, . I ... I- THE "WILMINGTON POST. WILMINGTON, N. C. JULY 15. IS69. : A .Warning I ,' The Raleigh JSentuiel notices our remarks l on1 the Virginia election thus : The Radicals of New Hanover county seem to -be getting alarmed at the prospect of a split in the ranks down there, and are trying to frighten the colored f voters by telling ! them if they don't stick to their leaders their liberties :are gone.' The Post Says to them : 1 j'. "The division of the Republican party is expected and colored men are doomed it such is the case." , 1 The leading organ otT copperhead conser vatism in this State then proceeds to ridi cule aDy fears our colored voters may have of democratic success by instancing the Demo crats tof Virginia voting ior colored candi dates. How shallow the pretence of . such writers ? Under cover of one colored Con gressman the leaders of the rebellion seek vto advance and gain all the grojund they have lost ; under tue wings of one poor old black crow they seek to, hide their damna ble deeds and hoodwink the majority in Con. gress ! Mistaken men I The leaders of the Republican party arc sufficiently acute to permit no ruse of the kind to succeed. "We tell ouf Sentinel on the ruins of secession ; we are glad of his warning cry. We?, will inform him and his friends m this State, that traitors of all. classes are-alike in pur eyes, and true men and ardent patriots never have their race or color thrust into their faces in ' the colums of the Post. Republicans of New Hanover and of the State of North Carolina we have confidence in y our intelligence, and we have this con fidence renewed each time we gaze upon such "men as " the manly Galloway or the promising Mabson. There can be no divis ion in the ranksiwhere harmony exists among the controlling and directing elements. Our cause is too sacred ; our ambitiqn too lotty and the work too important to be hindered ; What it Means. - The party mis-called democratic resolved in California : . - : f -' " I That the Democracy of California now and. always,, confide in, the intelligence, patriotism, and discriminating justice of the white people of the country to administer and control their government, without the aid of either negroes or Chinese. The organ of the sham republicans in Virginia likewise joins in the cry that " ne groes" must be kept back, and the cooper- head " conservative' republican journal of Mississippi adds its mite to feed the old flame of intolerance, ignorance and preju dice. The most ignorant of our colored voters hardly need instruction on the sub ject of democratic intentions, but as some of our ' scamps" are trying 5 to sell out their brothers freedom for a miserable mess of copperhead favor, it behooves the people's paper to expose" the machinations of the enemy. Says the Vicksburg Times ; We do not take the Chinaman from choice, but from necessity. We are aware that important results must folio w' in the wake of the new laborer, but nothing can occur worse than the condition of affairs under which we now live. Emancipation has spoiled the negro, and carried him away from fields of . agriculture. Our pros perity depends entirely upon the recovery of lost ground, and we therefore say let the Coolies come, and we will take this chanoea of christianizing them. Our colored friends who have left the farm for noliti onrt plunder, should go down to the Great Tip- public to day, and look at the new laborer who is destined to crowd the nesrro from the American farm. It (the sham democracy) means then that all men of African descent shall be refused employment should they the shams suc ceed in obtaining enough coolies bound out as laborers to supply the places of freedmen onthTfarm. ., Our countrv friends must beware how they elect men who will vote with the enemy and against the color ed laborer. The democracv are mean enousJt - f to do anything. Let bolters be watched ! The Situation Political. Late news from Mississinoi brings us thr? by patty dissensions, or by childish impa- agreeable intelligence that the true Repub licans of that State are not to Ie found nap ping or regardless ot the depth and power of their adversary's policy ,and skill. That tience. Our people want education ; tney need every encouragement to elevate them selves in the scale of life, and our sacred duty is to cheer on the laborere in their high and holy mission. Whoever can best ad vance the interests of the people; he. must gain our support and he who is actuated by mean or selfish motives must be put down and put Out of the Republican, party. , r Muscle and Brain Tho old saying this is the agp of Brain and Muscle," finds ample proof irf- the pro- Etc88 made by our people to the knowledge MQ p& of of m , of this fact and the fruits we see m the mt -i ... , ,. 'ri . jiuc wiue awajse genuine itepuuucaus are BpiCUUiU.xi.lUlci.es wuu iuuu .wu vuuu- live organ of a live Republicanism the Vicksburg Republican discloses the machi nations of the enemy. It would seem that the opposition in Mississippi led by tho most virulent rebels and copperheads pos sible to conceive have held a " Republican convention," and after adopting certain planks fx om the Republican platform, an nounce themselves tho members of the J "convention" as the " National Union Re- not to be hoodwinked, and thus our dash ing cotemporary slays the dragon fraud, even while the enemy congratulate them selves on the success of their too transparent villiany : . '..'" A convention must have a constituency at home, by which its members are authorized. These individuals have no constituency and no authority. Hut on the contrary, they and their meeting are expressly repudiated and denounced by the press and masses of party throughout the btate. The hrst resolution i3 false also, in declaring tljat the individ uals there present " proceed to organize the National Union Republican Party' of the State of Mississippi I" Every man present knew that they were doing no such thing. Those ot them who have heretofore pretend ed to be Republicans, knew that tho party referred to, had already been organized. They had pretended to assist at its organization, ana in all its proceeding. &ood and bad. deity that was answerable for the decay and they had borne a , part. The Democrats death ot their offspring. I present, also, knew that the first resolution The Southern section of our country is far wa3 la!8e- . A?v. Knew tnat democrats, behind the North and West in the matter ot Dublican Dartv. nfhev had fo Lht ODD0Sed. physical culture, audi we hope that.our sug- persecuted, slandered and belied that or aestion of a practical use of College Hill ganization, in season and out of season, for f I ii - a i r two years, auu Jtnew oi its existence anu oi its power i just as well as Pemberton knew of the existence of Grant and his armv at the siege of Vicksburg. i try as." Base ball players," or who, like the university i, 'champions, challenge the old world to match them in power' of body to endure fatigue, or, of skillful hands to handle tho boatman's wand. Thanks to broadetideas,. our. people are not in' danger of dying out by reason of stupid neglect of physical culture, and the " delicacy" that borders on disease. i3 far less charming to (the educated eye than the healthy round -limbed bov or trirl who evince a fondness tor all that is health giving and beneficial; na-thevdo a contempt formal! that is cmas- j .culatirig and degrading. 1 We have seen parents carefully nurture a child into early decline, and talk about the Lord taking away," when it was only the ' shameless folly of the wretched insulters ot The Power of Music. I One of the first pleasant pictures we can I recollect was Mount's celebrated " Power of i Music oeing a representation of a Long Island barn on an autumn day where several farm hands are collected to hear fiddling by one whose earnest face betokens love of his j art and total absorption in the tragic air of " Ole Zip Coon," or the melodious strains of the "Arkansas Traveler. Mount has been gathered to his fathers among the very scenes he loved to deoicc and. we ' who re- . main to chronicle the genius of oiir artist will never torget that the moral conveyed in the homely scene we have mentioned was one indictative of the natural love of our people tor harmonies now seeking expres sion for the first time in grander modes and higher places than ever before attained by even the most hopeful pf Americans. At lastit has dawned upon our people that suf ficient of refinement and cultivation exist among Amerians to attempt such mammoth affairs as the " Boston Festival " or kindred attempts to bring together the latent talent ot our nation. We publish with pleasure the circular of Professor Tdurgee annexed : The unparalleled enthusiasm witnessed iu connection with our late NATIONAL. PEACE JUBILEE, has afforded, new and convincing evidence of the latent musical sentiment of the American people, and re kindled the desire, already long cherished, that it should have fitting development and expression. It is therefore proposed that the various societies there represented, and all others who may wish to enter into such an arrangement, should associate themselves under a permanent organization, having a common head, with Vice-President and Cor responding Secretaries in each State, and holding periodical County, State and Na tional musical gatherings; such Association having for its object the stimulating and developing of musical taste in the hearts of the whole people, and the correcting of the false standards which have been heretofore too prevalent. It is believed that a new era in music is on the eve of inauguration, and that advantage may and ought tobe taken of the present interest to exalt it to an ap- T m "XT a 1 -w propnate piace in tne iauonai neart. .Be lieving with Luther, that its power in moulding the people is second only to that of the church, we call upon the good men everywhere to unite with us in this move ment, and by popularizing the art, make it the means for promoting the social, moral and religious improvement of our fellow men. The chord just struck, and which has produced such wondrous harmony, must not cease to vibrate until the whole people shall see and teel the power of song to re-! fine nd elevate the heart. We. therefore-' re quest each musical society throughout the country, to appoint two delegates to meet in convention, at Music Hall, Boston, SepV lemDer zz, iooy,at iu a. 2l. lor the purpose of effecting a National Organization, to draft a constitution aud elect officers, and tor such other business as may legitimately come before such an association. Where no society already exists, it is earn estly deeired that one be formed without delay. Let the entire .country be represent ed in the Convention. Send list of officers aad names ot delegates, to the underslgnerj who will, where it i3 dysired, furnish plans' for the formation of societies, and any 'other information relative to the proposed move ment. We are not alone in thu enterprise.. It has been submitted to many prominent friends of music from all parts 'of the coun try, Who have given it their WP.rm nnnrnvn.1. Nor, though it emenates from New England. uas it any sectional nias. it a ms nr. nnH. Oub public men can attend to no more important business than the matter of how bur ypuBg people shall be educated; In: the country districts we know of many hundreds of children whose parents feel the, deep im portance of education, but " the laborers are few." Will not our noble North send us of their abundance of good teachers! Who will come over and help us ? the establishment ot new schools goes bravely on, but we suffer for good taehri. 1 ' . Should any of our cotemporaries wish to advance the cause of education, let them give the world of young school masters who are still abroad out of North Caro linanotice of tjhe fact that the Post will post tbem as to " young ijileas." chances for teaching the NEW ADTERTISEMNTS. f l illEW B00ICO. JpHIT BEIDE'S FATE, SEQUEL TO THE JL Chanced Brides : Hans Breitmann' Ballads 4n 1 volume, beautL. fully bound; The Primeval Man by the Duke of Arjryle; A. TIT! v Leonora Caraloni, by Trollope; Breakine a Butterfly; The Last Anthenian bv Rvdbercr: Fanchon; The Cricket for Geo. Sand; Cart up by the Sea, by Baker: Little Foxes, by Mrs. Stowe; Fairfax, by John Esten Cooke; Red Court Farm, by Mrs. Wood; Gold Elsie by Mrs. A. L. Wister; Service Afloat, by Admiral Semmea. For sale at HEINSB.KKliJi.lvD Live Book 8tore. July U 289- MISCELL1NE0US. " REAL ESTATE SALE. It is the will and; pleasure of the editor of the Journal to frequently refer to lack of every " good ano perfect gift " on the part of its political opponents and especially to gloat over assumed superiority that has no foundation in fact. cpain is progressing crab-iashion at a good gait. The Government has introduced a measure to confiscate the property of those who reiuse to take tlio test oath to support tne new constitution wmcu establishes a monarchy. The Journal declares the late war not one of the politicians,, but one of the people's own chosing and desire. What " monstrous mendacity !" The Missouri Democratic papers have u suffered a sea change " surely when advo cating impartial Buffrage and woman's right to vote. NOTICE, THE RECENT CHANGE IN THE PROPRI etorehip of the Post having thrown me out of employment,. I would bo glad to obtain aait- uauon eisewnere. J. T. JAMES. julyS 288-3t The Copy Book Primer, OR AN EASY WAY OF LEARNING TO . READ AND WRITE, By jr. r. LOVE. THIS LITTLE SCHOOL BOOK IS received with favor by the public and is celling quite extensively. Another large lot just receivca at GKR-A--D SALE. OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PRO PERT 1 xagmst SStk, 1861). BY THE TIORTH CAROLINA Real and Personal Estate. Agency, CAPITAL STOCK $130,000, SUBSCRIBED AND TAKEN BY RESPONSIBLE PERSONS, AND CHARTERED BY THE LEU i , ISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' JOSEPH O. HESTER, President. . JOSEPH DIXON, Vice-President. JOHN SKINNER, Secretary. ROBT. G. LJJWIS, Treasurer, bond $5,000. Supervisors of Drawing. ; CYRUS P-MENDENUALL, SION H. ROGERS. JAMES II. FOOTE. , 3,000 Valuable Pieces of Property 1 Drawn for, Worth, f 140,604 .' 73,347 Ticket to be sold at $2.00 Each I i REAL ESTATE. SEVEN FINE RESIDENCES Folk City or Raleigh ! IS 1UK LOVE'S BOOK STORE. march! 28 259ti SPECIAL. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM. Essays for Youig Men on .the interesting relationof Bridegrooija to Bride, in tho institu tion of Marriage, a Guide to matrimonial felic itv. and true haDoinesS. Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes free o ARD ASSOCIATION, may 23 , charge. Address, 110 W- Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. BUCHU. will give U9 our first great school of muscle (and health) ss well as brain culture. Many a bright intellect has become clouded and diseased by reason of early decay and resort to stimulants to kep up the flagging powers of mind and body. We have witnessed so ing less than the National good. Aud wo Among the lively, true blue sheets is our cotemporary the .publican ' rx k 1 much of the neglecjt of ihealthy habits, that Register. Thus doth the P't mate its vre are exceeding! earnest in our advice to our young people to have a care of the most precious legacy a parent can give a child perfect health, hlealth in , body superin duces health in mind, and the pure of body are generally pure remarks of one of of soul. our well The appended known writers We commend to the attention of all readers. Reference is made to the our Champions who e going oa(1' tQ C0Dtcst OI J6'" ..... ii.. ' .fj; 'Id etudents. who want aomething VrS wuews and sinewi, treat their whole -aization with! the most delicate respect. .- ' . . ' I ' . a- - i A hey are temperate, cnasxe, inaustnouj, with the Athletes muscular supreme nr.tive. cleanlv. serene. simDle. I hey con Bider their dress, their diet, their exercise, their division of (hours, whether they1 are worthy so fine a mistress as Health. And the result 1 Their, eyes Are brillian, their skins ivory embbth and pure; their step elastic, their sleep . .infantile, their muscles firm as steel. And with it all comes a clear ness of mental conditions, a freejdom from base temptations, which fairly belong to hnt baincr who is but a little lower than the ansels. but who ha?, through ignorance, made himself r but little higher than the brutes The boatrrace has given us, then, wht. tca shall eauallv possess in defeat or victorv five apostles ot physical health. fiverv one of whom has seen tho beauty of the religion of the body, and every one of whom, whether he means it or qot; will make converts. Even if be falls away from this grace, he cannot forget his nobler estate, and be will riso to it again. To a slender, nerv ous, thin-chested people like ourselves, the gospel of physical development : cannot be too otteu or too vigorously preached, v; The mistake we have made has been to imagine tho body a prison. The Harvard Club has found out that it is a palace, and has not only fallen to beautifying it, but has shown itself kingly in the discovery. There may be better things to do with a free' soul in a noble body than to row boat races. But we are muco obliged to the bdat- race which developed the noble body for mark : The Patriot of U" L publicans ftfierr or f Don't t0?lalt D8 -ghbor. Who weara the cast the im- of the secessionists and inherits Who- us ant name of the old Democracy? .ries to ostracise white men into compli - '.j and to Ku Klux negroes into silence. In " sixty-one" Democracy rebelled because it could not rule.; In "sixty-nine " the same dog, grown too cowardly to rebel, stripes its face and hides its tail, and sneaks out by moonlight to beat an unarmed black man because be is a radical. We 7irere greatly touched at the feeling manifested , by our freed people on the sub ject of education at a recent Fourth ot July meeting. The editor of this journal consid ered it his duty to follow the advice of' our worthy superintendent of 'education, and dropping the style ot self glorification adopted by orators generally ; he touched lightly on the ' hope of the country1' her educated children and the deepest atten tion and intelligent appreciation of the sub ject seemed to fill each listener who had left his toil and taken his wife and little ones to celebrate " the day of days.? u . have a higher and holier incentive" than the mere desire tor the success of the cause ot music, although this hp.s been our life-work. Believing it to be the cause of the church, and that it may be made to contribute large ly to its success, we commend it to His care who is the patron of the churches, and humbly yet hopefully invoke upon it the Divine blessing. E. Tourgee, Music Hajl, Boston, Mass. Since the first dawn of I that sDirit of dis- affection, which Nearly forty years ago, stained Ainerian history with Nullification doctrines aud doings, " Rule or Ruin " has kAhe basis of democratic policy and con duct the meridian by whicl have been de termined the reckonings of the course and bearings of the democratic party, and by which have been measured its system of de ception, its practices of yeiality. Talhde ga Sun. ! From Dispensatory ol the United States.J DIOSMA CRESAtA-BUQRV LEAVES. Properties. Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat uromatic. their taste bitterish. ; and analogous to mint, j Medical Pzrpertm kind U&s Buchu leaves are geDtly stimulant, I with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organs, j They are given n cpmplaints of the Urinary Organs, such as (gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of thjo Prostate Gland, and Re- te ation or Incontinence of Urine, from a loss e.f tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also been recommended in Dys pepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Aflec tioue, and Dropsy. 5 , Helmbold's Extract Buchu is used by per sons from the ages pf ,jl8 to 25, and from 85 to 55, or in -the decliiio or I change of lite; after Con tlnement, or Labor Pains ; Bed-Wetting iu chil dren. . j- In aflections peculiar to females, the Extract of Buchu is unequaled by any other remedy, as iu Chlorosi3, orRetentioi:, Irregularity, Pain fulness or SupDretsion ot Cuatomarv Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Scirrhous 8tate of the Uterus,, Leucorrnea, or Whites. Diseases oj the1 Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, nJ Dropsicat Swellings. Tbis medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites tho Absorbents into neaitny action, oy wnicn tne watery or uai careous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlarge ments are reduced, as Well as Pain and Inflama- tion. PURCELLH0U8E. J. It. DAVIS, ..... Proprietor. THE ABOVE HOTEL IS THE ONLY FIRST CLASS HOUSE in the City of WilmiDarton, and offers to travelers every comfort and atten tion lonnd in the beet houses In the country. June 10 0-tf CLIFFORD HOUSE, lO KT orth. Front St.. WILMINGTON, N. C. , FINE BOTTLED LIQUORS, SEGARS, OLD ALES, PORTER, Ac. - FURNISHED ROOMg BY DAY OR MONTH. J. A. CLIFFORD, Proprietor. june 27 2S7-tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. THE UNDERSIGNED, BY VIRTUE OF A A. decree lot the Superior Court of New Hano ver countv. will expose to sale at public auction, i at thft Conrt House door in the cltv of Wilmine- ton, on Thursday, he 22d day of July next, the fohowing described real estate, to-wit One LOT. corner Front and Princess, being thirtv-one and a half (31 1) feet on Front street and running west witn rrincesa street ftiixy-six (66) feet, on which is situated the utore now oc cupied by Sutton fc Childs. SIX LOTS on Princess, adjoining the above, beinc20 feet each on Princess street, and run ning back 3H feet, with buildings thereon. ONE THREE STORY BRICK. STORE on Bouth side Market, having 18t feet front on Mar ket street, and running bacs-UH leet known 'as No. 23 Market street. ONE THREE STORY BRICK STORE ou Market street adjoining the abovo 26x70 being No. 20 Market street and occupied by a. Marcus. ONE TWO STORY BRICK STORE on north Bide of Market street, 16 feet 6 inches by 6t feet, being No. 13 and occupied by D. Newman 6c (ireenburg, togetner witu Duiimng lmmeuiateiy in rear oi same, o ieet o incues uy lo u inches. i A RICE PLANTATION iuBruutiwick county, containing 400 acres, ol which 70 acres are cleared, with improvements tnereon. A VERY DESIRABLE PLACE ou Maaon- Boro' Sound, about 7 miles from the city, con f 10,000 ; 8,000 6,000 5,000 5,000. 2,000 a.ooo .? 0,CK Oue Residence iu Raleigh, N. C One " One " 44 44 One 4 4 4 4 44 One 44 Warreuton 44 One 44 Chapel Hill 44 One Hotel in Taylorsville 44 LIST OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Samples on exhibition at HESTER BROS. & CO. . ;so. '4i bayettevme at., KaiJign, rs. at the regular cash prices. 10 Fine Pheatons, f600 each, made by 11 D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md,... 10 Fine Top Buereies, 2350 each, made by H, D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Mdv, . . IsOOOf ; 50 1st Premium, 7 octavo Pianos, mado by Tremainc Bros., N. Y., fG50 each, S',',.V.O 5 Parlor or Church Organs, 6 stops, f"J50 each made by Tremainc Bros., N. Y .2b0 5U0 Sewinc Machines, Wilcox & $W eacb , 500 811k Dresses, best article, each, $40 ; 6 Velocipedes, f75 VJ4 Rolls Brussels Carpet, 45 yards each, flSo per roll 6 Salamander Safea.Wilder's patent, bot iu the world, 260 each 1 Cash Prize, $1,000 gold 10 Cash Prizes, ?100 each. 200 do do 10 do ... 672 do do 5 do . . 1000 do do 2 do.. Gibbs, 12 yards SO.OOOSi ao.ooo l,00&it 1.O0D' 3.303- Helmbold's Extract Buchu has cured every taininz about 160 acres, with dwelling house aud case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Ir- J other improvements. ritation of the Neck, of the Bladder, and Inflam mation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kid neys and Bladder, Retention of Urine. Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for enfeebled tand dell cate constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Ex ertion, Loss ot Power,! Loss of Memory, Difflcul- . r it a i ; TTr i v r rn i i 1 1 iy oi ureaiuing, vv eait iierveB, xremuiiuK, nur- roror Disease, vvaKetumeBS, Dimness of vision. Pain in the Back, Hot; Hands, Flushing ot tne Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, &c. HELMBOLD'S .EXTRACT BCCHtf IS DlUretiS and Blood-Purifyinsr, and cures all diseases aris ing: from habits of dissipation, excesses and im prudences in life, impurities ot the Blood, &c. superseding Capaiba in affections for which it is used, sucn as (ionorrnoa, meets ot long stand ing, and Syphilitic Affections in these diseases, Terms of sale one-third cash: balance in canal payments at sis and twelve months. Notes date. Title reserved until purchase money is paid, with power to sell on purchaser's account pon lauure to meet tne payments. DAN'L L. RUSSELL,, Commissioner. june 17 283-ts A Proclamation by Ilis Ex cellency oy. llolacn. connection used in Wash. Sold by all Druggists and dealers Beware ol countertel with Helmbold's Ross The Canadian papers coatiuue to chroni cle the movement of the people towards the United States. The movement has really assumed alarming proportions, and in spite of reasoning on its causes, continues with out anv sicrns of abatement The exodus of a , thp. months of March and April were the most numerous in poiiA of numbers, but May thus far has sbown tint another class of their citizens are determined to cast their lot with the people across the border. The New Bedford (Mas.) Mercury, of the 7th instant, in an article 01 the munificent bequests of the noble-best 4 e J philanthropist., George Peabody,'ays : ; Mr. Peabody, we leari designs to admin ister upon bis own estae, Death will find him possessed of onlymean sufficient for a becoming burial. 1 will leave nothing tor heirs to quarrel abut. His vast estate wilL not be tied up in ancery, at the insti gation of some avariious heir-at-law, to the sore disappointment and suflering of needy beneficiaries. Hhvill finish his good work. everywhere. ts. ask ior Meimboid's. lake no otner. Price, f l d per bottle, or six bottles for 6 50. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms in all communications. Address H. T. HELM BOL, 59i Droadway, . i. None are genmine unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-eimue of my Chemi cal vvarenouse, and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. 28?-t-aug-4 July 3 EXECUTIVB DErARTMENT OF NOBTH CAROLINA, Ralbigh, June 21, 1869. "fXTHEREAS, oflicial information has hceii re Y V ceived at this Department that a , vacancy exists m the representation Jrom the county o New Hanover, caused by the resignation ot L Q. Estes, Esq., late member of the House o Representatives: Now, therefore, ,1, W. v . Uoldbn, Governor of tne State of wortn Carolina, Dy virtue oi au thority conferred by law, do issue this proclama tion, ordering an election to be held at the sev- er&l places OI voiing iu earn guuui;, via iu AAiav Thursday in August, for the purpose of filling said vacancy. an . , nt i Done at our uity oi ttaicigu, inis ibi Tl. s. 1 day of June, lSoy, and in tne ninety-iuira year oi our inuuuuuueuui-. W. AV. HOLDEN, Governor. By the Governor : W. K. KICHARDSON, rnvaw oucreiarj. june 24 281-td NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ELECTION NOTICE. GRAND EXCURSION ! : ; ' i 1 i . ' THERE WILL BE HELD ON THE FIRST Thursday in Auarust, 1869, an election for The Journal has discoTered a strange lack of morals in the "carpet-baggers.1' We would tell that organ and its supporters that a comparison will show among this maligned plass of our fellow-citizens enough superior in intellect, religion and manly spirit to any sim ilar body of their political opponents even as the editor of the Journal is superior to the least among his Asiatic ancestors. Hebe's patriotism " for yon ! The La Gr8nge(Democratic)J5?yt5ffrdeclares "fifteen republics " have disappeared from the face of the American continent, and our own will Boon follow. The great American Re public is only equal to a petty South Ameri - The French cable no almost completed deserves especial menion as uniting the Pans of the old worldlwith her New York sister and resemblance! We have long felt the need ot close fnnectiou with our French friends ; had t great hearted Ogle thorpe's views been cied out Georgia and the Carolinas would nized by emigrant France, and this ma ave been fully colo- roni the South of bo possible. sif yfet 1 A carpenters assoction of "Washington ; in the face of the gvernment determina tion not to acknowlege color distinctions, have resolved that fcly li white " men be admitted into their fissociation. Men so resolving should be cficharged from govern FROM WILMINGTON, GOLDSBORO', WIL son, Tarboro Rocky Mount, Enfield, Wei- don and ail intermediate places to Norfolk, Vir giniaof three days-Kme day going, one day to visit Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, and the Capts of Virginia, and one day returning. To occupy the 20tb. 2lBt and aid Instant Train to leave Wilmington at 4 o'cloek, A. M. on the 20th, and arrive at Portsmouth at 4:S0 P. M. Returning leave Portsmouth at 6:80 A. M. and arriving in Wilmington at 8 P. M. Tickets for the round trip as follows : Wilmington and iotermtdlate points. . .. ..$6 00 Magnolia and " " 4 50 Mt. Olive and " ..4 25 Goldsboro', Fremont Wilson and Tarboro' Joynera and Rocky Mount Battleboro ..... .! Enfield. Halifax A steamer can be chartered for a trip to the Capes, Old Point, &ci, for Z150, that wlU carry 6y(J passengers. i SS? Aeents will be supplied with tickets (or the round trip. I ) - d. Li. Jr K.MUJi l, Eng. & 8upt. 4 00 5 75 3 60 S 25 3 00 Wilmington, july 15 N. C. two Justices of the Peace, and a Clerk as &. Bqara of Trustees for each Township, in the county of New Hanover. In the Township ot Wilming ton in addition to the Board of Trustees there will be elected four Justices of the Peace. There will also be elected I a Constable and a School Committee of Three for each Township. The election will be held at the several election precincts, as now prescribed by law. tl. W. BLiU-fcrHu-rv, JR., Sheriff of New Hanover County. Wilmingtou, N. C. June 1869. julyl te Journal copy. ELECTION NOTICE ! ! State of Noeth Pjleoliji a, New ILlxoyeh Couwtt. i BT VIRTUE ol an order from His Excellency, W. W. HOLDBir, Governor of the State ot North Carolina, and to me directed, hereby give notfa that there will be an election at the various places ci voting in tms ouniy on tne FIRST THURSDAY III AUQUST, next, for the purpose of choosing a member of the uovm qf tieprtfcnvuxta yiceien. i. ij. jcstcs resigned. J. W. SCHENCK, I " Sher june 37th, 1S69 t 885-Unj.;i 200-3 1 Large Auction Sale Republican County mittee. THE MEMBERS OF THE ABOVE COM. A mittee are requested to meet at the City Hall, Saturday mornlnsr 17th insL, at 9 o'ctoek- Chalrmtn. consisting of Breakfast, Dinner aud Tea Sets. Water Goblets, Glass Fruit Bowls and Tumblers, Lamps, Dishes, Looking Glasses, Oil Painting. Castors. Silver Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, lot Gente Clothing, Under Garments, Ac. Commencing this day and continue every day and night until an is sold. ' J. F, PIG BEE. jttat3-?8-tf 8. K E8T, Auct'r, S000 Priacs; value of the total ain't, ?Ht5,6fii "All of the above is put in the drawiug at tls regular cash selling prices and will be dlspotli ofby a regular mode ot Drawing, and in order to accomplish this, the Company will sell 73,347 tickets at $2 each. t The Drawing will take place iu the city! Raleigh, immediately alter jsale of tickets, of which due notice will he given, at least one n eck belore the day of drawing. ? Ir The Company is working under the provisos of a special Cnarter grantea oy tut' General a.s sembly of North Carolina, which compels the Company to comply faithfully with all contracts. copies can dc nan on application io iuc pony-.. . .. , ... Mi AH tne above mentioned property wm ccriauj v be die nosed of as above b'tated. and those drawing it will be iiivcsted with Ihu title it fee simple. ; M . ... 1- . I I . - -.11 A ty 2so mcmucr oi iuu -ouii';iii is 4iiovco o purchase any tickets. ? s 5 f All moneys seni by mail, at the owner' a risk ; hat sent bv Exp: ess, Post Oflicc Ordorp, Check ' or Drafts, ut the risk of the Company. ; . No property will be listed unless t..c titie h indisputable. I T - The Treasurer nae uccu required logive a ooaa or the faithful performance of his duties, lie is . required to deposit, daily, in the bank, all mon itts received, wnere it wi'i remarn uniu un ine tickets are 6ld and all the property will bo pos itively drawn and delivered to the parties draw-, lng. Send two dollars by express, post oLce order, registered letter, or draft, at our rhk, or by mail at your own, and take a chance afthe 3,000 valuable prizes ottered. i ilCKets will oo Bent any wuere miuc L-.utea States at the Company's risk upon the rrceipt of fhand postage stamp. xne piau oi arawiug suuii ue u luuuno . mwt shall be two wheels, (one a prize wheel and tone a number wheel, arranged in some puwic puct in the city, where auj one holding aJickettaaj be present on the day of drawing. In the nnm ber wheel there shall be 73,317 tickets corns ponding in number to those- which have bieii sold. In the prize wheel there 6hall be GJ 00 tickets. These tickets whl be deposited in le wheels by a board of supervisors, who shall )o appointed by the Directors, atter which the wj e shall be sealed up and plaeed in tho bank in: i city, uutil the time of drawing, when the tip :r visors shall bring them to the place of dra;lg, break the seals and the drawing shall be depos ed ol by taking a ticket from each wheel a the same time, and the prize ticket takeu frou tbe prize wheel shall designate the prize dravu by -the ticket corresponding in number to the one taken from the wheel at the same time. Th wheel shall be well shaken after each ticket li drawn. ' . . ' The supervisors win oe gentlemen wen K"Jn and noted for honestv and integrity, wtJ will not be allowed to purchase tickets "or ox any etock in the Company. The numbers and yrizes will be drawn irom each wheel by two Wind boya and a full report of all numbers drawing frizes t will be published in some promineiit newspaper mmediatelv alter tne arawmg. DESCRIPTION OF REAL ESTATE. SKTBN FINE KE6IDENCKS Four iii tht V Raleigh. i One magnificent brick residence tbout i mile f from the Capitol of the State with 8 acres of, ground, fine orchard, delightful spring of w ater, eautiful grove, walks of modern style, abun dance of evergreens, aii necessan ; oul;""u:) brick stable, carriage house, &c. value 110,000. One large and convenient nouse iu tu i Raleigh, on Ncwbern street, thirteen large rooms,, double parlors, with all necessary out buildings,! 1 acres oi ground, and a beautitul oas su. Value 16,500. " (One largo nouse on ewberu and uioounorva streets, containing twenty rooms suitawe for a hoarding house, all necessary o.ut-baildiDgs, with a beautiful oaK grove m the yard ana uu oi r ground; Value 5,000. . . Une ocauiiiui mrgu tvesiueuce, ou , v root C lorht rooms and bamnnt. four out-build- Id gs and stable,seven acres of ground, f Srove, yen desirable and attractive. Value W.0W. One in Warrenton, N. C, known as ino Piston property, in perfect order, one of the best built houses in the State, containing 8 large rooms, . double piazzas and porticos, one of tue moat commanding and beautiful residences m the , plact, with b awes of ground, fine orchard, beau-. . Ufuloak grove in the yard, end all necessary, m out buildings. Value $2,000. The property at Taylorsville is very attractive, -valuable and cheap. It Is a hotel at tne county teat of a flourishing and growuog vuiage ot a thousand or more inhabitants, and situated one square from a good and flounsiiing youege, no , school of better grade, right on the line oi tne Atlantic and Ohio Railroad, and being situated I in the mountain region, the scenery Is truly do- llghttul and fascinating, contains twenty rooms, ana me oauainirfi are new. t oiuu One in Chapel llill, conUining 4 rooms, with one ionv iuui uiuiiji aiou, uses and one and tLree-fourtha acres of land. Value $3,00. Those ordering tiekets can select uy numbet from 1 to 73,317, if the number ordered has been taken, the number nearest will, be sent One three cent stamp must accompany etery order All tickets will have the seal of the Company and signature of the Secretary. t3J" We refer to any merchant, banker or oth er gentleman of standing in the city oi Raleigh SfFor further descriptions end particular!, address. .... JOHN SKINNER, A ,1, ment employ, I 1 in v 1 H 1 :

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