block nt' coal weighing three ihousaud pounds. I ' M.xianlirtn private secretary has gone into the less lamou, hu quite as safe, busi ness f grwmg bog- in Germany. v Cuban aflfAirs are badiy mixed. Col. J r dan has not yet been heard fioiui The New York volunteers are still prisoners. B h the Old School and the New School Presbyterian General Assemblies, at their late meeting in New York, concluded to . write a joint letter to the Ppe declining his polite invitation to atteud the Ecumenical CounciU ; . ri ' : v : ' We have bad cold weather on the lake shore. The Erie '.Republican fays: Yester day was the first real summer day we have bal. VVe don't kruw liow ; high the ther momettr went up; but it got so high that it poked a hole 111 rough the . clouds, and gave us a perfect deluge ot rain all night. f . , A gemral movement is on foot in the Eastern States against the U?ury ' laws. ' Their modification throughout the country is only a matter of time. Lt-gal rates ot in terest are necessary in order to check abuses, but parties should be left free to contr ct where the nature of their investment will warrant a higher rate. ;- The Attoroey General of Tennessee Jraey general ot Tennessee un- punish physically on Thursday. of ft NHalirillft nnpr M r fl. is OI a JMasuviile paperiyir. dertook to the editor ham. He assaulted Mr. G. with a pistl. but the latter proved to lively for him. He knocked the weapon out of the hand of the elegant representative of all the law these is supposed to be in Tennessee, and gave that diguitqry an -excellent thrashing. Warning to the unsatisfied who molest editors. Washington correspondents state that the Brazilian Minister has received despatches: announcing that Lpptz had proposed through McMahoc i surrender his army on a guarauiee oi pets nal safety. ' The receipts irom customs from the 21st to the 20tu June, inclusive, ara over four million dollars. . De.ano has left and - will be absent ten days. . Mr. Johnson has departed homeward, and will canvass Tennessee in support of Senter. There was a Cabinet meeting to day Mtssw. Fish, Rawlius and Hoar were absent. . Tne President of; Peru in answering the resolution of a mass meeting that mouitors be sent to the Cubans, rep led that he would do ubat tended most to the honor of Peru. . T' hundred more ot the Cuban expedu tion have been Captured; Nothlnir has been hearu of Colonel Ryan. H'c i The Herald says: At last the final of the great Cuban filnbusteriog expedition has been reached, and its failure is as absolute as its results are disastrous. Secretary. Boutwell decides hat goods seired, which cannot W held -for expense secure and tax, mut be stored, aubject to the future action of Congress, - . OFFICIAL. Public Ibarra oi North Car olina. Passed at the Cession of 1868-'69:;.' ' ' " s ; : " Concluded j , - - FORMS OF PROCEEDING BEFORE A JUSTICE OF tH.E I PEACE FKr THE BUilHART EJECT. '. MENT OF A TENANT XT LDIKG OVER. i . ' OATH OF PLAINTIFF. "v.U- North Carolina,-. .. i ..Co. A. B. Plaintiflff, F - - . . - 8. Summary proceedings I tjectmeut. in Defendant - The plaintitf maketh oath that the defendant entered into tae possession t a piece of land iu baid county; (describe- the land;; as a lestee ol the plaintiff, (or as a Jesses Of. IS, F.,". who,' after making ol the lease, assigned bis estate to the plaintiff, or other ise, as in fact m iy be,) that the term of the defendant expired ou the... .. day of loo;:;;, (or that bis estate bas cease i by non-payment of rent, r otherwise, a the fact may be. tiiat the plaintiff has demanded the possession ot the premises of the defendaut, who reused to surrender .it, - out noiaa over; that the estate ot the plaintiff is still subsisting, and thu plaintiff ttsks. to be1 put in possesion ol . the premisea i " V v z-iy- ' MK, j-sliA I The plaintiffc aims .... ..dollars for . rent of the premises irom the ...... day t)f 18(5. .i. to tne . . . day y or, ; . . . r xoo .... ana, also, ; dollars for the I occupation ol the premises since tbe. . uay of i:188.lV. to thedate thereoi, :h' ' --' i-mt-y K B: Plaintiff. 3 ' Subscribed and sworn to beft re me, this .... dayof ........... 186.... v r;. :u forms of summons to be issued by the .justice. ;.. . ; j North Carolina.... ..Co A. B., Plaintiff, vs. C D., Defendant, f 8ummary proceedings in fcjeetment. . ; A. B; having made and subscribed before me the oath, a coj y of which is annexed, you are required to appear be ore me, or some other Juetice of the , P;ace of sal. county, on the.... day o . ,186...., at ..... then and tbere to answer, the complaint; othtrwise, judgment wilt be be given thit you be removed from the possession of the premises. ,. . J. K., J. P., fSUAL J To C. D , Defendant. Tne Justice attaches the oath o the plaintiff to the summons aud delivers them, and a copy of both of them, to the officer, and makes lue toliowing entry on his docket, or varied accord ing to the facts. No. 3.J r FORM OF ENTRY MADE BT JUSTICE. A. B., Plaintiff, Summary proceedings in vs. ejectment for, describe C D , Defendant. .'the premiits. '. Oath of plain Uff filed on the .... day of 188. ... Plaintiff claims dollars for rejt, trom to .... aul .... dollars. for occupation from .... to feuoimons issued the .... day of 'SO...., to ...i: ... constable, (or Sheriff, as the case may be.) V The officer serves the summons as required b section twenty-two, and returus it to the Juliet with the oath of the plaintiff, and with his re turn endorsed. No. 4. s- ; FORM OF RSf URN OF OFFICER. On this diy I served the within summons on the detendaut, C D , by delivering him a copv thereof, and ot the oath ot A B , annexed, (or by leaving a copy tsiereot, and t ie oath of A. B , at the usual place of residence of he defendant. C D , v adult found the-e.) or (the said C D , not being to be to and in my county, and having n- usual or last place of residence there i i,j or (no adult person bting to be found at ln u.ual or last place of residence,) by posting a cony Pf the feummons, and oi the bath of A. B., annexed, on a conspicuous part ot tue -premises claimed. '- v .N. M., Constable. The .... day of 186 .. ' No. 5. J RECORD TTO BE ENTERED BY, JUSTICE OK ; HI8 DOCKET. ' In case the defendant fails to appear, or if the defendant admits the allegations of the plaintiff: A. B , C. D.. plaintiff, vs. defendant Summary proceedings in ejectment v It appearing that the summons, with a copy of the oath ot the paint iff, was duy served on defendant, aud, whereas, . the deiendant fails to appear, (or admits the allegations of the Dlaintlff. I adju tire that the deiendant be re- I moved trom, and the plaintiff put in possession or, the premitea aescuoea in tne oatn ot tue: plaintiff. ' I also adjudge that the plaintiff i ecov er of the defendant..-., dollars, lor rent, from the .... day of 13 to the . . .. day ot 18....; and .... dollars for damages for oc cupation of the premises from the .... day o 18...V, to - this -day; and .... dollars for his cotts; the of 18.... II the detendant admits part of the alleejtions of plaintiff, but not all, the judgment must be varied accordingly ; - for example : follow- the foregoing to the , and then proceed .... No. 6 rAnd whereas, the defendant appears and ad mits the first and second allegations of the plain tiff, aud denies the residue ; and whereas, both parties waived a trial: by Jury, "heard evideuce upon the matters iu issu -, and find, (here 6tite the flndimr on the matters in isnue beparateiy.) tiuppobing the findings aie lor the plaintiff the recora wouia proceea. I therefore adjudge that the defendant (and so on from.) r- . -. No. 7. If either party shill demand a jury the record will proceed from, as follows :" And whereas, tnepiaiutin, (or Ueteuaaut as the case may be,) dematidtda trial of the issues-joined by a jury 1 caused a jury to be summoned, to wit: (here give me name oi ine jurors summoned,) from 4wt10?? the following jary was duly empannelled, t0 wlt : here etate tue ,,ames of 8 jurors empannelled.) who find (here state the verdict of mry ; uthey find all the Issues for the plain tiff, say so: If any. particular issues, say so: also state the sums assessessed by them for rent and for occupation to the trial i Therefore. 1 ad judge,; &c, as in form No. 5 , from. ! t ij el tner party apneais the Justice will enter on his docket as follows, -altering: the entry ac cording to the facts.' ' J No. 8. ... RECORD WHE2? )fHS APPEAL IS PRAYED. From the foregoing judgment the (plaintiff or defendant as tue case uay be) prayed ah appeal to the next Superior Court of law for said coun ty which is allowed. ; NO. fc.J BOND TO BS GIVEN BY DEFENDANT TO SUSPEND EXECUTION. We, C. D , E. F. and G. H., re bound to A. B. in .... dollars. Witness our hand and seals, this . ... day of 18.. Whereas, on the .... day of ..... 18.;, before"..; Justtc of the reace, &. a recovered a judgment aginst C. D., In a summary proceeding In ejectment, for . . dollars with interest, irom the .... day of 18:.', till paid, and .... dollars costs, arid; C. D obtained an appeal to the Superior Court of .r.. county. Now if C. D. shall prosecute his aopea1 with eff ect, or shall perform the final Judgment upon such appeal, the above shall be void. Witnessed aud approved by ')': 4 ! ';.. . . . ... J. P ; . --: y : X ' 4: ........ local, j ' ........ iSeaL ' Ui-nf JUSTIFICATION OF 8UBETIES. V We, E F. and Q.H.. severally aver that we ark ri spectively worth iialf the penalty of the above bond,-of our debts and homestead exemptions. isiyneaj . ' . E. F. ... Subscribed and 6worn to before mo ) - r..v...,...J. T f , ; yNo,10:' - ;. EXECUTION ON A" JDDGM.EKT , FOH THE PLAINTIFF, I A. B., Plaintiff, f I . - .-", - 1 vs. ' ,y iseauiort uounty. . C- D. , Defendant - p - - r - - . ' . , - - instate of North Carolina to toy lawful oQcer ol paid county, greeting : - . You are fae'reoy commanded, to remove C D from, and to put A B in. thei osst ssiOn of a certain piece of land ; (here dercribe it as. in tb o itb of the plaintiff ) You ?baIllso make outoJ the goods and cbattle., lands and tenements, of said defendant, dollars ."with luterest- from the .... day of . . . . , IS.;.., to the day ol pay- men t.' which the Dlaintlff lately- reeoverea oi uie delendaut a xent and damagt s, and, the furtbrr sum of dollars as costs, iu mH action. Ke turn this writ, with a st..t m nt ol your proceed lnjrs thereon, before me, ( tate hen andwht re according to general law -'rcsi-eciug Ju ticcs txesutit-na ) ' f ; - - f m J'nd o TA coot tTili ' : nSlV Ol. ... 18...; ..' fieal.J 1 ' No: 11-1-.. . supersedeas of 'execution.: ; ; : The State ot. North : Carolini to any ofllcer having an execuiion in lavnr of A. B"t plaintiff, aaainst defendant; in a suuimary proceeding . iu ejectment, bigued by " ' - a Justice' of the Peace. . . : ;The detendant haviuff fclven bond to me, as re quired by law, on bis apiJeal , to the uperior J UOUrt Ol ? - f COUU y, l iue; auove taDC,-juu will stay farther proceedluics upon said rsecu tion andimmediately;return ,the same to tue, with a statement ot your aetion; under it. i Witness my nana'anBeai,-ws:-is-!,,uajr.-.-v , - No. .12.J. V .: certificate OF JUSTICE ON RETURN of. ?-; the appeal, to .the superior court. The anoexed are the oriimi oath, eutmrions and other papers., and a cupv ol the reerd oi the proceeuiiiijs intue case oi a summary ; pr ceediog in ejectment. A. B , pkiiutiff vs. C. D deienaaut. J. P. COSTS IN T1TE CAUSE. (Here state all the costs, to wuom paid or due, and by - All the pipers must be attached. Ratiheu 10th day ol April, a. v. lz'ov. No. 146. J AN ACT RELATING To SPECIAL 'PROCEDURE IN CASES F MILLS. - Passed April 6th, 1SG9.J The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: r CHAPTER. PROCEDURE IN SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS IIE LATING TO MILLS. Section 1. How persons wishing to build a wa-. ter mill to proceed, Ary persou wishing to build a water mill, wiio hath land on on y one side oi a stream, shall is sue a summons returnable to the Superior C;-surt of the County in which the land' sough. 'to be condemned, or some part of it, lies, against the persons in possession and the owners oi thv land on the opposite ot the stream, aud aah bt such others as are n quired to be made .defendants by th i Code oi Civil frocedur. ; and the procedure shall be as is provided in otner Sj eciit proe cd ings, except so lar as the same moy be moditied oy this chapter. All pereons ma be ni i.iedc tendants, wtio are permittrd to be by section sixty-one of 'he Cvde of (Jivil Pr-'Cedure. Sec. 2. Court to appoint three Commissioners. If no lust cause - should be shown against the: building of 6uch mill, the Court shall apj. oii t three freeholders, one ot whom shall be eaasm by th plaintiffs, another by the -'et'endants. and the thirdj y tlie Court, or i' the ph iutiffs, or de- endauts, shall reluse, or fail, or uureasonab.v' delay, to name a commisstoner, the Court shall ame one in liuuot sueh delinquent pa ty ; these oomuissioners may be chatiiird Irom liuae to ime by permission of the Court for just taus shown. . Bee. 8, The third Commissioner to notify meet- u g a d preside. Th" third commissioner 3hall cause the otbern to be notified Of the time and plnee of meeting, and shall preside at their meetings; thev may, if necessary, summon and examine . witnesses. " who shall be sworn by tue pre?idin ccmmi-'Siou er; any commissioner r.aiufd by or lor either of the parties who without just cause, shall f u ii to atteud uny meetiug notiiied by the President, ahall lorleit and pay to the .'opposite urtv tiity dollars; and if the President shai , in like man ner, unreasonably delay to tiotii-, of 'a 'meetiug. or fail to attend One that is itpj.oitited, ne una;! orfeit and pay to the plain litis h:ty doll t j the deb ndaut a iae sum. -flee 4. Duty ot Comuii.-sioners. The commisBioners suuii be sworn by sn'me officer qualified to administer an oath, tj act im partially between the parties, and. t ptrf'orm' the Uu, ies herelu imposed on them honestly uLd to the West of their ability.- They shall view the premises where the mill is prupo-ed to be built, aud shall lay off and value u poi'Liou ot the ltnd ot theptaiutin, not to exceed oue acre in area, and an equal urea of the land of hcj deier.d mt opposite i hereto, and report their proceeding to tuu Court within a reasonable time, not exceed ing 6ixty days Sec. 5. What their report t"i contain. The report of tha commissioners shall sec forth: : 1. The location.: quantities and values of the several areas laid off by them. 2. Whether either ' ot them includes house's, gardens, orchards or other immediate conve niences.,, 3. Whether the proposed mill will overflow another mill, or create a nuisance in the neigu-1 borhood. 4. Any other matter upon which they shall have been directed by the Court to report, or which they may thmk necessary to the ding of nil justice betw-en the parties. Sec. b AVhen mill shah nut be allowed. If the area laid off on the land of eituer party takeaway houses, gardens, orchards, or other immediate conveniences ; or if the mill proposed wilt overflow another mid, or. will create u'nuis auce iu the neighboi hood, the Court shall no allow the proposed mill to be built. Sec 7. Power of Court on return of report. If the report be in favor ol building .the 'pro posed mill, and be confirmed by the Court, the Court may, in its di-cretion, allow either the plaij tiffs or dtfendants to erect tueh a mia at tiu place proposed, aud shall order tne costs, aad the value ol the opposite area, to be paid iy the party to: whom sucu leave shall be grauted ; aud upon such paj ment, the party to whom the leave shall be granted shail be vested with a title in fee simple to the opposite area. .Such iayuiut may be made into Court, for the nse ot tue par ties entitled thereto. The above sections are slightly altered frord sections two three and four ot chapter seventy one, Kevised Code Sec. 8. Duty of persons to whom leave is granted. The person to whom leave shall be granted shall, within one year, begin to build such water mill, and shall finish the same within three vein rs and therea'ter keep it up lor the use and ease otr . A It MA aK(U K.. .A A . . . . ouwu bu&u ub vuaiumera m n otnerwise, tue said land shall return to the person from whom it was taken, or to sueh other I'ersoa as shall have his right, unless the time for liuishing the the mill lor reasons approved by the Court, b i enlarged - Rev. Code, ehapter seventy-one, "section four. Sec. 9. Time to. build or repair water mill.l It any water mill belonging to any personal not vciu oi bkb, maruea woman, or ot unsound mind, or imprisoned, be let fail, burnt, or other wise destroyed, such person and his Leirs shall have three years to rebuild and repair the same and any person .Tinder any disability aforesaid, bball have three years from the removal of the disability. - -: . , Revised Code, chapter seventy-one, section five. -'" '- - r- ' . ;; . -' " - ae5- 10- Remedy for person injircd by the erection of a mill. . , Any person conceiving himself i jnred by the erection of any grist Uiiti. or mill for other use ful purposes, may issue his summons returnable to the superior Court ot the County ia which wie naamRgea land 4s situated, agaiust the per sons required ; to b? made delenuant-r by the Code ot CivU ProcedureQli. his complaint he shall set forth in what respect he U injmed tv the erection ot the mill, together with such oth er matters as may be necessary to entitle him to the relief demanded, i All.persons may be made defendants who are permitted bf st-ciion sixtv pne cf the Code of Civil Procedue; the proceed ings shall be as In other special proceedings, ex- S273 cept where ? taodifled by the provisions of this chapter.. - . r. . . , ' 8ec.4W Court to appoint CoTDmi&&loners. If, upon -t!ie : hearing of the caA, .the Court shall adjudgri the plaintiff entitled to relief, three commissioners shall be appointed, ;as provided infection two of this chapter; .they shall be uljeet totho piovisims contained in eection thrte ot thid cliapter, and shall be sworn as" pre scribed in section Jour ot this chapter. , -' Pec I Vi' DuXv of Commi-siont rs. . - 1 Tbe said commistioners shall view the oremises alleged to be iamaCit,Hrd the ireumes whereon is bituated the mitfbv which tue damped :i al leged to be caUsed.aiu! shall inquire' hither any dalnage lntth been .-sustained: by the? piaintff by reason of the 'matters corupUiiied oj ; a d .ot tue amount wLicb tue plaiutiff ought annually to re ceive Irom the defendants on account thereof. They shall h'-;V" power. to .suminO'u wituests,at.d ULear evidence; they shall put tneir report in writing and return tho tame to the' Court; the report ma) b-J excepted to, "and tae issues made Upou tue t xeeption, : Whethef,of J'act.' or iaW, ana l oe irieu iu uiuci ijic jicum . ui v.v.wv. . he. A iudani' nt giving to tu- p'aiutiti au atitiu kluiii oy waV'of damages', shi 1 be :.hiuding be tween the ; part lea tor tlvo ytais rrom the issuing oi'thesiimmons, h th -.miii is Jept up dunug that t ine, uuitass the damages shatf be iucreaseu by raising tho water; other. ise..,..T he judgment mav'bc eutbrcea as other judgment: are. - Sec 13 t'artie3 to he. Uoiitied o. meeting of Commisviouvi'5. '-..- " ' The parties in ali,the cases provided for in this chapter,-thallium notified tts. is -prescribed inpth- cr cases of uotlee, at . lea!, ten ' days belore the meeting of the commissioners, , ol the time and place ol'meetiog. Sec. 14. Wneu yearly dim ages as high as twen- trdoilar3-KK.l :f fei'-ti lh all ca&cs Vherejtheffnal;j;aniiige "oi t.ue.-pjaib tiff us high twetitytoiiaf s;in this ch pter, co ntaineX shall beths trued to prevent the pianti!;iiVbei?s J.or apSigus, tfromVBuitig' as heretoTore, -and ;-th "&uch 'eaetheffbajudgm.e' atoresaid fciiai? De mnamg; cuiyior: ; tiie ycarB damage preceding thy iuing ot 1 the summons ' bi e. 15. Ii . judfaeht agaiusf plaintiff, if for 'plaintiff '" It the linal jhdime'nt of the Courl shall be that the tiiaiutitf i.tii sustained u damage, he shall ;ty the cos i s 4 t b is p r oee ud i ug ; but if the fiual jUiigmt-nt challl be-in'' tavor the -: plaintiff, he -halt have execution wcainst the -deieuaunt ior one j ear't- pre :ed.iugthe issuing of the summons, alia ivv All eubi tb ; i'ro viih d, inat it the damagt iKijudgi-.d" do .iuiiii;fi shall jot amoubt to live dollars, tue recover no more cost than dam- ;;ger. Vnd it the' defendant- do not etnually pu tiie plaint ff, h6 heirs, or assigns, beiore it ails due, the Auui adjudged as the d; imaji-es lor t hat ytar, ih aiutill' C IT l-i lTr iiVilH!A!l tor tne tiniouu t oi ihc la-1 year j aamae, or vuy part thtreol'w hkh -may remain unpaid. Sec. 10. h, en co 31 in fsiouer appointed under this ehap- ter t'uail be eqi ; tied to two dollars per day to be as the other coots provided iu pivid iiiid u-xcd this act. I tec. IT. Certfnih sect iocs of chaptcrseventy-one Revised Code IrencaiCi.. sections two uirce, luur, nvi, .ciai nine, ivu, eleven, twelve, ; thii teei;, '.fourteen, fifteen and' i-ixteeu, of chipter stveu:y-oue, oi the Kevioed Cude are hereby repealed. iiec 18. When this act to go into 'effect. This act ohul beiu fore.-? irom its ra'ificaticn ; l,nt no rights. vested, and n proceedings insti tuted, be'lcnidiien ratification suu.ll be affected I'i'rcb ' ' 1 Katifled tlifsj ICth dny of April, A, D. 1800. AL m ,r cjorrioiTB 'Pi-IE U-NDill?IGNtD, BY VIRTUE OF a uecreu oi iLie aapj.-iof liuuri of tw llauo ve cuii V, w;i to:.u:e ai puoiic auclio'u, at tnu L'o.ii". iiomo uu-.r nt the o i-v oi vv limiu; ion, oil Luu BU.if, 'He Iid d.i ol tlu.y next, tue .oh.-wi-.t-r ue.-cho'-d rctU'eaUte, UiicLO L Ciitncr t rout i nd Princes,.' being tu;nY oue audf i Ua.ll. (-i-i) tcct on P. out; street, and ruLiUlu ' vvesb- i'i l.iceus stieet altxv-ix 1'ii. JCi, U.J Wi ; ; ; ,...1 . .1 ic elore uuw oc- eupieU ny Csatt ii Friuecis, adjoining the above, oci in j '-. i - t i Mtli ou iJiiijc -a sii teei, and ruu- UiUg UUCii o '4 ' L-v.t. with' buiiUiitga lUereoh. , cvNii"raii'd SliJLil lHlCii ijiUriii: on el. uanug I6i tucticout on Mar - ket stieui, audi uiiuijutr. uac'-ti'fect luowu us' jyo. 2 JiiiiraeL P Li - t. jyK ii'iviiiili fciUi.i iSiUvix biUHhi on Market si; cul u-fy jiniug iuu aowve 2oxTu .being jMo. 0 Mai aet itrecLuud vCCUoied'ov it. MUl'CUa. ' Ohi i vU j3jl"Ou5f Biilcii tiiURE on north side of : MarK e street, 10 ice-t 0 uicco by 6 1'eei, oeiuJ -.No ili aliU oteu.jicd ov D. .NeAUiau . tcenuUig, li gn-M- s-.u-.i buiiuing iuimediaieiy i rear ot saiJ, .o iet ii iucUc id icct O A i- ICE . PLAN i'ATIO-N ia Brans wick county, containing 4J0 acres, ol v :.:u 7U acres art cleared, -witn lluiwcuieuia liicieou. Vi'-.ui ij iit-iii A ii iu ii. riaChi ou Mason- Ooro'i cuuud, a i'out lies 4r ixi the citv. con tatuilSg uitMl iMJ ..Cfti, V. ItU d V oillug UOUsCUliU OlUel. ilUO , oVeui; uuli. TcClU-s i of saju ed uai. yav'meta tit -one-ti.i d cash; balance ih r lX viUd'LWci v o inoutUi. jNotes Wliu appVo Ve.i ecurny, bearing interest from do, e. aiilo rese veu iii-Lii puicuuSe money lo 'O sen on purchaser's accuuhl ei tire p.ij UicutS. DA.VL L. RUSSELL, Commissiont r. 2Sts paid, with puwc pja tJ : 3 Y C11IKA, pLAS AND QUE iiNS WARE V-A- consisting of Breakfast, Dinner aud Tea teis, Water . Cdbiets, Giass Fniit Bowls and Tmnbl.-rs, Lamps, Dirties, Looking Glasses, Oil Fainting:!, Ca-tdrs. Silver'. Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, lot Grata Clothing, Under Garment.-., ive. dav coiiimei.c lfrg tuis clay and continue every nd uinlat until all is sold J. F. S. M FiGBEE. 'gaff Auct'r. jun's 3 "i78-tf NOTICE, OST AD- AF fEIl JUNE 1s t, ALL VESSELS truiii ports South ol Cape t ear, will come to ai the visiting statiou near bmithviiie for inspec tion. .. , 'All vessels .ha'vSug.had 'sicknesS on board dur ing the pas age.wiii a:&o comt to the station lor examiuatiou. V es.icls . other ttiau the classes above named wit: ;iproceed witiiout detention iters f vc-aseis. v. ill take uue co- riiOtsi aud Alal lice ol tne auoye regulations, under penalties by law provided. W. G. CURTIS, -Quirautine tJhysi6ian, j Port of Wilmington,! N C. . Smiihviile, . N. c., May 4t j, ltbrf. : I May 'Si . . HOUSE re LET I HOUSE IN THE FIRST WARD FOR LNT. Apblv at the oiiiee of f. GiiU. Z. FUEJNCH, Ko. 10 South Front btreet. Upstairs. ;!i8o-tf' "' ' ii I ' june 20. A SMALL' STOKE, CuRNtR OF. FOURTII anu ilarnett streets. Appty at the office cf I tfe.o. Z. FRENCH, Kb. ' 10 South street, N v Up Stairs.' 2S3-tf jaue 20 Magistmt Blanks ! if Ay U ri nil MAG1SIKATE3 WILL FIND all the BLANKS ueecgpary ' to Justice's practice by seuding to thailie- oi the fosx. ; ' . AVarniuts and other biaDkr according to the new iorm now ready. i:l per quire. Blanlis ! Blanks II' WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY law blanks in any iq iantity and!on the most reasonable terms. All.. or the new . forma j now ou band or printed to order at very short L notice. -ji". - - ".i! . . . . rApply in person orssend your ordera- to the Post omc'fvou tJouth Front street, a few-doors rom Exchange Corner I1ISCELLANE0US Brilliant 'Scheme for July 10th, 1869, illHD 8UALL DilAVinQ, - " - - " is" TO TAKE PLACE AT ' July lOth, ISO'p, BO AltO OP 8UPERTISORS Hon. Sion II.; Rogebs, Raleigh,' N. C; V Ctuus P. 'MENDaNHALL. Greensboro K. C. L 'C LATnM, Plymouth, N. C. ' j James H. Footb, Raleigh. N. C. j Dr J. H. McUlintock, Raleigh, N. 0. i ' J. W 'ilARKlsoN.Jialeigh, N. C. fl The third explanatorv drawing of the ;w, C. Real and fersouai Estate Agency, will .come off in this City, ofcthe 10th July next. EelQvr, we append the scheme which is a brilliant One, ana offers, as will be seen by a mathematical ;calct?. lation, one prize of every ten tickets, j .4 ,750 icUets atGl Each. Seud for tickets immediately; and .epciose postage stamp to pre-piy letters , : . , ,! J . . LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Piiz 1 Rosewood! Piano 7 OctaTe ! Si . round Corner. Tremaiue 11 ? : Bros , New York,; ,; 1650 00 1 44 1 Fine Top Buggy,' - - "Vi; China; Tea Set, '', f i 35 00 1 l uaamoer er, - 'r ' - . i 1 o oo 1; 45 ; yards Brussels Carpet J 1135 00 3 Ply Carpet 70 00 - Matting ; ' . Carpet ng " Sewing Machine, each Green Silk Dress Acre, Building Lots, $50 each, near St. Mary's 18 oo i": .so ( 45 oo 2 1 5 l 120 001 ; 45 00 1250 00 Ladv's Gold Watch and Chain, elegant Silver Pudding Spoon Music Box yards Oil Cloth ,l Striped Carpeting " . White Matting t Saratoga Trunk Morocco Satchell yards Gingham, each Elegant Fan, each, Gent's Hat, each Table Covers ; MuMiu Dress, 10 yds, each Bronze Watch safe 41 Inkstand Dressing Case, each Glass Tea Set, 6 pieces n i. it Parian Toilet Set, blue Toilet Set, Bohemian, Wine Set " ii ti C( 4io oo 1 20 Oo 1125 00 I 25 00 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 5 10 6 1 7 : t it l 1 l 1 i l 1 1 1 l l l H U l il i If . It ii 11 u il il it 11 t Ii II II ii ii il It (i ii II ii (I il 1 1 15 25 40 1 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 25 00 If 25 00 lis ca fl 7 00 !! 25 00 II 50 00 1 30 oYi r 5 o0 85 Oo i 5 Oo 5 00 10 Ou 5 00 6 00 5 Oo 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 uo 5 00 pair Silvered Glass Goblets ii ii i. i it ti tt tt Silvered Glass Salver 5 00 5 00 5 00 pair Glass Celery Stand !! 5 00 100 at &2 each at $T each 9i III 93 oo 261 Prizes - Ki;750 00 Persons ordering Tickets ill please ad dress. . !H Secretary N. 0. Heal and Pers&naV, itaU Agency," .-. a RALEIGH. N.! C With stamp for return postage eucldad. Mr. S. G. HALL, at the " Post" printing offiee if our authorized Ageut ma surrounding country. tor Wilmington 'I 4 cclieocy CJov. Molacivi "Ill"- 1 ' Executivs Department op North Carolina, Raleioh, June 21, 169. WHEREAS, official information has htin re ceived at this Department that a vabucy exists in the representation Irom the county ol New Hanover, caused by the resignatiotaol L. G. Es.tes, Esq., late member of the Ilbuse ol Representatives : If! IS'ow, therefore, I4 W. W. Holden, GbVernor of the state of North Carolina, by virtu pf au thonty couierred by law, do issue this proclama tion, ordering an election to be held at tne sev eral places of voting. in said county, on the first fhursdayin August, for the purpose of filling aaid vaeauey. S I Dune at our City of Kalclfirh, this Zlst l. s. I day of June, 186'J. and in the ninetythird r T l i i 58 year oi our luuepeuueuee. j 3 W. W. HuLUEN, Governor. 1 By the Governor: i ff W. R. KiciiAJiDSON, Fiivate SccretaryilE june 24 284-td Th8 Copy Book Primer, OR AN EASY WAY OP LEA RNING TO READ AND By J. D LOVfil THIS LITTLE SCHOOL BOOK IS rMeived with favor by tha public and is selling; quite extensively. Another larire lot iust received at LO V E'S BOOK ST0RE.1I march 28 20-tt t UuGELL HOUSE. J. 11. DAVIS, - - - - Proprietor. ..:' If;"- rHE ABOVE HOTEL IS THE ONLY HRST CLASS HOUSE in the City ot Wilmington, nd offers to travelers every comfort and atten tion iound in the best houses in the country, june 10 2SQ-tf CLIFFORD HOUSE, 11; lO KTor-tli Aroint St. J WILMINGTON, N. a i ! IN E BOTTLED LIQUORS, SEGAHS, OLD ALES, PORTER. &C.I I FURNISHED ROOMS ' BY MONTH. DAY I 0R J. A. CLIPFORDl Proprietor. 287tf june 27 ELECTION NOTICE. THERE WILL BE HELD ON THE FIRST Thursday in August, ; 1869, an election! for two Justices of the Peace, and a Clerk as c. kbam of Trustees for each Township, in the county of. New ; Hanover. In the Township of Wilming- iuu iu stuumuu io iae uoara oi x rustees v inert will be elected four Justices of the Peace. There will also be elected" a Constable, and a School Committee of Three for each Towrnihin. i he election will be held at the several election precincts, as now prescribed by law. " i ' J. W. SCHENCK, Ji4 Sheriff of New Hanover Counfyi ' r Wilmington, N. u. June 1663. if , JTuly 1 , , - :-.'. . , 283fte Jouinal copy. . . " " I'I ELECTION xVOTICEil" State' or North CABOLrsi) 7Et :w Hakoier Cocstix. I ;ir rV VTRTTTPl n n Abr frnrn n? vWJLi ? -a m O vy. w. Holdes. Governor of the BtatA nt rtonn Carolina, autt to me directed. I hereby .( . i . . . . . . gite notice that there will be an election atithe various places - cf voting in this County on? the J- FIRST THURSDAY 111 AUGUST, next, for the purpose of choosing a member of suv.siviux.qj iteprcsaitativfi vice Gen. L. G. ESTE3 rt Vk Hi J.W. SCHENCK, J. oner WRIE June 27th, 1869 J BUSINESS CARDS, THB-JSIOHNING SXAiT" : Published Daily, i - ' , Wilmington, N. ct WM. JL BERNARD, ,: : Editor and Vnt TermiofSrtKriptiontttrlcayinodva' Oneyear....; Six Months . . .... . . . ; . . : ' .17 cj Three Months ' ! " v So One Month.... 0Q 'J JOHN D. iOVE77 ijookesller and Station i No. 0i North Front Street, er, WILMINGTON, ff. c School Books,' School and Office & tionery, miscellaneous Books, pw' , tosraph . Albums, Fancy Ar. tides, 5cc. , march n 25Mf JOSXPR C. ABBOTT. ADDOTT a CAHTVEU, Afninovc nt l.nw nA ivvv"vJ "" vuAwciiorg, Princess St., Wilmington, N, C. " nov 15 - , 2litf , GEO. S. FRENCH, Commission Mercliaiit REAL ESTATE AQEtlT, wo, 10 SotitU Front St.-tJn Stau. wtT.Tiffvr'rnv- v n Will give special attention to the tmr. and pale of Lumber, Plantations, Saw Mui, Locations for Turpentine Stills, &c. ' EST" On hand, a number of Small Farm suitable for Immigrants. ! : ' june 4-171tf : j DOLLNEB, O. POTTBB, i. CAMISDlj, 1 D0LU1ER, POTTER & GO , Commission Jllercjiants New "5Toi?lr Liberal cash advances on consignment nt v. val Stores,1 Cotton and other Southern produce, sent. 24 j JOSEPH H. NEFP, SHIP OHljXDLEIEI, AND DBALEB IN SHIP STORES, GROCERIES, IIARD ware, Paints, Oils, Boats. Oars, iSrc. Nos 22 Water, and 2, 4 & 6 Dock Street, WILMINGTON, N. CI ct lj JAMES H. CARRAVAY, UAIR DRESSING, SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING SALOON, SOUTH FRONT STREET, RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS : A CONTIN UED share of public patronage. Children'! hair cut for 25 cents each, may 2 1 269-ti FIRST NATIONAL TJANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. United States Depository and Financial Agent. - . - Diskctobs: . ' - i W. H. McRabt, ' J A8. H. Chadbouks , 3.D. Wallace, Eli Mubrat. Edtvin E. Burrcss, President. Asa K. Walkjeb, Cashier i Wm. Lareiiss, Teller. ' H. M. Bowpen, Book'Keeper. 8. D. Wallace, Jr., Clerk. THIS BANK IS NOW OPEN . FOR TP TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bondi and Securities. i NOTES OF 80LVENT and other State biaki purchased and sold. j EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH ERN CITIES always on hand and for ts&le. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible point in the United States, with prompt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention given to the accounts of business men. auc. 14 6-mos IVA.TI01VA.Ij FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS MD TRUST Chartered by Act of Confess Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of lttth street, Washington, D. C. BRANCH AT YlmjllGTON, U. C. Doch Street, near JFronU Ppen from 9 a. m. to 3 p. mv, and Saturdj evenings from 6 to 9 p. m. i DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT, FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE-1 CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits can alwavs be withdrawn wittdut notice Deposits in gold and silver are repaid to gold and silver. All other deposits are repaid in "Greenbacks," or National Bank Bills. Interest is payable in March, July andNoTem ber, three times in each year. All thesproflts belong to the depos'tor. Investments are only made in Securities of the United States. i GEO. K. FRENUii, Cnm'n Advisory Committee. BENJAMIN DUKFfifi. ' . SecreUry. Acting Casbiei. . 210- oct 18 nWTTTVj Trrtrrc n !.;'' Qj - "i JAY COOEE & CO. No.- 20 WALL STREET, v Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YOEfL WE BUY and sell at the most liberal curre prices, and keep on hand a full supplj f GOVEKNMENT BONDS OF ALL IdUS, SEVEN-THIRTIES and COMPOUND INTEB JSOi JMUliWJ, ana execute oroera ior paiuu-' and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. V- CONVERSiqNSi 1 ' We convert the several issues-of Sevex WB TIES into FrVE-TWEHTIES 03i THE MOST IAV0BA' ble terms, taking the 1st series jit GovsbJ mest Kates, alio wiiig a commission to dealers. ... i u i .jau a.ii iAit am rnmnnvn nnna bfj varexuax wim iuu tiika a r P".caUon. . tiv nnniric a CO - I Hill VWv 1. , . , i , i l- UNITED STATES INTERNAL ' RBVBNUB.'' U COLLECTOR'S OFFICER M t bECOND DISTRICT, NORTH GAR0HNM S5.tafil

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