. . ;:. ;:t- 7. -f..' 1 . i . ',T "I- . 1 X - A -"7m T ITT 1 " 1 " 1 ' 1 " - .,' .v!- .-' v.',. -' ' ' ' ; .; . i - ;. ', - ' v. a . I- ... - ' ." i i, iMMaMMMmmm post , ' : - 'f VOL. II. , N. C, THURSDAY MORNlKG, JULY 15, 1869. NO. 290. W1JLMINOTGN 1 THE WILMINGTON POST. n PUBLISHED SEMI -WEEKLY. vV-,1 I i i OFFICIAL, OROAN. chas. 7"oiaXiY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TSBMSOr SUBSCRIPTION INVAJUABLT TX ADTAKCfi. Per Year $4 00 8ix Months.. 2 00 Throe Months.... ..i.. 1 35 One Month.. ...fe. .......... ...... . 50 RATES OF ADVERTISING : AdTertisenienti I "will be inserted at;il00per square for first Insertion and 50 cents ior each subsequent insertion. Tea lines or less, solid minion type, eouatitute a qnare. : t .- ' V -m CITY. Job Printing. -Wc are now prepared to execute, at this office, all manner of Job Printintr.- To Our Readeus. Subscribers wilt no tice that the cross J on "their paper denotes "timeout" and we. would be pleased with prompt renewal pt subscriptions. . UiiKAr Advertising All our friends are cordially invited to send notices for this column at the exceeding low price ot 10 CENTS A LINE. t" - '. The Republican County Nominating Con vention will meet in this city on Saturday July 17th, 1809. Sheriff Schenck and Silas N. Martin, Esq.. are shortly expected in town. rmmm i Mr. Y. H. 3Iobre announces - himself Us i a candidate Jor City Constable. The raiu clouds still tautalize us by ap pearing and disappearing each evening. Tuesday the thermometer stood ninety five degrees in the shade. Hot work in the Post office ! , Republican County Committee members will find in another column a noticofrom the Chairman. Senator Davis will probaly be detained in town several days by the want of water in the river. No boats running to Fayette ville. ' ; 1 " The new stables of Messrs. Southerlaud & Stegall arc well worth a visit. They are perfect taodels ot completeness and. comfort " for man and beast." .1 ; The " Nightingale Minstrels " .serenaded t he City Marshall and fire companies Tues day night. The night in thp gales were heard a good ways off! In a weeks time the street cars will be as sisting our citizens to " get over " our very eandy roads without being scorched to death in sand hot euough to - roast a recreant re publican. ; Much matrimony has taken place in this Vty in the last two months, our Register sometimes gets tired attending to the duties devolving udou him as ;" conijratulator of the bride." V Thr efficient dewutv of Sheriff Scheuck - i who goeth by the healthy name of " Sol " caught two fellows attempting to break out of jail last Sunday The jail birds did not get out of the cage. Sheriff B. F. McFarland writes ' us from Lake City of his continued health and his glory in being " scalawag Sherifl of Colum bia county." Success to such iolljscal la wag he never can be a u scamp " ! It is slated that after the Eagles' delegates had been elected some one not having any regard for the feelings of his fellows per mitted Price to talk for two hours ! What ! 'two hours gas"; brass; abuse of the mass, by this braying ass? Our lestive lricnd W. of the N. C. 1. & p. Agency told us wc would Ydraw';' SOme BomethiDg and we havt. The article being useful to family men we have made: over all right title and interest to Mr. - -. 'A marriedrman." mmt i - We had the pleasure of a call from Hon. ,T. II. Day is, Secretary and Treasurer of the Western Railroad office at. Fayettevillc Col. I Davis visits Wilmington on business: and gives encouraging accounts of the con q ition of hi road. The ever active Superintendent of the W. W. R. R. advertises a u Grand Excursion'' io Virginia's fabled fields." The excur sionists may be assured of having the best of treatment and at rates that even the poorest may afford to go to " ole Virgiuny shores." "y ' , The IfwBTiNOALE MissiiiELs will give a Grand Musical Entertainment arid Ball at the City Hall on Friday night, July 16th. The colored jpcople are notified they will all be welcome, and that they may expect a good time. A new supply of quadrille music has been received. : The doors open at 8 o'clock, and the tickets will coat one dollar. T. J. Johnson, Manager. James Rich ardson, Proprietor. brass band, will announce the opening tf the door of the Hall. j Yc were shown a apecimen of fine and excellently cured hay, raised by a system of dry culture on a rice field a few miles from this city, The hay is composed for the mostp-irt of native grasses but. with them is miDgled of the celebrated Kentucky blue grass. We have heard of several sick people be ing seriously annayed by howling and bar barous noises from so called religious meet ings. The fact that people are free should make then! apt like freemen and not like idiotic children in meetings meant to ex press devotion Hearth and Horn for July 17th has a fine large portrait of William Cullen Bryant, in addition to other well executed illustrations. It also contains the prize song for which it offered 100, and the firsttn&UlmentoX Oc tave Feuillct's new novel, entitled l The Ro mance of a Rich Young Girlj j First Ward Delegates. The follow ing delegates were elected to the nomina ting convention by the first ward Republi cans : Geo. L. Mabson. A. J. Denton, Wm. Merrick, Edward Ancrom, Geo, M. Arnold,. Henry Brewington, , Washington McNeifr Lisbon Payne, , Wm. H. Waddcll. The " chm music " Mr. Pricb so ulenti- fully indulges in on all occasions; of his own monstrous merit and the infinitessimal small ness of all other men compared with him the il great Price " remincls us of the scrip tural reference to the heathen " Who think they will be heard from their much " talk ing The professed friends of Mr. S. N. Ma rtin tried to sell hiui out on the selection of del egates from the first ward,' but Messrs. Eagless. Denton and Mabson coming to the rescue, the Larkins bolters were driven in shame and confusion from the room. '.Many of Price's friends left in disgust before u George " attempted his midnight harangue. A young lady's opinion of the 'bonnet of the season: uOb, the bonnets of my girl hood the kind I wore to school ! I really though them handsome. I must have been a fool. And yet I used to think myself on hats a jaunty miss. Perhaps I was, as fash -ion went ; but what was that to this ? Oh ! the lovely little pancake the charming lit tle mat ! It makcs'my head so level, and so very, very flat." Oetave Feuil let's new - Urj - H?hHo mance of a Rich Young Girl," in Hearth and Home, opens capitally. The prize song, " The Kingdom ot Home," for which Mr. W. R, Duryee was paid one hundred dol lars, is, in our opinion, a poor production. The following stanza is a fair specimeu of its merit: " Flashes the lovelight, increasing the glory, Beaming from bright eyes with Warmth of the soul, Telling of trust and content the sweet story, Lifting the shadows that over us roll. King, King, crown me the King, Home is the Klngdotn and Love is the King. The Universe. The second volume of the Chicagoan commences with the title changed to The Universe, the first number of which is received. It is enlarged to a eight page sheet, and contains the commencement of a story by Mrs. Corbin, entitled, 'Mar ried, or a Woman's Deception ; a capital sto ry by Mrs. Jennie. T. Hazen, "Daisy, or the Married Man's Story and a great varie ty of other matter. Among the principal articles is one on "Spiritualism a Moral and Social Necessity," by Robert Dale Owen, and many on various phases of the "Wo man Question," and Spiritualism. Publish ed weekly, at $2 50 per year, by H. N. F Lewis, 113 Madison street, Chicago. An exchange says " Keep to the right is a common rule and easy of observance." Wc don't see it. Take a common occurrence. Three ladies we know they are ladies by their dress come tripping along " all in a row " across the pavement. A mud hole on one side, and an iron fence on the other. The mud hole won't turn out ; tne tence won't turn out, and the females who have no rights men are bound to respect," ac cording to Miss Anthony, won't turn out either. To change positions, one behind the other, and give you room to turn to the right, would not be " lady-like." How are you going to "turn to the right" under such circumstances, unless you jtake to the mud or climb the fence? We submit the case to an impartial jury ot old bachelors. Successful Men. Amos Lawrence said when asked for advice : "Young meu,basc all your actions upon a principle of right, preserve your integrity of character, and in doing this never reckon the cost," A. T Stewart, the merchant prince of New York, says: "No abilities, however splendid, can command success without intense labor and persevering application." Rothchilds as cribed success to the following rules: "Be an off-handed man ; make a bargain at once. Never have anything to do with an unlucky man or plan, Be cautious and bold." Ed. ward Everett said : "The world estimate men by their success. in life, and success is, by general consent; evidence of superiority." The Bible saysV "Seest thou a man. dili gent in business ? He stands before kings ; yea, he shall not stand before mean men." Franklin quoted and verified this. Chaiema ilAB80x.-Wamust compii ment our friend, G.L.S Mabson, for the abili ty shown in presiding at the meeting on Tuesday night, at the City Hall. The unu sually stormy elements of two contending factions were kept well In hand by the tact and skill of Mr. Mabson. His speech was forcible, to the point and evinced that earnestness each true Republican. rrust feel at the present crisis in the political affairs of the State. The logic and clearness of Mr. Hanson's statements compared with the vulgar personality of Price, Miller and other whitewashed Democrats, was noticed by all. The remarks of Chairman Mabson on taking his seat, elicited much applause, and did much to secure the victory we have noticed elsewhere. The treatment of deserting office-holders, like Mr. Miller arid the other men who defy the powers that be, met with high compliments from men Long ex perienced in managing popular assemblies. NooNDAY.p-Noon, these summer days, is almost turned into night; at least upon cots and hammocks, and divans everywhere can be found the sleeper, snoring away -as quietly as if old Sol was casting his sickening rays upon the shaved headed mandariaus of the Celestial empire, and this section of the vineyard waB yet clothed in the murky man tle of old Nox. It is a good idea, some people eay those who indulge in the habit. The early morning is hot and oppressive and unfit for that relaxation of the system required by sleep. Better to get up early, and nap before dinner. And we take this viewr as correct, as we remember some rhymer, (and poets, like newspapers, are al always correct), somewhere says : " The weary plowman's lazy length DieB in the shadow narrow, 1 That clings about ,the haystack foot ' Careless as a guarded sparrow. Ob, peaceiul hour of summer Noon ! Lite lias its midnight slumber ; Shall it have no noon-day rest for us When cares shall cease to cumber?" There was quite a sensation created on Front street, yesterday, by a very distingua and beautiful young lady, who, with the ut most moncbalance and indifference to sur roundings, walked along, holding in the dainty fingers of her left hand a rare speci men of peach, that had doubtless been left hanging upon its parent stem, Until ruby and amber had met On the cheek that lay next to the sun. With a delicately chased silver fruit knife, she dexterously removed the peeling iu one long, curling piece ; then stopping sudden ly, she actuated, doubtless, by some super stition, which had been imbibed in the nur sery, and expecting to see the initials of her lover gracefully tossed it over her head, and turning, ran to see the result. To her amazement, and to the wonder of the gap ing multitude, the peeling had formed the following letters aud figures upou the side walk : "N. C. R. & P. E. A.," which, after some difficulty, was interpreted to mean, " North Carolina Real and Personal Estate Agency, next drawing August 28th. Rooms Republican Cotjkty Committee, June 29th, 1869. There will be a conven tion of the Republicans of New Hanover county at City Hall in Wilmington, on Sat urday, July 17th, at 10 o'clock A. M. . Wards and Townships will be allowed one delegate for every one hundred Repub lican voters and one tor every fractional part of one hundred over fifty, cast at the election for President in November last, making the representation as follows : Wilmington. First Ward, 9 delegates. Second Ward, delegates. Third Ward, 4 delegates. Fourth Ward, i delegates. Townships.-r-Federal Point, 1 delegate. Masonboro', 1 delegate. Harnett, (Middle Sound,) 3 delegates. Grant, (Topsail Sound,) 1 delegate. Holly, (Holly Shelter,) 1 delegate. Union, (South Washington,) 1 delegate. Franklin, (Upper Black River,) 2 delegates. Columbia, (Piney Woods,) 1 delegate. Caswell, (Lower Black River,) 1 delegate. Cape Fear, (Kaintuck,) 1 dele gate. Lincoln, (Long Creek,) 3 delegates, Holden, (Rocky Point,) 3 delegates. The following persons are appointed Sub Committees to i call Ward and Township Caucuses to nominate delegates to the Con vention. Candidates for Township Officers Justices of the Peace, &c. First Second, Third and Fourth Wards in Wilmington, the Ward Committees. Township of Federal Point. Henry Da vis. Masonboto', . Harnett, Dan. Davis. Grant, Delaware Nixon. Holly, -. Union, Anthony Norwood. Franklin, Dimas Devanc Columbia, Wm. T. Morton. Caswell, A. V. Howell. Cape Fear, Alonza Brown. Lincoln, John Bell. Holden, Peter Batson. Per order of the County Ex. Com. Geo. Z. Fkesch, Chairman. A book by General Lee will awaken such special interest, that wc arc glad to call attention to it The University Pub lishing Company of No. 4 Bond street, New Yorkannounce that they have now in press, and will issue in a few weeks, "Memoirs ot the War," by Gen. Henry Lee, . thoroughly revised and correted by Gen. R. E. Lee who has added, also, an entirely new biography of his father, prepared by him from private and personal materials never before used. It will be a large and handsome octavo volume, illustrated by new steel portraits of Gen, Henry Lee and Gen. Nathaniel Greene, bcaiitiful steel engravings of "Marion cross- Jng thePeedef,': and the "Surrender of Cornwallis';" and five original maps and plans. Our readers need not be told that this is a wjak of great interest and value. It is the standard history of military opera tions at the South during the revolutionary war, and as such is a book which every reading: man sliould possess ; but its inter est and value are both greatly increased by Gen. Robert E. Lee's thorough revision and correction, and by the valuable biography of his father which he has written and: ad ded to it Deowsixg,-A report reaches us just as we are going to press that one of a large party of boys was drowned while bathing in the river. We learn that he was called Josh - . tt is a warning to bathers who carelessly jump into the river at late hours. "Tail aks fro. little acorns ffrow, Large streams lrom little fountains flow." Seven years ago! the Plantation Bitters were but little knowni To-day there is not a nook or come of oujr laha where they are not found and used., 'The sale has reached the cnormons'num- ber of Five Millions of Bottles annually, and it is constantly increasing. It only shows what can be done with a really good medicine, and a systematic course of making it known. Perhaps no medicine in the world was ever so deservedly popular as the Plantation Bitters. Go where you will, among the rich or poor, and you will always find these Bitters in use. Their merit has become an established fact, and we cordially recommend them iu cases of dyspepsia, loss of appetite, chills and fcrer, headache, &c, &c. Magnolia I Water. Superior to the best im ported German Cologne, and eold at half the price. i j Beautiful Woman. If yon wonld be bean tiful, use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It gives a pure Blooming Complexion ana re stores Youthful Beauty. Its effects arc gradual, natural and perfect. It Removesj Redness, Blotches and Pimples, cures Tan, Sunburn and Freckles, and makes a Lady of thirty appear twenty. The Magnolia Balm makes the 8kin Smooth and Pearly; tie Ee bright and clear ; the check glow with the BloOm of Youth, and imparts a fresh, plump appearance to the countenance. No Lady need complain of her Complexion when 75 cents; willipurchase this delightful arti clc. The best thjng to dress the hair with is Lyon'a Ivatharion. Kosxoo, the qreat Liver Invigorator, Blood V refer, and Renovator, prepared by Dr. J. J. Law rence, the celebrated Physician and Chemist, is a safe, pleasant, and reliable remedy, for the prevention and crjiiE of all diseases caused by a Torpid LIveh, Impure Blood, Disorders of the Kidneys, or Debility of the Nervous Sys tem, j , ItREfcVLATii3 the secretions, eradicates all humors or taints! restores lost or wasted ner- vwtib iTrt;r, and tfc,the same time ttM up ttn-d imparts tone and vigor to the who.'c system. For sale by E. Wiillis, Wilmington, N. C. LETTERS' FROM THE PEOPLE. LriiBERToy, July 13, 1869. Editor of toe Post : Sir: Iu the -dtar of the 6th inst., there i j ' is published in the editorial column this arti cle, to-wit: I f " Row We leahi that a row between the whites and blacks occurred at Lumberton," Saturday last, the day chosen for the cole bration , of the " Fourth." It was a mixed up affair. About twenty-five of the law breakers were committed to jail no one seri ously wounded. Rocks were the weapons used."' The entire article is an error. .Only too men violated (he law, und they were imme diately attended to by our worthy and ener getic Mayor. i As to rocksj we need them badly to pave our side-walks. Wc will be obliged to the writer pf the article alluded to for some of those rocks with ! which to improve our streets. M. Bii'jnswu;k County,) July Hth, 1869. Edito-c Post: Pursuant to call, the re- publicat delegates of North West, the ban ner towtship of Brunswick county, met in Conventon on the 1.2th ihst., the Hon. B. Morrill jresiding. : On motion of E. M. Rosaty that wc, the carpet-blggers of Brunswick, having recon structed the county, carried two general election and tied together firmly the re hereby cordially tender publicaii sheave, do the front seats in the party and the privi lege of ojRce toj able and honest natives, ir respective of colon The foflowiug ticket, one that would elect itself, waisubstjituted to the one previously agreed ujon : j ' Magistiates J. C. Lnwtou, Bolton; W. A. Robins, Bluff; "A. J. Simson, North West. . - Town Uerk Lloyd McCoy, Nerth West School Committee E. M. Rosafy, Bluff, G. N. H(l, North! West; George Webb, (colored) Sorth West. Town Cstablc-Everett Mitchell, (col.) North Wei Ml A. Dcmclrati'nwsparublished at Brandon, iss., speaking of the Fourth of July, says" I The orie glorious -ith of July comes off in the Ncjhern States on Sunday next, but we of thisection have no part or lot in it. Time wasVhen we delighted to honor and celebrate tir natal (lay when wc were con sidered dlccudanta of our revolutionary sires, and before the Puritans discovered that we wie bastards and that our former slaves werlthc true descendants of Wash ington andhis compatriots. Mr. Peatdy lias added a million and more, in rl road and Southern bonds chief ly, to the Fa body Educational Fund. The next geneaion down South will remember JJlUi, CTCUJ lilJv JTtBfUl IB a UUfWieES HDQ 1. 1 I il L t l m ungrateiuiigopie. STATE They are hiving " circus " in Raleigh, The Raleiglji papers notice the arrival of Judge Cantwell in that city with many flat tering remarks. A Dr. O'Hagan, of Goldsboro' in ampu tating the leg of an unfortunate taveler re ceived such injuries that he will die. The Goldsboro' Messenger mentions the transferal of Rev. Mr. Stickney from that city to Wilmington to take the place of Rev. Mr. Terry. 1 Lemonade Clubs are the latest things in Goldsboro', of which there are several. Since their formation lemons are scarce, it being impossible to obtain one in town. The Masonic festival at Goldsboro' last week was a success. $2,500 was realized, sufficient to purchase a site for a Masonic Hall,and the building of a Ball is now ful ly determined upon. ; The thirdsmall drawing of the N. C. Real and Personal Estate Agency, took place at Tucker all last Saturday, July 10th. A crowd of interested spectators were present. Ticket number 1,200 owned by a Mr. Harri son of Plymouth, N. C, drew the piano. Number 1,438 drew the top buggy. Every thing passed oft quietly and satisfactorily. The extra Velocipede quickly came out with the numbers that drew the prizes. The Wilson Plaindealer publishes jan ac count of the excursion of the Hooper school to Wilmington and Smithville ; at which latter place the correspondent states : "A huge. U. S. flag hung like a thunder cloud over the place and this, alone marred the beauty ot what was otherwise charming. On leaving, the band played with much spirit our glorious old " Dixie,' and it was " music such as would linger man's life long years " to hear the notes of that Southern air, welling up under the shadow of the tyrant's ensign." A gentleman who has just travelled through the counties of Carteret, Craven and Lenoir, informed us that the crops are in a promising condition, corn and cotton parti cularly. Cotton has recovered from the late spring, and uaw looks well. At Mosely Hall, Lenoir county, the first cotton blooms were seen on the 28th of June. Our infor mant counted more than one hundred blooms open in a space ot thirty feet diame ter in an open fHd in Lenoir county on the 8tti lust. Corn is In " tassel and silk and looks well. There is no suffering for want of rain, and everything promises that there will be a hrst Tate corn and cotton crop, Standard. Eight more money order officers tiavc been established in North Carolina viz : Concord, Warrenton County, N. C. Hillsboro , Orange Kenansville, Duplin Louisburg, Franklin Trinity College Randolph warrenton, Warren Washington, Beaufort 44 Wilson, Halifax The above in addition to Ashville, Chap el Hill, Charlotte, Edenton, ElizbetUCity, Fayettviile, Goldsboro', Greensboro', Mor ganton, New-Berne, Raleigh. Salem, Salis bury, Statesviile, Tarboro' and Wilmington making a total of 24 money order officers. Wtf heard much talk of 20,000 acres of land advertised for sale by the Sheriff of Or ange, to be sold on Monday last. The Sher iff gave us the list of land to be sold. Omit ting town lots we could count only 8,658 acres. ' The rule was not completed on Mon day ; one day was not sufficient to work so much ruin. The lands we are told did not average more than one dollar and thirty cents per acre, and yet some of tho best lands of the county were sold. There is no chance under the SuerifFs hammer to get anything like the true valueof lands. Hester's Real Estate Agency and Lottery is the only place and way to get the real val ue of your lands. Wc hope Hester, in his next grand drawing, will have fewer sewing machines, and in their stead have prizes of guano, bouedust, lime, &c -Raleigh Senti nel ' We are accustomed to hear the Mexican spoken of with contempt, as wanting in in ausiry ana enugntenment ; but the Mexican girl, of whom we find an account in a Guad alajara paper, La Civilization, furnishes an example which might be well emulated by our own young women and young men of more mature age. That paper says ; "The Senorita Carlotta Ferro, who is only sixteen years of age, performs in Quintupan the following employments with the great est exactitude and punctuality, her conduct of them having been highly eulogized by the political chief of the Ninth Canton when he made an official visit to that point: She is preceptress of the school of that town, and is remarkably successful in the education of young ladies. She is clerk of the court aud secretary of the council, and is remarkable for the admi rable order in which she keeps the archives, in the collection of laws, andot all the other business in her charge. What would many men give to be equal to this young girl in the performance of such duties? It is the great conquest of civilization to place woman by the side of man, in the ele vated and respectable place which belongs equally to her." :. When we remember how voluminous are Spanish and Spanish American legal pro ceedings, and none ot them mere copies, and that their collections of laws arc mostly in manuscript, her capacities aud performances are the more remarkable, In the Tribune's London correspondence we find the following : m The London papers are considerably ob liged to Mr. Goldwin Smith for supplying them with some sort of answer to the just accusation that no one of them has printed the speech of Mr. Sumner, which all of them joined in misrepresenting. Mr. Smith's answer was better ' than none. Still it was telt to "be very weaW, so one of them has now produced a second. The speech, it says, was printed here a pamphlet ferm, ; and "widely circulated'' It is true a pam phlet edition was printed in London, but it was issued by an American, not by an En glish house. Upon seeing the, statement that it had been "widely circulated," I had the curiosity to askrMr. Stevens how many copies he had disposed ot It was publish ed at a shilling about 35 cents currency. Mr; Stevens writes me that it certainly was "widely circulated" in oncfcscnse, inasmuch as he sent a copy to nearly every town in threat Britain and Ireland where a paper is published. The country press had 165 cop ies, the London papers 20, and 310 were sold. In all, there have been circulated just five less than 5Q0 copies. Of leading articles which put into Mv. Sumner's mouth what he never dreamed -of saying, there have been who 1 knows how many millions of copies distributed ? The Pensacola Observcr says; 44 Several families of old residents and natives of this city who left here prior to the war and made Mexico their home, because of the abridge ment of their privileges as citizens by the State Legislature, returned on the "Volum ma" frpm Tampico. They arc some forty in number, and report others yet to follow,"! QUARANTINE NOTICE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 1st, ALL VESSELS from ports south of Cape 1 car, will como to at the Tisiting station near bmithvillc for inspec-: tion. . All vessels having had sickness on -board dur ing the passage will also come to the station for examination. Vessels other than the classes above named will proceed without detention. Pilots and Masters of vessels will take duo no tice of the above regulations, under penalties by law provided. i W. G. CURTIS, Quarantine Phy6iciahv Port of Wilmington, Nl C Smithville, X. C, May '.Hth, lWiy. May 27 276-lawtf DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP. rnHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX X istiug between L. G. Estes, O.C. Hatch, and M F.Hatch, under the hrm of Hatch, Eg tes&Co., in the city of .New York, is hereby dissolved from this date. The affairs of the concern will be liquidated, by O. C. .Hatch, No. 10 Ferry et,, ISawiork. New York,' May 1st, 18W. may 6 270-tl LOST, A BLACK SILK UMBRELLA, WITH brace in lower part of handlc4-no name attached large oak stick. The finder will be either re munerated or kindly thanked by leaving it at the office of the Post. . MELLIE M. ARNOLD, inly 11 289-tf UNIVERSITY OF AOIITII CAROLINA. rpHE FALL J SESSION- OF THIS INSTITU JL tion Will cbmmence on the 18th day of Aug., prox.j and continue twenty weeks. Preparatory and Normal Departments, and a general course of University Lectures will be opened. Entire expenses, including board, 185 to elOO. All the benefits of the Institution are offered free of charge, to a limited number ot rebidenta of the Bute.. Apply to the President. SOLOMON POOL, Chapel Hill, N. C. inly 11 289-taugl8 HOUSE TO LET I AHOU8E IN THE FIRST WARD FOR RENT. Apply at the office of GEO. Z. FRENCH, No. 10 South Front street, Up Stairs. june20v l 283-tf STORE TO LET. SMALL STORE, CORNER OF FOURTH and Harnett streets. Apply at the offlca of GEO. Z. FRENCH, No. 10 8outh Front street, ,, Up Stairs. )uue 20 3S8-tf NOTICE. POST OFFICK. Wilmington. N. c. August 14th, 1868. i.iiu BAiioriiiij l HAT ATTEMPTS TO JL fraudulently obtain the mail f Yrrhn. &c., have been , J v .'AVlVUMllOt hflfA noon ImnA nl il. ! ill . . . " notice, that ma: luaut; at hub umcej l nereoy give Is will be delivered at this office only to persons oraer, ana io persons known at this office to be fully authorized to receive such mail. ED. K. BRINK, P. M. august 19 ! ' m.ti l - , 1 TllllbU Government Wrecks. HAVING BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE SEC retaryof the Treasury that a contract has been made bvhim with GEO. Z FRWKntr ROBERT STEVENSON, for saving property from wrecks of all vessels belonging to the Gov vernment, on. and adjacent to this coast, and having been appointed by him as agent to super intend their operations, I . hereby warn all per sons, from Interfering with said wrecks ior aar other Government property on the coast, ' L. G. ESTES, i V Coil. Int. Rev. HUmhigton, Aug. 5, 1867. tf QEO, P. ROW ELL & CO'S AMERICAN Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspaper and periodicals published In the United States and territories, and the domlnlonof Canada, and British colonies of North America; together with a description of the townn and cities in which they arc published. : NEWYORK: GEO. V. ROW ELL & CO., Publishers and; Newspaper Advertising Artnts i 40 Park Row. ' 1869. . A handsome Octavo Volume of 300 paces bound in cloth. Price Five Dollars. A work of great value to Advertisers, PubU&h eri and others, who desire Information in rela tion to tho newspapers and periodicals of North America. The edition will be llmltud. and siring copies wUl do well to send their orders immediately to UEU. P. KU WLL is CO., , Publishers and Advertising agents, 40 park Row New York. c ( C c . - .it